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Alien Isolation might be one of the best stealth games ever made.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Edit: This game is such a great stealth game, a word in the title managed to sneak past me. That's how good it is.

So I finally picked up Alien Isolation during a sale some time ago, and figured now would be a good time to play it. I generally don't like Horror games, but I'm a huge fan of Alien so I was curious if I would like this game.
Well, as it turns out my fears were void, because Alien Isolation is not a horror game. It is a stealth game. And it might be one of my favourite stealth games ever made.

For me, a good stealth game has to make stealth meaningful. Combat should never be a viable option. I know many people dislike this and feel like you should be able to fight your way out of a sticky situation but for me, this is the absolute essence of a great stealth game: Tension. If it doesn't matter whether that guard sees you sneaking by or not it's meaningless. Yeah, I probably won't get that Achievment now but other then that? Let's just kill everybody and move on with it. But if getting spotted actually punishes you in a meaningful way, suddenly that 15 steps to the dark shadows over there can seem like an eternity.
And Alien Isolation, in a weird way, does not only punish you for fighting somebody, it does so, so much more to build tension.

Not only is there not a lot of ammunition out there but every single time you fire a gun, you risk summoning an indestructible beast that will hunt you, kill you and, most importantly, destroy all the progress you made.
Dying is meaningful because there are no quicksaves or autosaves at every corner, you can only save at certain stations. Die and you have to repeat everything. And even saving itself takes a few seconds, giving you that feeling that you might not even be save while doing it (and you are not).
Again, I know many people hate this. But I simply ADORE it. Because what would be the point of being surprised by the Alien when you can just reload to 15 seconds ago and stay in that cupboard? Why would I even try to be sneaky if I can just try to sprint to the exist because who cares if I fail? I just reload and try it again. And that why this game is so amazing to me, and probably not a lot of other people.
The beeping sound of those save stations makes me so much more happy than seeing that faint glow from a bonfire in Dark Souls. And unlike Dark Souls you aren't even safe while saving. You actually have to make sure the Alien isn't chasing you right now, because if you do save it will continue to do so every time you reload. This is genius. And evil. But mostly genius.

It makes every second of the game incredibly tense, especially because Creative Assembly has done such a freaking amazing job with the atmosphere.
You can hear that bastard Alien crawling in the vents while sneaking through the corridors, ready to jump out at any second and set you back 15 minutes. The game really looks and sounds like the original movie, you can tell that CA are some big fans of the franchise (unlike some other recent Alien game which shall remain unnamed).
And the fact that the Alien is somewhat flexible and doesn't follow scripted paths (and if it does at least they are not apparent) means you are never save. Ever. You can't sit back, watch it from the shadows and wait for the moment when the designers planned for you to sneak past it, like you do in pretty much every other stealth game. You have to keep moving and you have to stay vigilant. Because it is always there. Yes, it is a bit silly that this Alien is just following Ripley Jr. around the entire time without any real reason but who cares, if it makes the game better go for it.

So, in conclusion this game feels like CA sat around, stared into my mind and said: A hardcore stealth game, faithful to the only good Alien movie, that isn't afraid of punishing the player at every turn for not being stealthy? Sure, let's ask those dorks at Sega for a big budget and make it! I feel really, really bad for buying this game while it was on sale, because this is one of the best and most refreshing "AAA" games I have played in a long, long time. I don't know if there ever will be a sequel to this or if said sequel will just abolish everything I love about it to make it more appealing to socially more acceptable people than me but if they actually manage to drug the economic guys at Sega again and make a faithful sequel to this I would buy it Day 1.


If the human AI were improved, I'd have nothing to complain about with this game.
Okay the facehuggers were all bullshit

Certainly among one of the best I've played as well.


Something that makes it work really well as a stealth game is the motion sensor and the sound of the alien returning to the vents. The motion sensor lets you know when it's coming, and the sound of it returning to the vents lets you know when it's leaving. Along with the abundance of hiding places, the ability to hold your breath and lean back in lockers, etc., and the myriad tools you have for distracting the alien, you feel in control, even if you're always at risk of running into the alien.


you dont make a very good case as to why its a good stealth game, really. more like you make a case for it being a good horror game.
The alien stomping around in the vents and patrolling hallways really killed it for me. That's not how I imagine an alien behaving


The alien stomping around in the vents and patrolling hallways really killed it for me. That's not how I imagine an alien behaving

Yeah, I have to agree with you there. I loved the art and design of the game, but the alien just patrolling like a human grunt guard killed a lot of my immersion.


I was stuck in the first sneaky bit with humans for hours because of how random the human AI is. One second they are going down the stairs then they go back up and then down again.


Sometimes, when searching in drawers for supplies, I would pause and hide under station desks. Especially if they were tucked out of the way in an unremarkable, poorly illuminated room. The relief was real. Yep, I'll just roll my sleeping bag down here and use near objects as barricades. The alien won't suspect a thing.
I think a flaw in its stealth is that after awhile it gets old. After several deaths, it's often just simpler to walk/run to the next checkpoint than to waste your time sneaking and hiding.


It's so incredible in Virtual Reality with the ability it affords you to be able to look around. It's also cool how, if you're hiding in a locker in VR, and you look too far out, you'll bang your head on the door and make noise.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
The human AI and it's magical ability to see you in stupid situations is the only mark on an otherwise excellent stealth game.


It's so incredible in Virtual Reality with the ability it affords you to be able to look around. It's also cool how, if you're hiding in a locker in VR, and you look too far out, you'll bang your head on the door and make noise[/B].

