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Super Mario Maker |OT| Miyamoto Simulator 2015

I noticed that if I made another SMB1 stage I'd have made 4 stages of each series (one of the NSMBU ones isn't uploaded).
So I did this stage last night and figured I'd wait until morning to see if there was anything I'd want to revise about it.
After a look back through fresher eyes...I added two coins and moved a firebars starting position.

Buzzy Brick Breakers


It has buzzy things of both the beetle and bladed variety.
There's one part that I'm not sure how well it's turned out in execution, actually it's the bit in the picture.
It's possible to boot that beetle's shell without taking damage but it seems a touch random on that front f you're of mushroom/fireflower size, and if you wonder why I didn't just move the ceiling up to alleviate this issue, no you're not just jumping over that shell when it bounces back, I demand you flee from it!
My second level I feel confident sharing. It's still a little tough but much better than the one I posted on here last night.

Ghost Ship

I'm still tweaking it so any input is good input :)

I really enjoyed this one the only thing that got me is the floor ghost right when you pop outside of the pipe.


Today I learned: nobody will touch a level that looks like it even might be an underwater level, lol. I should've used a screenshot from the non-underwater half.

I can't believe how little reaction I got out of my latest level. I don't really care if it's not people's cup of tea, but the number of plays and especially stars it has is super, super low. There's no way it's the worst level I've made!

Also, this water level is nothing short of brilliant but the world keeps resisting its charms.
I uploaded a new level yesterday, if anybody wants to try it out. The concept for this one is that you have to choose between two different paths at the beginning, either down the pipe or up the hill, and you'll face different challenges depending on your choice. At the end of the course, the paths converge and the two mix together.

Up Above or Down Below?

That my friend was some difficult stuff. I say that having cleared both paths in one try. I like the concept, I dunno how I feel bout the ramp up in difficulty. I prefered the bottom path to the top. The way the plants move can make avoiding some of the beetles and spinys rather tough. Its a fun level though, gave it a star.

Nose Master

Spicy Jarbles

Only my second level, just got the underwater set. Took me forever to beat, prolly gonna mess with it more, but.
Just bringing an update to an old level, as I noticed people getting stuck! it should be more straight forward now! Still a bit challenging though I guess it fits med-hard difficulty with loads of turtle smacking!

Hold t(y)ght enjoy your flight! 1F2B - 0000 - 0059 - 8EF7
I designed these as SMW levels, but I thought they looked cool as NSMB levels, so I uploaded them too.

SMW ★-2


SMW ★-3

I can't believe how little reaction I got out of my latest level. I don't really care if it's not people's cup of tea, but the number of plays and especially stars it has is super, super low. There's no way it's the worst level I've made!

Also, this water level is nothing short of brilliant but the world keeps resisting its charms.

I just played yours. I starred it. Was a good exercise in dodging especially that last bullet hell section. My main 2 issues stem from different areas though they address the same thing. Gameplay wise and visually I think the level is too empty. A large portion of it is swim as fast as you can away from the bullet bills and avoid everything else because its useless. Once you get the first mushroom it's just best to acoid the coins or you will trap yourself. The p switch is placed really tight between those two bullet bills. Going for it just made me get hit.

And likewise the level is very plain visually, we've seen some incredibly visually pleasing water levels in this thread. The semi solid platforms for water levels are all extremely good and I think you should combine their gameplay potentially for shifting through platforms and there looks to creat some better challanges that don't require bullet hell.

Framework is there.

And for reference I played the level you quoted. It kicked ass.


Just finished my beginner friendly SMB 3 themed p-switch level. It might qualify as a somewhat quirkier 1-1 entry as that's what I was going for. You can earn 3 1-ups here, as well and there are multiple ways to get to most of the level's sub sections.
Plenty of ways to take damage, but no bottomless pits.
Switch intro: 61FB-0000-0059-B79D


Reposting since it didn't seem to get a lot of plays and I posted it at an awkward time xD

Navigate a spiky course! 100% possible to beat the stage without getting hit every time :p

This level will test your ability to control mario's jumps as well as quick decision making!

If anyone has anything to contribute towards it as well I'm open to listen :p

Expert Difficulty level.


My two newest levels:

Super Mario Galaxy!

