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MACROSS (pronounced Delta) ~~ ~~

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Both 1/60 scale. Amazing how much of a difference there is between the original series and its prequel design.

And I've loved the Monster's design since forever so I had to pick up Bandai's and set it up on my desk. Macross could use some updated Destroids for variety's sake.
I didn't realize the VF-31A was available. I should have ordered this first, but back order it is.
Dude wtf that is a lot. Really jealous, and should have gotten in the model game a long time ago.
thanks man!
Both 1/60 scale. Amazing how much of a difference there is between the original series and its prequel design.
the zero is so huge compared to the vf-1 but i like the vf-1's handling stability better.
Yeah that thing is like all flash and no style. The only good red suits are Miria's valk's and Mirage's and even that isn't all red. For some odd reason the only nice looking VF-19 is Issamu's.

here's some shots of Isamu's MacrossF VF-19 that i took goofing off while moving things around:


They probably leave her alone to respect Messer's death. I like the look of Mirage x Freyja so I have no problem with it. Mirage's awkward tomboyish behavior mixed with Freyja's cheerfulness would play off well. You can tell Mirage would have a lot of fun with her. Freyja and Mikumo just seem like a less friendly Sheryl x Ranka. Mirage would be so protective of Freyja, the pairing is cute.

Lol. I never knew Japanese doujin fans had something called as respect lol when i had found sooo many doujin on NTR lol. >-<

Keith you could have been the hero and ended the show. Why did you pull back at the brink.

Kana is basically the only Walkure girl I like at this point. Helps that she basically has the most character development (as in any) of any of the girls on the team.

Agree. And it seems because of that too, we are getting less love for her.T_T I need some of my doujin content.T_T

MTSP, u no love KanaKana?T_T

Hayate barely even deserves her. I still like Alto more than him. Alto at least realized he was in a ship from early on. Hayate was like emotionally dense on a Shinji Ikari level and didn't really realize this till Freyja made "fuck the shit out of me" eyes at him when he gave her snow for her birthday.
I'm on the U.S.S. Yuri ship now.

Hayate is like the wind lol. He is not even in the ship. He is just the wind who is pushing the ships left and right stranded in the middle of the sea.^_^


Got my BDs in and the volume 2 special explains where that art of Mirage wearing a Walkure outfit comes from.
Freyja and Kaname peer-pressure Mirage into trying the Walkure outfit/belt on after telling her how good it feels when you transform in it. She comes out of the room embarassed as hell and Reina appears from behind a false wall and takes a bunch of pics.
Got my BDs in and the volume 2 special explains where that art of Mirage wearing a Walkure outfit comes from.
Freyja and Kaname peer-pressure Mirage into trying the Walkure outfit/belt on after telling her how good it feels when you transform in it. She comes out of the room embarassed as hell and Reina appears from behind a false wall and takes a bunch of pics.
I saw that unsubbed and it's fucking hilarious. Mirage has great vocal embarrassment sounds.
Hayate is like the wind lol. He is not even in the ship. He is just the wind who is pushing the ships left and right stranded in the middle of the sea.^_^
He's like the most useless one in his own ship. Kawamori should just do a lesbian triangle for the next Macross.


Axia id great, and rip Messer dude didn't deserve to go out. Second walkure cd needs to release already don't forget to order!


nice! Mplus music to go.

is Axia going to be on the second CD?
Axia is on the first cd walkure attack bruh.

