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Does anyone play Titanfall on Xbone because PC only has 300 players?

Last time I played on XBO there was still around 1000-3000 active players at any given time.

It's a shame player numbers dropped off. Game is still really really really good.


Neo Member
I'd assume it's dead because it was fun for a couple days then got old really quickly. This was before any of the dlc of course. I never felt like going back though. There are so many other good MP games on PC theres's not a big reason to stick with Titanfall really.
Last time I played on XBO there was still around 1000-3000 active players at any given time.

It's a shame player numbers dropped off. Game is still really really really good.

I know I was Gen 10 at Diamond during May this year when I quit . I logged back in today , 265 players on Attrition -_-.
I'd assume it's dead because it was fun for a couple days then got old really quickly. This was before any of the dlc of course. I never felt like going back though.

Only for ADD kids that need unlocks to keep themselves interested.

The balance, map design, mobility and shooting are all god-tier.

It is a shame the population has dropped, but it was healthy for a full year post-release before the weight of two CODs (that ripped it off liberally), plus Destiny, plus Halo finally buried it.

Still hop on for a match now and then on XBL, and it seems the population is in the 3-5 thousand range.

Looking forward to TitanFall 2.


Neo Member
Only for ADD kids that need unlocks to keep themselves interested.

Not really, on PC there are so many other great MP games and Titanfall gave no reason to stick with it. CS:GO doesn't have unlocks and that game is played by millions with playtime hours that average in the several hundreds.

The game was fun though, but like I said, it got old to me. There was barely any content when the game first launched. Maybe now it's better.
Released on Origin (No Steam version), no mod support, no player run servers . . .

I'm probably the only person on PC that doesn't give a shit about Steam as a platform. GOG.com FTW

Titanfall Still has Asian Dedicated Servers after 1 and a half years of release.


Neo Member
I'm probably the only person on PC that doesn't give a shit about Steam as a platform. GOG.com FTW

Titanfall Still has Asian Dedicated Servers after 1 and a half years of release.

The community and game features of Steam and how large its library is make all other platforms feel unnecessary to me.


you're in the middle of the xmas launch season. they're probably off playing through some of their newer games. maybe some will come back when they've finished the others.


Still a good amount on xone
Played yesterday, or tried to, screen tearing was ever fixed since launch and the frame dips are nasty

Hoping for a better optimized game for the sequel

Wouldn't be surprised if what I mentioned above drove people away as well

It finally has a decent amount of content though
I too feel a great affinity for my DRM platform of choice.

You are welcome to think of Steam as little more than a DRM platform, but know that tens of millions of people disagree with you.

At the end of the day a PC game not showing up on Steam has a pretty detrimental effect on its longevity and exposure, regardless of how individuals may think of the ethical value of the platform.
Released on Origin (No Steam version), no mod support, no player run servers . . .

Unfortunately, this is the correct answer. Many PC players who care about the core gameplay over unlocks are extremely turned off by these issues. Combining this fact with the "longevity problems" (
read: not having enough CoD-style unlocks
) presented by other sets of players, the game's playerbase atrophied over time and only the players who both liked it for the core design and didn't mind the lack of traditional PC features stuck with it. Once Fall 2015 games hit the playerbase dropped into near nonexistence.

I've put >500 hours into it and it was my GotY in 2014, so it was heartbreaking to see the PC shooter community not even give it a second glance after a month. I eventually also moved on this October/November with all the high-profile releases hitting shelves, but I'm probably going to go back to it throughout 2016 until Titanfall 2 hits (
or has a beta
). No shooter has ever managed to create such an incredible core gameplay experience for me before, and I still think about playing it when I boot up other games.

Played yesterday, or tried to, screen tearing was ever fixed since launch and the frame dips are nasty
Huh, I did forget about the tearing issue. It's one game that it never actually bothered me in, probably because everything moves so fast. I never really had issues with frame dipping though, even on the older system I played it on at release. Just had to turn shadows all the way down. It runs great on max settings with the GTX 970 I got at the end of 2014, though.

Isn´t this normal nowadays ?

Release was 18 months ago.

There are many many other shooter out there.
BF4 still manages to maintain an impressive playerbase. BLOPS 2 on PC managed to keep a solid playerbase for a very long time as well.
It's a great game but I think there isn't enough variation in what you're doing.

I hit Gen 10 after about 8 months, something else came out and I lost interest. Still go back now and again but it doesn't hold my attention for long.


Does anyone Still play Titanfall at all?

Why is it so dead on PC?

The numbers were around 5k consistently for a long time, even peaking at 10k a few months ago. The numbers dropped off a bit since the big games released this fall.

i've slowly seen the numbers come back up to it's normal 4-5k per day. pick it up for xbone you'll have no problem finding great matches.

plus, there is a very dedicated group of players that play everyday and that are insanely insanely good.

Attrition: you'll find the most players, lots of newcomers and casuals.
CTF: you'll find all the veterans and most competitive plauyers.
LTS: you'll find the most 4/6 team parties.