The name is Super Mario Galaxy, but it's not really about exploring planets as the Mario Galaxy games we about. The level has you jumping from spaceship to spaceship, each with varying designs, as well as a planet or two and a satellite (which you will probably miss). Some ships are enterable, and the level ends with a gigantic shoe goomba space ship attacking a planet for reasons unknown (maybe you'll find out?).

And my newest (with a stellar name, might I add);
Randomly Repeating Room Romp


This level will make you think you're insane, it made me think I was losing it as I was making it. Inspired by some of the repeating stages in older Mario games, of course with the usual Mario Maker flair (amateurishness in level design).

Have fun guys :)

Quoting myself because I only got one play on the repeating rooms level, which I thought was pretty neat, and seems confusing and strange but actually has 4 different routes to finishing it, so as to make sure people didn't get stuck forever if they couldn't find one specific route.


Planets with rockets? Here's Planet 1-3!


My first auto-scrolling level and probably my best one yet! Spent probably more than 8 hours on it!

As a reminder, here's my reworked Planet 1-2:



Starlit Vineyard

Hello everyone! Just wanted to share a course that I believe offers some fun exploration / scenarios. If you play it, please let me know what I can do to improve. I would love to hear from you.
Quoting myself because I only got one play on the repeating rooms level, which I thought was pretty neat, and seems confusing and strange but actually has 4 different routes to finishing it, so as to make sure people didn't get stuck forever if they couldn't find one specific route.

I played it. Its a really cool idea. Only really have 2 comments. The first is there should be some sort of way to tell when you are in a new room. Its really confusing in the sense that I get the rooms are repeating but you don't feel any sense of progression because everything is the exact same. Its just sorta, room 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 oh its over. The other thing is that when you come to the room with the giant thwomp the jump to the pipe is so damn tight. Holy shit I failed it (the jump not dying) as big mario 3 times. Just move the pipe up or the question blocks down a space or two. Starred it.


Anyone getting anything at all out of that NintendoLife compiler? No one's even glancing at my levels there.

I just played yours. I starred it. Was a good exercise in dodging especially that last bullet hell section. My main 2 issues stem from different areas though they address the same thing. Gameplay wise and visually I think the level is too empty. A large portion of it is swim as fast as you can away from the bullet bills and avoid everything else because its useless. Once you get the first mushroom it's just best to acoid the coins or you will trap yourself. The p switch is placed really tight between those two bullet bills. Going for it just made me get hit.

And likewise the level is very plain visually, we've seen some incredibly visually pleasing water levels in this thread. The semi solid platforms for water levels are all extremely good and I think you should combine their gameplay potentially for shifting through platforms and there looks to creat some better challanges that don't require bullet hell.

Framework is there.

And for reference I played the level you quoted. It kicked ass.

Thanks for the kind words. To an extent I understand what you're saying about the visual interest in the stage but the bottom line is I've played, as a direct example, a lot of underwater levels where there are vines everywhere and while some might find that pleasing, Mario can grab onto those and they can impede the way a level is meant to be played and I'm not going to base a level on a certain look to the detriment of gameplay. There are a ton of people in this thread who make really attractive looking levels and it's a talent they have that I frankly don't, and I'm fine with that because I have talents that they may not. Likewise, I set out to make a bullet bill swimming level, not some sort of platform-trap level. I appreciate that maybe you didn't get quite what you wanted from my stage and I'm cool if you didn't like it, thanks for the star though.


Well, I suppose I'm the right person to take a look at this one. Have you tried my take on the same concept? (Boo's Inverted Haunt - DBF8-0000-0042-2E51)

Overall, the level is solid and enjoyable, and most importantly it's fun to play. Although I do have a distaste for using spikes as main obstacles in non-water stages, but that's a personal preference there.

First, the things that worked well. The grounded Twomps were awesome, if a little annoying to get past. I should have thought of that. Having to use the Fire Flower on the Bob-ombs was also pretty neat. And you have fairly straightforward platforming, no real impossible-looking jumps or anything like that.

