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Conduit 2: New screenshots show much improvement

boiled goose

good with gravy
i will never understand the hate the conduit gets. it just seems that it is the cool thing to do to make fun of HVS. :lol

As someone who regularly plays fps on pc, i thoroughly enjoyed the first one. running around with a pistol pulling headshots was truly satisfying. they had generic and bland environments, but when it comes to character models, i dont think anyone beats them on wii when it comes to shader detail. they are the only devs who really tried pushing the wii in all aspects. online, graphics, wiispeak, etc. While they didnt always succeed, i still applaud them for trying. watch COD and Goldeneye not have wiispeak support and inferior pointer controls.

Azure J

Great tech, bad art seems to be the conclusion I can come to in regards to HVS' efforts with the Wii. The stuff they have done is admirable, but when it does nothing to either differentiate itself from other shooters and shooter gameplay that exists on perceivably better systems or try to mask the flaws of the Wii hardware while buffing its strengths, it makes it hard to have any other opinions on their contribution. In all seriousness though, I think they really should have tried licensing their engine just to see what could have come from it.

Final note:


Is anyone else wondering what this guy is standing on? It's like the most amazing optical illusion or worst Photoshop job in a while! :lol
I'm gonna go with the consensus that yeah, this is a good looking game for what the Wii is capable of. Now whether it actually PLAYS better than the first, hopefully eschewing the horrible hacking vulnerabilities, is yet to be seen.

A.CHAP said:
Lol. you cant polish a turd.

I dont really care what the graphics are like, thats why I bought a wii, just give me an FPS that isnt CoD!
Just to be cheeky, I'm just gonna leave this here...



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
amtentori said:
watch COD and Goldeneye not have wiispeak support and inferior pointer controls.

Goldeneye wont, but I'm 100% positive Black Ops Wii supports voice chat, though perhaps not with Wii Speak.


Death Prophet
amtentori said:
i will never understand the hate the conduit gets. it just seems that it is the cool thing to do to make fun of HVS. :lol
Oh, come on. The Conduit was a very poorly designed FPS in many ways. The voice acting was terrible, the graphics were not good even though that's what the game was touted for, part of that reason (but not all of it) being that HVS needs better artists desperately. The story was stupid, and the it had one of the worst endings in a game I've ever seen. There were several parts of the game where you go down a hall or an elevator door opens and you are surrounded by bad guys and you have no where to go and no where to hide. The online was decent but nothing amazing. The game had absolutely nothing special about it (I guess the All Seeing Eye but that wasn't even well implemented).

And the hype surrounding the title at launch was ridiculous. HVS was touting their engine to do these incredible things (which I never really understood, the tech demo videos look horrible) and people were going crazy about it (even IGN).

If you enjoy the game then whatever, but to call people out for hating on the game and HVS is ridiculous. It's just not a good game... maybe its decent, but it's certainly nothing special.


EatChildren said:
Goldeneye wont, but I'm 100% positive Black Ops Wii supports voice chat, though perhaps not with Wii Speak.
Yeah it has a headset.

Fantastical said:
Oh, come on. The Conduit was a very poorly designed FPS in many ways. The voice acting was terrible, the graphics were not good even though that's what the game was touted for, part of that reason (but not all of it) being that HVS needs better artists desperately. The story was stupid, and the it had one of the worst endings in a game I've ever seen. There were several parts of the game where you go down a hall or an elevator door opens and you are surrounded by bad guys and you have no where to go and no where to hide. The online was decent but nothing amazing. The game had absolutely nothing special about it (I guess the All Seeing Eye but that wasn't even well implemented).

And the hype surrounding the title at launch was ridiculous. HVS was touting their engine to do these incredible things (which I never really understood, the tech demo videos look horrible) and people were going crazy about it (even IGN).

If you enjoy the game then whatever, but to call people out for hating on the game and HVS is ridiculous. It's just not a good game... maybe its decent, but it's certainly nothing special.
You're forgetting it's a horrible designed game all round. Only spawn points with horrible AI, and lock on. Who the fuck thinks having lock on is a good idea!!
I see it's widely accepted that the first game wasn't good, but I'm still surprised that people think it has the best pointer controls on the system. Doesn't matter if it was a preset option or customizing it myself, I thought the pointer aiming was bad in The Conduit. Games like Red Steel 2 and Metroid Prime 3 (advance controls) felt natural without the need to tune the controls. Additionally, the control/button setup was a mess. Too many actions to be comfortable on the controller and almost every button and motion was used.

