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Famitsu 11/19/09 - Phoenix Wright (Wiiware), NMH (PS360)


Batteries the CRISIS!
RelentlessRolento said:
man... more reason to sell my wii.

I'll sell my Wii after I play NMH2 and Monster Hunter Tri... I dont think I'll go back to it after that.

unless a person is about to be evicted or die of starvation because they literally have no money left, I don't understand why anyone would sell a console.


Jonnyram said:

Hey now, don't laugh at the 2 piece controller. Except for the annoying tether cord between them it's about the best damn thing about the Wiimote/Nunchuck combo. I can finally play games in an actual comfortable position.


Batteries the CRISIS!
RelentlessRolento said:
clarity for you right there ^_^

I see. are you starving or on the verge of eviction?

(if so, make a thread about it in The OT — a GAFfer may take you in =P)
I disappear for a couple of hours and Himuro gets banned?

I didn't realize NMH was that important.

John Harker said:
Have I not posted enough recently that I don't warrant at least one call out in this thread...?

Any rate, still gathering my thoughts. Not sure how to respond to thread yet...

Well I always have an erection after reading one of your posts... I hope that gives you some solace.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Jonnyram said:

I have an intentional twinge of goofiness to most of my posts, including that one. But I was actually only kidding around about the "Wii tracks your playtime" bullet point — I like NMH's implementation of the Wiimote speaker, and the two-piece configuration of the Wiimote+Nunchuk is a really nice convenience, IMO.

Thunder Monkey said:
I disappear for a couple of hours and Himuro gets banned?

I didn't realize NMH was that important.

It's the biggest betrayalton since FF13!


Kafel said:
What's 旋光の輪舞 DUO about ? Looks nice.
Senko no Ronde? The first one is out in the US, I think. It's a mech vs mech shmup basically. And you can pull off these "boss" moves where you transform into a massive boss-like ship for a few seconds. Gameplay is kind of like Virtual On, but top-down 2D. Single player mode also features a couple of proper bosses too, with scrolling and stuff.
Confirmed No More Heroes is a port of the first game with a few extras, notably a "Very Sweet Mode" in which all the women are wearing bikinis. Both brilliant and shameless then.

It's good that more systems will get a port of this reasonably good and certainly unique game. It may not have the motion controls but there are a lot of flaws they could fix to make it a better experience.

It also makes sense that the best selling Suda game would be the one to get a port.

Note: Anyone even calling this anywhere near a betrayalathon is either an idiot or being sarcastic. This is an over 2 year old port coming out when the original game finally gets a sequel, no better than the treatment the Wii is getting with Modern Warfare Reflex.
Jonnyram said:
No doubt later versions will come as DLC - they are probably following the Cave way.

If so that is fucking retarded given that the first version of the game has severe balance issues which led to poor initial arcade performance.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Interesting about the no more heroes (port?).

If it is being ported, it should definitely come to the west. It is western focused and NMH sold much much more here.

I think announcing it now is weird though. It should have been announced after the sequel's release.

It is a great game. Not the most polished one, but incredibly memorable. Dont listen to the haters.

No more heroes was barely running on the wii. (not because of wii but because of the development budget and crappy engine) it will be interesting to see what went into the HD versions....


Batteries the CRISIS!
Metal Gear?! said:
Confirmed No More Heroes is a port of the first game with a few extras, notably a "Very Sweet Mode" in which all the women are wearing bikinis. Both brilliant and shameless then.

It's good that more systems will get a port of this reasonably good and certainly unique game. It may not have the motion controls but there are a lot of flaws they could fix to make it a better experience.

It also makes sense that the best selling Suda game would be the one to get a port.

Note: Anyone even calling this anywhere near a betrayalathon is either an idiot or being sarcastic. This is an over 2 year old port coming out when the original game finally gets a sequel, no better than the treatment the Wii is getting with Modern Warfare Reflex.

betrayalton, not betrayalathon. and yes, it was sarcasm.

...unless the Internet is aflame with fanboy anger by this time tomorrow — then this may actually be the biggest betrayalton in a while simply due to fan outrage.


Jonnyram said:
Senko no Ronde? The first one is out in the US, I think. It's a mech vs mech shmup basically. And you can pull off these "boss" moves where you transform into a massive boss-like ship for a few seconds. Gameplay is kind of like Virtual On, but top-down 2D. Single player mode also features a couple of proper bosses too, with scrolling and stuff.

Thx, I knew it reminded me something. I've tried it and it was ok.


Not sure why the sequel to NMH isn't getting released to PS3/360 at the same time the Wii version is. Maybe I just have too high of sales expectations for the game...
No More Heroes is now being ported to the PS3/360? Why? This means that when I try to tell people the fact that the Wii is a better console than the Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 I won't be able to use it in the list of exclusive games I use to combat those consoles.

