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Max Payne 3 cutscenes? I'm going to sieze or puke.

There are no bullet sponges in MP3. Every enemy can be either be one-shotted or two-shotted (remove helmet, hit in head), it's just harder to do against armored enemies. I've killed that armored guy on top of the hotel in chapter 12 with a single sniper bullet.

If the mini-cutscenes were replaced with gameplay and the longer cutscenes were skippable, the game would be perfect for what it is. The greatest "regular guy" TPS I've played.

EDIT: Free-aim is really the only way to go; using lock-on aims at center mass which is usually armored and if you shoot someone in body armor, it'll take more shots than exposed flesh. Even then, this game has the greatest enemy hit-reaction of any game I've played, only rivaled by RDR.


I really liked the presentation in Max Payne 3, the story not so much... but the presentation was A+ for me.


It's not a bad game for the first time you play through the levels but it still has problems.

The biggest problem is that it has too many cutscenes. It feels like as if I'm playing half of the game and watching the rest. I like playing the game, but it doesn't feel like I get enough of that gameplay in this game.

I attempted to do a second playthrough. I liked the game so I figured I could just jump in and play. Skip the cutscenes which I don't care much for. Of course, we all know that most cutscenes are not skippable except for the minor ones. This basically killed the replay value for me and I traded it in. I have zero desire to go through the cutscenes again so I decided it wasn't worth keeping.


It's not a bad game for the first time you play through the levels but it still has problems.

The biggest problem is that it has too many cutscenes. It feels like as if I'm playing half of the game and watching the rest. I like playing the game, but it doesn't feel like I get enough of that gameplay in this game.

I attempted to do a second playthrough. I liked the game so I figured I could just jump in and play. Skip the cutscenes which I don't care much for. Of course, we all know that most cutscenes are not skippable except for the minor ones. This basically killed the replay value for me and I traded it in. I have zero desire to go through the cutscenes again so I decided it wasn't worth keeping.

I never tried it but I thought there was an arcade mode, doesn't that mean no cutscenes?


Not only the cutscenes are unskipable, they also have terrible timing, are way too long, way too frequent and all around boring. The writting is terrible. Everything story wise is terrible in this game.

Not to mention that, being a brazilian gamer myself, you can imagine how the voice work was a cringe-fest to me. I mean, they really couldn't hire brazilian professionals to do the job? Terrible.

And Max, will you shut up about your drinking problem? We get it already.

As for the gameplay, I enjoyed MP2 more. Max Payne 3 feels like another cover based shooter. Every set piece was created with the cover system in mind. The game lost a lot of it's distinctive flair because of that.

And how can we forget all the stupid little design choices in this game, like handing me the pistol after every cutscene.

It just doesn't feel like Max Payne. It's a decent shooter, but ultimately forgettable.


Oh man...
Want more reasons? Read below.

Just from the first trailers I could see where the series was going. I just don't plan on ruining the entire franchise, since 1 and 2 was near perfect.
Not only the cutscenes are unskipable, they also have terrible timing, are way too long, way too frequent and all around boring. The writting is terrible. Everything story wise is terrible in this game.

Not to mention that, being a brazilian gamer myself, you can imagine how the voice work was a cringe-fest to me. I mean, they really couldn't hire brazilian professionals to do the job? Terrible.

And Max, will you shut up about your drinking problem? We get it already.

As for the gameplay, I enjoyed MP2 more. Max Payne 3 feels like another cover based shooter. Every set piece was created with the cover system in mind. The game lost a lot of it's distinctive flair because of that.

And how can we forget all the stupid little design choices in this game, like handing me the pistol after every cutscene.

It just doesn't feel like Max Payne. It's a decent shooter, but ultimately forgettable.


Finished it a few days ago, I liked it, and I could skip cut scenes pretty easily, though I only had to do it like twice when I died. One time I couldn't because it was still loading, but I wanted to keep watching the scene anyway, I accidentally pressed a button.

Only thing that bothered me in this game were the bullet sponges, I had free aim and it took 20 headshots to kill the guys later on in the game. So annoying.

Multiplayer is pretty fun btw, though I had a hacker in my server.

It takes 2, 3 shots to the head tops, even with the tougher guys.
One to remove the helmet, one to kill them.

Would've been a great shooter if it wasn't for the cutscene bullshit, but hey, it's R* and they have to fuck it up somehow.


Not only the cutscenes are unskipable, they also have terrible timing, are way too long, way too frequent and all around boring. The writting is terrible. Everything story wise is terrible in this game.