Moving the hud around was good, though.

actually, it reminds me of NOVA on the iphone. Both games had all these features trying to mask a poor game.


This has been delayed to 2011, yes? Gamestop still lists it for November 2nd for some reason, but there's no way it'd actually go head to head with Goldeneye... I would think.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
FoneBone said:
This has been delayed to 2011, yes? Gamestop still lists it for November 2nd for some reason, but there's no way it'd actually go head to head with Goldeneye... I would think.

Yep, it's delayed.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Fantastical said:
Oh, come on. The Conduit was a very poorly designed FPS in many ways. The voice acting was terrible, the graphics were not good even though that's what the game was touted for, part of that reason (but not all of it) being that HVS needs better artists desperately. The story was stupid, and the it had one of the worst endings in a game I've ever seen. There were several parts of the game where you go down a hall or an elevator door opens and you are surrounded by bad guys and you have no where to go and no where to hide. The online was decent but nothing amazing. The game had absolutely nothing special about it (I guess the All Seeing Eye but that wasn't even well implemented).

And the hype surrounding the title at launch was ridiculous. HVS was touting their engine to do these incredible things (which I never really understood, the tech demo videos look horrible) and people were going crazy about it (even IGN).

If you enjoy the game then whatever, but to call people out for hating on the game and HVS is ridiculous. It's just not a good game... maybe its decent, but it's certainly nothing special.

yeah it was a mediocre game overhyped by a few ppl. When people blurt out laughing when they see something that is at worst a generic action game boxart it seems a little excessive... :p


These are... less ugly, yes.

I'm trying to be positive here but the first one was really mediocre, sorry. :lol


Destructoid said:

(All of the problems of the first game) seem to be fixed with Conduit 2. It may go on to be known as the Evil Dead 2 of videogames, as it feels like both a sequel and a remake of the original at the same time.

As soon as you boot up the game, you're treated to a big budget CGI recreation of the last moments of the original Conduit, giving us the climactic ending that the first game should have had. Then you're dumped onto an oil rig; a cooler looking, more exciting battlefield than just about any place in the original game. That would have been enough for me, but right after that, a giant, laser breathing sea serpent popped up and started destroying everything.

VIDEO http://www.gametrailers.com/video/pax-10-conduit-2/704674

This is a boss fight; a real boss fight against a force many times larger than the player, with an old-fashioned health bar an everything. These are the blockbuster videogame moments that I waited for the entire time I was playing Conduit 1. Almost like an apology, Conduit 2 gave me all of that right away. Less than ten minutes in, and I could already tell that Conduit 2 wont be just a sequel. It's a reparation.

The game has so many additions and improvements, it's hard to even know where to begin. Just looking at my notes on is overwhelming. High Voltage actually rewrote the way that the Wii outputs sound in order to make the Conduit 2 sound better than any other Wii title. (more stuff in the link up top)

The game's whole structure has changed. There is now a central hub where you select your missions, create new weapons, and interact with non-playable characters.

Returning to old places may open up new areas, weapons, and missions. High Voltage is planning on piling on tons of additional content beyond the approximately 12 hour long campaign mode.



Surprisingly good for Wii I guess. But looks like week old shit due to the art style.

EDIT: Watched the vid and it looks ok. No interest in the gameplay, but the visuals are fine.


Linkzg said:
I see it's widely accepted that the first game wasn't good, but I'm still surprised that people think it has the best pointer controls on the system. Doesn't matter if it was a preset option or customizing it myself, I thought the pointer aiming was bad in The Conduit. Games like Red Steel 2 and Metroid Prime 3 (advance controls) felt natural without the need to tune the controls. Additionally, the control/button setup was a mess. Too many actions to be comfortable on the controller and almost every button and motion was used.

I think it is the best controlling FPS I have ever played. Cant wait for the sequel.


AzureJericho said:
Final note:


Is anyone else wondering what this guy is standing on? It's like the most amazing optical illusion or worst Photoshop job in a while! :lol
He's standing on the floor in front of the machine. The machine is just a lot smaller then what is usually the norm for the trope hence why you think the character is closer to the camera then he really is. A projected shadow really would have helped here, I'm surprised that there is nothing, given that other screens demonstrated them.


gamingeek said:

There are also plenty of new enemies and weapons. One new gun (of alien origin) allows you to shoot some sort of disgusting, airborne alien insects at rapid speeds. Hit someone (or something) with a bug, and that plants a tracer into their body. From there, you can shoot bugs from around corners, crouched under cover, wherever you want, and they'll home into whatever unlucky thing has that tracer planted in it's body. It's an evil, malicious way to take out an opponent, and it's really fun.