I thought SA developed this game with VR not in mind, so how is this possible?

or am I wrong?


Nah. AI is garbage throughout. That kinda ruins the entire game considering there's pretty much nothing else to it outside of that.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
OT: You emphasized what made the horror so good, not really what makea it superior to most other Stealth games.

Horror, for me, is to be scared. I was never scared during the game. The Alien is not scary. I know it too well to be scared by it. I never had a moment where I "freaked" out or screamed or anything similar. It might as well have been a human or anything really. Maybe my understanding of horror differentiates from yours though.

I wanted, and failed obviously, to convey how important it is for stealth games to have a consequence for being detected and how an enemy that doesn't follow a set path changes the genre. I had the same feelings while playing Thief 2 back then. Maybe the line between Horror and Stealth is not as clear, as both genres rely on tension (at least the good games do)


Nah. AI is garbage throughout. That kinda ruins the entire game considering there's pretty much nothing else to it outside of that.

for me it was never about the gameplay, but more so the atmosphere/art design and setting, which the game does incredibly well.

Beth Cyra

Just started the game earlier.

Eh I don't jive with the whole enjoying the concept of death and being sent back 15 to 30 Mins or looking at it as a positive.

Also I don't get the tense or pressure most seem to. Play two hours, saw the Alien and kinda shrugged so it doesn't even startle me.

Still great world building so far.
I don't really think the stealth genre has really progressed much since Thief 2. The closest thing to progress is the fact that many people are shoehorning a simplified stealth system into action games.

The bit I have played of Alien Isolation I certainly enjoyed, but it does not do anything special in terms of gameplay.


Game wouldn't be very scary if you knew where the alien was.

I feel ground zeroes had better/ more creative feeling stealth elements but isolation is incredible in how it's horror parts motivate you to hide like fucking crazy. love a lot of the cool tricks they do with lighting and music/sound design as well.


If it is it makes it a shitty stealth game and negates the whole point of the motion detector.

Honestly, like in the movies, the motion detector is only there to increase tension.

But basically this:

Game wouldn't be very scary if you knew where the alien was.

I feel ground zeroes had better/ more creative feeling stealth elements but isolation is incredible in how it's horror parts motivate you to hide like fucking crazy. love a lot of the cool tricks they do with lighting and music/sound design as well.

The way the Alien works is because they wanted to make a horror game. In a normal stealth game generally you are still the predator ;) and the enemies the prey.


Personally, I agree. That's kind of why I feel MGS drops the ball; if you fail, you just hide somewhere until the heat dies down. There's no real tension.

I think The Last of Us was great at being a stealth game for similar reasons. If you get caught, you die.


I love how unpredictable the AI could be, I never had the same exact play-through and each time I tried to guess where the alien was with no avail.

It's a great stealth horror game and one that deserves all the praise it can get.


I agree op, I played it on the hardest diificulty and my goodness it was soul destroying.

I literally had to pause the game every 5 mins just because I was quite frankly too afraid to move from one spot and nearly shat in my pants on multiple occasions.

The stealth is so rewarding in this game, I actually found the droids to be menacing and just as petrifying as the alien at times but the alien really does come into it's own.

Saving the game becomes a mental exercise just in itself, you can see the save point but you fear for your life just reaching it.

That part near the end when you have to manouver between the two rooms in complete darkness was utterly horrendus.

The only thing I will complain about is the parts where I felt forced to use my flamethrower (the nest) but other than that I felt they did a fantastic job.

Pretty much exactly how I feel. I actually enjoyed standing in a locker scared to get out. Slowly crawling through out a level because the second you walk/run that thing hears you and puts its tail threw your chest. Also needs to be played on the hardest difficulty level.


I'm fine with unpredictable AI.... But not when you can get one shot kill.... take some time before the game help you to prevent this... this is a actualy pretty stupid design.


I'm fine with unpredictable AI.... But not when you can get one shot kill.... take some time before the game help you to prevent this... this is a actualy pretty stupid design.

aim for the head, this is especially crucial when up against a Working Joe, a clean shotgun round to the head will drop any Joe, except the ones with protective gear on, and in that case use the bolt gun.

a bit of nerd trivia, Synthetics have whats called a Carbon 60 processor of multiple variants(the brain) all internal fiber optics lead to it, so when trying to take one down the only way to really put it down it is by going after the processor unit. This is why when trying to kill them by any mean besides the head is difficult being that they dont have any internal organs and the only major component to them is the "brain" .


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
OK so it's not a good stealth game we can agree on that then?
No :p
It changes your role. In a normal stealth game the player is always in control. You stalk the enemy. You know where they are. In this game your role is reversed. You are not the hunter anymore.
Something that makes it work really well as a stealth game is the motion sensor and the sound of the alien returning to the vents. The motion sensor lets you know when it's coming, and the sound of it returning to the vents lets you know when it's leaving. Along with the abundance of hiding places, the ability to hold your breath and lean back in lockers, etc., and the myriad tools you have for distracting the alien, you feel in control, even if you're always at risk of running into the alien.
I agree with this post.

I did my first playthrough on Hard mode and had an absolute blast. One of the most tense games I've ever played.


Finished it on Hard a couple weeks ago for my first time through and loved it. I actually started on Nightmare and got halfway through the game before conceding that it was too hard for my first playthrough... then I thought Hard was way too easy. Loved it, though. Really great game. Somehow managed to get all the secret achievements and almost all the rest onmy first time through without any external guides. All I have left are the tags, Nostromo logs, and One Shot. On a Novice playthrough now for those!
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