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Assetto Corsa (Console) |OT| Kunos tries to console us.

The AI difficulty is similar on the PC version dependant on where the difficulty slider is set but the ai seems to do dumb shit on the console versions such as pitting before the last lap in a 4/5 lap race. That is what you guys should be complaining about along with the awful framerate/tearing.
Easy AI on console is harder than easy AI on PC. Depending on the event Easy AI on console can be 10 seconds faster than Easy AI on PC.

People are having problems to progress in career mode because of that.

There is a very helpful user posting comparisons in the official forum.

Again. PC players shouldn't tell console players to "git gud" because their version of the game isn't as hard as the console version.

Kunos Simulazioni have acknowledged this and are working to fix and rebalance the AI.


Nothing to do with the unbalanced AI in AC, but I had a friend complain to me about similar placements in pCARS career on harder difficulty. "I don't like that I can't win every race. I try to get to first at the first corner in other games".

The point is the thrill of racing, starting mid to low in the pack and fighting every spot, not shooting from 22nd to 1st in the first of 3 laps.

But having to win 3 lappers is what people are used to I guess. It's a different mentality than actually enjoying the racing.


My biggest issue is that the racing is just so spread out, first place generally just streaks away, next couple are just about you're level, but seem to give up once you're past them, the rest of the field might as well not be there, because they are miles behind.

Can't understand why they just didn't give you a field full of the same, or very similar cars in all career races.

Challenging to get a high placing, yes, but the racing is neither very close, or particularly exciting.


Gold Member
Easy AI on console is harder than easy AI on PC. Depending on the event Easy AI on console can be 10 seconds faster than Easy AI on PC.

People are having problems to progress in career mode because of that.

There is a very helpful user posting comparisons in the official forum.

Again. PC players shouldn't tell console players to "git gud" because their version of the game isn't as hard as the console version.

Kunos Simulazioni have acknowledged this and are working to fix and rebalance the AI.

If there is indeed a 10 second discrepancy between the easy ai on console vs easy on the pc then yes they do need to fix this but every race does not need to be winnable as that would simply make it unrealistic which is not what the game is about.

Oh and not once have I said "git gud" either. Its a case of people needing to be realistic. Why should a stock z4 be able to beat out stock m3's? Why are people expecting this to happen?

One of the biggest issues with the ai (and this is the case on the PC version as well) is that they suck at overtaking and are very hesitant to do so. Im some cases they will prefer to slow down behind you, even on a straight, which is quite frankly ridiculous.


Guys, just a note on the AI difficulty...

1. Console easy difficulty = pc 88% which is the third difficulty setting out of 6. Some dude on their forums actually went through the trouble of testing this.

2. if the z4 race is handicapped to go for bronze, what the fuck is the e30 m3 that follows? They've bungled this release on every level I've played so far, the AI isn't intentional either. I could write a litany of stuff that's accumulated just on the first night, but that's not doing anyone any good. If you're playing the game, you know.

The main concern for now is, you know, the actual handling of the cars. I could queue up some podcasts and just enjoy driving around for a while, except this game is an endless finicky struggle. I swear, I'm walking on egg shells trying not to upset the chassis and predicting when it's going to let go. I don't think I've been at opposite lock a single time and ended up with the car pointed in the right direction. I'm watching f1 now and these are drift cars compared to the outright neurotic street bmws in Assetto Corsa.

This isn't Gran Turismo.

It sure isn't. For all the shit GT catches, this is a mess in comparison.


Oh and not once have I said "git gud" either. Its a case of people needing to be realistic. Why should a stock z4 be able to beat out stock m3's? Why are people expecting this to happen?

One of the biggest issues with the ai (and this is the case on the PC version as well) is that they suck at overtaking and are very hesitant to do so. Im some cases they will prefer to slow down behind you, even on a straight, which is quite frankly ridiculous.

A stock z4 could beat a stock m3 because *drumroll* of the driver.

Hesitant, maybe. Oblivious? Definitely. Cops could learn some great maneuvers watching the AI in this game.


Gold Member
1. Console easy difficulty = pc 88% which is the third difficulty setting out of 6. Some dude on their forums actually went through the trouble of testing this.

2. if the z4 race is handicapped to go for bronze, what the fuck is the e30 m3 that follows? They've bungled this release on every level I've played so far, the AI isn't intentional either. I could write a litany of stuff that's accumulated just on the first night, but that's not doing anyone any good. If you're playing the game, you know.