In order to get this new weapon, you have to snag it from the cold, dead hands of an alien. I didn't catch the name of this particular extra terrestrial, but I do recall that he had the face of a giant spider, and the confidence of a T-1000. I managed to take him out, but only because he was battling some humans at the same time. Of course, after he was down, the humans turned their sights onto me. It was a good thing that I had just picked up a new gun that shoots giant, ravenous alien horseflies. Those poor bastards didn't know what hit (and then ate) them.

This part got me, I can't wait...fuck the haters the first one was a good start considering the games HVS has made in the past, and from the word so far, this will be a giant leap forward.

Why For?

From a purely art style standpoint, does anyone else think this looks like Halo meets Turok?

Stumpokapow said:
there's no way you like army of darkness better than evil dead 2

Wait what?

Evil Dead 2 is the worst one. 3 > 1 > 2
Serenade said:
There's actually like four new videos.

And eesh. They might have improved on certain aspects from the first game, but none of it matters when shooting looks and sounds so unappealing and weak. At least that's one thing that COD and GoldenEye seemed to understand. Everything looks like it takes way too many shots, and half the guns sound like pea shooters. And this is coming from someone who doesn't mind the relatively weak guns of Half-Life 2.
I really want this game to deliver like the original failed to do (apparently... I still haven't gotten around to grabbing it from a bargain bin yet). Here's hoping.
rpmurphy said:
The difficulty level he's playing at should be called Baby's First FPS. Jeez, what a pain to watch.

The AI's been set to the lowest in the preview builds with invincibility turned on for the player.

I saw some of the early videos and they also have the A.I. set to the lowest except for maybe one vid.

I actually played the first game a bit 2 weeks ago. I've played it before and it was pretty boring, but that's to be expected from an FPS game. Played again and still find it really boring. The game really isn't very interesting except for the guns. That's one of the things HVS nailed with the first. I hope the guns are just as interesting in the second game.


Why For? said:
Wait what?

Evil Dead 2 is the worst one. 3 < 1 < 2
You must have hit your head and have amnesia. Evil Dead 2 is far and away the best of the trilogy. It's the most borrowed from movie of the bunch. I'm all for opinions and all, but you should realize you're in the extreme minority on that one.


So much wrong with the art style here. It feels like a 16 year old went through all sorts of screenshots from different games and drew his "inspiration".


Also the latest previews are pretty positive:


"This is only the first level but it's already looking far superior to its predecessor."


"Conduit 2 though, looks a lot better. In fact having gone hands-on last week, I can say that it plays a lot better too. Developer High Voltage seems to have wised up to a lot of the first game's problems, and as a result I found myself pleasantly unplagued by the disappointed memories I still harbour of the first game."

It's still a little worrying that all the previews are still only having a hands on with the first level which is what we saw at E3 last year. The videos and previews all seem pretty positive this time around.

It will have a really hard time stacking up to Goldeneye but Conduit 2 could be decent, compared to the first.


You know, after watching the vids posted, I'm actually excited about Conduit 2. I played Conduit 1 for about a week and then stopped playing (mostly because of frustration with hacks, level glitches, and Wii Speak). I think graphically the game suffers because it's on the Wii, but it takes a lot of ideas from other companies and makes them better. Graphically there are improvements (but still noticeable problems like paper thin water, shadows going through walls, and glitchy person/map movement). Also, I trust in HVS to provide great game ideas like with C1. Sadly, I think both this and The Grinder will both bomb for a variety of reasons (notably that Sega sucks with advertising and that nobody's ever gonna hear about Conduit 2).
I give HVS a million props for essentially perfecting FPS controls on Wii (and hopefully into the pointer-controlled future).

That said, I played the first one, and I'm not sure I want for a sequel. Now that Call of Duty is on Wii with The Conduit controls, it's hard to imagine going back to The Conduit's good, but comparatively bland, multiplayer.

Black Ops is a great and lasting experience on Wii from controls to the new voice chat and continued post-launch support. I'll be watching this, but it's going to have to make me leave Blops as my FPS of choice, which will be difficult.
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