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UK shops taking 3DS preorders


edbrat said:
Michael French editor of MCV/Develop just tweeted:
Ignore anything you see online about 3DS pricing. One company looks after online sites for a host of retailers and has made a guess.

This seems somewhat at odds with the fact that MCV just posted an article mentioning 3DS pricing :lol


Danj said:
This seems somewhat at odds with the fact that MCV just posted an article mentioning 3DS pricing :lol

Nintendo: "Better watch yo bitches."
MCV: "I ain't got nothin' to do with it."


_Alkaline_ said:

Unless you buy the 3DS: Premium Edition, which is $50 extra and comes with a battery (3 hours on low settings) and a signed letter from Iwata thanking you for purchasing.

no, seriously


Danj said:
BTW don't forget the Japanese price is ¥25000 which is about £192 according to that MCV article, so it surely can't be any LESS than that.

Is that the final japanese price?

EDIT just read the article it is.

Then i'm expecting over £200 at the most.

Good luck early buyers.
Just incase this is some sort of Retail or Nintendo net-buzz experiment to ascertain whether £300 would be acceptable...


Bring on January 19 for the real price!
£179 would be ideal, £199 is my highest. With a game you're talking £230+, anything above that and I'd rather buy a 360 bundle and wait for the first price drop.


£230 will be the price, at a guess. If we're lucky, we'll get a DSiWare title bundled in too or something, but that's a stretch. I'd say the games will be £35 too.
jump_button said:
VAT have gone up into the skies last week so

Only 2.5% - which will be a lot on pricey purchases, but not near enough to excuse £50-100 price gouging.

Lets assume that without the VAT rise there are three reasonable price points:

Under the 17.5% rate those prices would be £153.19, £170.20 and £195.74 exclusive of VAT. Applying the new 20% rate to those totals -
£183.83 (+ £3.84)
£204.24 (+ £4.25)
£234.89 (+ £4.90)

If they get away with increasing our sense of reasonable handheld prices by more than £5-£10, they are ripping us off. Fact.

I can see them having the motivation to rip us off as well -- they've been getting battered on the exchange rate for the last couple of years... I just hope they do the decent thing, and price it at a price that people can afford! They'll make up for it in software sales if they do.


its Nintendo. They'll set their wholesale price and let the retailer make the painful decision as to the final price. If they want a nice round number like £199, they'll just have to have a lower margin.


Three hundred quid for a hand held console? That better be a place holder Nintendo.

I'm usually an early adopter but if they do release at anywhere near that price, it'll be the first time I hold off at a console launch.
electroshockwave said:
If the Japanese price is the equivalent of £192 then the UK price is definitely going to be over £200.

Depends on what the margins are in that market and what Nintendo and UK retail are prepared to do in the UK. It could still easily be £179-199. Direct currency conversions are never really a good guide..


My guess is £229 for the UK if its the same bundle as the Japanese one.

Maybe £200 without the dock and stuff.

Also stop with battery jokes, of course it comes with a battery, albeit a bit of a rubbish one
electroshockwave said:
If the Japanese price is the equivalent of £192 then the UK price is definitely going to be over £200.

Well, the Japanese price of the DS was more than £100, and that's what the DS was here. Nintendo do, in general, balance the prices to relatively sensible price points, right?


ok, so:

- $400 price tag
- 3d mode is 15 fps in 30 fps games
- 3ds games cost 50% more than ds games
- uglier than ds phat
- unhackable
- region locked
- <3 hour battery life
- takes 5 hours to charge
- battery not included
- no launch games
- specs infinitely inferior to psp2
- easily smugglable
- inside parts contain dangerous excess glue that could heat up during extended play, melt, and then brick your system within the first few days


jarosh said:
ok, so:

- $400 price tag
- 3d mode is 15 fps in 30 fps games
- 3ds games cost 50% more than ds games
- uglier than ds phat
- unhackable
- region locked
- <3 hour battery life
- takes 5 hours to charge
- battery not included
- no launch games
- specs infinitely inferior to psp2
- easily smugglable
- inside parts contain dangerous excess glue that could heat up during extended play, melt, and then brick your system within the first few days

It's like Nintendo have been taking lessons from Sony :lol


jarosh said:
ok, so:

- $400 price tag
- 3d mode is 15 fps in 30 fps games
- 3ds games cost 50% more than ds games
- uglier than ds phat
- unhackable
- region locked
- <3 hour battery life
- takes 5 hours to charge
- battery not included
- no launch games
- specs infinitely inferior to psp2
- easily smugglable
- inside parts contain dangerous excess glue that could heat up during extended play, melt, and then brick your system within the first few days

I have a migraine right now and am seeing double vision. How much of this post is sarcasm, how much is parodying gaf hyperbole and how much is what you really think?
RandomVince said:
I have a migraine right now and am seeing double vision. How much of this post is sarcasm, how much is parodying gaf hyperbole and how much is what you really think?