The main concern for now is, you know, the actual handling of the cars. I could queue up some podcasts and just enjoy driving around for a while, except this game is an endless finicky struggle. I swear, I'm walking on egg shells trying not to upset the chassis and predicting when it's going to let go. I don't think I've been at opposite lock a single time and ended up with the car pointed in the right direction. I'm watching f1 now and these are drift cars compared to the outright neurotic street bmws in Assetto Corsa.

It sure isn't. For all the shit GT catches, this is a mess in comparison.

So wait... You complain about the car handling in Assetto Corsa and then go on to say that GT is better? Are you sure this is the road you want to go down.

This game has many flaws but car handling is definitely not one of them. If you are using a controller, do yourself a favor and turn stability control on a tad.

And no, stability control is not cheating nor is it unrealistic in most cases.

A stock z4 could beat a stock m3 because *drumroll* of the driver

From the sound of things yeh, maybe if you were driving the m3.


Hands down the best handling/feeling game on console with a pad IMO.

I'd put it over Forza, GT, Race Pro, pCARS, Driveclub.

But you know, opinions and all...


Now, come on!

Hey man, I'm out here having to back out to the main career menu thing to turn the beyond useless driving line(who are these brake markers for? I'm in a tiny beemer, not the veyron) off and then having to reload the track. The time I finally got that z4 race I was all ready to watch the replay from the m3's perspective to see just how much of I dick I was, the last 20 seconds in the pits waiting for others to finish was all there was. That tach is useless, I'm flying blind in bumper cam mode. It just goes on and on.

So wait... You complain about the car handling in Assetto Corsa and then go on to say that GT is better? Are you sure this is the road you want to go down.

This game has many flaws but car handling is definitely not one of them. If you are using a controller, do yourself a favor and turn stability control on a tad.

And no, stability control is not cheating nor is it unrealistic in most cases.

Who cares if it's realistic, it would be like turning up the auto aim in a shooter. I didn't say the driving in GT is better, although it's a lot less stressful. The driver spazzing out all the time sawing at the wheel is essentially how I feel driving right about now. You fire up GT5 and within 5 minutes you're having fun playing on and past the limit, it can be like watching an episode of Top Gear if you wanted that. The best I can describe this thing so far is hypersensitive and shrill.



Cars handle really predictably and feel really "natural" I guess you could say in Assetto Corsa. That's the best part of the game and really what separates it from every other racing game on console right now. If you're consistently struggling on corner entry or exit with a wheel you just need more practice. If you're using a controller I recommend putting stability control on. Some cars really can be twitchy as hell at lower speeds and stability control really helps you to remain in control.


Gold Member
Hey man, I'm out here having to back out to the main career menu thing to turn the beyond useless driving line(who are these brake markers for? I'm in a tiny beemer, not the veyron) off and then having to reload the track. The time I finally got that z4 race I was all ready to watch the replay from the m3's perspective to see just how much of I dick I was, the last 20 seconds in the pits waiting for others to finish was all there was. That tach is useless, I'm flying blind in bumper cam mode. It just goes on and on.

Who cares if it's realistic, it would be like turning up the auto aim in a shooter. I didn't say the driving in GT is better, although it's a lot less stressful. The driver spazzing out all the time sawing at the wheel is essentially how I feel driving right about now. You fire up GT5 and within 5 minutes you're having fun playing on and past the limit, it can be like watching an episode of Top Gear if you wanted that. The best I can describe this thing so far is hypersensitive and shrill.

Stability control is nothing like auto aim on shooting games. Please do some research on how stability control works in cars to understand why it exists and how it can help you, especially if you are driving with a controller.

The driving line however... That's more akin to auto aim.



Cars handle really predictably and feel really "natural" I guess you could say in Assetto Corsa. That's the best part of the game and really what separates it from every other racing game on console right now. If you're consistently struggling on corner entry or exit with a wheel you just need more practice. If you're using a controller I recommend putting stability control on. Some cars really can be twitchy as hell at lower speeds and stability control really helps you to remain in control.

I take some issue with natural. For example, that race prepped e30 m3, you can pin the throttle out of a sharp turn in 2nd gear and it will be just fine. But God forbid you're not coddling it on turn in, you would think I'm driving at a 20 degree decline with the kind of lift off over steer that thing throws up.

My point was it's too early to tell for me, but right now I'm finding it not forgiving at all and very, very sensitive and ready to be upset. There's been no "throwing" anything into a corner, if you know what I mean.

Tweak your sensitivity settings man!

Will do.

