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Universal: "NO PLANS" (firm) to support Blu-Ray or Total HD

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Ponn01 said:
Van Helsing. And I wanted my money back. I would love a HD disc of Jaws though.

Buy it used(so they don't get a single cent), read it with a used hd-dvd drive that you share with as many friends as possible(of course they've to bring their own used copies too, we have to do this legally.), and burn it to bluray disc. It's within your legal rights, universal can't do squat. Tada, end of the format wars :lol
Manmademan said:
as for "all the porn studios" that's not true either. Porn is still coming to Blu-ray, sony just won't press the disc themselves. it must be done by a third party. This is barely relevant anyhow, as who the hell pays for porn anymore? It's all download based these days.

Not all, but "most" are aligning themselves to HD DVD only as indicated from the last convention.
TheJesusFactor said:
Blah, I'm not here for ur entertainment.
:lol :lol :lol

ok man, whatever you say. I will just take your word for it that "most" studios are abandoning blu-ray for HD-DVD, despite better sales, more players on the market, and all the other evidence to the contrary.
Manmademan said:
:lol :lol :lol

ok man, whatever you say. I will just take your word for it that "most" studios are abandoning blu-ray for HD-DVD, despite better sales, more players on the market, and all the other evidence to the contrary.

Yeah, that is exactly what I said. Come back when you learn to read. Let's see you pull out links of your own. Why don't you go to DVD empire and tell me how many adult titles are for sale on each format.
TheJesusFactor said:
Yeah, that is exactly what I said. Come back when you learn to read. Let's see you pull out links of your own. Why don't you go to DVD empire and tell me how many adult titles are for sale on each format.

Adult titles are Irrelevant. the adult industry is heavily invested in the download-only model. Major studios are primarily Blu-Ray at the moment, and there's no sign of this reversing anytime soon.

Why so angry? you sound like someone just ran over your dog.
Manmademan said:
Adult titles are Irrelevant. the adult industry is heavily invested in the download-only model. Major studios are primarily Blu-Ray at the moment, and there's no sign of this reversing anytime soon.

Why so angry? you sound like someone just ran over your dog.

Dude, don't change the subject. Anyway, enjoy what you want, I rather see HD DVD succeed, but you don't have to.
CurseoftheGods said:
I'd rather see the superior format win, but that's just me.

Format wars are insane. it doesn't matter which format wins out...would things have been substantially different if Beta had won out over VHS? Probably not.

I have no vested interest in either format, but seeing as how Blu-ray has the technical edge, stronger studio support, and what looks to be a wider install base (unless the ps3 fails spectacularly) I can't see any overwhelming reason why HD-DVD is a good investment.


I'd rather see Blu Ray win since a PS3 is inevitable for me, and the blu ray drive will be more relevant if it's a successfully format


In other news, thedvdwars.com, in an effort to create a new category that HD-DVD could actually win this week, they've added the "Amount of stock at Amazon.com" category to their collection of neat little line graphs.
That stinks. Universal should at least support both.

I guess I won't be buying any Universal movies for a while (not until there's a good & affordable dual format player on the market). PS3 + Bluray will do for now.


Brian Burke punched my mom
The only thing I plan to see from universal is MGS.

Children of Men (2006)
Alpha Dog (2007)
Smokin' Aces (2007)
Because I Said So (2007)
Breach (2007)
The Kingdom (2007)
Georgia Rule (2007)
Knocked Up (2007)
Evan Almighty (2007)
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
Bean 2 (2007)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
Jurassic Park IV (2008, co-production with Amblin Entertainment)
Metal Gear Solid (2008)
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie (2008, co-production with Big Idea Productions)
Me: Say, man, you got 'Dazed and Confused' coming to Blu-Ray?
Universal: No plans for now, man.
Me: It'd be a lot cooler if you did.
I agree the Blu-Ray is the superior format on the capacity levels, but I think HD DVD has proven that they are better with interactive content, internet connectivity, PIP commentary.

