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Your Dream FPS Would Have...

- FPS set in a single-player RPG setting, with third person action as well

- A world similar to that of a old-school Final Fantasy game

- World Map filled with many towns, cities and important geographical locations, all in a 3D style similar to the PS1 FFs, except the world is about 4 times larger

- Enemy Encounters are real-time, though enemies may randomly spawn while on the world map

- When using guns, you enter first person, with top notch FPS controls, when you draw your sword combat seamlessly becomes much more Zelda like in a third-person perspective

- Guns are much more powerful than melee weapons for the most part, there would have to be some cons to guns to balance it out (ammo based, maybe needing repairs, overheat), of course, later on in the game there would be some legendary melee weapons that evened out with the top gun... or perhaps even a legendary gun that just throws everything out of the loop!

- Unlike most FPS, you will be a little more cautious when using ammo, if you just run around shooting trees wasting ammo on the world map and come to find your empty, well you might just have to go back to the weapon shop and buy some more ammo, unless some enemy drops some first, or perhaps you may find a chest with some extra ammo

- You can level up, buy new weapons and armor etc

- New weapons/armor will improve your battle stats, but leveling up will have a much larger impact on your attributes

- Music composed in a collaboration between Hitoshi Sakimoto, Nobuo Uematsu, Yasunori Mitsuda, Noriyuki Iwadare, Shoji Meguro and Yoko Shimomura.

- Environmental based puzzles found in many places throughout the game - using many different 1st and 3rd person items to solve.

- Most of the very special new item types you find, are first found in dungeons, which have designs that give Zelda a run for it's money.

My dream is somewhere in between the best FPS, the best action adventure game, and the best RPG.


Or; first person Sacrifice rip off with a significant personal combat system and the same magic/minion systems. Just no fucking modern day/world war setting, fantasy bullshit please.
Borys said:
Oh yeah - no RPG elements at all. Leave them for real RPGs (**** Ex is an RPG).

Dunno what to say... I guess my idea is an RPG first and foremost.
With heavy FPS and action adventure gameplay.
1. Tight, smooth shooting and damage/contact models (with solid impact.)

Everything else is dressing. If this is not in a shooter, nothing else matters.


I would love to see something sort of like Hexen/Heretic, just with more fantasy weapons instead of (in Heretic's case) reskinned Doom guns.

Otherwise what I want is essentially a FPS with no guns in the traditional sense. You'd basically have HL2's gravity gun and Portal's portal gun, and would have to defeat enemies using portals and physics instead of shooting at them.


firex said:
Otherwise what I want is essentially a FPS with no guns in the traditional sense. You'd basically have HL2's gravity gun and Portal's portal gun, and would have to defeat enemies using portals and physics instead of shooting at them.



It seems that I basically want something like Halo: Portal Edition :/


-WindYoshi- said:
- FPS set in a single-player RPG setting, with third person action as well

- A world similar to that of a old-school Final Fantasy game

- World Map filled with many towns, cities and important geographical locations, all in a 3D style similar to the PS1 FFs, except the world is about 4 times larger

- Enemy Encounters are real-time, though enemies may randomly spawn while on the world map

- When using guns, you enter first person, with top notch FPS controls, when you draw your sword combat seamlessly becomes much more Zelda like in a third-person perspective

- Guns are much more powerful than melee weapons for the most part, there would have to be some cons to guns to balance it out (ammo based, maybe needing repairs, overheat), of course, later on in the game there would be some legendary melee weapons that evened out with the top gun... or perhaps even a legendary gun that just throws everything out of the loop!

- Unlike most FPS, you will be a little more cautious when using ammo, if you just run around shooting trees wasting ammo on the world map and come to find your empty, well you might just have to go back to the weapon shop and buy some more ammo, unless some enemy drops some first, or perhaps you may find a chest with some extra ammo

- You can level up, buy new weapons and armor etc

- New weapons/armor will improve your battle stats, but leveling up will have a much larger impact on your attributes

- Music composed in a collaboration between Hitoshi Sakimoto, Nobuo Uematsu, Yasunori Mitsuda, Noriyuki Iwadare, Shoji Meguro and Yoko Shimomura.

- Environmental based puzzles found in many places throughout the game - using many different 1st and 3rd person items to solve.

- Most of the very special new item types you find, are first found in dungeons, which have designs that give Zelda a run for it's money.

My dream is somewhere in between the best FPS, the best action adventure game, and the best RPG.
I wouldn't play your game, it sounds like a JRPG fan's wet dream.


sparkle this bitch
Lost Planet was close for me. They just had some bad gameplay choices is all. Such as the character moved too much like a tank. And stuff like Grappling hook should be able to be used in Mid air. How you can Grapple onto Mechs and beat the drive out of there, etc. To be honest. Of course the single player would need an entire reworking...But they had the gameplay mechanics down


Balls to the wall action.
Your girlfriend being your superior.
Future city setting.

