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Super Mario Maker |OT| Miyamoto Simulator 2015

Based on previous comments, I've modified my original level and fleshed out a large portion of the latter half while keeping the basics the same. I'd love if anyone can give it a playthrough and let me know (the good, the bad, and the ugly) what they think.

On Cloud 9


(I really wish I could change the provided screenshot!)

Finished it on the first play through, felt like it had multiple routes. Does it? Not a fan of the new sound effects, the rave at the beginning is not needed, don't have a problem with the improved fireworks. Starred.


I have finished my Second World set of levels, all using elements not in the original Super Mario Bros.


mdta W2-3 3 Lost Lives Haunting


mdta W2-4 3 Lives 2 Paths A Boss

I pushed these two, and used up almost all the space available, but I hope they not only play good, but look good too.

My World 3 levels (if I get enough stars to upload more than 10) will be Mario Bros. 3 in style.
I spent absolutely BLOODY AGES on this one


Feelin' Hot! Hot! Hot!

I really, really hope this is good
As always any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.


I liked this, the only problem was the vines to moving platform section. Died a couple of times there. Nice use of newer Mario level elements in an old stage. Starred.

Cheers! Yeah, I know that part's a pain in the ass. I was debating on having it that way or having a bridge with a giant dry bones on it since that'd be easier and would still fit the theme. But I figured thematically it worked better to have no bridge


Finished it on the first play through, felt like it had multiple routes. Does it? Not a fan of the new sound effects, the rave at the beginning is not needed, don't have a problem with the improved fireworks. Starred.

it does have multiple paths. The rave basically skips most of the level. It is a secret (though obviously an obvious one :) so I wanted to mark it with a sound/celebration. So maybe I will place it in a more difficult location or make the sound more subtle. The cloud section has two kinda separated routes as well. One is full of the enemies. The other just jumps.Thanks for the play and feedback
Here is my first serious level. Its a bit of a challenge, and also short.



WTF, nope that screenshot is as far as I got after a few lives. It needs to be a fair challenge, add a mushroom power up at the start and 2 blocks to the first platform. Only one thwomp in the next section. People might finish it then.
Cheers! Yeah, I know that part's a pain in the ass. I was debating on having it that way or having a bridge with a giant dry bones on it since that'd be easier and would still fit the theme. But I figured thematically it worked better to have no bridge

It is supposed to be 1-4 so a bit easier is ok.
Finally got the game. I can't wait to dive into this.

Anyone drawing their levels on paper?
I kind of want to start a new notebook just to doodle levels, and keep records of iterations or modifications.


WTF, nope that screenshot is as far as I got after a few lives. It needs to be a fair challenge, add a mushroom power up at the start and 2 blocks to the first platform. Only one thwomp in the next section. People might finish it then.

Suppose to jump over the second thwomp, the coins placed were suppose to give the indication lol.
I spent absolutely BLOODY AGES on this one


I really, really hope this is good
As always any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

I feel pretty pleased getting through that on my first run, because I was sure I was going to perish around the point with the ascending jumps with saws and flame jets EVERYWHERE.

Suffers from a bit of clutter but I did enjoy myself with the platforming, if you were ever thinking of ways to get more mileage out of the flame jets remember you can attach them to rails.


I've been doing some tweeks to my Metroid level, some of them are not evident but will help find the exit to someone with a skilled eye:

If you like puzzles and exploration this level is just for you!
Why did you make jumping on the first p switch so cramped and challenging? Why did you make the shell/piranha plant section near the start so punishing? (Needs to be more room to jump and a pit for the shells to fall in, and I got stuck on the second layer with no way back to the mushroom and a wall of piranhas to walk into.) Later on I got stuck as small Mario in a tight enclosure between two yellow blocks. After confusedly getting to the disco floor thing. Was the theme for this a disco?

I think you might need to playtest a bit more, and maybe use the ideas you've explored here and start from scratch. Good try, but needs more time in the oven!


Here's a level I finished last night that hasn't seen much play yet:

Mario Gear Solid



I tried to (loosely!) adapt the first Metal Gear Solid into a single Mario level. You start outside Shadow Moses, hiding from piranha plant guards in towers. You sneak into the facility, stealthily taking out enemies. There's a fight against a helicopter on the roof, after which you return to the base before the final confrontation with Metal Gear Rex.

