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Super Mario Maker |OT| Miyamoto Simulator 2015

OK level. Wasn't very challenging at all (it is a 1-1 level) and I don't feel like I platformed a lot. Secret room with the star seemed kind of pointless - or maybe I missed something.

That's fine. I think I realized that these type of levels aren't something I tend to make, because it's more difficult to design.

But I guess it evens out for some of my other levels.


My second stage.

It can be kind of tough, which wasn't really the intention!


Anyone want to give it a try?

This needs work.

Make some safety nets in the beginning of the stage. Lower the lakitu so players know where those spinies are coming from or replace it with more flying spinies.

Take note of the platforms, there are some blind jumps in it. Anyway it's fun to play, but these issues prevent me from clearing it.


Super Mario Autorunner 2015 - AC9A-0000-0059-28FA


My first attempt at an autorunner level, something I'm surprised I haven't seen a lot of. Tried to make it a fun, compact obstacle course. The reason mushrooms are on the field instead of in blocks is because the level goes so fast that by the time the mushroom pops out of a block it's already off the screen.
Alright gaf, I have created my fourth stage. Spent about a day and a half on this one which is roughly the same I spent on "Under The Starry Sky". I wanted to challenge myself on looks this time so I tried to create a snow based level based off what the game provided. I'm pretty proud of this level so I would love it if you guys could play it and give me feedback. I went traditional on my approach.

Ice Bridge To Eternity



Made a quick semi-automatic level. It's fairly short and gimmicky but there's just something hypnotic/satisfying about Koopa shells smashing into blocks... I always loved that when they put something like that into original Mario levels!

Anyways, don't be put off by the semi-automatic description.


Red Koopa Down
Course ID: 8D0C-0000-0059-21EF

As always, s the link to all my other levels:


Made a quick semi-automatic level. It's fairly short and gimmicky but there's just something hypnotic/satisfying about Koopa shells smashing into blocks... I always loved that when they put something like that into original Mario levels!

Anyways, don't be put off by the semi-automatic description.


As always, s the link to all my other levels:

A bit on the short side, would love more of the stuff.


Submission for the SMM-GAF Community Contest #1



I re-worked my first level to make it way easier for a 1-1.
It's as if a new 2D Mario game was released post-Super Mario Galaxy.


Guys I made a stage which I'm really proud of design wise.. It's a take on the inverted ghost house.. You go through one way and everything is flipped and vice versa several times. It took me forever to get the details and spacing right and also tried to make it not a bore fest to get through. I'd REALLY love for any of you guys to try it out and let me know if it's any good.

Gravity Manor

Thank you guys! The thirst for 150 stars is real!
Finished a new course. It's in the vein of those mountain top levels in the original Mario Bros.

Precarious Peaks



I also updated my most popular course to fix some trouble spots. Tell me what you think!

Airship Armada v2




This is my Submission for the SMM-GAF Community Contest #1:

Level 1-1: 2ACF-0000-0059-3F3C


I hope you enjoy this map guys :).
Finished another level last night

Palutena's Castle ID: B36E-0000-0055-DD38

And some of my other levels:

Underground Ghost House ID: 8DAE-0000-0053-7326

DOTA! ID: 5527-0000-0034-05CE


Hey! This is my entry into the GAF 1-1 contest:
Tiny Huge Island - AB62-0000-0059-1BA4

It's based on the gimmick from the classic Mario 64 level where there is 2 alternate versions of the same level that you can switch between with standard enemies and massive ones. I feel like this level is a nice introduction to the size-switching mechanic, making it probably my best candidate for the contest!

thanks for participating. if you could read the rules next time and label your post correctly, that'd be even better ;)


Quick question.

If one wants to edit and reupload a stage they've made, does that mean the stats for that level will be deleted, or will they stay there.

HOW DID I FORGET THAT? Especially since I used the SMB3 tileset...

So I played it. Ready for some good ole fashion constructive criticism? Its a fun level. For a skilled Mario player there is a lot to enjoy there.

However, its enitrely too hard for a 1-1. When I say entirely, I mean like there is no way someone playing Mario for the first time would clearly that handily amd not becomw immediately frustrated. That very first section is way way way to easy to die. I died like 3 times just at that part alone checking out both big amd small options.

There should not be any hammer bros in 1-1. Hammer bros are one of the most difficult enemies in Mario. You put them in level 1 and on a moving platform as well. Its entirely too much.

