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One thing someone did or said that completely destroyed your respect for them

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Yea we still work together and this just developed recently really. I was shocked, never any warning signs about him being racist. He treats everyone the same, clients love him and never any complaints on the contrary clients love him.

He would always have his Republican views which IMHO were OK, never anything too crazy at least for me and him and I would never talk politics. Usually work stuff and sports.

I think we're close enough where I feel I can call him out on it, but afraid that if I dig deeper it'll just be worst. I've lost respect for him but it's not to the point where I'll just stop talking to the dude.

He remains professional at the work place and very few ppl know his real views on blacks. Besides myself and 2 other ppl at the workplace it's a secret he's kept I imagine for a long long time.

Scary thing is for me, I imagine they're lots of people like this in the world. Deep prejudices and they don't share them for fear of being singled out and rightfully so.

Didn't wanna say this, but my co-worker is a Republican but not a Trump supporter but I'm starting to really believe that Trump has emboldened closet racists to finally come out and have their say.

Is he a fan of black athletes?
Yea we still work together and this just developed recently really. I was shocked, never any warning signs about him being racist. He treats everyone the same, clients love him and never any complaints on the contrary clients love him.

He would always have his Republican views which IMHO were OK, never anything too crazy at least for me and him and I would never talk politics. Usually work stuff and sports.

I think we're close enough where I feel I can call him out on it, but afraid that if I dig deeper it'll just be worst. I've lost respect for him but it's not to the point where I'll just stop talking to the dude.

He remains professional at the work place and very few ppl know his real views on blacks. Besides myself and 2 other ppl at the workplace it's a secret he's kept I imagine for a long long time.

Scary thing is for me, I imagine they're lots of people like this in the world. Deep prejudices and they don't share them for fear of being singled out and rightfully so.

Didn't wanna say this, but my co-worker is a Republican but not a Trump supporter but I'm starting to really believe that Trump has emboldened closet racists to finally come out and have their say.

fuckin Hell!! this is how it all started with me!! we'd talk about our favorite sport teams and video games then he slowly started talking about stuff he watched on Fox news, raaging on Obama then BAM!! vehemently started defending george zimmerman and why all blacks wearing hoodies and other "gangster shit"(his words) are usually up to something....I looked at him like he grew a second head; I think right then he knew he went to far, that I wasn't on his "side"
fuckin Hell!! this is how it all started with me!! we'd talk about our favorite sport teams and video games then he slowly started talking about stuff he watched on Fox news, raaging on Obama then BAM!! vehemently started defending george zimmerman and why all blacks wearing hoodies and other "gangster shit"(his words) are usually up to something....I looked at him like he grew a second head; I think right then he knew he went to far, that I wasn't on his "side"

You guys should watch this Peep Show episode: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PiLVAz-Jczg
fuckin Hell!! this is how it all started with me!! we'd talk about our favorite sport teams and video games then he slowly started talking about stuff he watched on Fox news, raaging on Obama then BAM!! vehemently started defending george zimmerman and why all blacks wearing hoodies and other "gangster shit"(his words) are usually up to something....I looked at him like he grew a second head; I think right then he knew he went to far, that I wasn't on his "side"

I found out in the weirdest way tbh. I'm usually bald or always try to have my hair as low as possible. But recently after 2-3 years I decided to let my hair grow out. My hair isn't "good" nor "kinky/happy" but somewhere in between.

He realized that my hair was type nappy and that's how it started, he kept making jokes about my hair which I thought were just normal ribbing between co-workers but then we went to a bar and he just went off (completely sober btw) on how blks are lazy and all the usual stupid shit dumb ignorant ppl say that I don't wanna repeat.

When he does go off sometimes I wanna tell him "hey I have a very, chocolately dark skin Puerto Rican grandmother with super nappy ass hair, what do you think of me now?" But tbh there is no changing this man. I know he is set in his ways.

Sushi Nao

I like this thread. It's awful, but it's interesting reading. Some of mine (not necessarily all respect lost for all of them, but a good chunk)

All lives matter

Yeah sure, feminists have a good cause I guess, but they should be less confrontational

This kind of protesting won't win them any supporters

SJW's anything

Reverse racism anything

Parents should be able to choose not to vaccinate

If a tornado goes through a junkyard, it can't make a 747


Joe Paterno and everything that went down with Sandusky. I grew up having the upmost respect for how he (appeared) to run that football program. When everything came to light, it just made me hang my head in disgust.

