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New Castlevania Lords of Shadow gameplay videos from Gamelab 2010


Young Nobleman Of Sadness said:
By the way, do we have a launch date already?

Zavi lists it for a october release date.

Bestbuy.com lists that same date. Might be true. I gotta imagine October is the perfect month to release the game. After the big September rush, and before the huge November rush. Plus October and Castlevania...just seems right.

Also, some new footage, nothing much and shit quality but:
Fight with some Zombie-like creatures and a little puzzle (off screen)
Battle with that Butcher dude (off screen)
Fight with Armor and Skeles and the first look at platforming (off screen)
Narration/intro (direct-feed but shitty resolution)

Platforming seems Uncharted-like.

Henchmen21 said:


NeoUltima said:
Bestbuy.com lists that same date. Might be true. I gotta imagine October is the perfect month to release the game. After the big September rush, and before the huge November rush. Plus October and Castlevania...just seems right.

Also, some new footage, nothing much and shit quality but:
Fight with some Zombie-like creatures and a little puzzle (off screen)
Battle with that Butcher dude (off screen)
Fight with Armor and Skeles and the first look at platforming (off screen)
Narration/intro (direct-feed but shitty resolution)

Platforming seems Uncharted-like.

looking good!!!


Himuro said:
So how much of a GoW clone is this?

About as much as SOTN is a Metroid clone, and how Classic-vania is a composite of the basic run-n-jump action-platformer formula that was a dime-a-dozen in the 8-bit era.

I love Castlevania, but the series was NEVER the shining pinnacle of innovation, either. In that light, Kojima, Cox and co. are doing basically what's par for the series, given its history. :lol


NeoUltima said:
Bestbuy.com lists that same date. Might be true. I gotta imagine October is the perfect month to release the game. After the big September rush, and before the huge November rush. Plus October and Castlevania...just seems right.

Also, some new footage, nothing much and shit quality but:
Fight with some Zombie-like creatures and a little puzzle (off screen)
Battle with that Butcher dude (off screen)
Fight with Armor and Skeles and the first look at platforming (off screen)
Narration/intro (direct-feed but shitty resolution)

Platforming seems Uncharted-like.

It's being shown at http://www.gamelab.es/2010eng/, and freely playable if I'm not mistaken.
Well, it's neat that (at least some) fights can be circumvented as you platform and climb your way out of the encounter. It's not so neat to see such streamlined climbing paths and such. Uncharted-like, indeed. Oh well, looks more or less like GoW when I was hoping it would only bear just a slight similarity at the end. Still looking forward to playing it eventually, but not nearly with the strength of anticipation that the franchise name would normally summon...even despite the history of lackluster 3D installments that it does have. On the bright side, I guess it's all but assured of laying claim to being the best 3D CV even if that doesn't mean a whole lot and doesn't seem to be headed in the direction I was hoping for.
NeoUltima said:
Bestbuy.com lists that same date. Might be true. I gotta imagine October is the perfect month to release the game. After the big September rush, and before the huge November rush. Plus October and Castlevania...just seems right.

Also, some new footage, nothing much and shit quality but:
Fight with some Zombie-like creatures and a little puzzle (off screen)
Battle with that Butcher dude (off screen)
Fight with Armor and Skeles and the first look at platforming (off screen)
Narration/intro (direct-feed but shitty resolution)

Platforming seems Uncharted-like.
Uncharted? Seems more like Prince of Persia 08 to me. Now see why couldn't that have been the E3 demo?

Beth Cyra

Himuro said:
No one said it was ever innovative but who the fuck wants a GoW clone from CV?

I personally don't, but that said if the quality in gameplay rises to the level of God Of War from Curse of Darkness then that is a good thing for the majority of the fanbase and it might bring in more people, so hopefully it works even I do personally hate it.


Himuro said:
No one said it was ever innovative but who the fuck wants a GoW clone from CV?