A.K.A. the sequel to Shogo.


my reputation is Shadowruined
Elements of STALKER, combined with id softwares RAGE. Have the Fable 2 dog as a sidekick companion, but it has some mutations. Think of the movie "Boy and his dog".

The Mad Max anarchy style world, with cars, motor bikes, mutants, and maruading gangs.


Hit the melee button near an enemy and depending on height, distance or position you get different kills.

BEHIND STANDING = grab neck & slice throat, grab neck & stab back, grab neck & stab front, grab & snap neck.

Also would like to see a multiplayer map like the "News station" mission on COD4 where every inbound chopper you see is other actual players and we all rappel down & assault an island(s) or building(s).

A HUGE multiplayer map with every building has doors that can open, vehicles to drive, NPC characters and/or bots walking around and interacting to the environment and your actions.
1) Mario-esque stage variety, and probably color palette.
2) Gradius-style weapons system
3) more comical tone
4) variable weather, day/night cycle

Until then, UT and Timesplitters are my darlings.


No "Camera gun on a stick" feel. Body awareness is a must this day and age.

Compelling first person melee combat.

Being able to run out in the field and drag a wounded teammate/buddy out.

Human shield - sneak up behind someone, grab them and use them as a shield for incoming fire.

Disarming people.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Diverse urban/suburban sandbox. Gangs, organized crime rampant. Law enforcement has no real control, rather some blackwater mercenary types (on all sides), military, some civilian SWAT teams and the like desperately trying to get a grip on things. Entire area is cordoned off, nothing in or out. You're someone like a former FBI field agent, skilled in firearms and investigation, multilngual, technically proficient (eliminates the needs for skill points since you're good at most relevant things). Relatively neutral.

Inventory management, weapon modifications. Gun-based progress would be through weapon modification and acquiring new weapons and ammo types. Further progress through gaining items: body armors, helmets, camouflage, tasers, melee weapons, tear gas, flashbangs, grenades. Anything useful. Items deteriorate naturally. Money or barter system for acquiring things from people in a non-lethal way.

Inventory system only allows you to carry what you would realistically be able to with a harness, backpack, belt, etc. All up to you how you want to configure your person (with a home base of some sort to store your things). Move lightly and quickly with an M1911A1 holstered, or strap all sorts of weapons to your legs, back, and waist if you have 'em. Effect on movement speed, stamina, and "visibility" to various elements in the game world. If you have a concealed pistol you may not be identified as a threat, but if you're in kevlar with an assault rifle you could be seen as hostile...or as someone to exploit...to a particular faction.

Realistic anatomical damage model, brought to the limits. Shot in the head, you die or at the very least you're screwed. Shot in a non-fatal area, you may have to extract the bullet, disinfect the wound, etc., by seeking medical treatment (costly and not necessarily nearby) or performing it yourself (sloppy). Shot in a vital organ and you may be immobilized (partially or fully) and bleed out. Getting shot is *serious*, and gunfights are not to be taken lightly. Same exact rules apply for your enemies. Real-life real.

No HUD. No on-screen crosshairs. If you fire from the hip you're going to have to deal with inaccuracy (though it may be the only practical option at close range with no time to shoot carefully), and you'll want to be using iron sights or scopes to get accurate shots. Bullets will drop with gravity, have real velocities and destructive power.

Enemies in firefights act naturally depending on their affiliations. Shoot a gangbanger and his buddies may bail or go wild. Shoot a merc and his buddies may try to save him, drag him out of the line of fire or carry him. Not all hostiles will have guns, as appropriate. A significant number of hostiles would equal an "oh shit" sort of scenario, since getting flanked or pinned down will likely mean your death if you're not careful. Firefights are won through superior shooting, wits, and equipment. Fighting heavily armed and organized enemies like mercenary teams will be extremely difficult and won't be done lightly.

Shooting mechanics should include a detailed physics model and fully realized environmental destruction at a complete level. Put a hole in a wall with some C4. Take out locked doors with shotguns, bash through drywall with a sledge. Differentiate between cover and concealment, and include soft cover that erodes depending on what's being shot into it.

No one who can't be killed. No "game over" under any circumstances outside of death. Go anywhere. Nondescript buildings can be populated procedurally with normal things as appropriate, just so you can go anywhere and do what you want to. Shotgun through the door of an apartment, subdue any residents, then take position at the window and wait with an RPG in hand for an armored car to go by. Snipe from rooftops. Whatever.

Game world is a big place and does not revolve around you. Factions will be doing their own things. Gangs will be robbing bystanders and confronting other gangs, organized crime syndicates will be murdering, confronting law enforcement, and robbing more significant targets. Mercenaries will be protecting VIPs or performing offensive operations. Military will be trying to clear areas, creating "green zones," and maintaining security around the perimeters. Regular people will just be trying to survive.