Played on friends Xbox last week and there seemed to be (just) enough people still active. I'll note they were all top level though so it was a challenge that way as is often the case with a remaining small core of super experienced players.

Last time I tried it on PC it was dead. On PC I think it was a case of too little content for too long, locked to Origin (I remain sure this continues to hamper EA games on PC and wonder if they wouldn't actually see more revenue if they put the games on Steam and gave Valve more money but that's a bit off topic) and just feeling a little rough around edges visually vs what I think it was fair to expect on PC.

I know it was a rushed game with cuts made to get it out the door with some with hindsight odd decisions (based on Source to make Play-station versions easier!) but as a consumer I go by the finished product and if Destiny was pushing it asking for full price then TitanFall was really pushing it IMHO. Unlike Bungie the devs seemed to struggle to push the game to another level and get enough content out. TBH I think the focus has switched to sequel and what I expect to be a big multi-platform push.


Played on friends Xbox last week and there seemed to be (just) enough people still active. I'll note they were all top level though so it was a challenge that way as is often the case with a remaining small core of super experienced players.

Last time I tried it on PC it was dead. On PC I think it was a case of too little content for too long, locked to Origin (I remain sure this continues to hamper EA games on PC and wonder if they wouldn't actually see more revenue if they put the games on Steam and gave Valve more money but that's a bit off topic) and just feeling a little rough around edges visually vs what I think it was fair to expect on PC.

I know it was a rushed game with cuts made to get it out the door with some with hindsight odd decisions (based on Source to make Play-station versions easier!) but as a consumer I go by the finished product and if Destiny was pushing it asking for full price then TitanFall was really pushing it IMHO. Unlike Bungie the devs seemed to struggle to push the game to another level and get enough content out. TBH I think the focus has switched to sequel and what I expect to be a big multi-platform push.

Destiny dev team : 500 people
Titanfall dev team: 50 people

Titanfall gameplay > Destiny gameplay

Destiny has a shit ton of content, no one is going to dispute that but as for gameplay Titanfall is absolutely amazing. They'll have more devs, more resources, and more time to get Titanfall out the door with a lot of content and a lot of options. I have no doubt in my mind the sequel is going to crush.


Good too know there still is a community. I own the game but haven't started it yet but plan to do it someday.


I didn't miss the "DAE Titanfall is dead?" threads honestly

The game released 18 months ago, didn't release on PS and was pretty barebones at launch. Pc players also have a ton of other fps to play that console players don't (cs and tf2 are really big) and many good multiplayer games released between fall 2014 and fall 2015.

Game on X1 is still alive (played some frontier defense this morning and took a few seconds to find a full game) and the support post launch has been great.

Respawn did everything good to support their game and yet people still give them shit.


PC games that don't have new content (or allow users to create new content) and don't have dedicated server accessible by the community either die FAST.

Also, it's been a while and COD:BLOPS3 and Battlefront were released a few weeks back...
EA and Activision aren't competitive on PC anymore. They cheap out in so many areas. There are a ton of shooters on PC with devs that don't cut and run until the game is perfect.


I replayed earlier this year on PC and didn't have any probs finding matches quickly. It's a shame the base has dropped off so much. Great little game.
Plenty enough that I never have any trouble getting a game (on X1), although I'll admit I mostly stick to Frontier Defence, TDM and Hardpoint.

To be honest, you don't need a lot of players for a game to live, as long as those players are on consistantly. Gears 3 is pretty up front about its stats at any given time, and those numbers aren't big, but I haven't had any troubles with games since BC went live.
I haven't played Titanfall in a long time, but I think one thing Titanfall doesn't get enough credit for is how well designed the maps are. Easily the best maps in a multiplayer shooter this gen. You can definitely tell that these are the same guys who made Call of Duty 4.


The games is abstruse and appeals to a very very small audience.

/unqualified personal opinion

Not really considering it's essentially CoD with mechs and the new call of duty seems to share some similar gameplay traits.

I played last night and had no trouble finding a game. Around 3000 playing attribution.


Titanfall is a lot of fun, but it didn't stand a chance on PC because it was Origin only, not well optimized, no server browser, were pidgeon-holed into certain matchmaking queues and had to back up all the way to the main menu if you wanted to switch to a different region, could sometimes take forever to get into a game because if ONE person leaves the 90 second countdown starts again, started to remove modes because the playerbase was so segmented via modes and server regions etc. Basically, everything was bad except for the gameplay.


Gold Member
Problem with any shooter on PC that is not CS:GO is that the userbase quickly devolves into a Deathmatch frenzied mob.

All the tactical modes are empty and you can only find DM and TDM matches a month after release.

At least that's my subjective experience with them...

Games that integrate tactical gameplay into their markee modes usually last longer and provide some enjoyment for me.

BF3 with Rush and Conquest and CS:GO, already mentioned, come to mind. It's sad people aren't willing go try less popular modes.

Do you see that? Just on Steam more than 2700 games released this year.

Who has time to play the same game after 18 months? And while very good, Titanfall got old after a few dozens of hours.
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