With that in mind, you wait rather long to introduce the gravity flipping mechanic. Remember, the only time you can be absolutely sure of the player's position is when the level starts. There's also a bit of an issue with flipping Semisoild Platforms, as they do not invert properly. Like in the second flip, running across the Firebar platform will damage Mario due to the spikes, but in the inverted version, the spikes are clearly above the platform. Also for decoration's sake, the windows don't flip, but that's cosmetic. And finally, you're a little inconsistent in what actually flips the level. In most of it, it's doors, but for the final flip, despite having a door right there, and linked no less, it's done with a pipe through a subworld room? Why not just use the door in the house there?

Still, I like this one, as I said early it's pretty solid. It's just... making an inverting level is pretty dang hard. And I know what to look for to give some feedback. I'd still recommend this one, though, it's fun.

Hey dude thanks so much for that feedback and yeah I had played/starred your level earlier this week, and even though I had some initial ideas before the game came out on how to execute this level, it was yours that really pushed me into finishing mine. Yours was definitely more of a mindfuck xD

Glad you enjoyed it man, really nice to hear especially coming Boo's Inverted Haunt creator ;)

If anybody else wants to give it a try, here you go!
Gravity Manor
ID: C2FC-0000-0059-4C5C
My Bubble Bobble stage:


Subworld contains a labyrinth based on several random stages from the game. Also includes a small, hidden tribute to Bubble Bobble's designer, Mr. Mitsuji who passed away in 2008.

My first ghost house level, "Yoshi's Boo Bustin' Bonanza." Loaded with tons of strategically placed Boos, NOT a troll stage, just tough. Requires very strategic use of both the star and P-Switch for some rather intense ghost dodging. Two Yoshi's, one hidden, one Cape feather, two hidden 1-Ups:


Put a ton of work into both of these, hope folks enjoy them. Time to take a short level-making hiatus.


Finally done with my first level:

Spiky Rollercastle (ID: 7C82-0000-005B-EE68)
Difficulty: medium to hard?


  • A secret, more difficult path...
  • ... which if you master it will share a secret with you which I plan to incorporate in a future level.
  • An unlockable kind of shortcut system (in lack of checkpoints)
  • Spikes.

It kinda feels like a temple stage out of the new DKC games to me. Have fun!


Huh, just realized you can pop into a menu and see who played/starred/finished your courses...

And from there, try out theirs! Its a good way to reciprocate an awarded star.


Neo Member
Hello GAF! Here's my newest level. Any feedback is appreciated!

The Underground Caverns
ID: 7B28-0000-0059-EB94

And if you still haven't tried out my maze ghost house, I recommend it! See if you can find your way out.

House of Boos
Easy Version: 247B-0000-0033-8F55
Hard Version: 770D-0000-0034-A311


Excited to try your maze level.

I have completed the first of probably many Firebar Mazes!

Roll Up, Roll Up!

4 People have tried with 18 Attempts altogether: None have survived!


Code is in the picture

Also, try a level my friend made if you got the time: F203-0000-0058-E061

...Also, some stars would be nice as I want to maybe want to upload more levels some time.
50 = 20 levels
150 = 30 levels

Thanks :)
Finally uploaded a level I've been picking away at for a while. It's almost Meatboy-esque in its style, difficulty, level design and gameplay (heavy focus on wall jumps). It's called "Meat Grinder Mayhem" and I made a description for it for a site I uploaded it too so that and the level itself are below. Any constructive criticism is welcome :)

Meat Grinder Mayhem - BADA-0000-0059-EDC5

Uh oh! Mario, after multiple dubious business deals, has found himself trapped in a meat grinder! Help him escape unharmed! Wall kick and jump past saw blades and Chain Chomps that will turn Mario into meat and fire blasters that will cook him to perfection!


That my friend was some difficult stuff. I say that having cleared both paths in one try. I like the concept, I dunno how I feel bout the ramp up in difficulty. I prefered the bottom path to the top. The way the plants move can make avoiding some of the beetles and spinys rather tough. Its a fun level though, gave it a star.

Thanks for the feedback! It wasn't my intention to make it super difficult - I even made it significantly easier compared to how it initially was. I guess I should have gone a bit farther, though.


1-1, A Bit of Fun!

ID: 1BFC-0000-0059-FF42


I finally unlocked all the tools, and celebrated by spending the evening constructing a 1-1 to be proud of. Not hard, but not too simplistic, and including a few classic Mario tropes, it's worth playing a couple of times and having a proper good explore. There are a couple of cool secrets. I'm quite proud of this one.


