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New DriveClub video shows day/night transition


I'm sure both games will be very nice and get a gold star on their report cards.

Is Driveclub even supposed to be a sim?
I'm leaning this way also.

The thing that strikes me as weird is that they keep mentioning it. I'm really thinking they're hanging around a stable 45-50 FPS and just considering the options, maybe seeing if the engine team can make additional headway. If they were only capable of 30FPS at this point, they wouldn't even leave it on the table. This game is rendering at a much higher framerate than the videos would have us believe.
Quick question for someone of the more technical mind, it seems to be that with Evo's lighting engine, they're now at the mercy of it (for better or for worse, judging by the screens I'd say definitely better), but because it's not pre-baked, they can't really tweak the level of detail right? I really just can't get over how nice they've managed to execute it. I never played GT5 so this is actually the first time I'm seeing something so robust.


Dreams in Digital
Thanks, i forgot about that. He mentions "Custom built Photometric apparatus".

Exacly, we've seen nothing yet. They wouldn't put that much effort into detail if they were not going to offer us fantastic car models both in game and in the garage (or however they're going to present them)


Forza looks like something with a lot of last gen assets, while DC is doing things out of last gen league.

This is how I feel as well.

To me F5 feels like it's been rushed and not making full use of the system , because that ^ is clearly apparent, therefore the games aren't even comparable as DC is clearly the winner in technical terms. There is no point in fighting over this.


Dreams in Digital
Quick question for someone of the more technical mind, it seems to be that with Evo's lighting engine, they're now at the mercy of it (for better or for worse, judging by the screens I'd say definitely better), but because it's not pre-baked, they can't really tweak the level of detail right? I really just can't get over how nice they've managed to execute it. I never played GT5 so this is actually the first time I'm seeing something so robust.

Real time lighting shouldn't effect any assets they put in the game, including car builds.


This thread is silly, and just reminds me again why devs hate releasing early footage. Every generation, it's the same nonsense. People jump all over every little nitpick in a beta product. Well, duh. It's in beta, you ninny. It's gonna have warts. Then someone posts a comparison gif, which is fine by itself, but try extrapolating all sorts of stuff from those gifs. "This car model is better." "This one has jaggies." "The trees are more detailed." Really? Have we learned nothing over the last umpteen years of this same, stupid bickering? SMH. I'm glad I've stopped following the console wars. I'll get a PS4 sometime next year. The games will look great, just like the ones on the Xbone. That's all that matters. PEACE.


Please let's leave Forza out of a Driveclub thread because it always devolves into mud slinging.

And vice-versa..

DC is looking good,I like Forza Horizon way more then I thought I would, so it's day one for me..

I will say that all this pathetic graphic whoring saddens me, how can people say they are serious about driving games when it's all about comparing screen shots and bitching over lighting..

What about the actual game mechanics?? FH was just too shallow, too short, and too linear, but not a bad attempt, I hope evolution put a little more depth into the game, that is way more important that if they've used enough SSAO or something else that causes the framerate to be impacted..
And vice-versa..
What about the actual game mechanics?? FH was just too shallow, too short, and too linear, but not a bad attempt, I hope evolution put a little more depth into the game, that is way more important that if they've used enough SSAO or something else that causes the framerate to be impacted..

On that front I'm very happy with the direction Evolution is moving in. I've rarely ever gotten to actually be in races with my friends. Scheduling is just too damn hard. I like the they're fragmenting the challenges the way that they are, I'm pretty sure this isn't the first racing game to do it (I couldn't tell you any others personally), but this is a lot of fun to me. I do like how in all of these videos, the drifts scores are pathetic lol.


Driveclub looks immense got to say. Better and better every time I see it.

People really shouldn't compared the two racers though, they're like chalk and cheese technologically.


I will say that all this pathetic graphic whoring saddens me, how can people say they are serious about driving games when it's all about comparing screen shots and bitching over lighting..