I'm at least willing to see what MercuryStream's take on a CV game ends up being. After basically a decade of IGA being in charge of the series (and not once delivering a good 3D entrant), even this much seems like a welcome breath of fresh air.
TreIII said:
About as much as SOTN is a Metroid clone, and how Classic-vania is a composite of the basic run-n-jump action-platformer formula that was a dime-a-dozen in the 8-bit era.
Man, that's a bit too harshly simplified to explain why the classic action-style of Castlevanias were popular and still are great games to this day...and wrong for the most obvious reason that Castlevania was the originator of many of the best, and longest-lived elements of the side-scrolling action-platformer, IMO.
I love Castlevania, but the series was NEVER the shining pinnacle of innovation, either.
In subtle, less easily appreciable ways, it was...once upon a time...but claims to originating and innovating weren't the reason people loved Castlevania...they were solidly constructed and adorned titles. I wonder if you're confusing your game history right now.
In that light, Kojima, Cox and co. are doing basically what's par for the series, given its history. :lol
No, not the original games, man. Perhaps you're thinking of the later games in the series, sure. :(


NeoUltima said:
Bestbuy.com lists that same date. Might be true. I gotta imagine October is the perfect month to release the game. After the big September rush, and before the huge November rush. Plus October and Castlevania...just seems right.

One of the Devs told me October while we chatted in the 3DS line. :lol I played it too, pretty good. (Thought I posted that here, probably in the Konami thread)


Jealous Bastard
Himuro said:
I thought they said it'd be return to CV's roots? CV was never really an action game to me outside of bosses. Though it was action-heavy, I wouldn't classify it was an action game. More like action platformer. So the inclusion of a combat oriented God of War style of play is incredibly disappointing for me. Maybe it's like Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, though. Where platforming bits are handled in between fights, classifying it more in the area of an action-adventure.

I just hope that fighting isn't what I'm doing the majority of the game like in GoW.

really, if it's a god of war clone, that is a huge disappointment and failure to understand in any fashion the spirit of what castlevania has been.

but whatever, i guess things like this develop organically, and castlevania will become what the fans want it to become. if this is a g.o.w. game with a castlevania skin and it sells beaucoups, then that's the new castlevania, and i have very little say in it.


MightyHedgehog said:
Man, that's a bit too harshly simplified to explain why the classic action-style of Castlevanias were popular and still are great games to this day...

You misunderstand me, perhaps.

I love the original CV games, as CVs 1-4 are among my all time favorite games. But at the same time, calling a spade a spade? CV was founded on the basics of "noticing what the competition is doing, taking some elements and making it work for its own purposes". There's nothing wrong with that, as everybody was doing it (and still does). It's what gave us the likes of other classics from that era, such as Megaman and so forth.

My thing is, again, I just find it funny that people are so quick to get on this game for being whatever they see it as a clone as (DMC/GoW, Uncharted, etc., etc., etc., etc.), when again, going by how the series has evolved over history, LoS is just doing in this modern era exactly what those older games did: Taking aspects of what the competition is doing, and making it work for themselves.

It's either everything is ok (because everybody copies each other), or none of it is. Take your pick.
I'm going to stay positive and think they are just showing off the action scenes. Thinking back, Darksiders E3 footage was all of the combat, which was just DMC/GoW action game stuff, and none of the dungeons and 3D Zelda game stuff.

I still feel like Soul Reaver should have been the template for a proper 3D Castlevania, so hopefully that is the case.


Himuro said:
I'm still giving it a chance, I just hope the entire game isn't one huge GoW clone. I mean, I do think it looks great. I just want to see what they've done with the CV formula, rather than being another copy of GoW for the umpteenth time.

For what it's worth, Cox continues to emphasize the platforming and exploration. So, I'm thinking that Linkzg is on to something, they wanna show of the combat to get more people interested, while hopefully the platforming and other aspects will keep them there.
I don't know why people are surprised that it has similarities to GoW (it's really impossible for it not to). When GoW initially came out there were a lot of people saying "This is what CV should be in 3D!". Kojima even asked Jaffe to make a Castlevania.
Well, TreIII, I guess I look at this way:

Castlevania took what it did, starting in 1987, because of the limitations of what you could do with an immediately understandable action game in two dimensions with the limited and slow hardware of the time. In 2003, you get LoI which takes liberally from DMC, marries it to SotN's Metroidvania styling, and strays away from the N64 games (and I still don't know why since those were arguably better and certainly closer in spirit to the original Castlevania games). Curse of Darkness just followed even closer to the Metroidvania blueprint thanks to the continuing popularity of the GBA and now DS titles. Over a period of 1997 through to today, these releases may have established a clear trend in Castlevania repurposing popular approaches for its own use, ensuring some immediate connection to gamers in the market by its familiarity of play, but they weren't necessary approaches the way being limited to sidescrolling jumping and action was in 1987 on those limited and slow pieces of hardware. The 80s, from which Castlevania was spawned, was still part of the period of primordial ooze where gaming was still evolving into different things, stretching out in different directions, but still quite limited, for action gaming, by the hardware. There's been no such excuse for action titles in the last decade or so, IMO.