Stability control is nothing like auto aim on shooting games. Please do some research on how stability control works in cars to understand why it exists and how it can help you, especially if you are driving with a controller.

The driving line however... That's more akin to auto aim.

I've thanked stability control in my car a number of times, there's been all kinds of research. I don't use it in racing games for the same reason it's not allowed in formula 1 for example. If you're telling me a more numb experience is preferable, dualshock or no, that's a problem.

And yea I use a driving line on a track I've never driven on before, except here it's about as useful as a compass.


I have one complaint that I haven't seen anyone else mention yet. The distance markers on some tracks seem to be completely missing for some weird reason. They are there in the PC version but not in the PS4 version. That really messed me up since I've been using them to help me get my braking points exactly right.
Oh and not once have I said "git gud" either.

I didn't mean you specifically. I meant the group of PC players that keeps ignoring the differences between the versions even when they're presented with the facts. It's more of problem in the official Assetto Corsa forum.

Overall I think AC has the best physics on console. The game around that however is a bit...shit.


Overall I think AC has the best physics on console. The game around that however is a bit...shit.
No denying that really.

I think Alan from VVV summed it nicely in the latest podcast essentially saying a career is to develop you as a driver, to congratulate you to keep you going and give you a sense of progression. Not just a string of random events and cars to drive.

It somewhat reminds me of Race Pro on console where the career was tacked on and simply the means to unlock all the cars for other modes.

At least this has everything unlocked.
I've seen this is the case on the PC version of AC, you can go in a race a look at every npc car and see detailed interiors for each and everyone of them, games like Forza or GT of course only model the detailed interior of the player's car whilst all AI cars have low detail/no dashview interiors
Baffling... every racing game developer on console does this. There is definitely performance to be gained wit simplified AI cockpits, even should it not have been the main reason for the high-grid-size framerate drop.

[...]Add Laguna Seca and maybe even the old Riverside track and it would make for some really cool nostalgic races.
Marco said that one US based track is coming soon(probably meaning "this year") that got a lot of votes their polls.

- Holy sharp turn in. I haven't touched GT6 in a long while, but my recollection is that thing loaded up progressively and relatively gradually(I'm playing with a pad). So much so that on formula cars, and those red bulls, you had to turn steering sensitivity up, but for the vast majority of cars it felt good. Here it feels like I'm at full lock into every turn immediately and lift off oversteer is all I get for my troubles. Doesn't help that as soon as I touch the stick the driver is just sawing at the wheel as fast as he/she can. This is going to take adjusting to, hopefully I don't have to tinker with sensitivity settings.
They're working on improving this, but maybe try the controller settings from Danowat 2 pages ago. And turn on a little bit of the "cheat-"stability management with a controller.

- Can I just get a stock tachometer with some RPM indicators with the bumper cam? What's the point of having one at all if all the information I have is when I'm redlining and what gear I'm in. I'm probably going to play in the cockpit mode that's zoomed in past the steering wheel, but this is my usual setting and that tach is trash.
I think almost every sim racer on PC plays from the cockpit perspective and the rev-counters are beautifully modeled in my opinion and add to the authenticity, but I agree, they should have the option for a better HUD-tacho, maybe they could look at what mods the PC guys like and ask the mod-maker for allowance to provide the thing as an option in the console version.

And no, stability control is not cheating nor is it unrealistic in most cases.
It actually kinda is, as it's not an actually simulated car-system unlike TC and ABS in Assetto Corsa. Stefano mentioned on one stream, that he couldn't find good literature on modern stability management systems and race cars don't have it anyway. The current STM in AC doesn't slow you down like it does in GT or Forza (those games of course don't model modern STM systems from sport cars either).

If there is indeed a 10 second discrepancy between the easy ai on console vs easy on the pc then yes they do need to fix this but every race does not need to be winnable as that would simply make it unrealistic which is not what the game is about.
I'm with Fortinbras on this one. If you give away a gold medal that you need for a PSN Trophy, it needs to be winnable and it needs to be winnable on Alien AI as well without doing unfair AI-ramming, IF you are amazingly good. At the moment some events are just unwinnable on higher difficulty settings... What also would be ok is to just give away the gold medal to getting to 3rd place, behind the cars that simply outclass you.

But happy to have you back. Already feared you got perma-banned.

@danowat: I'll be on the PDF for the step-cars now. The english on some of those descriptions is not great (yes, worse than my own ;) and top-speed values, acceleration etc. aren't really updated. You can tell why they didn't bother to put it in the console version. But I'm almost done with getting it out and at least you'll know in what ways the stage 1/2/3 cars are modified.