Unconfirmed Member
I've decided to not even bother trying the 100 Mario Challenge on expert.

I lost 60 something lives on the first three levels alone because 3/4 of them were just enemy/stupid jumping spam.


I've decided to not even bother trying the 100 Mario Challenge on expert.

I lost 60 something lives on the first three levels alone because 3/4 of them were just enemy/stupid jumping spam.

The secret is to skip levels a lot. You will eventually come across something poorly designed enough to be easily broken and beaten (anything with Lakitu!) or something that just hasn't been played often enough to get its completion up higher.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
(anything with Lakitu!)

I really wish you couldn't take his cloud in SMB1 & SMB3 style. It's difficult to utilize him without also breaking the stage unless you just build an almost completely flat stage that prevents you from ever reaching him.


not characteristic of ants at all
The Golden Temple
Difficulty: Medium


I tried to make a good themed level in the Mario 3 theme. It starts off simple as Mario begins his journey to the Golden Temple, but quickly learns his perils. Plenty of secrets that make the level much easier. Alternate paths to the end, rewarding the best players. 3 hidden 1-ups.

Please let me know what you think - this is the level I've spent the most time on. If you drop some feedback on my level feel free to share your level with me. I'd happily review it.
Thanks for the feedback! It wasn't my intention to make it super difficult - I even made it significantly easier compared to how it initially was. I guess I should have gone a bit farther, though.

Its not necessarily in the platform to platforn stuff. Its just the way the enemies interact withbother is random so you have to be on your toes always. Its not hard in a bad way. It just got way more complex than I was expecting. Thisnis mainly the top part. The bottom doesn't really suffer from that issue.


Does a level have to "end" on same sub-area that the level starts?

I want to have a campaign where you progressively go further underground. So, 1-2, I start above ground, take a pipe down, and have the bulk of the level be an underground stage that ends underground.

Masked Man

I said wow
It took me roughly a week to get everything in place, but my EarthBound stage is finally complete!

Eight Melodies (Smiles & Tears): AEF5-0000-0057-14EB

Play as Ness, traveling in search of the Eight Melodies while enjoying famous locales and facing off with familiar foes from the original game.

Eight Melodies is relatively long—it is based on a JRPG, after all—but I managed to complete it in about 250 seconds. The stage has a little bit of everything, though, from puzzles ("How do I beat this Sanctuary Guardian?") to platforming ("Where's Balloon Monkey when you need him?") as well as a little something extra ("Shrooom!").


Face off against the Titanic Ant at Giant Step!


Paint the town blue with the Happy Happyists!


Revisit a place loosely based off of Fourside!

All that and more in Eight Melodies (Smiles & Tears)!
Finally slogged through an expert Mario challenge, boy there is some shit out there, fortunately you can usually tell in the first 5 seconds whether it's worth skipping or not.
Funnily enough I think my final stage was a gaffer's stage, I swear I saw "Bowsers above and below" in the early days of this thread so if it was indeed a GAF stage good on you for letting me end on a stronger note.


I really wish you couldn't take his cloud in SMB1 & SMB3 style. It's difficult to utilize him without also breaking the stage unless you just build an almost completely flat stage that prevents you from ever reaching him.

I definitely agree. I made a stage like the first day the game was out that's almost entirely flat, with just enemies and lakitus, and just today someone on Miiverse says "You should feel bad, you can take Lakitu and just pass the whole stage, go back and put him way higher." Except if I put him higher he'll just drop stuff on Mario so far up you won't be able to properly see him. This sucks because who doesn't like lakitu? He can do so many awesome things in Super Mario Maker.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Made a new level - my first one in SMB1 style.


Defrost for 3 Minutes


I think I'm happy with this one. I feel like SMB1-style levels discourage gimmicks - straight-up platforming and flow is what it's all about. I'd say this level is medium to challenging difficulty, and should be pretty satisfying.

Previous levels:

P'd Off (A772-0000-0054-C472)

Drop That Dino (6FA1-0000-0048-D59A)

Solid Ground (5C77-0000-003F-F0C4)

Cavern Thrash (491B-0000-003F-EEE3)
Top Bottom