My grandma is openly racist and it makes it a pain in the ass to talk to her since she just wants to blame everything wrong with the country on President Obama.
Saying "religion doesn't contradict science".

People who consider the Apple guy a genius and a wonder human being.

People who carry family feuds for thousands of years.

My father telling me when people tie me up and cut my head off that's going to be my fault.


My best friend of the time, who was in his early twenties, wanted to get with the 16yo sister of his ex - they'd been together 4 years and had split up the week prior, so I lost respect for him.

Subsequently, his ex got into a relationship with a heroin addict who got her into prostitution, partly to support his habit and he ended up dropping her and then actually got into a relationship the sister, who then got pregnant, so I lost respect for all of them. Oh, that dude also bought a 3DO.

Fun times.



Basically the same mentality, except for body image issues. ffs.

And what is wrong the the #AllLivesMatter mentality, besides it being something that you don't agree on?

Fat acceptance people are suing airplane companies for not providing extra large seats, and they're demanding that people consider them attractive no matter how many rolls they span, actively demand censorship of things as petty as jokes on the social media. I also recall something about people complaining about squat racks in a gym because it's intimidating to newcomers (who are likely fat).

I'm not dismissing the fact that fat people are sometimes physically bullied and discriminated against, but they're not the only ones. They shouldn't be dismissed but they also shouldn't have any form of priority.
I found out in the weirdest way tbh. I'm usually bald or always try to have my hair as low as possible. But recently after 2-3 years I decided to let my hair grow out. My hair isn't "good" nor "kinky/happy" but somewhere in between.

He realized that my hair was type nappy and that's how it started, he kept making jokes about my hair which I thought were just normal ribbing between co-workers but then we went to a bar and he just went off (completely sober btw) on how blks are lazy and all the usual stupid shit dumb ignorant ppl say that I don't wanna repeat.

When he does go off sometimes I wanna tell him "hey I have a very, chocolately dark skin Puerto Rican grandmother with super nappy ass hair, what do you think of me now?" But tbh there is no changing this man. I know he is set in his ways.

frankly I didn't handle it much better; after his rant of george zimmerman/trayvon martin I made some excuse about having to go take care of my grandmother, denied his invitations to hang out(I think he wanted to apologize)i think he got that hint I wanted nothing to do with him and he later than moved to of all the places florida......
Eh, I don't know. Maybe being a Liverpool fan? I seriously disrespect people's football opinions when they happen to be one. Or maybe I should just shut my mouth because United isn't doing so hot at the moment, heh.

It's incredible how different everyone's opinions are. For example:

My partner went into early labour at around 20 weeks, our baby's didn't survive. We decided to have a funeral, the alternative being classed as medical waste. Her sister told us her work colleagues can't understand why we having a funeral, giving the impression she agreed with them. She believes she did nothing wrong. It broke my partners heart hearing that coming from her sister.
This is just the cherry on the cake with this woman. Not spoke in years now.
I agree with this, this is just shitty behavior and, were I in your place, I would not like to see this woman's face for the rest of my existence.

But this:
Found out an old friend was abusing his girlfriend and kept threatening her with violence if she told anyone.

I was friends with this guy for close to 15 years, he helped me through my parents death and it didn't just make me lose all respect for him, made me cut off contact too because I kept feeling the urge to smash the cunts face in whenever we'd hang out.
Yeah, that's a crime right there, messed up all right, but I still would be really thankful for helping me at a hard time and being a long time friend, so I would definitely not lose my respect for him, let alone my friendship.

Some of my closest friends have done some pretty messed up stuff; I guess I'm just pretty tolerant of what others do if it doesn't impact me directly. I try to support my friends whenever I can, though. Hell, I've helped some of them work through their problems, which in turn results in them changing for the better.

I think it's really hard to single out something that will make you lose the respect you have to someone else. Every single case will be different depending on your relation to the person that's being discussed, you may still respect Ryan Giggs despite the whole sister-in-law scandal, but you may not respect your teacher after finding out he was having an affair.


A friend of mine came out of the closet as a flat tax supporter.

I laughed at him and called him an idiot.


Oh yeah, don't get me started on this shit. Oh yeah, if you just lay off the processed food and eat organic, you'll be cured of your ADHD in no time!