I worked really hard to try and make the level easy, but interesting, so it's somewhat puzzle-based. The most advanced skill necessary to complete it is kicking bob-ombs, and that only turns up once. It's a little more advanced, difficulty-wise, than my Jurassic Park (9B89-0000-003F-247B) and Raiders of the Lost Ark (9B89-0000-003F-247B) levels, but not by that much.

Let me know what you think!


Neo Member
Tossing my latest stage into the mix. Created over the course of two nights.

Something that I think makes a "real" Mario stage is slowly introducing an element and perfecting it / making it more challenging over the course of the level (or world). It's a little difficult to do that here in a single stage, but that was my goal. You'll see that here with the clown car rides.

Initially I was going to try to make something a la World 2-4 from Mario 3 (you'll know it when you see it), but then I ended up taking it in a slightly different direction.

I like paths where you can bypass a certain area of the stage if you find it; I included that here. I like secret rooms; I included one here. Despite that, I don't think they overwhelm the stage or feel out of place. Basically, I'm super happy with it, so here's:

Ghost Ride House


Two earlier stages I made:

Tower Castle
An SMB3 castle level that I originally wanted to take some SMB2 vertical level inspiration from, and did for a little bit... but it still ultimately ended up feeling like a later-world SMB3 castle level, anyway. I still really like this one. Got decent feedback on it.

10 Seconds Underground
Title refers to the fact that you can complete the stage by 490 on the timer with perfect jumps ("perfect" usually giving a margin of error of 1-3 blocks) and constant running. Slightly rewards a slower pace and exploration, but not really. Just meant to be a fast stage, and made it for me more than anyone else.


I haven't played the old versions but this seemed to be just fine in terms of difficulty. Good puzzles. I don't know why, but it reminded me of Yoshi's Island. I really liked the first section but the second was a bit underwhelming.

Thanks for the feedback (and star)! I'm a huge YI fan so that's nice to hear (though it wasn't a concious influence).

I agree on the second section, it was the hardest to get right (difficulty-wise mainly) and I'm not perfectly happy with it. I just love the snake-block levels in SMW and wanted to ape them, and I felt it would fit in juuuust well enough with the level's theme. But it doesn't, in hindsight.

(We're talking about ID-code: 6298-0000-0043-30D2 in case anyone else wants to check it out. Appreciated!)


Neo Member
Hey guys, thanks for helping me out! I passed 50 stars so now I can do 20 levels! That's 13 more to do til I have to think about deleting some! :D


I feel pretty pleased getting through that on my first run, because I was sure I was going to perish around the point with the ascending jumps with saws and flame jets EVERYWHERE.

Suffers from a bit of clutter but I did enjoy myself with the platforming, if you were ever thinking of ways to get more mileage out of the flame jets remember you can attach them to rails.
I did it on my second grrr. Pretty simple and satisfying level!
Hey Guys,

Just posted a level that I've been working on for the last couple of days. Was looking for some feedback.

Tried to make it as simple/completable and non-death trappy as possible, but with a few optional secrets and mini challenges for people that are looking for them.

Full size screen grab below if you want a sneak preview of the layout.

Let me know what you think!



Too many elements packed together, don't be afraid to leave space between sections. Just stretch out the level so as not to,overwhelm the player. I played through a couple of times to see everything. Have a star!


Posting this level if people want to try it and give me some critique. I tried to create a thematic level with interesting challenge, but making one of those crazy difficult levels. Its the kind of level that as you play it you quickly understand the mechanics and move further through the level.



I have a new level that I think feels fairly close to what you'd see in an actual Mario game. It's a pyramid stage with a couple alternate paths.

Cookie Pyramid Delight

ID: 7526-0000-0044-89E4
Story: When Mario reached Desert Land, he saw an interesting pyramid in the distance. "Wowwie!" He Exclaimed. "I'a wonder what sort of treasure I'a could'a find in there's!" Spotting a nearby warp pipe, Mario rushed toward the Cookie Pyramid, and adventure!


Too many elements packed together, don't be afraid to leave space between sections. Just stretch out the level so as not to,overwhelm the player. I played through a couple of times to see everything. Have a star!

Thanks for giving it a go and your time! Definitely can space it out more today or tomorrow (we're talking about the parts between the pipes in the "middle" of the level, right?). Yeah, I could definitely see how it'd get pretty cramped on breathing/running room.


I tried the shell and the goomba courses, both felt a bit unfair, if you drop the shell or if you activate the wrong platform you're stuck.
The Thwomp one was good! The last bill bullet is a insidious! ^^'

If you go off-screen both Koopa and platforms respawn. So, if you miss a shell shot or accidentally drop a platform you just need to move back and try again! I had no idea how to comunicate that to the players though haha.