Pretty much this. Do we really need a cutscene every 2nd room? FFS just let him talk whilst you get to play the fucking game. Stop shoving the shit story down our throats.



Spoiler tags please.

Seriously, I felt these choices were awful. It seemed like it could have been a decent 3rd person shooter if I didn't hate the presentation, story and cutscenes so much (and if they weren't so often). God, now I know how people feel that don't like MGS as much as I do..


Unskippable cutscenes are a boon when they're used to hide loading screens, people. Don't bark up the wrong tree, here. You'd rather watch a black screen and a spinning logo?

Optimal case would obviously be no load screens whatsoever, but we're stuck with them for now and I'd rather have developers hide them like this - or, even better, like FIFA does it.

That said, Max Payne completely overdoes it with their frequency and the visual strobing/distortion effects.
I loved the cutscenes. Captured the vibe of the game perfectly.

Wouldn't it be better if the GAME captured the vibe of the game perfectly? Y'know, rather than 5 minute unskippable movies every 2 rooms?

Everytime MP3 is brought up on GAF I get more disappointed.


Bullet sponges is not good design. The two first games used clever design through story telling and levels to create boss encounters. Today most devs just add sponges to make levels harder.
Enemies react to every single bullet that hits them. They are the complete opposite of bulletsponges.


works for Gamestop (lol)
This thread just makes me want to play more Max Payne 3 today. Need to unlock New York Minute Hardcore
Unskippable cutscenes are a boon when they're used to hide loading screens, people. Don't bark up the wrong tree, here. You'd rather watch a black screen and a spinning logo?

Optimal case would obviously be no load screens whatsoever, but we're stuck with them for now and I'd rather have developers hide them like this - or, even better, like FIFA does it.

The cutscenes don't hide loading. Rockstar just forces you to watch them. Either that or they effed up while developing this game. The length of these "loading screens" makes no sense.

Fox Mulder

at least the music is good.

The game totally rips off the Man on Fire style, which is fine I guess, but it gets annoying by the time you're hours deep in the campaign.


Max payne 1 and 2, my life is shit but let me give you a decent interspection on that with some dark comedy and snarky wit.

May Payne 3, my life is shit and my life is shit and I got this drinking problem which is the best and worse thing in my life.
Let me give you a morbidly depressed interspection with terrible irony instead of humour and none of the great wit.
Fuck it lets just make it all about how I should have put a bullet in my head in the first cutscene but I can't as that would have made a remarkably short game. So I ramble on like this post and you want me to shut up and get to the shooting but no I won't let you because I am still LOADING.

I lost count of how many times he passed out in his apartment.
On PC it actually doesn't matter, the loading indicator is there long after it's actually loaded anything and it just sticks around to prevent you from skipping the cutscene.

I tried skipping a cutscene for like two minutes. Just incessantly mashing the key. Was almost afraid I was gonna break something. Think that's when I gave up replaying and started thinking less of the game. Although I had felt the cutscenes encroached on my first playthrough, they didn't actively piss me off.

That there's no good way of replaying sections of the game is just...bad. The so called arcade modes are absolutely worthless.
This game really just needs Dead Man Walking mode from Max Payne 2- all gunplay, no story.
Unfortunately they put all their DLC eggs in the multiplayer basket.


On PC it actually doesn't matter, the loading indicator is there long after it's actually loaded anything and it just sticks around to prevent you from skipping the cutscene.
The cutscenes don't hide loading. Rockstar just forces you to watch them. Either that or they effed up while developing this game. The length of these "loading screens" makes no sense.
But on PC it's only loading for a few seconds and then for the rest of the cutscenes your PC isn't doing anything.
Oh, I wasn't aware of that. That's terrible, then. Fully agree with you guys.

Cutscenes to hide loading should obviously be skippable as soon as the game has finished loading. That's a big oversight.


Except the game made its point in the first cutscene and then decided that wasnt enough and to beat you over the head with the same shit the entire game. A LITTLE bit of subtlety would have went a long way.

alcoholism and addiction isn't a subtle thing.


It also has the usual cutscene/gameplay dissonance, with Max often lamenting his lack of skills and him fucking up... just moments after performing clearly superhuman feats and besting hundreds of foes during gameplay.


Absolutely terrible. The worse example of a developer putting cinematic over gameplay. The decision to have cutscenes lead you to start encounters behind cover were you can easily be killed before doing anything is mind boggling.


wow I never knew that the cutscenes don't even mask loading. That's pretty fucking dumb of Rockstar. Seriously why even pretend that you allow us to skip them? What is the point? Fuck Rockstar, I'm glad the online is dead and it bombed.