Fuck off.

reminds me of this shitty FB pic I saw shared sometimes a few years ago - something like "I take ritalin, adderall, and a large cocktail of prescription drugs because I cant be bothered to eat fruits and vegetables" ugh


And what is wrong the the #AllLivesMatter mentality, besides it being something that you don't agree on?

Because "All Lives Matter" isn't about all lives mattering. To quote someone from earlier in the thread:

When people say 'All Lives Matter' in response to the term 'Black Lives Matter', it's basically dismissing the meaning behind the phrase. Black Lives Matter doesn't mean 'only black lives matter', it means that 'black lives matter, too' and just saying 'all lives matter' in response doesn't mean shit because that doesn't solve the problem, it just ignores it.


Fat acceptance people are suing airplane companies for not providing extra large seats, and they're demanding that people consider them attractive no matter how many rolls they span, actively demand censorship of things as petty as jokes on the social media. I also recall something about people complaining about squat racks in a gym because it's intimidating to newcomers (who are likely fat).

Holy cow, you are completely full of crap.
I lived in a place owned by a doctor and everybody seems to love him. I later found out this 'doctor' was a homeopathy bullshit fraud scammer. To top it off, he didn't know two shits about anything.

Anyone who thinks Deepak Chopra is on to something or is an intellect.
reminds me of this shitty FB pic I saw shared sometimes a few years ago - something like "I take ritalin, adderall, and a large cocktail of prescription drugs because I cant be bothered to eat fruits and vegetables" ugh


Isn't it also the consensus that too much Dopamine activity has a negative effect on cognition? That's why I cringe when I see people say that Adderall should be available for everyone..
People who complain about political correctness. In this day, whining about political correctness is basically a coded way of saying 'I want to say bigoted shit without getting called out for it'.

People who say people with depression should just suck it up and deal with it.

Anyone that's racist/homophobic/sexist/transphobe/etc.
And what is wrong the the #AllLivesMatter mentality, besides it being something that you don't agree on?

Fat acceptance people are suing airplane companies for not providing extra large seats, and they're demanding that people consider them attractive no matter how many rolls they span, actively demand censorship of things as petty as jokes on the social media. I also recall something about people complaining about squat racks in a gym because it's intimidating to newcomers (who are likely fat).

I'm not dismissing the fact that fat people are sometimes physically bullied and discriminated against, but they're not the only ones. They shouldn't be dismissed but they also shouldn't have any form of priority.

holy shit dude.....seems like you're losing respect here on gaf....


Wow, there are some really shocking anecdotes in this thread. Mine is small potatoes and quite petty in comparison, but I'll share it anyway.

When a school friend of mine took up smoking I was incredibly disappointed in them. Not because I hate smoking - I have nothing against smokers - but this person had previously been vehemently anti-smoking, having a parent who was a heavy smoker and always complaining about their house, clothes etc. stinking of stale smoke. Because we were so young at the time, I'm pretty sure they picked up the habit due to peer pressure which made it worse. I lost a lot of respect for them after finding out, and expressed disappointment when they couldn't come up with a good reason for starting the habit, but we did stay friends albeit hanging out less.

These days most of the people I interact with are colleagues, more acquaintances so I don't have huge expectations of agreeing on stuff. I stop initiating conversations with someone if they display bigoted attitudes.
Anybody that sees me at my job working and then proceeds to say "you look so young do you work here?"...You get tired of it after awhile lol put some respect on my baby face and height
Several years back, I had a Smash Bros night with some old friends I grew up playing the game with. We hadn't seen each other in a long time after graduation so I was looking forward to it. But only an hour into playing the game with them, I came to the very sad realization that I had long since outgrown them all. They were all homophobic pricks, and one in particular couldn't resist injecting a homophobic slur into nearly every sentence. It made me feel extremely uncomfortable, being the only LGBT person in the entire room and surrounded by people who were making it quite clear people like me were not welcome. By the second hour I desperately wanted to leave, but before I did so, I wanted to prove a point - by beating them at the game over and over. And I did. I won the most rounds consistently during my stay. It felt good. I left and haven't spoken to any of them ever since. It's not worth keeping friends just because you knew them for a long time if they don't even respect your humanity on a basic level.

"Black people should get over slavery. It happened so long ago and doesn't affect anyone now. Your parents or grandparents weren't slaves, so what's the problem? "

Reminds me. A person I used to be friends with insisted "racism is over" just because Obama was elected. And therefore, anyone complaining about racism today should just "shut up and get over it already." The sad part is, this guy wasn't even white. He was Mexican.
Became friends with a guy out of the blue because I was hanging out with another guy, dude was kinda weird and he'd give you just really nice things without asking for it and always posed it as you needing it because it's just like left-over technology to him.