Tossing my latest stage into the mix. Created over the course of two nights.

Something that I think makes a "real" Mario stage is slowly introducing an element and perfecting it / making it more challenging over the course of the level (or world). It's a little difficult to do that here in a single stage, but that was my goal. You'll see that here with the clown car rides.

Initially I was going to try to make something a la World 2-4 from Mario 3 (you'll know it when you see it), but then I ended up taking it in a slightly different direction.

I like paths where you can bypass a certain area of the stage if you find it; I included that here. I like secret rooms; I included one here. Despite that, I don't think they overwhelm the stage or feel out of place. Basically, I'm super happy with it, so here's:

Ghost Ride House

Nice level, but I'm not sure that the progression you were after really came off. Firstly, the start of the level is a bit confusing and completely unrelated. The actual riding is a bit monotonous and I don't think the challenge ramps up enough. There are quite a number of things you could have done, across more space, to achieve this. Finally, the boss battle was a bit cramped. (Why have the yellow blocks?) Nice try, but I think you could do even better! :)


Replaced my Pac-Man attempt with a better version. Using Lakitu cloud instead of Clown Car.

Easy Pac-Man Deluxe 4242-0000-0046-8267

If you go off-screen both Koopa and platforms respawn. So, if you miss a shell shot or accidentally drop a platform you just need to move back and try again! I had no idea how to comunicate that to the players though haha.
I found the best way to use a Koopa is via pipe because 1) only one will spawn & 2) another will not spawn unless you lose the shell.

Yes, I have been working on a puzzle level thanks for asking. XD


It's amazing how many little things emerge naturally over the course of making a level. I'm working on my submission for the 1-1 contest, so I've been focusing on making something for beginners, obviously. In the process I am trying to make sure that my enemies are placed in a way that they are a factor that needs to be considered, but that they aren't overwhelming. So of course I've been very careful about that.

I've been play testing it for a few days, and today I decided I would just try to speedrun it and see what happens. Turns out there's a perfect route already in place that gets you from the very beginning to the very end with ever having to stop running forward. If you do it just right you even get the 1UP at the end of the level (it's in SMW style). And it even involves a variety of jumping "types". You've gotta do full long jumps, short hops, jumping off enemies, jumping off more than one enemy, jumping on one tile boxes, jumping in between narrow areas. It's not too difficult, but expert players should be able to enjoy themselves with it.

But I'm not saying this to brag about my level (I didn't even plan for it to turn out this way), just to say how cool it is the way the Mario design encourages so many things to come together like this. And how the interactions between Mario's moveset and the various level elements creates an interesting layered level design. I hope this game encourages people to really think more about level design and to not constantly bash the newer Mario games of being "boring" because they don't feature hardcore challenges right at the very start. Even the simplest of levels can provide a lot of fun if you play it in your own unique way.


Submission for the SMM-GAF Community Contest #1


Welcome to Super Mario 3! (DA51-0000-0042-8E10)

I got really great, positive responses to this level when I posted it earlier, so I'd like to officially submit it to the 1-1 contest. Thanks!


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Added you! Thanks :)

We have a pretty healthy queue now so I think we'll call it a night on requests for now. We'll have to do this again soon.

Thanks so much! It's been a lot of fun watching you guys play through the GAF levels.

I think you hit the spot you were going for. A couple sections you have to be wary of, but nothing too difficult. The level flows pretty well and feels cohesive as well. If I could make one small suggestion, I would say to close off the ceiling to the left of the entrance to the "bonus" area, it's a lot of empty space if you get up there and decide to explore. Also, not sure if intentional or not, but it is possible to get onto the roof of the 2nd half of the level. Might be worth sticking something up there for people that find a way up. Regardless of those things I think it's a nice level and good first effort.

Thanks! I found it was helpful to build the level backwards. So I started with the goal, which allowed me to get some of my giggles out (by making things a little more difficult) and simplify things as I moved towards the goal. Designing with screens in mind also helped me with the flow and variety of the level.

Closing off the bonus area makes a lot of sense. I naturally just always ran to the right once I got up there, but of course some people would veer off in the other direction. I spent a lot of time making sure that players couldn't get to the second-half roof from the end of the course, but didn't realize you could get up there front the beginning (presumably via the floating platforms?) Very helpful advice!
Luigi's Ghost House Blues


Slightly based on a bland demo ghost house the game started up with, I decided to play around with the concept of four coinciding paths layered on top of each other, the challenges you face in each slightly differing. The path you take also impacts how high you can get on the flag pole!


