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New Oboro Muramasa pics! 2D awesomeness! :o

Saint Gregory said:
The Eurogamer reviewer wasn't playing the game wrong but it does seem like he didn't delve very deeply into the game's mechanics.

Seems that way. The reviewer completely no sold playing through the game with a second character as if doing so is an optional afterthought when it's basically the second half of the game (Kinda like saying you completed SotN without having done the second castle).

I can't really fault a lot of his points in the review as most are subjective but as someone who enjoys 2d action titles I can't say I agree with them.


Hero of Legend said:


Artwork as a pre-order bonus! :D

I played the Japanese version at my friend's place. Fun game, but I thought the traveling was a bit tedious. Once you've killed the boss, you have to back track through many screens of emptiness. Maybe there's something we didn't know about since neither of us are very good with Japanese. It was kinda dull walking around trying to get to wherever the arrow was pointing at with no enemies to fight or anything.
Cow Mengde said:
I played the Japanese version at my friend's place. Fun game, but I thought the traveling was a bit tedious. Once you've killed the boss, you have to back track through many screens of emptiness. Maybe there's something we didn't know about since neither of us are very good with Japanese. It was kinda dull walking around trying to get to wherever the arrow was pointing at with no enemies to fight or anything.
Yeah, I always felt like there was something I was missing and there was some quicker way to travel but I couldn't figure it out. Sometimes you'd trigger a battle while backtracking but usually all the enemies disappear until you travel to another area and return later in the game. I actually thought I was stuck backtracking in the Ninja fortress at one point because I didn't know how to climb downstairs :/

And there were men with hand-carriages at certain points but without knowing Japanese there was no way for me to know where they were going and if it was somewhere I needed to go to further the story. The moral is that the game isn't as import friendly as it looks and people should probably wait for the localization before making their minds up about whether the gameplay works or not.
Porridge said:
Is this game better than Odin Sphere?
They play completely different but the production values, performance (hardly any slowdown except in the challenge stages that are loaded with enemies) and loading speed is much better with OM.
Salutations NeoGaffers,

I'll get the rare chance to assault VanillaWare's elusive director/artist George Kamitani with queries in a few days, and I want to give VW fans the chance to ask the burning questions residing in their souls. I can't guarantee that I'll have time for everything (as it's an on-camera interview), but if I pick your question I'll credit to you by name.

You can either PM me or just suggest Qs in this thread... unless that's viewed as a total hijack!




LiquidSwords said:
Salutations NeoGaffers,

I'll get the rare chance to assault VanillaWare's elusive director/artist George Kamitani with queries in a few days, and I want to give VW fans the chance to ask the burning questions residing in their souls. I can't guarantee that I'll have time for everything (as it's an on-camera interview), but if I pick your question I'll credit to you by name.

You can either PM me or just suggest Qs in this thread... unless that's viewed as a total hijack!



Here's one:

Why are you allowing Ignition to skip over adding English VA?


- 360/PS3/digital distribution port possibility
- Future multi-player support
- Technical advantages of Wii over PS2
- Current games George is playing
- Thoughts on the future of the game industry
- Had the chance to work on another game series, what would it be?
- Any interest in developing a 3D title


LiquidSwords said:
Salutations NeoGaffers,

I'll get the rare chance to assault VanillaWare's elusive director/artist George Kamitani with queries in a few days, and I want to give VW fans the chance to ask the burning questions residing in their souls. I can't guarantee that I'll have time for everything (as it's an on-camera interview), but if I pick your question I'll credit to you by name.

You can either PM me or just suggest Qs in this thread... unless that's viewed as a total hijack!


What was the inspiration for some of the boss and enemy designs in Oboro Muramasa and how do they differ from/are similar to the designs that went into Odin Sphere (and Grim Grimoire) before?

How long does it usually take to create one sprite (or one character, including the animations) for these games?