Dude was always weird and would like have you leave before his sister would get home or he'd just show up without really telling you about it. Basically what happened one day was his dad got pissed and beat him while I was hanging out and wanting to help with it I eventually called the cops. He went to family counseling for all of a day before he just let it go and didn't talk for months until around Christmas when he started asking for people to sell his meds to

Rubbed me the wrong way, I felt guilty for not talking more but I just can't stand for that kind of behavior, didn't even say hey or anything just wanted a friend's number.

Otherwise I've lost a lot of respect for my co-workers because of the small shit they say. I'm pansexual but it never comes up because I don't really see a point in talking about it, at least about me anyway. But a lot of them just like to drop hints about one of the openly gay guys at work and how'd they'd hate to get looked at the wrong way, like fuck off you should know better.


My brother stealing from me to buy drugs when I was much younger. He's cleaned his life up completely and tried to make it up to me since then, but I never forgave him really.

I know I don't know your situation but you should really try forgiving him.

It's insane what hard drugs does to a person, my cousin is a completely different person now that he has cleaned up.

He has a good job and a beautiful family. 8 years ago he would have sold any children he had for drug money.


This girls I sort of knew from school and was friends with on Facebook posted a rant defending the Confederate Flag a while back, and then recently posted a picture of toilet paper with Obama's face on it with a caption like, "That's where he deserves to be!" or something. And I realized, wow, she is a dumbass redneck.
Pretty much my childhood right there. Teachers just straight up didn't understand it and had the whole town against me.

The whole town? Wow, that's straight up bigotry.

What I hate even more is when people treat you like a 12 year old, as people still talk to me like I'm 12 despite being 24 years old. The worst part is that if you tell them to treat you like an adult, then get offended, say something like "I'm just trying to tell you!", THEN, as a final insult, treat you with contempt. Of course, THEY are the ones who get the benefit of being seen like a fully functional adult in society, and get all of the benefits.

Uh....that's not how it works. Needless to say, most people don't know I have ADHD, and I don't tell them for fear out of this.


The only person I have an extreme disdain for is this DJ I used to be friends with. Went by the name NYJosh but I think he's changed it. He had some very unusual religious-based views and at some point it became a huge issue because of his stances on how gays are going to hell and will burn. Along with that he would post some really weird shit about how CERN is creating a portal to the netherworld and how by looking at sunspots you could potentially predict when Jesus may return // the rapture begins.

I never understood how someone like that could have such unusual views. He was pretty popular but ended up getting banned from most music festivals and venues dropped him during all the fallout. Was a nice enough guy in person but I think around the time gay marriage rights were being talked about he posted a lot about his stances on it.

I think he was also involved with another festival that was "growing" and advertised things like being free and embracing your spirituality, but they had stances against the LGBT community and I think it went downhill as well; kinda stopped following that mess.
aww, but i like filthy frank :(

Filthy Frank kind of runs contrary to the current climate of places like GAF. Crude humor, using terms that some feel should never be said regardless of context, being the originator of the Harlem Shake. And that's before we get into the crew he hangs with (including H3H3 who is probably the most "acceptable"), which are quite vocally "anti-SJW" even if not militantly outside of maybe Shoeonhead (not sure if he's actually friends with her though or just friends of friends of people with her).

The whole town? Wow, that's straight up bigotry.

What I hate even more is when people treat you like a 12 year old, as people still talk to me like I'm 12 despite being 24 years old. The worst part is that if you tell them to treat you like an adult, then get offended, say something like "I'm just trying to tell you!", THEN, as a final insult, treat you with contempt. Of course, THEY are the ones who get the benefit of being seen like a fully functional adult in society, and get all of the benefits.

Uh....that's not how it works.

Hyperbole of course. The whole school is more like it. Parents hated me, teachers hated me, faculty hated me except for one cool cafeteria lady. Kids were fine for the most part. Never got bullied by them, got bullied by adults.
"A rape is tragic and terrible, but why would you commit a crime to get rid of the first crime?"

Fundie Christian friend, abortion in the case of rape.

There are plenty more, but this is the heinous one.

I only hang out with him while at the school because otherwise I'd have NOONE to hang out with, ahaha.
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