Hey man, I'm out here having to back out to the main career menu thing to turn the beyond useless driving line(who are these brake markers for? I'm in a tiny beemer, not the veyron) off and then having to reload the track. The time I finally got that z4 race I was all ready to watch the replay from the m3's perspective to see just how much of I dick I was, the last 20 seconds in the pits waiting for others to finish was all there was. That tach is useless, I'm flying blind in bumper cam mode. It just goes on and on.

Who cares if it's realistic, it would be like turning up the auto aim in a shooter. I didn't say the driving in GT is better, although it's a lot less stressful. The driver spazzing out all the time sawing at the wheel is essentially how I feel driving right about now. You fire up GT5 and within 5 minutes you're having fun playing on and past the limit, it can be like watching an episode of Top Gear if you wanted that. The best I can describe this thing so far is hypersensitive and shrill.

Let's just keep to objectively discussing AC, rather than chucking 'it's even worse than X' hyperbole around.

What's up with the tach? It tells you RPM, speed and gear selection, what else do you need?

The controls are very sensitive on pad, you have to be very smooth and precise, it's not really the right sort of game for a pad, but it's workable once you have some settings dialled in to your liking.

And can we please get rid of this stupid notion that driving aids are for noobs and it's cheating, use factory aids and then that's how the vehicle is designed to be driven, there is a reason GT cars use aids.


Nothing to do with the unbalanced AI in AC, but I had a friend complain to me about similar placements in pCARS career on harder difficulty. "I don't like that I can't win every race. I try to get to first at the first corner in other games".

The point is the thrill of racing, starting mid to low in the pack and fighting every spot, not shooting from 22nd to 1st in the first of 3 laps.

But having to win 3 lappers is what people are used to I guess. It's a different mentality than actually enjoying the racing.
Amen, brother. Pcars excels at this.
Man, I would love to see an racing game AI face-off between Assetto Corsa, Automobilista, Forza 6, Project CARS, RaceRoom Racing Experience and rFactor 2 (GTS later too, I think F1 2016 and Driveclub would have a maneuverability and braking advantage, that's why I'd leave them out, DiRT's track selection is small and easier to get AI right on, GRID Autosport and GT6 are built for too old hardware... that's why only those games above).
They should be tested/ scired for
- building shopping counter lines on each other
- overtaking the player when the player is a) slightly slower and also b) much slower...
- on long straights
- in long fast, wide corners
- in short, narrow corners
- hitting the player when he has overtaken them in a corner
- evading onto the grass to avoid accidents
- taking defensive action on straghts
- taking different lines through turns when undisturbed
- good pit strategy (not coming in unnecessary, fuel calculation)
- rubberbanding (adjusting to player speed during a race)
- overtaking each other in one-make races
- pulling away from the pack without driving a superior car
- getting back on the track safely after a crash
- divebombing the player if he brakes too hard too early
- exceeding car capabilities (cheat stability management in AC, simplified ai tire model advantages in rain races in pCARS, better brakes in some cars in R3E)
- difficulty consistency between cars and tracks in regards to lap times

Also, where do easier AI cars lose the the speed? In topspeed? At acceleration? Earlier braking? Braking harder than necessary for some corners -> slow mid corner?

And why do so many games have a ton of ai difficulty levels, but no game lets you choose how homogenous you want the ai to perform? Have 20% of ai drivers be divebombing assholes, 30% without confidence in their cars and another 20% overconfidently making little mistakes that cost them time without spinning out. I think F1 2016 is trying something like this?


Man, I would love to see an racing game AI face-off between Assetto Corsa...

One way AC's AI stands out is it will absolutely fuck up its racing line in an effort to out brake you/defend its position in a corner, which is really good. As everyone knows, overtaking 101 is simply getting on the brakes a split second after the AI in front of you and going for it. Depending on the AI and difference in cars you'll either pass without a problem or pass and fuck up your corner exit. In AC you very well could end up off track playing chicken with late braking. I've seen them do it to each other, so it seems to be a procedure rather than aberration.

Besides that, they're up there with the best at the spin out pit manuevers, in other words the AI is oblivious a lot of the time. In fast corners especially. They still suck at passing, race starts are comical. One thing that was in GT games(yea, I know, lowly gran turismo for peasants) is the AI would occasionally fuck up. I don't think I've seen a major mistake yet, never mind a spin.