Uh, it's real dude. All of it.


_Alkaline_ said:
Uh, it's real dude. All of it.

$400? They dont confirm the price til the 19th right? I thought it would be retailer placeholder prices as when they say "it will be no more than this implausibly high price but you can preorder and start paying it off now"

edit: most of that list is clearly wrong/parody according to my moments of clarity


RandomVince said:
I have a migraine right now and am seeing double vision. How much of this post is sarcasm, how much is parodying gaf hyperbole and how much is what you really think?

There's some debate about the price tag but I'm pretty sure the rest of it's real. Certainly the crappy battery life has already been confirmed elsewhere I think.


Danj said:
There's some debate about the price tag but I'm pretty sure the rest of it's real. Certainly the crappy battery life has already been confirmed elsewhere I think.

including the no launch games/no battery included? :lol
Danj said:
There's some debate about the price tag but I'm pretty sure the rest of it's real. Certainly the crappy battery life has already been confirmed elsewhere I think.

The list is total bullshit. Look at it: "no launch games", "15 frames in 3D" and "five hours to charge". It goes against all the info we have.
Remeber folks. Even at £100 when the original DS and DS lite came out (as well as the GBA which came at £90), Nintendo never made a loss. The Wii came out overpriced with ancient hardware, but at least it came with a game. If this comes out for more than £200 without a game. No way. I can afford it, but fuck that.

But what can you do? The DSi came out for £150 with the inclusion of utter shite cameras, and people still bought it in droves. I could see the high price not hurting Nintendo.
Dabookerman said:
Remeber folks. Even at £100 when the original DS and DS lite came out (as well as the GBA which came at £90), Nintendo never made a loss. The Wii came out overpriced with ancient hardware, but at least it came with a game. If this comes out for more than £200 without a game. No way. I can afford it, but fuck that.

But what can you do? The DSi came out for £150 with the inclusion of utter shite cameras, and people still bought it in droves. I could see the high price not hurting Nintendo.

Nintendo can go as high as they want, it's gonna sell no matter what during launch.
Vinterbird said:
The list is total bullshit. Look at it: "no launch games", "15 frames in 3D" and "five hours to charge". It goes against all the info we have.

I dunno where you heard that info but it's false.

Jarosh's info is entirely correct. No offence but maybe you should do a bit more research.
Vinterbird said:
Nintendo can go as high as they want, it's gonna sell no matter what during launch.

Yup. They've got their new audience. And while I'm in no way saying the 3DS is shit, but that particular audience will buy any old shit for a high price. Back in HMV, the amount of people that bought bits of plastic peripherals for £20+ was extraordinary.


As my management, and myself have said before numerous times (usually after I pester them for an answer), it will most likely be £179.99 or nearabouts, which is $270 and around 25,000 yen.

UK GAF, don't panic!


Maturity, bitches.
jarosh said:
ok, so:

-list of undeniable truth.
You forgot that you have to go outside and walk with it to get the most out of the product. Outside? What are Nintendo thinking?
Dabookerman said:
Yup. They've got their new audience. And while I'm in no way saying the 3DS is shit, but that particular audience will buy any old shit for a high price. Back in HMV, the amount of people that bought bits of plastic peripherals for £20+ was extraordinary.

Precisely. Jarosh's list could be real, and it would still sell insane amounts on day one. And when Nintendos decides to roll out their incredible marketing machine, it is gonna be a Wii situation all over again in terms of availability for the foreseeable future.


Any higher than £150 and my (admittedly high) interest drops pretty quickly. I am fully expecting it to be around £200, though I can still hope, can't I!


Everyone should wait for the 3DSi or Lite that will come out in 6 months or the 3DSXL,which would be worth the price :lol
Ricker said:
Everyone should wait for the 3DSi or Lite that will come out in 6 months or the 3DSXL,which would be worth the price :lol

6 months is being generous. I wouldn't expect it before april 2012 at the earliest.


Maturity, bitches.
Ricker said:
Everyone should wait for the 3DSi or Lite that will come out in 6 months or the 3DSXL,which would be worth the price :lol
I think people forget why the Lite came out when it did. Also it took about 16 months to arrive.
I really can't wait for the JP release. All this bullshit will hopefully be debunked or, at the very least, what we find out will go towards mitigating it.
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