The way it's ended up, it's clearly a way to play themselves and the franchise safely, though you can see how that's not gotten them very far on their own when it comes to 3D CVs. At some point, Castlevania made a transition from one form of fairly unique identity to one that sought to more overtly crutch on other games' templates and that was the day SotN was released...for better or worse. I guess that I'm just still so far on the other side of that divide that it's always irksome to see that wonderful style of the original Castlevania treated so poorly as if lacking in any sort of merit today.
SolidSnakex said:
I don't know why people are surprised that it has similarities to GoW (it's really impossible for it not to). When GoW initially came out there were a lot of people saying "This is what CV should be in 3D!".

Yeah... but they said that about Devil May Cry first. Back when Jaffe was saying 'This is what our game should be in Greek Mythology!'


Jealous Bastard
SolidSnakex said:
I don't know why people are surprised that it has similarities to GoW (it's really impossible for it not to). When GoW initially came out there were a lot of people saying "This is what CV should be in 3D!". Kojima even asked Jaffe to make a Castlevania.

impossible not to? that's overstating it a bit. action-adventure--as himumu says--would be a much better fit than a big button-mashy blur of macho stupidity.


The core of the combat is undeniably the GoW archetype. I don't see any reason why that sort of combat wouldn't fit a 3d Castlevania though. Neither do I see a reason to be upset with that unless you need all your games to be innovative, or you just hate GoW combat(which is fine if you do). Not the most original, but it's a proven system that fits Castlevania fine imo. If a game is a refined and slightly altered formula of something great, then I don't have a problem with that. I'm not going to hate on something because it bears some resemblance to something else. If I did, then I guess I would hate just about every shooter out there.

With that said, ideally I suppose what I would like to see in this is combat and platforming being more intertwined like the 2d games, which could be hard with the system they have, but we'll see.

There is more to the game than combat of course. Cox has addressed the "GoW clone" in the past. He said the game is way less combat focused than GoW. There is more focus on platforming and puzzles.

Henchmen21 said:
Looks great :D
and unlike GoW :p


Himuro said:
No one said it was ever innovative but who the fuck wants a GoW clone from CV?

I didn't want a Metroid clone from Castlevania either when SotN came out (nevermind all of Iga's shit awful handheld garbage), but that's what we got.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
beelzebozo said:
impossible not to? that's overstating it a bit. action-adventure--as himumu says--would be a much better fit than a big button-mashy blur of macho stupidity.
The most apt description of God of War I've ever read. Kudos, beezle.

Wallach said:
I didn't want a Metroid clone from Castlevania either when SotN came out (nevermind all of Iga's shit awful handheld garbage), but that's what we got.
So, what's your message? That we should just bend over and take it?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
beelzebozo said:
put that shit on the back of the box.

sales would double.

To be honest, what draws me to God of War is how fucking dumb it is. It's a gore comedy. It worried me when I watched behind the scenes videos for GoW3, and the leads were calling it dark and serious. :\


MightyHedgehog said:
Well, TreIII, I guess I look at this way:

Castlevania took what it did, starting in 1987, because of the limitations of what you could do with an immediately understandable action game in two dimensions with the limited and slow hardware of the time. ... The 80s, from which Castlevania was spawned, was still part of the period of primordial ooze where gaming was still evolving into different things, stretching out in different directions, but still quite limited, for action gaming, by the hardware. There's been no such excuse for action titles in the last decade or so, IMO.

To me, the one "excuse" come from the notion of the possibility that experimentation, or "sampling", if you will, presents.

Even the likes of another long-running series such as Mega Man (who started just as humbly as Castlevania) has tried to do "new" things every so often. Some of which within that series, have done certainly more to deviate from the original formula, and incorporate other aspects, than others. By and large, you can say it was healthy for the series to try and branch out (especially during EXE's hey-day :lol).

So, by and large, I'm actually cautiously optimistic about this game, because it represents another attempt on the series' part to once again "re-invent" itself. It does that well, and hopefully Konami will be willing to do even more with the franchise, including more retro-style game, possible. :D


Akainu said:
There is a severe lack of Medusa heads. >:^/
They are confirmed to be in the game at least. Was a little odd to not see them in that video. Perhaps they come up later in the tower.