Never have quite figured out why Forza never fixed their 'Let's all brake mid apex' issue that has plagued the game for years.

PCARS AI is good, although I don't like the knee jerk 'oh shit, I've only just seen the guy, better steer onto the grass to avoid them' reaction, it's like they don't even realise you're there until you reach a certain distance away from them.

I am sure why could collectively come up with a series of AI tests.
Never have quite figured out why Forza never fixed their 'Let's all brake mid apex' issue that has plagued the game for years.

PCARS AI is good, although I don't like the knee jerk 'oh shit, I've only just seen the guy, better steer onto the grass to avoid them' reaction, it's like they don't even realise you're there until you reach a certain distance away from them.

I am sure why could collectively come up with a series of AI tests.

I hate the Pcars AI. It can be fine for 80% of the race but they then go all kamikaze and try to take me out.


Both PCARS and AC are vaunted as being realistic simulations right?

So why is it, when you drive the same car in both products they feel completely different?

Drove the C9 this morning and they are world's apart!


PCARS AI is good, although I don't like the knee jerk 'oh shit, I've only just seen the guy, better steer onto the grass to avoid them' reaction, it's like they don't even realise you're there until you reach a certain distance away from them.

My biggest gripe with Project Cars AI is that they're TOO nice. Once you get very close and poke your nose up next to them (even ever so slightly) they'll veer off line and get out of your way. They'll even take to the grass to avoid contact. If one dives up the inside of you under brakes you can just turn across anyway they'll steer off the track to avoid you. If the AI gets a slipstream on you and tries to overtake, you just move across and they drive off the track to avoid you, slow down and fall back.

AC on the other hand is much more realistic IMO. I've found that generally they will always give you racing room on the tarmac but you need to do the same. I've had no issues running side by side with them through multiple turns without touching. You can squeeze them to the edge of the track but they will fight back if you try to push them off the tarmac. If they get a slipstream and poke the nose along side you then you best give them racing room on the tarmac otherwise it's pit manoeuvre time.
Besides that, they're up there with the best at the spin out pit manuevers, in other words the AI is oblivious a lot of the time. In fast corners especially. They still suck at passing, race starts are comical. One thing that was in GT games(yea, I know, lowly gran turismo for peasants) is the AI would occasionally fuck up. I don't think I've seen a major mistake yet, never mind a spin.

Ai mistakes are kind of in AC, but will come for real soon. Originally they were planned for the update from the 26th, but were taken out again one day before release to polish them up some more.

And we're not bashing GT, I think the majority of PC sim guys enjoys playing Gran Turismo and likes the series, just this whole marketing thing, that GT is marketed as the most authentic driving experience out there is just sad to see and even more sad to see if taken so very seriously by GT's many fanboys. Don't get me wrong here, GT is a sim because it's simulating real world physics and never applies physics rules that are deliberately altered from the same effect in the real world - unlike let's say Driveclub's or GRID's. It's just that other sims/games take the simulation aspect more serious. If an iRacing can't simulate a differential with its current simulation tech, they won't try to put that car in their game.

What was bad about the AI mistakes in GT6 for example though... weirdly enough you'd see the guy in first make a mistake in the last three corners of the last lap of the race way more often when you were in 2nd or 3rd place, so... those AI mistakes never were fun to me and I felt more BS'ed by the game than I was happy to made in first after a bad driving performance.

I do agree that the AI in GRID 2 felt super human-like. My only bad memory about GRID 2's AI was the adaptability - after a few races on a difficulty that I could get first and be done with a series, the AI stepped up their game enough that I either had to replay races a lot to proceed or bump the difficulty down again, which I had to do twice if I remember right. Codemasters are some of the few racing game makers that are good at aspects of game development that focus on making a racing game a racing game.

I want to give credit to the Turn 10 from 10 years ago when the Drivatar idea was fresh, clever and radical. It must have took a lot of time and money to research machine learning and copy behavior patterns from player to apply to their dravatars... only bad thing is than more often than not they do something annoying like mid-corner braking if you're not playing on the highest difficulty which then again is too hard to finish objectives like "finish first, starting from 16th place".

Both PCARS and AC are vaunted as being realistic simulations right?

I bet both versions are not great. I think Stefano said the C9 was the car with least usage when they still tracked that statistic... or something along that lines. And I think it was there in both games from early stages in development and neither studio probably has talked with a driver of that car to confirm if the car feels right in their game.