Congrats Marvelous, this here is one less sale for No More Heroes 2.

Hero of Legend said:
In the case of Muramasa, wouldn't they have to redo it from the ground up? Yes they already have high-res assets, but as I've seen in the Wii 720p thread, the game looks blurry when it tried to be in 720p/1080p, I'm not sure if the results would be better in an actual port though.

He paints the artwork than he scales it to the correct resolution. They could run Muramasa in 4k resolution if they wanted to.


Flying_Phoenix said:
No More Heroes is now being ported to the PS3/360? Why? This means that when I try to tell people the fact that the Wii is a better console than the Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 I won't be able to use it in the list of exclusive games I use to combat those consoles.

Congrats Marvelous, this here is one less sale for No More Heroes 2.

This better be sarcasm, I mean wth? :lol


Magypsy23 said:
I'm quadruple-dipping. NMH Wii JPN, NMH Wii NA, NMH PS3 JPN, NMH 360 JPN.

edit: Could someone link me to 428 numbers across all platforms?

Wii - 53k
PS3 - 22K
PSP - 20K

Courtesy Garaph

If people think NMH PS360 is gonna do gangbusters, they really need to scale back their expectations. Delayed ports NEVER do better than the first release(except maybe RE4?). Especially considering the don't really appear to be doing anything to sweeten the NMH port.

What would be interesting to see, though, is if NMH2 launches day and date on all 3 platforms, what the split would be.
I can't imagine buying NMH on 360/PS3 (prob. 360) if it is just the first game. Like Mass Effect, I've always had a chance to buy a better version (might be too early to call for NMH) but since I already played the original, I know there is a lot I don't want to play again unless changed--at least not at full price when there are so many other good games. All the open world stuff was so boring in NMH. Maybe an arcade mode where I just go through the levels and boss rush.

I skimmed through the tread and saw someone mention that the "waggle" was part of the appeal of NMH. I would disagree. While it is novel to waggle to do a final slash, as games like MadWorld show (for lacking the effect) it has a lot more to do with the visual and audio cues rather than the waggle. It's also similiar to why shooting heads is a lot more enjoyable in RE4/5 than other games; they really get that feeling down. The game wasn't exactly a strong "Wii" game in that it didn't rely too much on motion or pointer controls. Still not too interested.

And isn't this also the same company more or less that put out Muramasa and LKS? I'd much rather get those. LKS is a game worth rebuying.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Flying_Phoenix said:
No More Heroes is now being ported to the PS3/360? Why? This means that when I try to tell people the fact that the Wii is a better console than the Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 I won't be able to use it in the list of exclusive games I use to combat those consoles.

Congrats Marvelous, this here is one less sale for No More Heroes 2.

Sarcasm meter is going off, but it may be a false reading. Not sure
It was pretty obvious that Wii Phoenix Wright was going to be just a port, but I can't but feel a little dissapointed at the confirmation. Meh...

Kinda funny/sad how Wii third party situation gets worse than it already is, heh. PSP ports, PS360 ports, but it's a one way street, nothing comes back.


Flying_Phoenix said:
Congrats Marvelous, this here is one less sale for No More Heroes 2.

You need to try harder. Something along the lines of:

Marvelous just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Wii fans (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is with PS360 where you can become successful by delivering shovelwares. If you screw Wii fans, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is Wii fans, after hearing about this, are not going to want to purchase No More Heroes 2, nor will they purchase any of Marvelous's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Marvelous has alienated an entire market with this move.

Marvelous, publicly apologize and cancel No More Heroes for PS360 or you can kiss your business goodbye.
EXGN said:
Wii - 53k
PS3 - 22K
PSP - 20K

Courtesy Garaph

If people think NMH PS360 is gonna do gangbusters, they really need to scale back their expectations. Delayed ports NEVER do better than the first release(except maybe RE4?). Especially considering the don't really appear to be doing anything to sweeten the NMH port.

What would be interesting to see, though, is if NMH2 launches day and date on all 3 platforms, what the split would be.

And RE4 did better thanks to the PS2's far greater userbase.

What was the userbase of the GC and PS2's worldwide at the time?

As for this, the Wii obviously has a much greater userbase in Japan than the other two consoles combined, but I forget the totals worldwide for each in each region.

I don't know if it'll do worse or better on the PS3 and 360, we'll just see I guess.


Man God said:
I wonder if NMH port will be censored like the original Japanese version...
I doubt it, Grasshopper doesn't have to worry about catering to a large casual audience that would be offended by graphic imagery anymore, they are finally free to showcase the true intention they had for the game without any restrictions.


No More Heroes would need to rehaul a large portion of the games if it were to be on the ps3/360.
Santa destroy was so bare in the wii version, so hopefully they make it more detailed.
They need to give more lines to the side-characters too.
The weapon shopkeeper only had about 3-4 text lines the entire game.
The boss fights are fine though, they had one of the best character designs I've seen in a long time, best part of the game imo.