The part where you need to hit the p switch is an issue, the gooba is right next to the door when you switch giving the player little time to react.

The last jump, also far far too much. I died on it twi. Why? Its not a hard jump, but in a 1-1 I never expected to have to break into full run and jump at the edge of the cliff to clear a pit. And the stacked enemies right at the end? Again, too much for 1-1. Many of these things are all entirely fine in a world 5-6 but a 1-1 should not be this difficult for someone who has played as much Mario as me. Oh, get rid of the fish on the rail as well.

Its a good level but its not fitting of 1-1 in its current form.
thanks for participating. if you could read the rules next time and label your post correctly, that'd be even better ;)

That's what I get for drinking and posting haha. Edited and duly noted! Searched OP for any official rules and didn't think to look one post down so I thought it was in a random post buried in the thread somewhere! My apologies!



I made this level for the GAF contest, hope you guys like it!
Super Mario World 1-0.5

Level description:
In Super Mario World there were two powerups that clearly divided gameplay in 2 categories: action (flower) and platforming (feather). So I made a level with 2 paths in which each one tries to teach the player the capabilities of each powerup. As such, the level must be played 2 times to experience it fully. I did it like this because in SMW some stages had one than more exit that would take you to different places on the map, so beating the stage through the flower path could leave to one stage, maybe taking the player to Action-oriented levels and doing it with the feather would take the player to a different path focused more in platforming levels.

Also, in each path different mechanics are introduced one step a time but are not evolved much: this is just an introduction of things the player would encounter later in the game. The level walkthrough is like this:

It starts with an homage to the classic 1-1. Then, a 1-Up appears hidden in plain sight, so the player must use the spin jump to get to it. This also accomplishes one thing I did with SMM in mind: it tells the player this is not a level that will try to trick him, so he can relax and have a fun time. Hope getting a Mushroom and a 1-UP as soon as starting the stage does it. Next, the two main paths are presented to the player:
Feather path
  1. This one will take the player to a platforming section awarding him the feather and is reached precisely doing that, a big jump. Moving platforms are introduced: a falling one, vertical and circular platforms, both autonomous and activated by the player. Also, the player has to use the spinning cape move to cross some yellow blocks.
  2. The second section is a room filled with circular platforms, coins and a 1-Up so the player can have some fun.
  3. The third section is a crossover, making the player use the cape to deal with enemies. Paratroopas are introduced in different layouts, followed by Bullet Bills.
  4. The fourth section mixes again both things: platforming and enemies, introducing a new type of enemy and ice platforms. Gliding is extremely useful here and coin paths will let the player know that.
  5. The last section is just a big room with a nice surprise for the player to fly around and have fun.
Flower path
  1. The flower path is about action and fighting enemies, so it´s reached by facing two Goombas. Next, the player can get rid of a line of Goombas by kicking a shell and adding one more move to his arsenal. Then, the player is awarded the fire flower and presented with a room filled with Red Koopas. The room is setup so the player can get rid of them by using fire, falling on them, hitting them from below or using their own shells against them. Then some pipes with Piranha Plants introduce this enemy, teaching the player that jumping and firing can help get rid of jumping enemies.
  2. Then, the player is automatically awarded a star in a room filled with Wigglers. These way, this enemy is introduced safely while the player has fun with them.
  3. The third section is a crossover again: I present circular moving platforms with enemies, so the player has to learn to fight and negotiate platforms at the same time. The Red Koopa is passive and won´t leave his platform, so there´s no real danger. Horizontal moving platforms with Piranha plants introduce both elements. As the player is lower than the first Piranaha Plant, he can see it shooting fire but the platforms will block the shots and give him time to plan a strategy. A second Piranha Plant is placed lower, so now the player has the offensive advantage, but is more vulnerable at the same time.
  4. The fourth section introduces spiked enemies, teaching the player that the spin jump is useful against them first of all. Then, crushing ceilings and walls are introduced, using the spiked enemies to show how lethal they are. Two variations of the challenge follow and end the section.
  5. The last section is about Yoshi. I didn´t considered him a main powerup because he´s more an expansion of the Fire Flower: he can bounce on spiky enemies and he has a mid-range attack so it made sense using him at this point, as the player has already practiced all the necessary skills. A corridor with these kinds of enemies is used for Yoshi to show his abilities and wall clinging enemies are introduced.