Rockstar royally fucked up the cutscenes. They were wayyyy overdone and became a chore to sit through.

The underlying game seemed fun, but fuck sitting through a shitty max lamenting how fucked up his life is for the gazillionith time. And that too unskippable.


The best gun porn shootman game, ever.

Worst cutscene is in the stadium. You walk through a door and you and Passos chew the fat and then you've got to blast dudes. Hard section which has you repeating that damn cutscene.

Then you get the reward of some soccer player's flower memorial at the end of the tunnel.

e; Best played on PC with max graphics. The detailed work makes most every cutscene bearable.
I kind of liked the way the cut scenes were done. It was a little heavy-handed at times but I never felt sick because of them.


works for Gamestop (lol)
im a huge max payne 3 and I couldnt continue the game beyond chapter 2 because the cutscenes were that terrible.

You're a huge max payne 3?

How can you be a huge when you couldn't play more than 30 minutes of it

Did they patch the PC version or something? I'm pretty sure I can skip cutscenes whenever I want.

I can only skip them after a minute or two usually after a cutscene starts

Also, people who say this game is a bulletsponge. PC or console version?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Hated them as well, really overdone. One of the many disappointing aspects of the game. This is the only fun thing to do in MP3

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Wouldn't it be better if the GAME captured the vibe of the game perfectly? Y'know, rather than 5 minute unskippable movies every 2 rooms?

Everytime MP3 is brought up on GAF I get more disappointed.

The game did capture the vibe, and the cutscenes simply complemented that. Rockstar took a different route but a proper direction for Max himself.

REV 09

If you can call waiting for the game to load skipping a cutscene.

I think it's Chapter 3 that I tried to go back and play (the one with old school max in NY) and the first cutscene of that chapter is like 10 minutes and you cannot skip because the game takes like 10 minutes to load. Some fucking skip function they got there.
Well, I think most of the intro cutscenes are omitted for score attack or time attack. Why not just play those since it's the same mission and scenarios? When you add that most other non intro scenes are skippable then I don't see how this is an issue. But this is neogaf.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well, I think most of the intro cutscenes are omitted for score attack or time attack. Why not just play those since it's the same mission and scenarios? When you add that most other non intro scenes are skippable then I don't see how this is an issue. But this is neogaf.

Good to hear about the score attack removing a few cutscenes. I guess the complaint is only valid if you want to clear out the harder difficulties for achievements or do the collectibles again


max payne 3 just really wants to be man on fire.

i see the skip button lots on my pc now but still haven't finished it. maybe it was updated so more are skippable? the middle of the game is not seeming as bad as the start.


Good to hear about the score attack removing a few cutscenes. I guess the complaint is only valid if you want to clear out the harder difficulties for achievements or do the collectibles again

Last time I tried, the arcade modes still had pretty much all the cutscenes and were still not skippable.


works for Gamestop (lol)
You know that bullshit long cutscene at Chapter 3? It's intact even in Arcade. And other bullshit long cutscenes are there, the only cutscenes that were cut out were those at beggining and end of each chapter.

Beginning and end of ch cutscenes were pretty long though, right? I mean at least it helps.


It really was a little over done, but it didn't bother me that much. I just finished this game last week and loved it. There's real weight to everything, and it makes for some of the most satisfying third person shooting ever. Music is excellent. My only complaint is the last 2 levels they just throw so many dudes with body armor at you, it starts to become tedious.


Is this a stealth hate thread for MP3?

I never thought someone could stop playing a game based on the cut scenes and them being unskipable.

If that was the case I would've stopped playing Kingdom Hearts. I can't tell you how many times I had to watch the cutscene right before you fight Maleficient. That was complete bullshit.


works for Gamestop (lol)
It really doesn't help, you could remove 50% of this games cutscenes and you'd still be left with a cutscene riddled game.

Removing intro and ending cutscenes don't help? Okay man. Mind as well watch all the cutscenes


Removing intro and ending cutscenes don't help? Okay man. Mind as well watch all the cutscenes

No because the game's problem is cutscenes that constantly start when playing, you move 10ft and another cutscene starts, move 15ft and ANOTHER small cutscene starts.

It fills you with rage quickly plus it keeps switching to your pistol because that's the weapon he's holding in these cutscenes.

This game has so many cutscenes during gameplay, it would make Gandhi lose his temper.
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