Well as they are not out yet so what you expect them all to do?


Uh yeah, I'm pretty sure the Cruisin USA thread is that way ;/ double tap that gas SON.

Did you just really compare the physics of SimBin's Race Pro to Cruisin USA? What?!?
Ever play a SimBin game? It'll never win any beauty awards on console, but the physics were excellent. Shame we'll never get another SimBin title on console. Race Room Evolution would have been great on console. And the Race series has one of the best track lists out there.

Off topic aside, I'm really looking forward to both games. Both Fm5 and DC look fantastic! If this is a taste of the power of what next gen can bring, either console should produce some excellent racing titles, be it arcade or sim.


I suspect they didnt go with motorstorm again cause MS apocalypse didnt sell well, at all. So they figured they'd try something new.

And if MS:RC is anything to go by, driveclub is gonna have some awesome social interactions.

Perhaps they could go back to proper motorstorm games, racing on rock, mud, jungle, fire and ice. Not assploding skyscrapers and earthquakes - just too fake and xtreeem for me. Very pretty though
Perhaps they could go back to proper motorstorm games, racing on rock, mud, jungle, fire and ice. Not assploding skyscrapers and earthquakes - just too fake and xtreeem for me. Very pretty though

As much as I loved MS apocalypse, I definitely ended up longing for the gritty experience. The way your vehicle would get bogged down by various terrain was exhilarating. I'm definitely hoping they decide to make a return at some point, but at the same time, I'm glad evolution gets to take a shot at what I would consider a very stagnant genre. I'm hoping they really bring some fresh perspective to this type of game.
It's preposterous to compare a racing simulation title such as Forza5 to a pure fun racing game such as DriveClub! Almost every single racing game in current gen has been 30fps and they have all provided hours and even days together of fun gameplay, titles like Need for Speed Hot Pursuit2010, Need for Speed Most Wanted2012 etc., There is absolutely no reason why you wouldn't enjoy DriveClub if you have enjoyed previous 30fps racing games!


forza according to this thread is a bunch of plastic cars surrounded by X trees, all under an exploding sun.
great way to describe the best simulator on consoles. not biased at all...
Wait... are you comparing DC and Forza with GT5? Please, no... focus on the main subject of the thread: DriveClub.


I'll try to answer what I can...

How do I get my 50% off PS+ discount pre-ordering the retail version of this? On Amazon (UK) to pre-order now and there's no mention of it.
The PS+ voucher code will be included in the box (and is also provided with the digital version from the PS Store).

If you are reading Rushy or people at Evo or any other devs, I LIKE that we are getting direct feed, and in high quality to boot, I LIKE that we are being told about what is still being fixed, what oddities to look out for in the video etc.

More of you should do this.
We'll try to continue to put or more content like this :)

Flags are nice touch. Green for slight turn, Yellow for medium and Red for heavy.
Well spotted. You'd be surprised just how useful they are too!

forgot that the game's title was a hashtag, ugh.
The game is called DRIVECLUB - the # is selectively used for marketing.

Of course, usual question about support for the PS3-legacy wheels as well?
We will try to support whatever wheels we can providing they're compatible with the PS4.

Looks great, except for the aliasing on the car. Will hopefully be improved before launch, I trust Evolution.

However, I don't really understand this:

"Hopefully this will draw your eye away from the glitch with the car’s tyre smoke (which is missing) and excessive anti-aliasing on the Audi’s bevelled rear window frame"

"Excessive anti-aliasing"? Are they saying the opposite of what they mean?
I think all that Jamie is trying to say is that we're aware of the issues and we are going continue to make improvements.

The aliasing looks weird, can't put my finger on it. Is it possible the game is being rendered at 1920x900 and then being stretched or something like 1280x1080? Has anyone checked for this and confirmed 1080p?
The game runs at a native resolution of 1920x1080 (and the videos ran at 2K as it helps with the Youtube compression).