At this point, both paths come together and take the player to a last surprise before getting him to the goal.

This way, this level introduces the 4 themes that will be in the game:
  • Pure platform segments (Section 1 of the Feather Path)
  • Pure action segments (Section 1 of the Flower Path)
  • Platform with action segments (Sections 3 & 4 of the Feather Path)
  • Action with platforming segments (Sections 3 & 4 of the Flower Path)
Apart of this, a lot of different enemies and game mechanics are introduced which can be later developed through the game. Other elements such as secret rooms, 1-Ups, Mushrooms, Starmans...are also introduced. Everything is presented separately and in safe conditions and the player is presented situations where he can develop the basic skills with no risk.

I think that the level will give the player the basic tools to make his way through the game, while at the same time giving him a glimpse of what´s to come in later levels.

The name of the level (Super Mario World 1-0.5) is because it must be played twice to be experienced completely :)
So I played it. Ready for some good ole fashion constructive criticism? Its a fun level. For a skilled Mario player there is a lot to enjoy there.

However, its enitrely too hard for a 1-1. When I say entirely, I mean like there is no way someone playing Mario for the first time would clearly that handily amd not becomw immediately frustrated. That very first section is way way way to easy to die. I died like 3 times just at that part alone checking out both big amd small options.

There should not be any hammer bros in 1-1. Hammer bros are one of the most difficult enemies in Mario. You put them in level 1 and on a moving platform as well. Its entirely too much.

The part where you need to hit the p switch is an issue, the gooba is right next to the door when you switch giving the player little time to react.

The last jump, also far far too much. I died on it twi. Why? Its not a hard jump, but in a 1-1 I never expected to have to break into full run and jump at the edge of the cliff to clear a pit. And the stacked enemies right at the end? Again, too much for 1-1. Many of these things are all entirely fine in a world 5-6 but a 1-1 should not be this difficult for someone who has played as much Mario as me. Oh, get rid of the fish on the rail as well.

Its a good level but its not fitting of 1-1 in its current form.

Absolutely fair and honest criticism! Thank you! I think I really took for granted the genius and depth of slowly teaching mechanics that's behind a 1-1. Might try finishing up another level I'm working on later tonight instead and remove this one and submit that one instead. We'll see.
Submission for the SMM-GAF Community Contest #1Tiny Huge Island - AB62-0000-0059-1BA4

It's based on the gimmick from the classic Mario 64 level where there is 2 alternate versions of the same level that you can switch between with standard enemies and massive ones. I feel like this level is a nice introduction to the size-switching mechanic, making it probably my best candidate for the contest!

Enjoyed it and gave it a star. Nicely designed level but not sure it is simple enough for a 1-1 level.


with twelve hours left to go, we're up to 59 entries now, for anyone curious

That's what I get for drinking and posting haha. Edited and duly noted! Searched OP for any official rules and didn't think to look one post down so I thought it was in a random post buried in the thread somewhere! My apologies!

thanks, not trying to be pedantic, it just makes my life a lot easier!


Quick question.

If one wants to edit and reupload a stage they've made, does that mean the stats for that level will be deleted, or will they stay there.


You have to upload the level in a new slot so the edited version starts at zero and will have its own stats.
When you delete the older version the stats for this version will get lost but you will never lose the stars you got.


Just uploaded another level. Really happy with how this one came out. You can beat it fairly quick and without difficulty, but if you go for the 3 lives, it can become challenging.

I designed it with a bigger picture in mind, but the one-way tile limitation had me shorten the level a lot. I found a "new mechanic" (at least I haven't seen it so far) and the level originally was built upon that. In the final layout you only need it to get one of the optional lives (the one in the upper left corner). Btw, Nintendo should've put star coins in the game. Lives aren't just the same as collectibles, even more so in a game like this.

It's fairly quick, unlike my other levels, so I'm hoping more people get to play it and give feedback.

Here's my other levels:

Mario's Inside Story: A2E3-0000-003F-4572
Rightside Down Galaxy: 8641-0000-0051-F352


You have to upload the level in a new slot so the edited version starts at zero and will have its own stats.
When you delete the older version the stats for this version will get lost but you will never lose the stars you got.

Thanks! (and thanks again for playing my levels and giving me feedback, I've favorited you so I can play yours at my leisure.)