You won't easily gain a reputation. You're just one person. If you become a real threat to a faction you could become known as significant to them, but you'd have to be doing a lot to get to that point. And no faction would magically know about you...let's say, if you left no survivors. Scattered law enforcement would react naturally to observing hostility and such, though avoiding the more dangerous elements depending on their presence and the area they're in.

No one's a completely benign NPC. Go into a buliding and find a family holed up, and they may threaten you or cower before you or run away, call out for help or whatever, depending on the circumstances, your appearance, and your actions. Some will have weapons, and if for example you're just carrying a concealed firearm they may attack you with a knife or bat. If they have a gun they could try to hold you up or shoot you. If you're loaded out visibily they'll act differently towards you, though if they're cornered they could attack anyway. Different parameters for each type of person in the game world, their circumstances, and what they have available to them. Not everything will be on their person if they're in their own home. Invade someone's place and they may run to the back room for their shotgun, or grab a knife from the kitchen.

Rest at night or live at night, it's up to you. Realistic fatigue model requiring rest, food & water with negative effects as appropriate. Not overbearing since time elapses normally.

Ultimate objective, if any, doesn't really matter. As long as the core sandbox is there, anything can be written in to take advantage of it. Could always go the route of joining factions and doing missions for them as something to do, and/or some sort of main plot. Doesn't really matter.

I guess it would sort of be like Baghdad crossed with Escape from New York.

Also: PC exclusive.


Remake of Quake 3 with mirror changes so that the game is 100% eSport friendly, make it like the pro mods and then add up with some nice graphics and a few new features. Don't overdo it with features, just add little touches.


Well CPM already is it for the duel/deathmatch multiplayer action.

I'd like to see what warsow finally evolves to, if they eventually move more away from quake and ut it could carve a bigger niche. That would probably be done by emphasizing weapons effects on movement moreso.

As far as other genres go there are some new things i'd like to see

Futuristic war - something very very large scale with destructible everything. I want to grenade a hole in the ground to hide in. The graphics can look horrible as long as I can plow dirt and ruble around in real time.

Action Quake - I haven't found a retail game that really replaces this. movie style action, shootouts with akimbo pistols or machine guns, handcannons, bandaging wounds, maps set all over the place, people going mad skillz with knifes and karate kicks. Today a lot of things that haven't been done in the mod(s) could be done like breaking scenery, knocking over tables for cover, Getting in vehicles. Maximum layout levels(use real blueprints of buildings and include all of the rooms, vents, backdoors, washrooms, office layouts, elevators, stairs) could be done as well now and would be worth the effort because playing die hard hide and seak for 30 minutes in a tower would be awesome.

Horror - Something like resident evil with lighting like doom 3 on steroids. I am imaging being able to see dust in the air and on the floor, slivers of light going through cracks in doors, moving shadows from light sources.

Slavik81 said:
Portal Deathmatch. Everyone has a portal gun mounted on each of their weapons. I think I'd need a 3 or 4-button mouse + scroll wheel to allow for a Portal gun + weapons. That, or you'd have to assign toggle between the portal gun and the normal gun to the keyboard.
Even just in a simple box room, it would be madness.

I was about to agree with you, then realised that you were saying exactly the opposite of what I thought you were saying.

I'd prefer them to all have the option of 1st-person driving. Jeepathon2k all the way.
I don't think you'd need a 4 button mouse to do that. People use keyboard keys to fire grenades in quakeworld all the time.

decon said:
Remake of Quake 3 with mirror changes so that the game is 100% eSport friendly, make it like the pro mods and then add up with some nice graphics and a few new features. Don't overdo it with features, just add little touches.
hopefully quake zero will do this or have mod support for cpm.
My dream FPS......

1.have a plot twists, along with great actors to act out the cutscenes...

2.Have tons of inovative weapons..........

3.more of a mmofps

4.great and challenging boss battles that ad new heights to its feeling of flavor!

5.tons of minigames!
I made a similar post on anither message board, and got mocked for it. :(

First person when Iron sighted, third person when not.

Civilians. They either help you or harm you depending on how you behave. Save their butts and they point out the enemy, distract the enemy or open doors you can't on your own.

Add the element of strategy to a game. Make maps large seamless areas with multiple open routes to your target for singleplayer . No more rail games. Ever.

Enemies that travel routes with some degree of randomness. Enemy soldiers would spawn when the map begins, a set number to begin with. Each would have a set area and schedule that varied just enough to throw players off the second time around. Some would hang out around town, or target area, some would patrol the outer area.

Enemy AI would have the option of taking off running or surrendering if outgunned or wounded. An enemy commander, realizing he's losing, can leave, surrender, call for reinforcements or leave then shell the target area and return with more people.

Real time passage, with occasional changes in weather.