Track listing for second album. Im sure someone has translated the song titles. Don't ask me I don't read protoculture.
&#30772;&#28357;&#12398;&#32020;&#24773; &#65374;Mikumo Solo&#65374;
God Bless You
&#39080;&#12399;&#20104;&#21578;&#12394;&#12367;&#21561;&#12367; &#65374;Freyja Solo&#65374;
Hear The Universe
Silent Hacker
Absolute 5
LOVE! THUNDER GLOW (&#20182;&#20840;12&#26354;)


Lol. This new episode is like touring through a genocide location lol. And Kumo Kumo blushing.O_O OMGGG Sooo Good.^_^

Frefre and MiraMira disappoint me.T_T Trying to look for a justification for a genocide is not a nice thing to do even if the act had reason. Innocence people died u know?T_T

First the shota King and now KumoKumo? ROID U MONSTER.>_<
Of course Freyja is going to end up singing a Ranka song. This spider eating is some Bear Grylls shit. How the fuck does Mirage not know about music with Mylene and Emilia in her fucking family? Freyja is legit Ranka 2.0 now repressed memories of a tragedy and all. Mirage quick sing "What 'bout my Star" so you can win the ship. Anybody else think Hayate is going to die so he can right his dad's wrong?


Of course Freyja is going to end up singing a Ranka song. This spider eating is some Bear Grylls shit. How the fuck does Mirage not know about music with Mylene and Emilia in her fucking family? Freyja is legit Ranka 2.0 now repressed memories of a tragedy and all. Mirage quick sing "What 'bout my Star" so you can win the ship. Anybody else think Hayate is going to die so he can right his dad's wrong?

We had enough killing the MC to solve the triangle problem lol. I want true Triangle ending this time. No more half assed love ending.T_T
i think one of them is going to die.


the previous tv propaganda footage showed a sv type dropping a bomb
didn't see a vf-22, so something doctored
Roid probably did it.

Funny how earlier in the thread I'm sure I remember people thinking Roid would turn yet now it looks like he's going to be the final boss lol

Roid looks like Sharon Apple's A.I. engineer/director. (actually it's just the glasses, long hair)

i call Mikumo Sharon Apple part II. she'll be the semi big boss =)


The pacing on this show feels so off. Everything going on the last 2 or 3 episodes should've happened in the teens. Mikumo could've used even this marginal amount of character development a long time ago. The same goes for the Windmerean Knights. The things happening here seem so disconnected from everything that happened before. It all feels so rushed and like it's jumping around to try to wrap everything up in its 26 episode run. The scene transitions rarely feel natural, and the time jumps between episodes always leave me feeling like something important has been left out.
The pacing on this show feels so off. Everything going on the last 2 or 3 episodes should've happened in the teens. Mikumo could've used even this marginal amount of character development a long time ago. The same goes for the Windmerean Knights. The things happening here seem so disconnected from everything that happened before. It all feels so rushed and like it's jumping around to try to wrap everything up in its 26 episode run. The scene transitions rarely feel natural, and the time jumps between episodes always leave me feeling like something important has been left out.
I'm looking forward to the 2 movies they do to tell a much better and focused story where hopefully they don't nerf Mirage and cut back on the amount of idols. They didn't need five of them. Don't get me wrong I'm fine with Makina and Reina and Kaname's also fine, but you really don't need Makina and Reina to move the story forward just like you really don't need Chuck and half a testicle Ozma.
it does feel rushed...

Messer left after ep.10...

Roid's Voice Actor Kaito Ishikawa taking bout the game Macross Delta Scramble while
showing off bandai dx's upcoming Keith's SV-262 Draken III





The pacing on this show feels so off. Everything going on the last 2 or 3 episodes should've happened in the teens. Mikumo could've used even this marginal amount of character development a long time ago. The same goes for the Windmerean Knights. The things happening here seem so disconnected from everything that happened before. It all feels so rushed and like it's jumping around to try to wrap everything up in its 26 episode run. The scene transitions rarely feel natural, and the time jumps between episodes always leave me feeling like something important has been left out.

I think the point is for her to start developing it in order to halt it. Seems like a flag to me... I don't think the knights (barring Keith) are that important. A little is all they needed. I won't claim it's rushed or not until it's over.
The pacing on this show feels so off. Everything going on the last 2 or 3 episodes should've happened in the teens. Mikumo could've used even this marginal amount of character development a long time ago. The same goes for the Windmerean Knights. The things happening here seem so disconnected from everything that happened before. It all feels so rushed and like it's jumping around to try to wrap everything up in its 26 episode run. The scene transitions rarely feel natural, and the time jumps between episodes always leave me feeling like something important has been left out.