Right now for Blu-ray to have PIP commentary, they have encode the same movie with commentaries in it. Basically, they will need 2 movies on the same disc, one with commentary, and one without commentary (this might change in the future, but for now, that is what they are doing). While HD DVD only needs 1 movie and they mix the PIP into the movies, which cuts down the need for more room. That means, I can switch PIP on and off without interrupting the movie. Also, the internet connectivity that is standard on all HD DVD players means that they can update the firmware without the need of burning a disc or you can download additional footage. Maybe even getting a director's cut footage to mix with your HD DVD standard movie. I think it is also clear the Blu-ray was not ready for the market and BDA simply release the Blu-Ray player because of pressure from HD DVD. The interactivity from Java is not standardized on the first generation stand a lone players. IIRC, there are 3 java formats for Blu-Ray and they are not compatible with each other. So now interactive movie will not be useable on those $1000 first gen Blu-ray players. In that sense, I think Toshiba is a smarter company than Sony and i rather give my money to them. This is why I think HD DVD is actually the superior tech to Blu-Ray.

Both formats delivers equal HD PQ and AQ, but HD DVD is cheaper than Blu-Ray. So you get the same content, but one format is cheaper with more interactivity. 50 gb or 30gb, I pretty sure you won't be able to tell the difference 99% of the time.

With that all said, I'll enjoy either format, but I rather see HD DVD come out on top than Blu-Ray. I understand that if you are a PS3 owner, you would naturally want Blu-Ray to win, so I won't contest that, but I rather Sony just release a cheaper PS3 without an Blu-Ray player. The fact that a PS3 cost $600 is not a good thing to us gamers.


TheJesusFactor said:
but I rather Sony just release a cheaper PS3 without an Blu-Ray player. The fact that a PS3 cost $600 is not a good thing to us gamers.

Oh geez, give it up already, there's already software out there using Blu-Ray, so your wish IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN SO FORGET ABOUT IT.


I don't know why I read these threads since they just piss me off. Some of you people are ****ing repugnant. You already ruined video game fandom with your thumb sucking fanboy wars, now you're bringing all your shitty baggage over to home theater. "HURRAY CONGLOMERATE X! BEAT CONGLOMERATE Y!" Little corporate warriors. UNPAID corporate warriors, at that. Kill yourselves you pathetic blobs.


Brian Burke punched my mom
MoxManiac said:
What? MGS movie?

I didn't know either.

On April 28, 2006, Kojima announced on his weekly podcast, HIDECHAN! Radio, that "[they] are going to do it as a movie," referring to Metal Gear Solid, and that it is going to be in English.[1][2] Kojima Productions distributed a catalog for upcoming games at E3 2006, which included an article on the film project. In it, Kojima stated that "a movie project is underway," and that a contract with a party in Hollywood has been finalized.[3]

Before the project was announced, German director Uwe Boll, known for his video game-based films, claimed that he received a script from Konami for a possible Metal Gear Solid movie adaptation.[4] In response, Kojima stated that they have never talked to Boll, and that "it's impossible we'd ever do a movie with him".[5] After the announcement, Kojima reiterated that Boll will have nothing to do with the project.[3][6]

VictimOfGrief said:
Fixed. Pretty much already a given.

Since when is this a given? Buena Vista especially.

Oh and JesusFactor wins the HD-DVD News Filter Award-- has managed to read many links about porn not on BluRay, but not a single one of the refutations. Has managed to confuse the non-Java workaround for PiP commentary with what BD will be capable of as soon as Java is running on all players. And thinks that the combo discs will win the war if they get cheaper, which there is no sign of them doing.

Why so down on BluRay, Jesus?


MoxManiac said:
ROFL a MGS movie by Uwe Boll would be worth watching for the comedy alone.

i dont know the story and cutscenes in mgs2 were awful

i think a boll adaptation would be genius lol
Ignatz Mouse said:
Since when is this a given? Buena Vista especially.