Multiplayer would have three spawn areas for each team. That way your never sure where the enemy is coming from.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Millions of sparks.
Enough HDR and bloom to blind Superman.
Gigantic weapons, bigger than your character.
Stealth missions.
Free beer.
Time travel.
5 player co-op.
Virtual reality.
Game over screen that laughs at you.
Martial arts.
Vehicles that can transform into other vehicles.
Muscled men.
Medieval weapons.
Score meter and leaderboards (with 3 char input limit).
Selectable characters: Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal, Bruce Lee or Van Damme.
Final boss is the mechanized ninja son of Hitler and dinosaur princess Leia with FLAMETHROWERS INSTEAD OF FEET!!!!

Just IMAGINE all that together. It would be FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!
Heather from the Silent Hill universe with a crazy Weighted Companion Cube, and dinosaurs with lazers for eyes, with Tim Schafer writing the script. :D

BTW, i'd like Solid Snake to be in it too.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Oh I almost forgot, add 3D glasses video mode to that list.

EDIT:and a predator video mode too.
EDIT2: and robocop one too.
I want a non-violent FPS.

Actually, I want like a 200 player online GIANT FPS. That would be sick, and like pokemon or creatures you can hunt down.


I like :
- good hand to hand combat (swinging a wrench or knife is not enough)
- throwing knives and arrows that get stuck in the target
- some sort of boomerang weapon (but more deadly... like the "Predator frisbee")
- all sort of traps : proximity mines, portable holes, ...
- bouncing projectiles (can be added to boomerang weapon)
- a grapplehook. It always makes games better.
- any weapon that can get your ennemies stuck/glued/pinned to a wall
- funny ways to get rid of ennemies (make them jump to their death in a pit or in lava, scare them, boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew...)
the following:

- post apocalyptic world. a dystopian society. i'm a sucker for that kind of things.

- a deep, meaningful story. a couple twists, but not too many. government conspiracy's are good, but maybe a little over done.

- characters i give a shit. no cookie cutter assholes. meaningful (a commonly used word when it comes to what i want) people with historys i can discover throughout the game.

- i don't want a perfect hero. i want a torn person, whose had a rough life and isn't necessarily good or bad, leading into...

- choices that have an impact on the world, whether they be good or bad.

- a good mix of WELL DONE BUT NOT FORCED stealth and action sequences, as well as just being a normal person. i want to live my characters whole life, not just the parts where he blows holes in peoples heads.

- realistic weapons. realistic ammunition placement. i don't want 500 bullets for my ak-7000 sitting on my kitchen counter

- an inventory system like d-e-u-s ex, only a little more realistic (where does he keep the rocket launcher and machine gun and grenades?) realism is key.

i think that's about all i can think of right now.


All I can think about is Tribes with even bigger environments.. and maybe interplanetary travel, but don't ask how I would use it. The ultimate CTF game, maybe?


TemplaerDude said:
the following:

- post apocalyptic world. a dystopian society. i'm a sucker for that kind of things.

- a deep, meaningful story. a couple twists, but not too many. government conspiracy's are good, but maybe a little over done.

- characters i give a shit. no cookie cutter assholes. meaningful (a commonly used word when it comes to what i want) people with historys i can discover throughout the game.

- i don't want a perfect hero. i want a torn person, whose had a rough life and isn't necessarily good or bad, leading into...

- choices that have an impact on the world, whether they be good or bad.

- a good mix of WELL DONE BUT NOT FORCED stealth and action sequences, as well as just being a normal person. i want to live my characters whole life, not just the parts where he blows holes in peoples heads.

- realistic weapons. realistic ammunition placement. i don't want 500 bullets for my ak-7000 sitting on my kitchen counter

- an inventory system like d-e-u-s ex, only a little more realistic (where does he keep the rocket launcher and machine gun and grenades?) realism is key.

i think that's about all i can think of right now.
So basically you want every FPS made in the past seven years.
I actually decided I want one where the player sees action from behind the target sights of an astonishing variety of incredibly lethal weapons.


What I'd like to see is a gun-peripheral with motion sensing capability...oh and it has to be as heavy as, let's say, an M4.

Oh and as long as these two babies are in it, I'm sold.


Malfunky said:
All I can think about is Tribes with even bigger environments.. and maybe interplanetary travel, but don't ask how I would use it. The ultimate CTF game, maybe?
Tribes. Mmmmmm.

Well MGS4 is going to have FPS view so I guess I'm set. :lol


Crysis on PS3 (and 360)... Or a Matrix FPS where everything would be done in the first person view. Shooting, combat, when you're flying as Neo. I'd like that...
fps fanatic said:
Crysis on PS3 (and 360)... Or a Matrix FPS where everything would be done in the first person view. Shooting, combat, when you're flying as Neo. I'd like that...
Sounds good, sign me up (on both suggestions).
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