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Assassin's Creed IV Review Thread



NowGamer – 8/10
Joystiq – 4/5
Joystiq says:
Beyond its present-day feature set, Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is a vibrant historical adventure, drawn from bold characters and edge-of-your-seat sailing. It's not the proper return to form for the series, but it is a concerted acknowledgement of what that form is today, and what works for the monster of gameplay systems, stealth, ships and oceans that lurks underneath. I'm told that we might expect the mythical squat button in a sequel someday, but for now I'm happy to leap between the roles of assassin, pirate and one-time whaler wracked with guilt.

GamesRadar – 4.5/5
OXM – 9/10
CVG – 9/10
Kotaku – Yes
Eurogamer – 9/10
Eurogamer says:
And of course, once the credits have rolled, you can guess where the game leaves you. Out on the deck of the Jackdaw, clear skies and rolling waves as far as the eye can see, a wiser man under your thumbs and a sea of icons left to sail between. Edward doesn't have the impish wit of fan favourite Ezio Auditore, against whom all Assassin's Creed protagonists are destined to be measured, but in the end he felt more rounded to me. The revelation, though, is the treasure of a game he stars in.

OPM – 8/10
Polygon – 7.5/10
Gamespot – 9/10
Gamespot says:
But these moments of stagnation are isolated events in what is, ultimately, a massive and highly ambitious game. Black Flag presents a world full of adventure and opportunity, where treasures scavenged in a remote jungle can be used to turn the tide in a massive naval battle against mighty Spanish warships. It's a game where you can sail the seas for hours at a time, either hunting great white sharks or simply listening to your crew sing one infectious sea shanty after the next. There's an incredible scope to what you can do in Black Flag, with a level of harmony between its component parts that encourages you to try it all, and a story that keeps you invested throughout the whole thing. If there was ever any question that Assassin's Creed needed something ambitious to get the series back on track, Black Flag is that game and then some.

Shacknews – 8/10
Videogamer – 7/10
IGN – 8.5/10
IGN says:
The amazing world of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag has kept me gladly occupied for longer than any other game in the series, even though its story isn’t the strongest. At no point in my dozens of hours was I ever at a loss for something to do. Simply sailing wherever the wind takes me and seeing what sort of trouble I can get into is a complete joy. Beyond the underwhelming main campaign, Black Flag delivers a world brimming with gorgeous places to go, amazing secrets to discover, and nefarious pirates to stab.

Gamestar Hungary – 9.2/10
GamersNET – 8/10
GameInformer – 8.25/10
Rev3Games – 4/5
Gametrailers – 9.2
*careful might contain spoilers considering its GT*
FOKGAMES.nl – 8/10
Gamecentral – 7/10
Black Flag would’ve done much better to be a fraction of its size and a lot more focused, with more complex mechanics and probably no connection to Assassin’s Creed. What you’ve got instead is game that’s as wide as the seven seas but as deep as a paddling pool.
NintendoWorldReport – 9/10 (Wii U version, not sure if that makes any difference though)
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag boasts tons of content, an exciting story, and plenty of fun gameplay. Some of the series tropes are running thin as the series is now going on its sixth entry, but it is still a quality experience. Black Flag is currently my favorite game in the series, not only because of its heavy use of piracy, but because of the constant swapping between land and sea gameplay. Black Flag is a must have for fans of Assassin’s Creed, and newcomers with a love for pirates will surely find something to love.

EDGE – 9/10
The emergent wrinkles of dynamic weather and potential engagement from nearby ships helps to keep these battles eternally fresh. But the same freedom you enjoy while circling rivals on the ocean like a shark also extends to stealth objectives in Havana, Nassau, and other settlements. Stealth games are only as good as the flexibility of their encounters, and in that regard Black Flag is the most generous Assassin’s Creed game to date.

PushSquare – 8/10
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag lacks the spit and polish of prize plunder, but it certainly doesn’t deserve to be cast back into the ocean. This is as much an enjoyable on water excursion as it as an exceptional stealth game, and while not every mission in its protracted campaign will leave you as buoyant as the Jolly Roger, you’ll find more than enough riches here to keep you coming back for more.
AngryCentaurGaming - Buy!