I can agree with this. Something dropped in the pacing in the second half. Everything became a lot more subdued after Windermere's galactic war started, instead of things escalating as you would expect after a war declaration. There's a lot of character-centric scenes that would've felt a lot more at place during the first half. I still love Delta a lot, so I just hope the finale can stick it.

If anything, I can't say I like the fact that most of the Windermere development was probably shunted to the manga instead of the anime.
i think the mistake was made when messer died. it was way too quick... they didn't develop the characters long enough.

i was expecting some replacement or backup from Chaos or at least Lady M to show up. or some kind of furthering of the plot... didn't feel like there was much except just the same repeated attacks by Bogue to be rebuffed repeatedly until episode 23..
i think the mistake was made when messer died. it was way too quick... they didn't develop the characters long enough.

i was expecting some replacement or backup from Chaos or at least Lady M to show up. or some kind of furthering of the plot... didn't feel like there was much except just the same repeated attacks by Bogue to be rebuffed repeatedly until episode 23..
I read on Macross World that this was only supposed to be 13 eps then it gets extended to 26 eps. I think this was said in the liner notes of the blu ray release.
I read on Macross World that this was only supposed to be 13 eps then it gets extended to 26 eps. I think this was said in the liner notes of the blu ray release.

that makes sense bc it would've been better to end it at 13.

this thing so freaking dragged out after episode 10. prior to that everything was moving at a good pace.


No way it was going to be 13. A Macross TV show would never be that low in episodes. Sponsors know it's a moneymaker with the merchandising.
No way it was going to be 13. A Macross show would never be that low in episodes. Sponsors know it's a moneymaker with the merchandising.
Then why is the pacing all over the place? It's like two different shows. Frontier managed to work on 26 eps. Granted people going to bitch about shit like the panty chasing episode, but I found it funny. Like if Taylor Swift was to go to an anime high school and some creature stole her panties you think the entire school wouldn't look for them?
Then why is the pacing all over the place? It's like two different shows. Frontier managed to work on 26 eps. Granted people going to bitch about shit like the panty chasing episode, but I found it funny. Like if Taylor Swift was to go to an anime high school and some creature stole her panties you think the entire school wouldn't look for them?

Jaded, can you find the quote on MW i stopped posting there so i haven't kept track but depending on who posted that, it may be accurate.


Man, I don't know. I feel like it wouldn't have worked at 13 episodes. Then again, I don't know what the episodes were going to be like. I'll wait to see what Kawamori says post finale. I'm not really unhappy with the show.
They are not a fan of Delta there, can't say I disagree with them either. On one hand it's ok, but on the other it's kind of sort of worse than Macross 7.

You have to go back to 1984 to find something Macross that isn't worse than Macross 7. I'm not sure if I prefer Delta or the Frontier TV series, I think Delta has had higher highs but it really needs to land the ending here.
You have to go back to 1984 to find something Macross that isn't worse than Macross 7. I'm not sure if I prefer Delta or the Frontier TV series, I think Delta has had higher highs but it really needs to land the ending here.
Maybe I just liked Frontier more cause I was able to binge it...and I think it had better balance. I think Delta went all too in regarding the idol stuff where I think Frontier had a better balance and they actually had plot relevance and personality. Now Delta is just trying to turn Freyja into Ranka. I can see why people like Hayate more than Alto cause he spent too much time running from his problems, Hayate's more aware, but at the same time emotionally dense. At least he's not last few episodes Hikaru where I wanted to launch him into fucking space.
Man, I don't know. I feel like it wouldn't have worked at 13 episodes. Then again, I don't know what the episodes were going to be like. I'll wait to see what Kawamori says post finale. I'm not really unhappy with the show.