Guys I made a stage which I'm really proud of design wise.. It's a take on the inverted ghost house.. You go through one way and everything is flipped and vice versa several times. It took me forever to get the details and spacing right and also tried to make it not a bore fest to get through. I'd REALLY love for any of you guys to try it out and let me know if it's any good.

Gravity Manor

Thank you guys! The thirst for 150 stars is real!
Well, I suppose I'm the right person to take a look at this one. Have you tried my take on the same concept? (Boo's Inverted Haunt - DBF8-0000-0042-2E51)

Overall, the level is solid and enjoyable, and most importantly it's fun to play. Although I do have a distaste for using spikes as main obstacles in non-water stages, but that's a personal preference there.

First, the things that worked well. The grounded Twomps were awesome, if a little annoying to get past. I should have thought of that. Having to use the Fire Flower on the Bob-ombs was also pretty neat. And you have fairly straightforward platforming, no real impossible-looking jumps or anything like that.

With that in mind, you wait rather long to introduce the gravity flipping mechanic. Remember, the only time you can be absolutely sure of the player's position is when the level starts. There's also a bit of an issue with flipping Semisoild Platforms, as they do not invert properly. Like in the second flip, running across the Firebar platform will damage Mario due to the spikes, but in the inverted version, the spikes are clearly above the platform. Also for decoration's sake, the windows don't flip, but that's cosmetic. And finally, you're a little inconsistent in what actually flips the level. In most of it, it's doors, but for the final flip, despite having a door right there, and linked no less, it's done with a pipe through a subworld room? Why not just use the door in the house there?

Still, I like this one, as I said early it's pretty solid. It's just... making an inverting level is pretty dang hard. And I know what to look for to give some feedback. I'd still recommend this one, though, it's fun.
Submission for the SMM-GAF Community Contest #1

Code: F674-0000-0059-7577


This level is called P-ractice and it teaches the player what P-switches do. It's designed so you don't have to run, but I also made sure to make a couple paths that allow for a 20 second speed run. I posted my "first draft" of this level a few days ago and made a couple changes since then, including making the level just a bit harder. Let me know what you think!
Absolutely fair and honest criticism! Thank you! I think I really took for granted the genius and depth of slowly teaching mechanics that's behind a 1-1. Might try finishing up another level I'm working on later tonight instead and remove this one and submit that one instead. We'll see.

I appreciate that you tried. Me personally? I know I can't make a good 1-1. Its beyond my skill level to make an easy yet fun not boring level.

But yeah, the issue isn't the level design. The issue is who its targeting. I think you could make what you have into a great 1-1. It just needs tweaking (and no hammer bros :p)

This would also be way too much but for anyone who wants to do the concept you did, you're better off splitting the screen vertically than horizontally. Its takes way more planning but you don't get the screen scroll issue that you get in vertical levels.
Alright here's my first real attempt at a Level.

Super Sprint and Twist


It's pretty easy for me, but most people would find it pretty hard.

Feedback is always appreciated so don't hold back.


Alright gaf, I have created my fourth stage. Spent about a day and a half on this one which is roughly the same I spent on "Under The Starry Sky". I wanted to challenge myself on looks this time so I tried to create a snow based level based off what the game provided. I'm pretty proud of this level so I would love it if you guys could play it and give me feedback. I went traditional on my approach.

Ice Bridge To Eternity


Good level! I found it be be a good challenge without being too frustrating. You also gave it a nice, cohesive look.

I uploaded a new level yesterday, if anybody wants to try it out. The concept for this one is that you have to choose between two different paths at the beginning, either down the pipe or up the hill, and you'll face different challenges depending on your choice. At the end of the course, the paths converge and the two mix together.

Up Above or Down Below?



Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
This level was amazing. A great puzzle mechanic, and took me a while to figure out how to use the last item. You managed to make your level have a nice "open-world" mechanic
I know it's strange, but you must continually traverse the level (left to right, right to left) and collect/kill different things.
. I think the sawblades were really confusing to me, I'm assuming there's a life up there but they made that area seem too important and it distracted me for a while.
Thanks! Since you were supposed to visit the same area multiple times, I wanted to make it interesting to traverse. After (a lot of) tweaking, it turned into some sort of playground, hopefully a fun one to jump through.

Thanks let me know what you think. I just tried the Groundhog day one. This is my favorite course so far. It's so much fun and so well thought out. Three extremely minor things:

1) In the bob-omb room, add a second block next to the spring so it's flush, if you land on the left side of the room and didn't pick it up, it's almost impossible to pick it up because of the little hop you need to do so you get stuck.

