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Scalebound has been hiding a fundamental gameplay system from us

Zeta Oni

So there's an article going over information revealed during the recent Gamescom presentation of Scalebound and for the most part, a lot of the information is stuff that's been previously discussed in earlier articles, just more in-depth.


Enter the dragon.

Activate Dragon Link mode with a quick button press, and you'll switch to a first-person view, looking over at your beast’s position. You'll be rooted to the spot, but you’ll have a nice, pulled-out cinematic perspective on your combat-lizard's position. And you'll now have full control of his actions.

I cannot emphasise this next point hard enough. When it's big monster vs. big monster, Scalebound immediately turns into the best Godzilla game you've ever imagined. Two giant beasties knocking lumps out of each other in close proximity, but with a weighty finesse and versatility that could only come from the studio that managed to make Transformers fun and dynamic to play.

And now you have many more options. You can use your dragon to soften the other monster up. You can use him to smash open weak points that you can then rush in to exploit with your blade. But best of all - and this is the thing that really matters - you can set up huge combos that require dextrous co-operation between the two of you.

Let rip with a dragon combo, and you might be able to trigger a launcher. And yeah, that's exactly as ridiculous a sight as you're imagining. House-sized ape aloft, you can then disengage Dragon Link and charge forward to safely catch it with a juggling sword flurry as it plummets, using the extra air-time to safely activate your own powered-up state on the way in.

This, already, is excellent stuff. Not only does Scalebound have a great combo system, it has a combo system that can span entire arenas without dropping a hit
. And it also looks nonsensically cool. But it doesn't stop there. Because then Kamiya asks me to consider something. What if there were two giant gorillas, and my vulnerability during Dragon Link saw me getting stomped left, right and centre? Then my dragon would be on attack and protection duty at the same time.

Or more interestingly, I'd have to ration my use of Dragon Link, constantly shifting my position and setting up all kinds of safe opportunities on the fly. Suddenly it really feels like a Platinum game. And then there's co-op, with the potential for designated guardian Dragons clearing space and running security for the designated Linkers.

The scope of Scalebound just exploded. What once felt like an intriguing and but unfocused concept now feels like an immensely well-considered combat ecosystem where fresh ideas and huge scale dovetail with layered strategy and thoughtful finesse. Basically, in half an hour, Scalebound just went from confusing curio to a game I'm going to be keeping a very enthusiastic eye on until its release. Having now finally seen the real game in action, I'd advise that you do the same.

Its no secret the gameplay demonstrations of Scalebound have not exactly been well received. So its somewhat nice to hear an impression from someone who came into the presentation skeptical, a position I imagine is shared by many. Regardless, this is the first time information pertaining to combat with Drew and Thuban like this has been talked about, and I believe fills a very important blank many people were having about the game. Hopefully this gameplay is released for the rest of us to see, because it sounds like the kind that could do much better showing the scale of the game.


Sounds great, just like all those cool features covered in the IGN articles last summer. Why is MS failing so hard at showing it off to the general public?


my hard graphic balls
Sounds great, just like all those cool features covered in the IGN articles last summer. Why is MS failing so hard at showing it off to the general public?
They're probably waiting for near release before blowing their load on what the game is about.


Yeah, I was very happy to hear that people were impressed with the way the game was presented at Gamescom, and that it looked way better than it did at E3


Always thought the game looked good but this sounds amazing.

Sounds like it had an amazing showing at Gamescom, I'm glad since the reception to the E3 trailer wasn't good at all. Now hurry up and make it public MS... please? :(


Sounds good. Man I hope this game delivers. I've been really looking forward to it since it was announced.


Sounds great, just like all those cool features covered in the IGN articles last summer. Why is MS failing so hard at showing it off to the general public?

I'm guessing the feature didn't really work right or something until recently, even if it was always planned
Sounds great and obviously hyped for the game but that description makes the combat/battles sound more like a Stylish Action Game than an Action RPG. Maybe Platinum successfully blends the subgenres together so I am curious to see how that will come off in gameplay demonstrations.


Sounds great and obviously hyped for the game but that description makes the combat/battles sound more like a Stylish Action Game than an Action RPG. Maybe Platinum successfully blends the subgenres together so I am curious to see how that will come off in gameplay demonstrations.

I don't think that's THAT far off from Transformers or even Bayo. You gain HP, new moves, new weapons, new combos. There have been RPG elements I'm their games for a long time. They don't need a ton of fleshing out to make it a full ARPG.

Maybe add XP and levels?
Zeta is both the hero we need AND deserve

I knew my hype was justified. Besides Witcher 3, this is my most anticipated IP of the generation. DELIVER MS/KAMIYA, you have a golden opportunity here.


Kamiya will deliver. Kamiya always delivers. At worst the combat in this game would be Okami-level, which could still result in a very enjoyable experience, much like Okami was.
Dragon assisted air juggling. I didn't know I needed this in my life.