Oh and JesusFactor wins the HD-DVD News Filter Award-- has managed to read many links about porn not on BluRay, but not a single one of the refutations. Has managed to confuse the non-Java workaround for PiP commentary with what BD will be capable of as soon as Java is running on all players. And thinks that the combo discs will win the war if they get cheaper, which there is no sign of them doing.

Why so down on BluRay, Jesus?

Sony already given their statement, but I'm just pointing out that the results are still more porn released on HD DVD than Blu-Ray. That is currently fact, if there are more for Blu-ray, than please correct me. The non-working java interactivity is fact also, it simply does not work. I really don't like this whole notion about paying for potential.

I'm not down on it, i will honestly enjoy either format. I think that it isn't right to say that your tech will do this and that, when it clearly is not ready. I just don't like corporation using these tactics and if they get away with it, more companies will be using these tactics.
VALIS said:
I don't know why I read these threads since they just piss me off. Some of you people are ****ing repugnant. You already ruined video game fandom with your thumb sucking fanboy wars, now you're bringing all your shitty baggage over to home theater. "HURRAY CONGLOMERATE X! BEAT CONGLOMERATE Y!" Little corporate warriors. UNPAID corporate warriors, at that. Kill yourselves you pathetic blobs.
VALIS said:
I don't know why I read these threads since they just piss me off. Some of you people are ****ing repugnant. You already ruined video game fandom with your thumb sucking fanboy wars, now you're bringing all your shitty baggage over to home theater. "HURRAY CONGLOMERATE X! BEAT CONGLOMERATE Y!" Little corporate warriors. UNPAID corporate warriors, at that. Kill yourselves you pathetic blobs.

I agree with what this wise man said.
Anybody here thinking the interactivity features in either Next-gen format are gonna make a difference needs to wake up and realize how many people actually listened to a single commentary on their DVD's. Guarantee you it is not double digits percentage-wise.
Can't Blu-Ray discs do that same stuff anyway? They just have to iron out the interactivity issues on the Blu-Ray discs but in the future it should work fine.


soundwave05 said:
Can't Blu-Ray discs do that same stuff anyway? They just have to iron out the interactivity issues on the Blu-Ray discs but in the future it should work fine.
but why wait? why couldn't the BDA just adopt HDi?


soundwave05 said:
Can't Blu-Ray discs do that same stuff anyway? They just have to iron out the interactivity issues on the Blu-Ray discs but in the future it should work fine.
Blu-ray should have BD-J working before 2008, but one problem for studios is that many of the players released so far don't have network connections and secondary video decoders, which is why Warner and Universal have been pushing titles with advanced features much more than Blu-ray studios...

That said, by Christmas BD-J and players capable of advanced stuff should be out (and the PS3 with a software update), so Batman Begins will eventually get released...


Alcibiades said:
That said, by Christmas BD-J and players capable of advanced stuff should be out (and the PS3 with a software update), so Batman Begins will eventually get released...

The PS3 can already handle the advanced BD-J features without an update.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
VALIS said:
I don't know why I read these threads since they just piss me off. Some of you people are ****ing repugnant. You already ruined video game fandom with your thumb sucking fanboy wars, now you're bringing all your shitty baggage over to home theater. "HURRAY CONGLOMERATE X! BEAT CONGLOMERATE Y!" Little corporate warriors. UNPAID corporate warriors, at that. Kill yourselves you pathetic blobs.

Quoted for awesome truth


Post Count: 9999
TheJesusFactor said:
I agree the Blu-Ray is the superior format on the capacity levels, but I think HD DVD has proven that they are better with interactive content, internet connectivity, PIP commentary.


BDJ will be every bit as good as HDi once players are nearing mainstream pricepoints.

It sucks for early adopters, but like the MPEG2 and BD50 debacles ... it will get fixed.

Luckily PS3 doesn't have to worry about this.
Onix said:
BDJ will be every bit as good as HDi once players are nearing mainstream pricepoints.

It sucks for early adopters, but like the MPEG2 and BD50 debacles ... it will get fixed.

Luckily PS3 doesn't have to worry about this.

Will it be too late? HD DVD players to hit $299 this year.
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