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Is TitanFall kinda being pushed on us?


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
It was either Titanfall or Destiny and it seems Titanfall resonated more with people. I'm not a big shooter person but I think both look pretty cool.

For what it's worth... I thought Titanfall looked 1000% more interesting than Destiny, even though I have little to no interest in Titanfall.


Was pretty neutral towards both Destiny and TitanFall but friends are getting Destiny on PS4 so I'm going for that. Might get TitanFall on PC down the line when it's cheaper.

I'm more interested in co-operative FPS play so that is a factor too, I am not so good at console shooters competitively.

But yes, I am pretty sick of it being pushed as like 'the' reason to own an Xbone.
I believe they see it as the next number one franchise after CoD, and I believe they are right but I don't care a whole lot about it. Maybe they don't even care much either, but think most people do?


I'm a little bitter that MS locked this up as a timed exclusive. Really want to play it but I'm only getting a PS4 and I don't game on PC. *sigh* it's going to be a long wait.

Just fill your time beating people down in vehicles and personal mech suits in Planetside 2 while you wait.


I'll take all the news and media info relating to TitanFall I can get! Game reminds me of Lost Planet with the mechs, but has wall sliding and jet packs added to the mix. All the E3 awards will be great promo's for the upcoming tv commercials and ads as well. Definitely an Xbox one system seller, Microsoft invested on a winner!


I don't know, a lot of people seem to be genuinely excited for it. But I am really bummed that after this generation the game that is getting the most hype is made by... the call of duty guys. I'm sure it will be great if you like those sorts of games, but it would be neat to see a different genre come into the spotlight for a while. Like shmups or turn-based JRPGs or Windjammer-clones, you know, reasonable stuff :D


I don't understand the hype either. Stuff I've seen makes it look like any other giant shooting box with very little world building and obviously no single player. These things make me not that interested.

And it may get hyped as hell, but I don't really see the COD crowd converting over. It'll have a market and will prob be a good game, but it won't be nearly as large as some think. Especially knowing the Call of Doggy advertising Activation will implement.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
It looks like another shooter to me, but now with mechs.

Which makes me very skeptical, because ANY time mechs have come into FPS games they have ruined the experience (see: KZ3).

I guess I just prefer more grounded multiplayer mechanics.

Titanfall wasn't particularly impressive graphically, and the gameplay seemed very standard stuff that we'd expect from CoD.

I think it'll do well, but will it be the next CoD? I don't think so.
Every time I see that game singled out I go, "really?"

I mean, looks cool and all, but it didn't win the show. Everything looked pretty rad across the board and Titanfall didn't stand out.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Titanfall looks like the future game I'll spend 1000+ hours on.

Hell yes.


I like platformers, RPGs, and action games, but shit this was the best game at one of the best E3s. And that's saying a lot with stuff like Bayonetta 2 and MGSV around.


Haven't really been keeping up with it, I'm not into mechs and it's an MMO right? Been a good while since I stopped playing MMOs.
I don't get it, Starhawk had sci-fi, mechs, online only, it even had a damn Firefly spin to it, and it turned out a horrible failure, not the game itself, game is great, just...nobody plays it.

I think this game is more hype than anything else, I'm especially skeptical of games with too much marketing behind it, lets see how the review embargo is handled with this title.

We live in a COD/BF world, in a small gaming community like mine, in South Africa, consisting of a few thousand online players, segregated by the rest of Earth by geographical limitations (Latency), it's going to be two titles, Call of Duty: Ghosts, and Battlefield 4. These IPs have always been the dominant ones in FPS multiplayer, I think you need something *really* special to bring to the table competing against these, and I don't think mechs are enough.
I didn't enjoy Borderlands so it had that vibe to it, however the art style and enemies looked much cooler.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought that. I'm so tired of Borderlands and I felt that it looked very boring. I wanna give it another chance, I just can't see past the whole "Borderlands with Halo" art thing.
I don't get it, Starhawk had sci-fi, mechs, online only, it even had a damn Firefly spin to it, and it turned out a horrible failure, not the game itself, game is great, just...nobody plays it.

I think this game is more hype than anything else, I'm especially skeptical of games with too much marketing behind it
WTF? Games are more than just bulletpoints checked off on a list. Titanfall PLAYS nothing like Starhawk (nor does it look or sound like it). And those that have played it, are voting it the best of E3. Not just by watching videos of it online or by looking up checklist of features.

As for latency...dedicated servers utilizing Windows Azure baby.
I'll be honest, I was really looking forward to the game and was quite entertained by the E3 reveal until I found out it was only multiplayer with now story mode at all. I completely understand the need to focus on multiplayer, but I like playing FPS story mode (throw in a co-op story mode and I'm even more happy). Looks like I'll pass for now.


I didnt even know it was a shooter until a week ago , i had no internet after a move in my defence.

I dont like mechs in shooters.

That being said , jetpacks are awesome and the gameplay looks decent.

But mechs make me not want it at all , ill buy on pc for a small fee once it drops if its good.