I really do miss the days where entire game features could be hidden or unintentionally unknown before you got to the game. If you're even slightly aware of communities like neogaf, you almost can't be surprised by anything huge.
I don't think that's THAT far off from Transformers or even Bayo. You gain HP, new moves, new weapons, new combos. There have been RPG elements I'm their games for a long time. They don't need a ton of fleshing out to make it a full ARPG.

Maybe add XP and levels?

Good point, didn't think of it from that perspective. I do remember in previous footage of Drew absorbing the monsters though I don't remember what it went to progression wise. As we draw near release, I'm" sure there will be a much clearer picture of what Scalebound is going for. Regardless I am still hyped and have confidence that Platinum will deliver.


Sounds great, just like all those cool features covered in the IGN articles last summer. Why is MS failing so hard at showing it off to the general public?

Probably because platinum games are hard and few players have the skill to show it off adaquetly


Good point, didn't think of it from that perspective. I do remember in previous footage of Drew absorbing the monsters though I don't remember what it went to progression wise. As we draw near release, I'm" sure there will be a much clearer picture of what Scalebound is going for. Regardless I am still hyped and have confidence that Platinum will deliver.

I too am hyped as hell. I love Platinum (skipped that crappy looking Tmnt game though)


I feel like this was the missing piece, whatever leads you into the launcher/air juggle loop is always the key to having megafun in kamiya games (stunning in w101/vj witch time in bayo)


Sounds great, just like all those cool features covered in the IGN articles last summer. Why is MS failing so hard at showing it off to the general public?

Why are you blaming MS? You don't HAVE to start the hype cycle a year before release. It's likely Platinum's decision.

Zeta Oni

Good point, didn't think of it from that perspective. I do remember in previous footage of Drew absorbing the monsters though I don't remember what it went to progression wise. As we draw near release, I'm" sure there will be a much clearer picture of what Scalebound is going for. Regardless I am still hyped and have confidence that Platinum will deliver.

You use their DNA (that stuff Drew absorbed) to manipulate the genetic make-up of your dragon, giving your dragon their abilities.




Bad/obnoxious MC design will keep me from ever playing this. It's annoying enough to just be a deal breaker by itself.


They're probably waiting for near release before blowing their load on what the game is about.
The last Kamiya game we got a nearly 8 minute trailer showing facets of all of the game but still didn't show ANY of the best moments of The Wonderful 101.

I'm so ready for Scalebound to come out and completely wow me.
Bad/obnoxious MC design will keep me from ever playing this. It's annoying enough to just be a deal breaker by itself.

You're not going to play a game because you dont like the main characters design? To each their own I suppose.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this game but will wait for a solid chunk of gameplay showing all the mechanics before I say if I'm going to get it or not.

Zeta Oni

Bad/obnoxious MC design will keep me from ever playing this. It's annoying enough to just be a deal breaker by itself.

This is a sentiment I see a lot around here.

The game is an RPG. Its perfectly possible during the dozens of hours this game will be offering, that something called "character development" could happen. Just cause he's an ass now doesn't mean he will always be.

If its the actual aesthetics, you can customize his appearance in a lot of ways.
Bad/obnoxious MC design will keep me from ever playing this. It's annoying enough to just be a deal breaker by itself.

Come on, you were never going to buy it anyway. Also, I don't get the hate for the main character. He looks like a Japanese game studio developed protagonist.

I'm excited for this game. But I feel a little fatigue setting in. The kind you get when a game is announced forever ago but you get very little extra info for several years afterwards. Like BELOW and Cuphead.


Come on, you were never going to buy it anyway. Also, I don't get the hate for the main character.

Not gonna lie, I was fully on board with 2014 E3 Drew. Current Drew takes some getting used to.

The last Kamiya game we got a nearly 8 minute trailer showing facets of all of the game but still didn't show ANY of the best moments of The Wonderful 101.

That trailer was preeeetty spoilery. I'm glad I didn't watch it before playing it. But yeah you're right, most of the best stuff (the last level basically) was kept under wraps. And likewise, I wouldn't expect anything we've seen of Scalebound so far to reflect the best of what the game has to offer.


That sounds good, but come on Microsoft and Platinum, give us some good gameplay or release a good demo to show us why it's good instead of telling us why it's good.
You use their DNA (that stuff Drew absorbed) to manipulate the genetic make-up of your dragon, giving your dragon their abilities.


Oh that's pretty sick, I imagine they're going to make the Dragon hella customizable. I am now picturing end game god tier dragon Thuban. Thanks Zeta.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
It's Kamiya. If The Wonderful 101 is anything to go by the richer nuances of the combat system won't be evident until you've played half the bloody game and then some, and once they all click you'll be like holy shit.
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