Good scores overall, Polygon does not seem to be all that into next gen
EDIT: I added some quotes to add some meat to the thread.


NowGamer – 8/10
Joystiq – 4/5
GamesRadar – 4.5/5
OXM – 9/10
CVG – 9/10
Kotaku – Yes
Eurogamer – 9/10
OPM – 8/10
Polygon – 7.5/10
Gamespot – 9/10
Shacknews – 8/10
Videogamer – 7/10
IGN – 9.5/10
Gamestar Hungary – 9.2/10
GamersNET – 8/10
GameInformer – 8.25/10

Good scores overall, Polygon does not seem to be all that into next gen, wonder what they will give Forza and Dead Rising 3,,

That looks good. Leaning toward a purchase. But as the PC version is a ways out I can take the time to hear GAF impressions.


That looks good. Leaning toward a purchase. But as the PC version is a ways out I can take the time to hear GAF impressions.

I dunno, the reviews were better for AC3, and that ended up being a mess. Like you say, wait for the PC version and the reality distortion field to dissipate..


NowGamer – 8/10
Joystiq – 4/5
GamesRadar – 4.5/5
OXM – 9/10
CVG – 9/10
Kotaku – Yes
Eurogamer – 9/10
OPM – 8/10
Polygon – 7.5/10
Gamespot – 9/10
Shacknews – 8/10
Videogamer – 7/10
IGN – 9.5/10
Gamestar Hungary – 9.2/10
GamersNET – 8/10
GameInformer – 8.25/10

Good scores overall, Polygon does not seem to be all that into next gen, wonder what they will give Forza and Dead Rising 3,,

IGN is 8.5
NowGamer – 8/10
Joystiq – 4/5
GamesRadar – 4.5/5
OXM – 9/10
CVG – 9/10
Kotaku – Yes
Eurogamer – 9/10
OPM – 8/10
Polygon – 7.5/10
Gamespot – 9/10
Shacknews – 8/10
Videogamer – 7/10
IGN – 9.5/10
Gamestar Hungary – 9.2/10
GamersNET – 8/10
GameInformer – 8.25/10

Good scores overall, Polygon does not seem to be all that into next gen, wonder what they will give Forza and Dead Rising 3,,

Rev3Games- 4/5
I literally bought this game because Mighty Ape were doing the fancy edition with a sweet Assassin's Creed tankard. Glad to hear that I'm also getting a great pirate adventure out of it.
I knew the story would suffer, since they were focusing on all the other activities you could do, plus the fact there is no Desmond and co


After a lot of reviews/impressions about this being better than AC III, I might have to give this a try on next gen (PS4). I generally thought ACIII was pretty good, if a little bit on the bland and uninspired side.
Wish there wasn't the wait for the PC version. Glad to see it's reviewing well though. I actually enjoyed 3 but series definitely seemed on the precipice of oblivion with some of the feedback form the third game, and there was some really bad mission decisions in there. It's one of the only two games I was planning on buying this christmas ( Arkham Origins being the other), so it's good to have something to look forward to.


AC3 had fantastic reviews too...so I'm still remaining sceptical

I wouldn't call them fantastic. Well, at least the ones I remember reading. I remember a lot of complaints, but scores around 7-8 ish for AC III. If you read the contents of these reviews, a lot of them say this one is better, despite not entirely shaking up the series. But who knows until we get to try it. Honestly I was expecting lower scores and people saying things like "more of the same, bugs, etc." but most reviewers are saying the game is quite enjoyable.

I guess rent it and find out.


I'll never forget W101 reviews. never.

basically AC3 had over inflated scores, and since AC4 is better, reviewers have an easy way out in giving samish scores.
Come on November 22, hurry up.

I was not interested into this game until I noticed they got rid of all the silly weapon system overlays. If they tightened the precision of ACIII's sloppy free running, everything will be even better.

Eurogamer reviewed the PS3 version. Why tho?

From what I know, a lot of reviewers received a PS3 copy.


Gold Member
What's your point? The reviewers have been paid to say nice things about the game?
One day I hope I'll get one of these fabled money hats :)

To be fair Blim, reviews for ACIII were mostly very positive as well and look how that game turned out.