Yes , it is being pushed really hard for soemthing thats slated for mid 2014 , kinda ridiculous.


I think the four games that stood out the most to me this E3 were Titanfall, Destiny, The Division, and MGSV.

To my knowledge, only one of those was actually playable by people at E3 and that was Titanfall.

I think the press played the game, it felt amazing, and it is now receiving accolades as a result.
Something like how a game feels, the tightness of the controls, the responsiveness. These things can't be translated to someone through a trailer, they have to be experienced.
I'll be honest, I was really looking forward to the game and was quite entertained by the E3 reveal until I found out it was only multiplayer with now story mode at all. I completely understand the need to focus on multiplayer, but I like playing FPS story mode (throw in a co-op story mode and I'm even more happy). Looks like I'll pass for now.
There is a story and campaign, it's just mixed in with multiplayer.
Hype cycles sell games. And this game is single-handedly supposed to kill COD, make us believe in the cloud, save EA and sell the Xbone.

That's a tall order thus the huge (and long) push.


I don't get it, Starhawk had sci-fi, mechs, online only, it even had a damn Firefly spin to it, and it turned out a horrible failure, not the game itself, game is great, just...nobody plays it.

I think this game is more hype than anything else, I'm especially skeptical of games with too much marketing behind it, lets see how the review embargo is handled with this title.

We live in a COD/BF world, in a small gaming community like mine, in South Africa, consisting of a few thousand online players, segregated by the rest of Earth by geographical limitations (Latency), it's going to be two titles, Call of Duty: Ghosts, and Battlefield 4. These IPs have always been the dominant ones in FPS multiplayer, I think you need something *really* special to bring to the table competing against these, and I don't think mechs are enough.

Except Starhawk plays badly
WTF? Games are more than just bulletpoints checked off on a list. Titanfall PLAYS nothing like Starhawk (nor does it look or sound like it). And those that have played it, are voting it the best of E3. Not just by watching videos of it online or by looking up checklist of features.

As for latency...dedicated servers utilizing Windows Azure baby.

Fair enough, Azure provides redundancy though, and a server side processed application structure, for instance, platform agnostic MS office through a pseudo terminal session. I don't see where the real benefits are going to be coming from.

Things like IBM Mainframe servers have been "the cloud" since before I was born. It's nothing more than marketing, believe me, it's a way for MS to sell combined server/Azure/HyperV solutions while excluding current VM dominators like VMware.

Wait hang on, stop the bus, are you saying a redundant server 200ms away will somehow make it not 200ms? I am worried about how convoluted and twisted the understanding of what cloud actually is being made by over aggressive marketing.


Yes and the xbots will used it as a weapon against the PS4 even though it will come to the PS4 one day.

This post perfectly sums on what Gaming Discussion has become. A load of children taking part in a dick waving console ''war''.

Really is about time people got a grip and stopped this childish nonsense that takes over every thread.


It feels like a lot of gaming journalists actually get annoyed when people show little to no interest in Titanfall or mention that it isn't nearly enough to get them onto Xbone.
I liked how the game looked until I saw this-

XP bonuses. I really hope we don't go through another generation of XP points popping up all game. There's gotta be a better way to reward people for teamwork then this. :\


This post perfectly sums on what Gaming Discussion has become. A load of children taking part in a dick waving console ''war''.

Really is about time people got a grip and stopped this childish nonsense that takes over every thread.

Seems kind of obtuse to expect people to stop doing it when the industry itself takes every opportunity to do it. What do you think E3 press conferences are other than ms/sony whipping theirs out for comparison?

"Sega does what Nintendon't" ring any bells? Kind of funny how that one turned out. It has been going on forever.


I don't hate it, but I don't really care. It's nothing special. It's a multiplayer only game, and offers very little. I think the game could be way better set in an Action-RPG world with mechs. Now that would be cool, this is just another MechWarrior game to me but with a Tribes 2 vibe once you are not in a mech.

With everything be said I might get it one day on PC when the price is right.

Destiny looks way better and that is borderlands-esque, but looks different and feels like it is coming with some fresh to the table.


I think the four games that stood out the most to me this E3 were Titanfall, Destiny, The Division, and MGSV.

To my knowledge, only one of those was actually playable by people at E3 and that was Titanfall.

I think the press played the game, it felt amazing, and it is now receiving accolades as a result.
Something like how a game feels, the tightness of the controls, the responsiveness. These things can't be translated to someone through a trailer, they have to be experienced.

Couldn't have said it better myself. People get tired of hearing it, but honestly? You haven't played it.

Not everything is hype. Sometimes people play games and like them. A lot. Crazy, I know.

From my own perspective: I feel like the game is being held hostage, if anything. I'm getting a PS4 (and an XBO, eventually), but TitanFall looks fucking rad, to be blunt.


This post perfectly sums on what Gaming Discussion has become. A load of children taking part in a dick waving console ''war''.

Really is about time people got a grip and stopped this childish nonsense that takes over every thread.

I think you need to look at his post history.
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