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Dragon Age II: No overhead view on PC, no toolset, audience is on consoles


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Hey, I already asked you if you want to make a bet that every person in this thread will buy this game upon release like you keep claiming? Why not accept the bet instead of trolling?

I'm not 12.

What am I "trolling" exactly? I guess I am trolling whiners, if anybody. I've been playing nothing but Starcraft 2 since launch, so I'm not one of "those" people.

My point is, people losing their collective crap about this announcement without seeing the new third person mechanic is dumb. Some concern is understandable, but the crying and wailing is totally unnecessary. Bioware is not a developer known for uneven quality in their games.


DennisK4 said:



Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Shaka said:
You're a bit of an arsehole mate :lol I have no beef with you WanderingWind. It's just your posts came across to me as passive aggressive. We're all having fun here, right? :D

You're a twat!


Nah, just playing. We're just having fun.:lol :lol :D :lol


Can't believe the first game sold better on consoles. WTF is wrong with PC gamers? Now there will be no toolset and camera views are gone.

Fuck these bitches.


WanderingWind said:
You're a twat!


Nah, just playing. We're just having fun.[/QUOTE]
:D It seems Bioware wants to outdo their disastrous 'This is the new shit!' campaign. They better start alleviating fears stat.


None of this information is entirely true.

Mike Laidlaw responded:

Mike Laidlaw said:
Hey folks,

Victor managed to hunt me down, and I wanted to clear up a few things with regards to what I'm seeing as the two major concerns on this thread.

First off, let's talk about the toolset issue. Obviously in this community there's going to be some concern that we wouldn't release a toolset, so let me clear the air a little: The tools we're using to make Dragon Age 2 are very, very close to the tools you guys have used to make your mods for DA:O. They're not identical, as we've made a few in-house improvements, but they're almost identical. As such, there isn't a new toolset to release, per se.

While we won't be releasing a toolset update in tandem with Dragon Age 2, we ARE investigating what it would take to update the community toolset to match ours, along with providing DA2 content in the future.

As to the subject of tactical view, I can confirm that we will not be doing a tactical view on consoles, though we are looking into some expanded party control that I think will make console players quite happy.

On the PC, however, we are still working with the camera to keep the key elements of the tactical experience there. I was actually playtesting some new camera code when Victor found me, in fact, so I can give you the latest news on that front.

While we likely won't pull as far up as we did in DA:O, I have always felt that the key to tactical play was actually freeing your camera from the character you're controlling to issue precise orders, which is what we're tuning now. So, this means you can still maneuver the camera around the battlefield and issue orders from a remote location, just as you could in Origins.

As you can probably tell from my phrasing, all of this is a bit in-flux right now, so things may change between now and ship, but I wanted to update you guys on the current direction of things.



The Bioware response didn't necessarily say the tactical view is back, just that you can scan a little higher above the characters.

I remember reading about game saves from Dragon Age to Dragon Age 2 in the GI preview....Bioware said you can continue your quest on a different platform and the game will still know your choices, so this stuff must be tied into the Bioware account somehow.


Tomasooie said:
None of this information is entirely true.

Mike Laidlaw responded:

Been posted about 5 times already, and doesn't actually confirm anything. "looking into the possibility" and "in-flux" when the game is less than 8 months away? It was a beautifully worded piece of PR that calmed some people down, but lets them get away with saying "well we were gonna try but couldn't manage it in time" when the game releases and the features are missing.
Mrbob said:
The Bioware response didn't necessarily say the tactical view is back, just that you can scan a little higher above the characters.

Where does it say that you can scan a little higher? All he said was that the camera will be freed from the character.... The first part of the sentence as bolded is just PR BS IMO...

While we likely won't pull as far up as we did in DA:O, I have always felt that the key to tactical play was actually freeing your camera from the character you're controlling to issue precise orders, which is what we're tuning now. So, this means you can still maneuver the camera around the battlefield and issue orders from a remote location, just as you could in Origins.


Has Bioware said anything about minigames? Seems that DA2 could really use a dog breeding/racing simulator, or perhaps a card game.


Gully State said:
Where does it say that you can scan a little higher? All he said was that the camera will be freed from the character.... The first part of the sentence as bolded is just PR BS IMO...