Seto is solid and doesn't wild guess or conjecture often (but he has at times.)

here's his direct reference:

"translation is apparently that Delta was originally supposed to be 1 cour and a movie, but it grew into a 2 cour around the 4th episode"

"It's the second-to-last page (#38) of the Macross Delta BD limited edition Vol.2 booklet."

In case anyone is wondering
"What is a Cour?"

"French for "Course"... used by the film industry to describe a 3 month arc of approximately 13 episodes."
1 cour and a movie? Oh, that doesn't support the narrative that the writing was stretched thin.

it depends on the type of story.

case in point NBC "Game of Silence" was meant as a mini series of 2-4 parts. NBC tried to extended it but the type of story was closed and best fit for a 2 hour movie anyways it got canned.

ED Cantu

Here's a complete translation of that:
Originally it was supposed to be made up one cour and a movie. I recall it being around the time that we were working on the scenario for the fourth episode that it became a 2 cour show.
Still, the scenario for the first cour had momentum so we proceeded to make it into two cours in a way that that would build up from it.
We did have some vague ideas about what to do in a movie, so we filled that in for two cours.
Link to the translation: LINK

And like I posted at MW, the movie would have been maybe 2 hours which would be the same as 5 or 6 episodes, but they expanded that to 13 episodes so obviously the pacing is dragging.
But it also mentions that the decision to make a second cour instead of a movie was made when they were finishing the script for episode 4, most likely a couple months before the first episode aired in April, it was early in development so I don't think that change is the reason why the second cour has been so dissapointing, not the only reason at least.
Here's a complete translation of that:

Link to the translation: LINK

And like I posted at MW, the movie would have been maybe 2 hours which would be the same as 5 or 6 episodes, but they expanded that to 13 episodes so obviously the pacing is dragging.
But it also mentions that the decision to make a second cour instead of a movie was made when they were finishing the script for episode 4, most likely a couple months before the first episode aired in April, it was early in development so I don't think that change is the reason why the second cour has been so dissapointing, not the only reason at least.
So in essence they just didn't know where they wanted to go with the second half, thus couldn't write it well?


that makes sense bc it would've been better to end it at 13.

this thing so freaking dragged out after episode 10. prior to that everything was moving at a good pace.

I disagree with this because the scene with Messer being powered up through song and Var was a precursor and foreshadow to the Tuning which has been the focus of the later recent episodes where Kaname is the first on screen instance of Tuning. From then on out they continue to hint and work towards that until they spoonfeed it to you. We just never find out exactly what it is until later.

I'm not going to make a final judgement on pacing until the last three episodes, but it hasn't been terrible. It could be better.

Freyja is also nowhere near being treated with the same loser status and vitriol that Ranka gets in Frontier. The amount of Ls she takes compared to the kind of character she is is insulting to how fun Freyja is as a protagonist when you compare them.

From understanding how production is run, changing the pacing from a shorter production to a longer one 4 episodes in, 1/4-1/3 of the original pacing, doesn't mean that the series is stretched out at all. By that point they were still storyboarding the plot and cutting the original story script to work, nothing was really set in stone.

Macross Delta has a lot of French, American, etc. animators and producers working on it so you can personally tweet someone like Romain to see if he can answer a question in regards to that.

The pacing really isn't that poor and Frontier is still paced much more poorly than Delta. Nearly everything in Macross Delta happens because of a plot point known as Fold Bacteria from the Vajra, but they could have just as much introduced everything in Delta without needing to reference the whole stupid Grace O Connor human consciousness networking and space beetles shit going on in Frontier.

Maclog has been pretty positive about the series so far. I don't know what your site you follow but the general outlook so far hasn't been as deviled and hated as what some of you and your communities follow.

Edit: the top part was only for you David, everything else is just a general response to how I see english fans seeing the series so far. I really won't make any hard judgement until the landing because this series will probably be some bullshit if the ending ends up being something Grace O Connor/MacGalaxy tier stupid.
I still don't get why Ranka gets shit on so much. Her only crime was not being Sheryl, but outside of smuggling in Ai-chan I was pretty fine with her.
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