Fady K

Aww....a No More Heroes sliiiiightly-enhanced port, finished it already... and...I have beaten all the Ace Attorney games, so there's not much to be excited :(

I hope NMH has the wand controls integrated at some point though, just to see how similar it would be to the Wii experience.

ivysaur12 said:
What's the point of selling a console? I never really understood this. You get maybe $100 back, but you're screwed if something gets announced that you want. I'm honestly curious.

Yes, this was NEVER a good idea to me either. Even though my Wii gathered dust for almost a whole year, here I am dusting it off now for Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles and New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and later on for Fragile, No More Heroes 2, etc.

Something is ALWAYS bound to get announced to make you regret selling it as you said. Not worth it.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Allan Holdsworth said:
It was pretty obvious that Wii Phoenix Wright was going to be just a port, but I can't but feel a little dissapointed at the confirmation. Meh...

Kinda funny/sad how Wii third party situation gets worse than it already is, heh. PSP ports, PS360 ports, but it's a one way street, nothing comes back.

Three Call of Duties and Dead Rising have HD versions and Wii versions. Oh and Splinter Cell: Double Agent.

I'm just sayin


About the new NMH, will it include new graphics or is it only a HD version of the Wii game?

Anyway, IMO, it's a really good news. I enjoyed a lot this game when I played it on Wii.
I will buy it again when I'll see it a low price


EXGN said:
Wii - 53k
PS3 - 22K
PSP - 20K

Ouch. That's pretty bad considering the PS3 one is the "decisive" version and 428 is all kinds of awesome. The Wii sales are pretty low too if you take into account the user base and Sega's marketing of the game.
The only thing that slightly annoys me now is there will be people who think oh I don't need to get the Wii one, I'll just wait for the 'better' HD version of NMH2! The port of 1 might be years later but the fact that its happening at all shows an interest in ports.

Yeah they might have to wait for something that may never happen, but you know there will be some dumb people who decide to.

Hopefully not enough to cause less sales then we have to listen to publishers cry about how their game didn't sell as much as they wanted on Wii. >_> (but yeah that will probably still happen anyway. ;( )


(I love that, such a funny word. :lol)
Hydrargyrus said:
About the new NMH, will it include new graphics or is it only a HD version of the Wii game?

Anyway, IMO, it's a really good news. I enjoyed a lot this game when I played it on Wii.
I will buy it again when I'll see it a low price

Seemingly it looks like the Wii version in HD.
Magypsy23 said:
Wait, Travis' voice is Zorro from One Piece? :lol
That's awesome.

Huh? Did I miss a list of confirmed VAs? I'm really curious who they'd get. Nakai as Travis sounds spot on as he also did Mugen in Samurai Champloo.

As for the port itself, I'd love to see it in HD with a smooth framerate, but the gameplay's going to take a huge hit without the unique usage of the Wii-mote like phone calls and finishers. I'll still get it though!


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Thank you Suda 51 and Co for the NMH news, definitely one of the few titles I'd have wanted a wii for.


I can't see myself enjoying NMH as much on my PS3, but I certainly will recommend it to my friends who have a PS3 or 360 if it ever comes out in Australia
before 2012.
Well that's pretty cool. I dunno if I would want to play it without motion controls, but more people playing Grasshopper games is a good thing.

Threi said:
I doubt it, Grasshopper doesn't have to worry about catering to a large casual audience that would be offended by graphic imagery anymore, they are finally free to showcase the true intention they had for the game without any restrictions.

From what I can tell from the scans, the graphics look about the same, quite possibly without the blurriness of the Wii game. Meaning higher-res, no shit :lol, but whatever the character models look great as they always did. Now we can see them in better detail without the blurriness. :D
Oh and Very Sweet mode is looking very sweet. Bad Girl *drool*


Rpgmonkey said:
Estpolis (Lufia) (DS)
-February 25, 5,890 Yen
-3D graphics
-Action RPG
-Has voice acting
-Developed by Neverland

I know NMH PS3/360 is good news all, but why aren't we discussing more Lufia? Let's discuss more Lufia.


If so that is fucking retarded given that the first version of the game has severe balance issues which led to poor initial arcade performance.

it is, but it seems more JPN's games are going towards the "Game comes with DLC card" so you get the DLC for "free". I assume this is to push people towards buying the original release rather than going second hand - and for those who do go second hand then they have to pay for the DLC to add in the extra.

or not! let's see what happens :D


vareon said:
I know NMH PS3/360 is good news all, but why aren't we discussing more Lufia? Let's discuss more Lufia.
There is no console war to be had over Lufia.

The scans of it made it look great though. I'd love to see more.
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