Is the art creation more of a collaboration between several artists, or does every artist get specific characters assigned and essentially does its own thing for those?

And definitely thank him for not going 3D like so many others, but satisfying that craving for excellent 2D art in games. Let him/them know that there are many out there appreciating it. :D


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
LiquidSwords said:
You can either PM me or just suggest Qs in this thread... unless that's viewed as a total hijack!
q: now that they have their technology fundamentals on the wii, have they considered porting odin sphere to the wii, ironing out the performance issues of the original?
I like those questions Haunted. I'd like to know what drives VanillaWare's gameplay design. Do they start with character design and story and then build the gameplay around that or do they sit down and decide a genre and build the game from there?

Also, he might be insulted by this, but I've wondered what the primary reason is for their tendency to reuse assets in their games (the backgrounds mostly). Is it a time issue or is it financial?
Flying_Phoenix said:
I'd assume both.
Probably. While I found it a little excessive in Odin Sphere I really can't complain about Oboro Muramasa since not only do they make aesthetic changes to most of the backgrounds they repeat but they're almost universally so good looking that I didn't care. The entire game could've taken place in the tree tops stage you see in some of the videos and I would have been happy.
How does Vanillaware feel about Muramasa's performance thus far?
And how did it feel working on the Wii? Do you have any future plans for the Wii?

CO_Andy covered the rest on my mind really.

Azure J

Here's a good question for the Vanillaware team, what platform is their next game going to be on? Will it be Wii again, one of the other consoles, or (best case scenario) multiplatform?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Okay, that boss fight was ridiculously awesome.

I was still a bit on the fence about this, but that settled it. Day one.


I'm definitely buying it day one, but that video just served to show me how much I'm really going to dislike the lack of English VA.

Boss battle was amazing, though. I can't believe it looks even better than Odin Sphere!


batbeg said:
I'm definitely buying it day one, but that video just served to show me how much I'm really going to dislike the lack of English VA.

Boss battle was amazing, though. I can't believe it looks even better than Odin Sphere!

Same reaction here, going to have to turn off the VA when I play since it sounds so awful. Heard there was an option to turn it off, hopefully that's still in there.
Volcynika said:
Same reaction here, going to have to turn off the VA when I play since it sounds so awful. Heard there was an option to turn it off, hopefully that's still in there.

Yeah, i would have liked an attempt at VA, but seeing that i watch a lot of subbed manga, the voices do not really bother me, and from what i have heard, Momohime's is actually very good.

But damn ignition for finding a way to cut corners that does not get me to complain since it works so well with this game. Damn them.
I just got an email this morning from Amazon letting me know that this title is going to have Release Date Delivery. Although I'm still contemplating switching over to EB/GS for that artwork :/


Valkyr Junkie said:
I just got an email this morning from Amazon letting me know that this title is going to have Release Date Delivery. Although I'm still contemplating switching over to EB/GS for that artwork :/

If you're a fan of Vanillaware's work, how can you pass that up? Switch that pre-order!
Valkyr Junkie said:
I just got an email this morning from Amazon letting me know that this title is going to have Release Date Delivery. Although I'm still contemplating switching over to EB/GS for that artwork :/

Well drawn and glorious and tasteful T&A man, can't say that for most games.


Worships the porcelain goddess
batbeg said:
I'm definitely buying it day one, but that video just served to show me how much I'm really going to dislike the lack of English VA.

Are people really still having these reactions? What if the difference between releasing it here and not releasing it here was paying the money for a dub? People rail on sony so much for having the english dub policy in place and they should leave it up to companies to do whatever, but then a company does just that on the Wii and people still complain. So weird.

I'll buy this day one...when the black wii is released in the US. =/


Kintaro said:
Are people really still having these reactions? What if the difference between releasing it here and not releasing it here was paying the money for a dub? People rail on sony so much for having the english dub policy in place and they should leave it up to companies to do whatever, but then a company does just that on the Wii and people still complain. So weird.