Jealous Bastard
Himuro said:
Well, for the sake of being fair, God of War is what I consider action adventure. It's just that it leans more on the action side, than say...Zelda's adventure side.

i think your mention of SANDS OF TIME is more akin to what i want from 3d castlevania. not the acrobatics, per se, but the travel through a large structure or area with the occasional battle but lots of interesting traversal.


Lever-pushing puzzles. How novel. :lol And yeah the Clocktower is superslow...dunno about that.

Game looks good, better than Dante's Inferno at least. Hopefully it does turn out to be a good game. I do find kinda worrying that the developers themselves have issues with the controls, though. :p
Himuro said:
Shame it's so slow -- it took that one platform like a minute to reach that place where he can climb -- but it still looks good.
The N64 Castlevania was pretty fast if you dared (you can go much faster even with Carrie and some guts). It looks like Lords of Shadow heads in the same direction with its gameplay and story, though I guess the creators would never admit any kind of influence because of how much unwarranted hate these two games still get.
This is one of those games that looks really good but everyone is too fucking wound up about how it compares to God of War to actually notice.

What God of War did was sort of set the template for how to do 3D action games successfully. When I played God of War I was like damn, I would really love it if Castlevania went down this road. Now that it has, everyone is so concerned about it. I would rather have a game that plays and looks good, like God of War, instead of what we got in the PS2-era titles. I mean there's not exactly an overflowing amount of ways to make what a 3D action game looks like.
It was obviously gonna get compared to god of war because the belmonts use whips.

Same shit happened when lament of innocence got out: Oh it's a Devil May Cry clone!

Give it a rest. It looks fresh to me so It's on my Pre order list.

Though I would have liked seeing Simon back in this game with his barbarian look. Too bad Kojima steped in and changed that.


Beth Cyra

brandonh83 said:
This is one of those games that looks really good but everyone is too fucking wound up about how it compares to God of War to actually notice.

What God of War did was sort of set the template for how to do 3D action games successfully. When I played God of War I was like damn, I would really love it if Castlevania went down this road. Now that it has, everyone is so concerned about it. I would rather have a game that plays and looks good, like God of War, instead of what we got in the PS2-era titles. I mean there's not exactly an overflowing amount of ways to make what a 3D action game looks like.

Wait, how was it God of War? That title goes to Devil May Cry, you personally may not enjoy it but DMC came way before was loved by gamers and sold well. Trying to say God Of War set the template for 3D action crazy.

Even more so when you go and look, you will only see that Castlevania really looks anything like it. Where as we have DMC and it's follow up Bayonetta, as well as Ninja Gaiden competeing for that space as high budget blockbuster action titles.


thetrin said:
So, what's your message? That we should just bend over and take it?

What would you rather we "do" about it? This isn't a game I'm buying if that's what you're saying. Problem is, this is their franchise to do with what they see fit. I haven't enjoyed anything they did with Castlevania since (and including) Symphony of the Night. All I can really do about it is not buy them, and that's what I'm doing. If they find a new audience with this style and carry on with it, so be it.


That clocktower video did nothing for my enthusiasm. It looked slow and clunky as hell. Even the music sounded really boring. Cliche classical tune #53 from the public library archives.

Here's hoping it's much better in full quality.


Ugh, this looks boring as hell (clocktower vid)

This seems like the kind of game that you play through once for the story and cool atmosphere and then toss aside because the actual ''play'' part is boring.

Uncharted style platforming is devoid of any enjoyment, it's all automatic and slow as hell.

Atleast the game is gorgeous looking and the music + voice acting are enough of a draw for me to check it out once it comes out.

Beth Cyra

NeoUltima said:
He probably meant "a" template not "the" template.

Maybe, but it isn't like the other isn't thrown around as well. I am sure you have seen people try to claim that very thing in the past.


Hey hey hey, this is running at 60fps(some cut-scenes at 30fps), if the trailer at Gamersyde is any indication. Nice.

Man I love Gamersyde.
Henchmen21 said:
It's soooo slow, and there are no enemies. :/

I'm finding it really hard to believe now that this is the inspiration for Lords of Shadow.

The Castlevania fan in me is feeling more disappointed with everything I see. So I think I just have to put my Castlevania fan in a little box and treat the game as its own thing. If I do that, it looks pretty good, but I do have some concerns about the camera in a few of the videos I've seen.
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