It wasn't until regular players got their hands on it until it came out what a complete wreck that game was. Most reviewers hadn't even finished the singleplayer campaign in their absurd rush to get that review up as soon as possible.

If any, it demonstrated that reviews cannot be trusted.


Waiting on Digital Foundry. Would prefer the PC version, but can't wait that long. Will probably buy for PC later, so that means I'm doing exactly what Ubi would like me to. Damn.

Black Flag would’ve done much better to be a fraction of its size and a lot more focused, with more complex mechanics and probably no connection to Assassin’s Creed. What you’ve got instead is game that’s as wide as the seven seas but as deep as a paddling pool.

In Short: Frustratingly shallow and hamstrung by underdeveloped gameplay mechanics, and yet somehow the fact that that an open world pirate game exists at all is enough to provide a certain amount of fun.

Pros: Enormous game world with an almost endless array of things to see and do. Fun new present day sections and enjoyable naval battles. Generally good graphics, for a current gen port.

Cons: None of the gameplay elements stand up to close scrutiny and the artificial intelligence is extremely basic. Meandering plot and largely uninteresting characters.

Score: 7/10



I'm actually glad the PC version got delayed. Now I have time to read GAF's impressions. After AC3, I find it hard to take reviews seriously anymore :(. I sincerelt hope it's good.
John Teti ripped 3 to shreds, so I'm looking forward to his review over at the Gameological Society. He's not an AC hater as he has tons of deserved praise for Broherhood, but he gave 3 the bashing it deserved, so hopefully he'll review 4 as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Is there a Wii U specific review out yet? Despite not really liking ACIII much, having the map on the GamePad was amazing and I'm hoping they added some other meaningful additions to ACIV for the Wii U.

I wasn't planning on picking up ACIV ... but now I probably will around boxing day, when all the AC games always go on sale.


I knew it.

I knew this game would be a huge improvement on Revelations and III (I know not difficult)

It just looks like a game more focused on what made the series popular in the first place instead of a cumbersome story and a lack of Assassin missions.


I'll be getting the PS4 version then, can't resist the allure of that beautiful open world. Who doesn't want to be a pirate?!
I am playing through AC3 now and really enjoying it if I'm honest. Took about a year break from AC but I really like the setting and Connor. Suffers a bit technically (frame rate mainly is jarring) but the game as a whole is really solid - though i hear that is an unpopular opinion?! But that plus this is getting me pumped for AC4 on the PS4 :D


The Inside Track
To be fair Blim, reviews for ACIII were mostly very positive as well and look how that game turned out.

It wasn't until regular players got their hands on it until it came out what a complete wreck that game was. Most reviewers hadn't even finished the singleplayer campaign in their absurd rush to get that review up as soon as possible.

If any, it demonstrated that reviews cannot be trusted.

Well personally I liked ACIII quite a bit, despite it's numerous flaws, that was my conclusion last year:
I finished the main story of the game in a bit less than 20 hours, with a synchronisation level of 45 and dozens and dozens of secondary missions and things to find still waiting for me. It's simply impossible for me to list all there is to do in this game, and I can't wait to go back to them, especially since new ones appeared after the incredibly long credits roll! So despite the many small-ish technical issues, the lack of polish of quite a few elements of the game and a very one dimensional character I had a lot of fun playing this new Assassin's Creed title. I still think Brotherhood is the best of the series, mostly thanks to Ezio's character, but this episode is quite close.
In insight I was wrong about the last sentence. AC3 wasn't that close to ACB, but I still think it's not as bad a game as some people say it is. It would have been a much better title with a more likable and relatable character for sure.
AC4 is without the shadow of a doubt a much better game than AC3, Edward might lack some background so far (again, I didn't finish the game yet, hence why I didn't call this a review) but he's still likable enough. The cities, Havana at least, are beautiful and interesting to play in (contrary to AC3's completely void cities), the naval stuff works as it should, the world feels huge but still doesn't feel like they put stuff in there just for the sake of it. Again, it might all fall down during the second half of the game, but so far there is nothing in AC4 I would consider worse or even not at least slightly better than anything they tried to do in AC3.
Time will tell how it will be ranked compared to AC2/ACB, something I won't risk doing again after my clearly precocious comparison last year with AC3 ;)
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