All the tracks we've seen seem very short. Huge environments, but very quick laps.

Has Evo mentioned anything about track lengths?
We've got point to point tracks that stretch for miles.

I wish I could play the whole race with this light setting!
You can set the rate of change to 1x which means the change of time of day is in real time.

Rushy, what are the ghost cars? Is it possible to turn them off or make them into fully rendered car models? They're so opaque and glow that it reminds you this is a video game, kind of distracting in my opinion.
Ghosts cars are either your, or another persons best time being played back on the course for you to try and beat. Ghosts can be adjusted by yourself, so you can turn them off if you so desire.

So...how many cars are going to be on the track at a time?
12 cars on track in head to head competitive racing. Expect to see some action soon.

This is all quite interesting, but can anyone deduce whether or not it's any fun to play yet?
I think its fun ;)

So what`s the plan, will game get significant updates after it`s out? I mean other than probable DLC tracks and cars.
We're planning to support DRIVECLUB and continue to make improvements for as long as we can.

Is Driveclub even supposed to be a sim?
DRIVECLUB is not a simulation racer. Sure it's grounded in reality, but the focus is most certainly on fun :)


Here's my random question about the game, can you drive backwards on the track and cause head on collisions? :)
We've got point to point tracks that stretch for miles.

Has Evo mentioned anything about track lengths?

Nope :(

From the Feb reveal video:


Track sections:

A: 2.3 mile
B: 8.4 mile - Height Change: 557M, Average Width: 11.9M, Maximum Width: 17.4M, Minimum Width: 7.9M

I seriously hope the C and D sections are 30-50 miles long.

Are the As the circuits? 2.3 mile is poor for a point to point track.
forza according to this thread is a bunch of plastic cars surrounded by X trees, all under an exploding sun.
great way to describe the best simulator on consoles. not biased at all...
If you're trying to reference my post, well you're just gonna have to deal with it. I'm totally comparing the look between the two gifs posted, and I'm not trolling either game; some of you are getting too damn sensitive about this shit. Biased my ass; have fun checking my post history, if you haven't already.

I'm finished with the graphical and technical debates on here; too much immature stuff going on. When the games come out, and people are actually having fun, maybe this craziness will subside a little.


Apologies if this a well known fact or something but does the game have any car customization options?

No performance customizations/modifications. But aesthetic ones are in (no idea how deep, there is a livery editor of sorts I believe).
Forza has always prioritised frame rate before "image quality". When I'm racing I have my eyes on the road and opponents. Not trees.

Different game types different priorities. Think Schindler's list vs a Michael bay movie.

No one goes see a Michael Bay movie if it's in Black & White and has no explosions.


I don't get why Forza fans are coming in here and trying to shit on the game.

It looks like a next-gen Horizon, which was awesome. Be happy!


love on your sleeve
I like the way Forza pops off the screen, I think it's the color saturation.

That being said, we might need a sequel to the Forza vs. GT5 thread. These derails are getting old.


I don't get why Forza fans are coming in here and trying to shit on the game.

It looks like a next-gen Horizon, which was awesome. Be happy!

No game can ever be as good as Forza, ever. No matter the system, no matter if sim or arcade, forza fans MUST make it known that NO GAME will ever be as good as Forza in any aspect. It's the best sim, nay, racing game- on PC or console- ever made by man.

No one is allowed to like/enjoy multiple racing games, even on the same system.

All is FORZA and FORZA is all.

Edit- love racing games. The more the merrier. The genre isn't huge on console, so more options, the better.
Sorry, that was too easy but my eyes glaze over when I see GT5 or 6 mentioned alongside Forza or DriveClub when it comes to visuals. I feel like it's either memories playing tricks on folks or they're way too accustomed to looking at current gen bullshots/photo mode.

I only mentioned the car model when referring to GT5. Everything else is an obvious improvement, even if it is incredibly bland.
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