I'll buy this day one...when the black wii is released in the US. =/
So....next year?


CO_Andy said:
- 360/PS3/digital distribution port possibility
- Future multi-player support
- Technical advantages of Wii over PS2
- Current games George is playing
- Thoughts on the future of the game industry
- Had the chance to work on another game series, what would it be?
- Any interest in developing a 3D title
I concur


Kintaro said:
Are people really still having these reactions? What if the difference between releasing it here and not releasing it here was paying the money for a dub? People rail on sony so much for having the english dub policy in place and they should leave it up to companies to do whatever, but then a company does just that on the Wii and people still complain. So weird.

I'll buy this day one...when the black wii is released in the US. =/

Well, I know that if that option I heard about to turn off the VA doesn't exist, I'm more than likely cancelling my preorder, because god help me if I have to play through the entire game with awful JP VA at every story scene/dialogue part.

And I just rail on any publisher who doesn't give both sides a fair shake.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Volcynika said:
Well, I know that if that option I heard about to turn off the VA doesn't exist, I'm more than likely cancelling my preorder, because god help me if I have to play through the entire game with awful JP VA at every story scene/dialogue part.

And I just rail on any publisher who doesn't give both sides a fair shake.

There's so little story in this game that it shouldn't be that big of an issue.


Kintaro said:
Are people really still having these reactions? What if the difference between releasing it here and not releasing it here was paying the money for a dub? People rail on sony so much for having the english dub policy in place and they should leave it up to companies to do whatever, but then a company does just that on the Wii and people still complain. So weird.

I'll buy this day one...when the black wii is released in the US. =/

Having the reaction of... wishing there were an English dub in my English localization? Well... yeah, I guess so, because frankly I don't like the Japanese dub. It's not as if this was an immensely niche title that had virtually no chance of being published; we've already had two publishers for it.

Moreover, I certainly didn't suggest I'm not going to buy it, simply that it has affirmed my disappointment in the decision, and it's certainly doing me no favors in regards to Ignition's image of shoddy localization work.

Of course, I guess that's far more immature and superficial than waiting for a certain color to buy a console.
Volcynika said:
Well, I know that if that option I heard about to turn off the VA doesn't exist, I'm more than likely cancelling my preorder, because god help me if I have to play through the entire game with awful JP VA at every story scene/dialogue part.

And I just rail on any publisher who doesn't give both sides a fair shake.

*salutes/respects V's never ending fight of it being fair on both ends*


Junior Member
CO_Andy said:
- 360/PS3/digital distribution port possibility
- Future multi-player support
- Technical advantages of Wii over PS2
- Current games George is playing
- Thoughts on the future of the game industry
- Had the chance to work on another game series, what would it be?
- Any interest in developing a 3D title

Okay, I'll take that list.


Worships the porcelain goddess
batbeg said:
Having the reaction of... wishing there were an English dub in my English localization? Well... yeah, I guess so, because frankly I don't like the Japanese dub. It's not as if this was an immensely niche title that had virtually no chance of being published; we've already had two publishers for it.

Sure, I can understand that. The weird reactions on this forum in regards to dub or no dub, or whatever is quite hypocritical and confusing to me. In one instance, people will bitch and moan that a game doesn't come out here because it has to have an English dub. In the other instance, people bitch and moan that is doesn't have an English dub. Thus making complaints about having to have an English dub completely silly to me.

This forum advocates that the choice should be up to the publisher then spits in their face for making that choice one way or the other. It's silly to me.
So I just got the new issue of Play magazine today. They have an amazing zillion page feature on Muramasa. Equally interesting is the Muramasa artwork that adorns the cover of the magazine. It's....well...um...pretty nuts.

See for yourself:


I know that MMV is probably a little concerned about the game's sales in the west but trying to lead gamers to believe that it's a tentacle rape sim is not going to help.

Now where can I find that poster sized?
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