I've re-modeled a Porsche 944 Turbo in the AC PC version from another modder for private purposes (the modder's car had many inaccuracies and felt arcady with too much hp from wrong turbo modeling and tire width and so) and I can tell you that the modeling of the steering geometry and it's effect on the self-aligning torque FFB and car behavior in AC is amazing. I measured the geometry of the McPherson strut front suspension from a car repair shop manual for that car and looked the spring-rates up, calculated a good guess at front anti-roll bar...

(no, you don't need to tell me, that the rear center of gravity can't be exactly like the front, I'm happy that I got the other stuff somewhat right)
...and even from that - hadn't even changed the steering rods, ratios, rear suspension and a ton of other stuff - the car felt totally different and a lot better and more natural than the modders car. The front behavior looked even more natural in the replays when diving into corners. It looked like in the car tests I had looked up on youtube.

Also that Kunos make simulators for Ferrari and now Porsche too tells me, that their engine for modeling car behavior is really good. It's still a question of how much guess-work went into modeling certain cars or how many work-arounds they had to find (the swing axle from the old Abarth for example is modeled with an extreme case of a double-wishbone suspension for example with the upper and lower "bone" almost together).
I get that I'm not supposed to win every race in career mode, and that's totally fine; but having cars on the grid that completely outclass you makes no sense to me. That's not what racing is about.


Second night with the game, objective was to eliminate that steering a drunk with a cattle prod on a snowy day feeling. Decided on a GT86 first, but of course that's locked behind some bullshit, so how about the Alfa 4C? Well, apparently you need a fairly aggressive Scandinavian flick to see any kind of over steer, understeer on corner exit for days though. I haven't been behind the wheel of one, but you tell me how realistic that sounds.

Moving on to the KTM thingy. 300hp on 255 rears should be more like it. Guys(and possibly gals) no sane person would attempt to stay on throttle when the rear end threatens to let go, you'll be pedaling instead. Your chances of actually steering out of a slide without cutting all throttle? 1 in like 5 if you anticipate it and you're driving at your most zen(no sudden movements!), closing in on 0 if you're having to react. Spoilers: any yaw at all is a defcon 4 scenario pretty much and chances are good you won't make it. The truth is it's about avoiding over steer at all cost and that part of the game in this car is not nearly as neurotic as the bmws of yesterday, but if you're in it you dun fucked up. That's with a dual shock on default steering settings. Personally, I think that's kind of insufferable, so moving on.

Mclaren 650S GT3. Slightly more treacherous under power, mostly on corner exit. The real culprit is turn in. I feel like I need a LOTR meme with a "one does not simply turn in in a Mclaren." Lift off over steer is devastating. I can only assume the game thinks stick thumbed all the way to the side equals inhuman wrenching on the steering wheel to get it to full lock.

Ferrari FXXK because why the FXXK not at this point. A dream to drive if you promise not to shift lower than 4th.

danowat's settings

Steering sensitivity 10%
Steering speed 0%
Steering deadzone 5%
Steering filter 30%
Steering gamma 200%

for reference and in order, the defaults are: 20%, 20%, 10%, 60%, 100%

back to the KTM: No improvement on the over steer I'm afraid, it's still a game of eliminating oversteer, which isn't so much fun for a fun track day car.

650S GT3: Turn in and mid corner steering is much improved. I was about ready to call it unplayable with a dualshock and a few worse names besides so everyone say thank you mr. danowat.

Make of all that what you will. I'll go back for a third try to see what I can make of it with those settings, but the prospects are bleak.
So after watching some youtube videos and the DF analysis that said it holds 60fps when hot lapping I decided to bite the bullet and buy it. I mainly will be hot lapping and I had some extra xbox credits so why the fuck not.

Bought it at work so it was all downloaded when I got home. So I sit in my seat turn on my wheel and fire it up. First thing I do is turn off all assist and take the Ferrari 599XX to SPA. After the first 3 corners I had a feeling about this game, but I didnt want to make a uninformed declaration. So I took the BMW 1coupe around a few laps and I knew it to be true.........



I dont think I can go back to PCARS after this. I know some people say they can get the ffb feeling good in that game but for the life of me every recommendation feels horrible to me. It feels like I'm driving a toy. This feels like Im driving a car.

Bravo you magnificat bastards, bravo!
So after watching some youtube videos and the DF analysis that said it holds 60fps when hot lapping I decided to bite the bullet and buy it. I mainly will be hot lapping and I had some extra xbox credits so why the fuck not.

