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RESISTANCE 2 REVEALED! 60man MP, 8p Co-op, 2 campaigns, etc HOLY $#!t




Smokey Bones said:
Who cares it's 60 player online battles and 8-player co-op online. The game can take place in Kansas for all I care.
I care, that's my biggest complaint for Resisance and if they 'fix' that, the rest will be awesome.


sounds godly. Glad that I recently just acquired a 60GB from a friend, think I'm going to have to give the first one a go. Heard good things about it.


Junior Butler
BenjaminBirdie said:
The OP is pretty clear. There's a single and co-op campaign, apparently.

The original was questionable, however.

Hopefully the main campaign is at least 2 player online co-op though.


The class modes for multiplayer sound great too. Almost like some sort of quasi successor to Tribes.

I might finally play a FPS online again as Resistance 2 seems to be shattering all the boring modes all other online FPS have.

Can jsteven clear up the co op issue?

Resistance has two player co op through the regular campaign on one system. It really wouldn't make sense if Resistance 2 had this feature stripped away for a co op only campaign mode since it was already done in the first game.
Amon37 said:
Possibly voice chat quality?

I don't know if that's a good thing or not BUt

I'll start with the cheapest quality mobile phone. :lol So i won't be disappointed.

So was Surfer Girl right about the class stuff? :lol


Doel said:
And more:

EDIT 16: listened to complaints... working on solution to long checkpoints and health system. not positive what final solution will be.

EDIT 17: "Our time playing was a blast"... each character class contributes in a unique way and "we loved the strategy-laden medic"... unique sense of teamwork

EDIT 18: Mysterious "Cloven"

EDIT 19: "Resistance 2 will be too epic to dismiss as anything but one of the biggest, boldest, and most high-reaching titles of 2008. It's a game that won't be ignored." [END ARTICLE]


What, sounds too hot.


i remember them saying last year they were alternating years with ratchet series and resistance, but noooo i didnt believe them. Well slap my ass and call me sally!
I hope these numbers actually work and don't just end up in clusterfucks for the sake of "MORE THAN YOU"

Akia said:
I love Resistance but you got to admit Insomniac just zerg rushed the FPS scene.

The question everyone will be asking now is does your game have 8 player co-op.

Sorry but that is just bollocks. 8 or even 4 player co-op just doesn't suit some games.
This is madness.

If game delivers, which most probably will based on Insomniac's history, I can't imagine how many games will suffer in future in comparison.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
It sounds great, but I don't want 60-person multiplayer. I've found that I have more fun in smaller, focused multiplayer match-ups. That's why I dug Gears of War multi so much...
plagiarize said:
only one game gets to be the MGS 2 of PS3... personally i'd rather see it Killzone 2 than Resistance 2 as Guerilla need a hit more than Insomniac.

but online co-op is always good news.

You know what, fuck Guerrilla. If they can outdevelop Insomniac, then good for them. But that's a fucking laugh. But no worries, it will be a greater sales hit anyway.



You Insomniac guys are awesome!

@JS: You really wanted to make Bungie and Guerilla cry right? :lol
Tieno said:
I care, that's my biggest complaint for Resisance and if they 'fix' that, the rest will be awesome.

Actually, I might have the issue in my mailbox, so I'll check to see what the locales are like, unless someone beats me to it


Riskbreaker23 said:
looks like killzone 2 is being sent to die :lol :lol

Damn shame too. KZ2 better release sometime in the late spring/summer if they want a snowball's chance in hell :lol


EDIT 17: "Our time playing was a blast"... each character class contributes in a unique way and "we loved the strategy-laden medic"... unique sense of teamwork

EDIT 19: "Resistance 2 will be too epic to dismiss as anything but one of the biggest, boldest, and most high-reaching titles of 2008. It's a game that won't be ignored." [END ARTICLE]

OMG, and WTF- so SOON?!? :O


GDJustin said:
It sounds great, but I don't want 60-person multiplayer. I've found that I have more fun in smaller, focused multiplayer match-ups. That's why I dug Gears of War multi so much...
Not every shooter needs to be the same, Killzone 2 can be the intimate tight shooter for the ps3.
GDJustin said:
It sounds great, but I don't want 60-person multiplayer. I've found that I have more fun in smaller, focused multiplayer match-ups. That's why I dug Gears of War multi so much...
This is Insomniac.

Resistance 1 had levels that scaled to the players. Don't worry. Don't worry about lag either I doubt they're going to go for 60p and be laggy. The last game was 40p with no lag.
Tieno said:
Not every shooter needs to be the same, Killzone 2 can be the intimate tight shooter for the ps3.
Exactly plus COD4 is out and it's damn fun.
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