Posting this level if people want to try it and give me some critique. I tried to create a thematic level with interesting challenge, but making one of those crazy difficult levels. Its the kind of level that as you play it you quickly understand the mechanics and move further through the level.

I have to say this had lots of potential and was overall pretty good with some clever ideas but I kinda felt like you didn't know what to do with it after a while and it kinda went a bit haywire at the end (too many sudden wigglers and fireballs). Otherwise good try!
I don't like how Bowser can move off of the bridge when i'm trying to make a typical Mario level... Oh well, here's my latest!

Simple Castle

Thanks for giving it a go and your time! Definitely can space it out more today or tomorrow (we're talking about the parts between the pipes in the "middle" of the level, right?). Yeah, I could definitely see how it'd get pretty cramped on breathing/running room.

Yes, just add some empty space between each part.
Replaced my Pac-Man attempt with a better version. Using Lakitu cloud instead of Clown Car.

Easy Pac-Man Deluxe 4242-0000-0046-8267


This was utterly charming, bravo

I spent absolutely BLOODY AGES on this one


Feelin' Hot! Hot! Hot!

I really, really hope this is good
As always any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

I feel pretty pleased getting through that on my first run, because I was sure I was going to perish around the point with the ascending jumps with saws and flame jets EVERYWHERE.

Suffers from a bit of clutter but I did enjoy myself with the platforming, if you were ever thinking of ways to get more mileage out of the flame jets remember you can attach them to rails.

I did it on my second grrr. Pretty simple and satisfying level!

Thanks guys, I appreciate it


Behold, the only autoscroller I will ever make because nobody likes those things! Well that's a lie, it's an edit of my previous only ever autoscroller.

Bowser Patrol 2 - The Bowsering

It's fun thinking of uses for Bowser and new ways to defeat him besides the obvious "on a bridge at the end" thing.


Last night I was playing and saw, as I often do, a Japanese player in one of my stages. I didn't get a star, and I thought hmm, that's actually really common. I just checked. No Japanese player has ever given me a star for any stage.

You're ruining this fucking game, Japan. Stop being so stingy with the stars.

Going to leave feedback on the levels posted on this and the following page later today!

Interested to hear feedback on my two SMB3 themed levels from a collection of four. Would love to hear feedback on these two before I progress with the other two. They are relatively simple in nature.

Piranha Peaks - 50EB-0000-0045-9EAA

Busted bridge! Take to the rooftops, Mario! Integrates note-blocks (oh-so inconsistent!) and vines. Three hidden 1-UPs. Optional power-up in an odd haunted house.

Cute little level with a surprisingly urban feel! Platforming is a touch too easy -- there's no showpiece part of the level where I'd recall making a really cool jump or dodging an enemy. As I've said before in other cases, it lacks a bit of drama. Still, what is here is quite good! Thanks for the level!


I spent absolutely BLOODY AGES on this one

Feelin' Hot! Hot! Hot!

I really, really hope this is good
As always any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

I thought this was very well done. As someone already said, it wasn't too difficult, but it just felt satisfying to complete. Starred!


Neo Member
I made some changes to one of my stages as I noticed some problems.

Big & Small V2: D131-0000-0046-D00D.

Feedback is appreciated.


I spent absolutely BLOODY AGES on this one


Feelin' Hot! Hot! Hot!

I really, really hope this is good
As always any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

One of the better ones I've played. It really feels like every jump and shell throw was planned out so good work!
Just made a walljump focused stage but I don't think I'll upload it, it's not like it's that bad, it just feels so flavourless, granted NSMBU's cave theme doesn't help.


So, here is my try at making a Ghost House. Truth to be told, I was inspired by the member who made an upside-down Ghost House, so I decided to try a similar idea.
I wanted to make a SMB3 Ghost House, until I realized some things worked better with the Super Mario Land tileset (on the other hand, I had to change a few blocks to avoid some Unwinnable by Design/Mistake situations).

I hope you will enjoy it. It remains a "Classic" level, but it should be noticably harder than what I made before. I planned for a much longer level initially, but I ran into tile limit problems. It may be better that way.

Name: 1-6 Janus' House Diff: ★★★☆☆
World: Super Mario Land (Ghost House)
ID code: 113E-0000-0046-D305

Recap post of my levels.
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