Bought it at work so it was all downloaded when I got home. So I sit in my seat turn on my wheel and fire it up. First thing I do is turn off all assist and take the Ferrari 599XX to SPA. After the first 3 corners I had a feeling about this game, but I didnt want to make a uninformed declaration. So I took the BMW 1coupe around a few laps and I knew it to be true.........



I dont think I can go back to PCARS after this. I know some people say they can get the ffb feeling good in that game but for the life of me every recommendation feels horrible to me. It feels like I'm driving a toy. This feels like Im driving a car.

Bravo you magnificat bastards, bravo!
I can't play pCars or Dirt Rally because of how bad the FFB feels after AC. Dirt especially. That game has awful, awful feedback.


Gamefly delivered it a little while ago, very first impressions from a long time console guy:

- Holy sharp turn in. I haven't touched GT6 in a long while, but my recollection is that thing loaded up progressively and relatively gradually(I'm playing with a pad). So much so that on formula cars, and those red bulls, you had to turn steering sensitivity up, but for the vast majority of cars it felt good. Here it feels like I'm at full lock into every turn immediately and lift off oversteer is all I get for my troubles. Doesn't help that as soon as I touch the stick the driver is just sawing at the wheel as fast as he/she can. This is going to take adjusting to, hopefully I don't have to tinker with sensitivity settings.

- You're not going to let me reassign buttons on the controller, really? This and the low quality thumbnails all over the menus make me think this game is from 2006 or something.


Lastly, it's a lot less forgiving when you lose traction relative to GT. With those games you can look like Chris Harris within 5 minutes of picking the game up in all but the most over powered cars. It's not just finding opposite lock and easily modulating the rear end that's tough either, this game does not take well to WOT in low gears. As long as you're pointed sort of straight in GT games you're essentially welcome to stand on the throttle at any speed. This is potentially a very good thing, it's just hard to tell within the first half hour.
I agree, but at least they recognise controller improvements are required. A physics engine could be the best in the world but with poor controller implementation we're just not going to feel or understand it to realise it.

I've thanked stability control in my car a number of times, there's been all kinds of research. I don't use it in racing games for the same reason it's not allowed in formula 1 for example. If you're telling me a more numb experience is preferable, dualshock or no, that's a problem.
I don't like to dumb down my experience either...I only ever use ABS these days (analogue face buttons really suited me more) so I've yet to engage Stability Control. I just don't want to go there.

Hands down the best handling/feeling game on console with a pad IMO.

I'd put it over Forza, GT, Race Pro, pCARS, Driveclub.

But you know, opinions and all...
Care to share your settings?

I spent a good three or four hours fully customising and setting up controls in Project CARS before I started to play anything of the game and it worked. No chance to get rid of the over-sensitive controls in Assetto Corsa but let's look on the bright side...they are working on a fix. Better sooner than later please.

Right now Assetto Corsa is at the back of the pack when it comes to controller implementation but I really can't wait to get to the stage when I can confidently put down consistent and competitive times.


Care to share your settings?
I'm using danowat's original posted ones, the first set, with slight changes on sensitivity and speed per taste.
I preferred the first set to his second personally.

Settings are very subjective, you just have to find what feels good for you. He's spot on in that they depend on the car though. Just as in pCARS, you may need to change them for different vehicles.

These I'm using are great for GT3s but the turning radius is too slow for road cars.

Like I said it's subjective. I think this game feels awesome with a controller, better than pCARS. Although I can get some if the race cars to feel fairly close.


I'm using danowat's original posted ones, the first set, with slight changes on sensitivity and speed per taste.
I preferred the first set to his second personally.

Settings are very subjective, you just have to find what feels good for you. He's spot on in that they depend on the car though. Just as in pCARS, you may need to change them for different vehicles.

These I'm using are great for GT3s but the turning radius is too slow for road cars.

Like I said it's subjective. I think this game feels awesome with a controller, better than pCARS. Although I can get some if the race cars to feel fairly close.
Hmmm...I've used that set-up but it felt pretty much the same as default i.e. still too sensitive.

Danowat seems to think Deadzone and Gamma are busted though...and that would perfectly explain the controller issues I'm having with sensitivity because I'm usually really smooth them them. Not only that, changes I made to those setting didn't do anything either.


Latest settings, gamma is definitely broken, it seems if you adjust it and it doesn't like what you've set it too, it just makes everything ultra sensitive, so if you are struggling try each end of the setting range and test it to see if you can get rid of that ultra sensitivity, some people have reported that they had to delete their save game to get it to work, I didn't I managed to sort mine by just trying different settings.