2) The doors are neat but they make the stage a tad too easy, consider moving the top right one a bit more on the left

The jump that's all the way on the top right is really hard to find, I'd add a pair of coins to make it obvious.

Superb stage, starred it.
Thanks man! Not sure if I'll upload another version, but if I do that I'll take care of all three points.

I've played through your levels as well:

Bowling With Bowser (0317-0000-0053-C044) [HARD]

Classic Endeavours (562E-0000-0051-51E6) [EASY]

The Sound A Thwomp Makes (A702-0000-0050-5B6D) [MEDIUM]

The Sound a Thwomp Makes was my favorite. It was fun to jump around Thwomps, and in a few chances it got me to say "no way!" out loud. One minor (spoilery) gripe:
the downwards arrow in the end points toward a solid wall you can stand on, without being able to see below. If you blindly drop off the right side, like I did, you may end up directly in front of the boss and get killed. This part could use a little more clarity, I thought.
Classic Endeavours was also fun, and I admit Bowling With Bowser was too hard for me to get past the beginning. I died many times, pretty much everywhere.


Heya, does anyone know how to make some of the special music (or the mute effect) last... forever? If that's at all possible? I seem to remember that being in a couple levels I played.

Also, long shot, but is there a way to switch a sub-world to the main world and vice versa?

Oh and maybe one of you guys want to try my level:

Hello. I have made a level.

It is not a troll level, it does not play itself, it does not have the disco sound effect.

But it does offer a bit of a challenge, has a couple of secrets and one or two level design twists.



Maturity, bitches.
Heya, does anyone know how to make some of the special music (or the mute effect) last... forever? If that's at all possible? I seem to remember that being in a couple levels I played.

If you attach it to Mario it will last for the whole level.


So I'm looking for some help on this level I whipped together in an hour. It's a level that can be finished in a minute without rushing through, or twenty seconds if you sprint. All-in-all I think it's an okay stage, but it's just that; okay. I feel more could have been added, but I'm not sure where I could have fleshed anything out without it feeling gimmicky, crowded, or sadistic.

Level ID is 16AA-0000-0059-698E. Title is very self-explanatory, "Simple Sprinting." You never have to stop moving, in true Rayman Origins sprinting fashion. If you want to take it slower I also took a page out of everyone else's book and hid three 1-Ups.

My last level sucked IMO, but I uploaded it just to get a concept out there more (climbing a spring upwards by wall jumping). This one, I can at least say CAN be pretty fun, and it flows for the most part.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Submission for the SMM-GAF Community Contest #1


Welcome to Retroland 1-1
A simple opening level, with a few secrets and three hidden 1up mushrooms to find.

This is the first level I've made in Super Mario Maker. It was designed to slowly introduce basic mechanics much like SMB1 world 1-1 did, with the most glaring difference being the addition of three hidden 1up mushrooms aimed at more advanced players.
The level also features a Big Mushroom that is hard to miss, mirroring Nintendo's usual push of their new flagship powerup in the first level, and
a hidden costume for Mario


Today I learned: nobody will touch a level that looks like it even might be an underwater level, lol. I should've used a screenshot from the non-underwater half.


So here's my latest level:


It's a sequel to one of my first levels, Mega Plumber, but this time I decided to go big and completely remade the Metal Man level from Mega Man 2.

Been working on this baby for like 5 days now, which is probably too much but really tried to make it as faithful as possible, and I almost achieved 1:1 but had to make some changes to make it a more enjoyable/challenging experience.

Hope you guys enjoy it.

So I'm looking for some help on this level I whipped together in an hour. It's a level that can be finished in a minute without rushing through, or twenty seconds if you sprint. All-in-all I think it's an okay stage, but it's just that; okay. I feel more could have been added, but I'm not sure where I could have fleshed anything out without it feeling gimmicky, crowded, or sadistic.

Level ID is 16AA-0000-0059-698E. Title is very self-explanatory, "Simple Sprinting." You never have to stop moving, in true Rayman Origins sprinting fashion. If you want to take it slower I also took a page out of everyone else's book and hid three 1-Ups.

My last level sucked IMO, but I uploaded it just to get a concept out there more (climbing a spring upwards by wall jumping). This one, I can at least say CAN be pretty fun, and it flows for the most part.
Will gladly give it a try!
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