I agree with you. I meant not fully locked behind the character, but not full tactical view like in the original.


No one bought this game on PC. Every single person that played the PC version pirated it. You reap what you sow. BioWare has made the right decision to tailor their game to the group of fans that actually purchase video games.

Crazy thought, I know. :lol


Second-rate Anihawk
Aladuf said:
No one bought this game on PC. Every single person that played the PC version pirated it. You reap what you sow. BioWare has made the right decision to tailor their game to the group of fans that actually purchase video games.

Crazy thought, I know. :lol



Draft said:
Has Bioware said anything about minigames? Seems that DA2 could really use a dog breeding/racing simulator, or perhaps a card game.
No, it needs a minigame in order to open locks and another to open traps!


Aladuf said:
No one bought this game on PC. Every single person that played the PC version pirated it.
That must be it.

Gattsu25 said:
No, it needs a minigame in order to open locks and another to open traps!
I think there should be more variety, like a different minigame for chest locks and door locks.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Draft said:
Has Bioware said anything about minigames? Seems that DA2 could really use a dog breeding/racing simulator, or perhaps a card game.

Nah man, they're taking out the Rogue's lockpicking skill and adding a fun interactive lockpicking mini-game!
Aladuf said:
No one bought this game on PC. Every single person that played the PC version pirated it. You reap what you sow. BioWare has made the right decision to tailor their game to the group of fans that actually purchase video games.

Crazy thought, I know. :lol

I'd prefer that the camera allowed iso view and the PC continued to offer a superior experience with the interface, of course. But the truth is, make a good game and I'll buy it. In the end if DA2 is awesomely epic and a crap-ton of fun to play the camera changes won't be a dealbreaker for me.

AdrianWerner said:
Drakensang: River of Time
King's Bounty: Crossworlds

Indie RPGs seems to be finall gaining some ground though. This year's Eschalon: Book II is pure awesomeness and the upcoming Cyclopean, Avadon, Zombie RPG and Age of Decadence look sick too

I'd head of Kings Bounty, but never Drakensang that looks really good! Eschalon I was able to find a demo for but none of the others... shame :( Indie games I would think have a harder time selling because people don't want to give them a chance, demos I would have imagined would be even more important.


Aladuf said:
No one bought this game on PC. Every single person that played the PC version pirated it. You reap what you sow. BioWare has made the right decision to tailor their game to the group of fans that actually purchase video games.

Crazy thought, I know. :lol


Aladuf said:
No one bought this game on PC. Every single person that played the PC version pirated it. You reap what you sow. BioWare has made the right decision to tailor their game to the group of fans that actually purchase video games.

Crazy thought, I know. :lol

I must be imaging this red and white box sitting in front of me with a dragon on it. Thanks for showing the forums how intelligent you are, will save us time from reading your posts in the future.


Aladuf said:
No one bought this game on PC. Every single person that played the PC version pirated it. You reap what you sow. BioWare has made the right decision to tailor their game to the group of fans that actually purchase video games.

Crazy thought, I know. :lol

uhm.... you are aware 360 is being pirated like crazy too ? there are enough legal pc players, look at sc2


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Aladuf said:
No one bought this game on PC. Every single person that played the PC version pirated it. You reap what you sow. BioWare has made the right decision to tailor their game to the group of fans that actually purchase video games.

Crazy thought, I know. :lol

One day for each unit Dragon Age PC sold


Well, since we all have been exposed as pirates and undeserving whiners, we should probably go ahead and lock this thread.


Water is not wet!
Zeouterlimits said:
Exactly. Same with the lack of character choice.
That still blows my mind that they are axing that. The character creation and different openings was one of the best parts of DA1.


The tool set is one thing... but no isometric view? How long would that take to implement? They already did it in DA1... and if they're worried about performance issue with the new textures... it's the pc you can change settings.
Son of Godzilla said:
I'm kind of annoyed there even is a PC version to tell the truth. I know *nobody* that bought the game outright on PC. It gets obnoxious talking to someone about a game knowing you shelled out money for it and they didn't.

So we're back to all PC gamers being pirates, now? Stay classy GAF.

Piracy isn't exclusive to the PC, jackass
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