Deadzone doesn't appear to do anything on my copy of the game, max or min, there is still no deadzone.

My latest settings are as follows, obviously they are to my preference, but it might be a starting point.

Speed sensitivity: 25
Steering speed: 11
Steering deadzone: 12 (although I think this makes no difference)
Steering filter: 38
Steering gamma: 180 (be careful with this setting)

Edit: unbalanced AI? Alien difficulty, beat them by 6sec a lap, with a controller.



I can understand performance issues as games bite off more than they can chew, but there really is no excuse at all for broken parameter settings. That's just bad mathematics.


I haven't experienced the broken gamma ultra sensitive deal. Makes sense from reports here of people's controller issues though, I thought we were playing a different game.
Has anyone posted these issues on the forums?


I haven't experienced the broken gamma ultra sensitive deal. Makes sense from reports here of people's controller issues though, I thought we were playing a different game.
Has anyone posted these issues on the forums?
Yes, it's been posted on there, that place is worse than the pcars forum!.


Trying to take those fast turns around Imola in the KTM: lifting = death. Ok, enough is enough. Mostly, I'm sorry I wasted 3 days worth of playing time. Recap for those who are considering purchasing Assetto Corsa for the ps4 as follows.

-Driving with the Dualshock is broken. I don't mean like it's not fun, or lets dial in the steering settings to account for one type of car versus another. If you are playing with a pad you will literally be unable to do many of the things required in racing, things like correcting over steer or modulating steering off throttle with even a modicum of precision. I feel like I've written a page's worth on it in the last 2 days, so let's stop here.

-AI is broken, easy and medium are not available on consoles. What's called easy and medium are actually the 3rd and 4th difficulty settings on pc. Why would you, an experienced racing sim player, care about easy and medium? Well...

-Career mode is broken. Some of the events have you racing in cars that are 5+ seconds a lap slower than your competition.

-The Racing line is broken. I thought I'd just drop that in because it's funny.

-Image quality is rather poor, which is an upgrade from broken if you're following along. I'm talking mostly frame rate and screen tearing, although there's weird stuff like badly compressed images in menus as well. I'm thinking this is mostly a shitty port, it's not like there's anything impressive or unprecedented happening on screen.

-The content is all in a narrow band. I spent a while bouncing around the car selection screen the other day trying to find a rwd road car on street tires that wasn't a bmw and didn't have 500+ horse power. There's enough selection to fill out a couple of scenarios(GT3 for example), but mostly the number of cars and tracks are very limited. Furthermore, features are more Toyota Yaris than S class. There's no telemetry to speak of. Horse power and weight figures are all you're gonna get from the descriptions. The replay is oddly limited. There's tuning, but no modifying anything that I see. Online functionality by all reports isn't exactly stellar. The hud is bare bones, the stock tach especially annoying if you're not in cockpit mode as there's no way to tell rpm. There's no reassigning buttons, only selecting between layouts. A lot of basic preferences require backing out to a menu and having to reload the track/event. etc. etc. etc.

I figured the first bullet point was really the most important thing to get across, but what the hell, I had a half hour to kill before formula 1 came on. In summation: you better have a wheel and find what's there sufficient for your racing needs. I could live with the latter, but I'm not about to run to the store for a wheel, oh well.


I haven't experienced the broken gamma ultra sensitive deal. Makes sense from reports here of people's controller issues though, I thought we were playing a different game.
Has anyone posted these issues on the forums?
Are you sure you are playing the same game? That's how frustrating it is for me hearing your experience is faultless.

: (


EDIT: To be fair a patch for control issues should be a priority and not part of a normal update schedule. Get it done and get it out.


Are you sure you are playing the same game? That's how frustrating it is for me hearing your experience is faultless.

: (


EDIT: To be fair a patch for control issues should be a priority and not part of a normal update schedule. Get it done and get it out.

The game is far far from faultless, there are a lot of issues.

But despite those, I have found anything that makes it, for me, anywhere near unplayable.

People say PCARS is unplayable with a pad, I don't have much of an issue, AC is easier to handle on the pad than PCARS is.


The game is far far from faultless, there are a lot of issues.

But despite those, I have found anything that makes it, for me, anywhere near unplayable.

People say PCARS is unplayable with a pad, I don't have much of an issue, AC is easier to handle on the pad than PCARS is.
I can play Project CARS with a pad no problem. This is the only racing game that I can't.

I'll wait for a fix but it needs to come sooner than later.
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