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I just got my first ever D.U.I...first time in jail, ever. :(

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Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I know GAF highly disapproves of this, but last night I got my first D.U.I.

For the last two and a half years, I've basically been socially dead---I go to work, come home, etc. Nobody I know from High School or College want anything to do with me it seems, so I was always alone. In January I struck up a brief online relationship with a girl, but that ended suddenly without any response from her. Finally, though, a few weeks ago a guy from work asked me to hang out with him and his girlfriend, and I actually got over my anxiety and had a blast. Since then, I've been going out every weekend---something I really haven't done since College, and things were moving really fast for me. I always feel like I need to drink around them to be interesting and worth hanging out with, and I've been getting really wild lately. Thankfully, I've always rode with them home as they're far more responsible when it comes to alcohol and don't have a low tolerance like me...

Last night, me and the girl hung out since he was working, and went downtown. The plan was this---I drive up, but she'd drive back since she wasn't gonna drink much. I didn't plan on drinking much either, but about an hour after we got to the club she just left---went to see another friend for a few minutes at another bar (ended up an hour almost), and left me alone at a bar which is the most embarrassing thing in the world for me. I couldn't be mad though---I mean, she's not my girlfriend, but I got really upset and worried people would think I was pathetic, so I drank a lot to ease my embarrassment. She finally came back, and we did shots---and then more, at her urge, and using my money. Honestly, this is a reoccurring pattern with her, but I'm too much of a coward to call her out on it and say no, like I said I feel like I'd lose my friends if I say no or let them down. Right before the bar was gonna close, she had sobered up, while I hadn't...and then told me another friend was taking her home, so I was basically on my own. She asked if that was okay, but in a half-hearted way and she really didn't seem to care about my well-being. I panicked---I knew I couldn't drive, and didn't know what to do. My parents are very protective since I live at home with them, and in the past had two suicide attempts---I wasn't thinking straight, and didn't want to call for help from them or get taken home in a taxi because I was terrified I'd upset them and they'd freak out and wouldn't let me go out. I mean, I'm 25, they can't stop me, but you know, I still show them respect since I live under their roof. And I don't have a lot of friends, so I didn't know who else to call.

I stupidly thought I'd be able to manage getting home, but ended up getting lost---finally I made it back to a place I recognized, and just wanted to pull over and call for help, when I got pulled over by a cop. He'd seen me driving around in circles, and so I got hit with a DUI because I was intoxicated. Terrified, I went to jail and spent 13 hours there---they didn't offer me a phone, and I was terrified to ask. My family and work all thought I was dead because no one knew where I was. The other people in the jail were yelling crazy "I'm gonna rape you stuff!" and other threats at me too because I was crying and they could tell they were getting to me, luckily they moved me to a cell away from that, but then I was basically left at the edge of the hall where no guard ever walked past, so I couldn't ask if I could call my parents or when I was getting out.

And---here I am. I fucked up big time. I've made mistakes in my life---plenty of them---but this is the first major legal one. Most of the mistakes I make are me messing up friendships due to anxiety and fear of losing friends, having issues at work, etc. At this point in my life, I was already at my lowest. A dead-end job, no friends (and now that I fucked things up, I don't want to hang out with those people again because they enable me I feel), live with my parents, etc., and now add the probable 1-year suspended license which is gonna destroy any hopes I had of finally moving out or getting a better job. I'm 25, live with my parents, won't have a license, and work at a grocery store. I'm literally trash. The only positive thing I have going for me is I recently got into learning Japanese which is the one bright-spot and goal I have at the moment, but even with that I'm doubting if I have the capability to learn the language as I've hit a wall in my studies. I just don't know what to do now...I'll be almost 27 before I can drive again.
Be thankful you didn't hurt yourself or others. I want to say something to make you feel better about your situation, but I can't think of anything. Just be glad it wasn't worse.


I know it's hard to imagine now but life does go on. I was in a similar situation that landed me in jail for a night. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and I have vowed never to have a repeat. Things are bleak now but you'll pull through. Make a promise to better yourself and take things one day at a time. One day you'll look back at your experience and be grateful you learned something from it like how foolish drinking and driving is.


Well at least it wasn't worse but it was a complete fuck up man :/ why didn't you call a cab if you knew you couldn't drive?


Take a taxi next time.

1 year suspended license isn't so bad really.

It's not like you're out of time to get things started, you're 25.

Stop paying for everything and don't be a pushover.
Maybe move to Japan? You don't need to drive anywhere if you live even slightly close to a city; you can obviously practice your Japanese; and you can get a decent paying job teaching English while you figure out what you want to do with your life. If you have problems with depression you might need to be careful about such a big change though.
As this is Gaf, you're going to have a lot of posters dogpile on you and say you're a PoS for drunk driving.

But the shitty thing is, you made a costly mistake. Fortunately, it could be worse, as you didn't hurt anyone nor did you yourself get hurt. First thing right off the bat is you need to appreciate that.

This is not gonna be a fun process. It's long, drawn-out, and it's going to cost you a shit ton of money if you don't do it right. And you're going to be reliant on transportation other than a car for a very long time. How far is work for you? Can you Uber? Can you catch the bus? Do you have a bicycle?

I'm going through the same thing, OP. But the difference is my car got totaled; yours didn't. Be happy you don't have to go through the shit of trying to get a new car.
And no, no one nor I got hurt in my incident.

The only way you're going to make it through this is if you just take a deep breath and go day-by-day. Build a battle plan on how you can best get out of this all right. Get proper legal advice if you can, but be smart and don't get taken advantage of in the process.

Good luck.

Maybe move to Japan? You don't need to drive anywhere if you live even slightly close to a city; you can obviously practice your Japanese; and you can get a decent paying job teaching English while you figure out what you want to do with your life. If you have problems with depression you might need to be careful about such a big change though.
Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but this is simply not gonna be possible for him. :p
That's rough, OP. I have to admit though I see the DUI being primarily your fault though. It was an increasingly inconsiderate thing of your friend's girlfriend to do, leaving you to make your own way home while inebriated but you absolutely should've called a cab/taxi.

Your life sounds very challenging right now. I would try to focus on finding something that you enjoy doing. A hobby or some such. I'm not very good at giving life advice I'm afraid and certainly my own life isn't turning out very well.


It sucks you can't drive till you are 27 but you paid the price for drinking under the influence and thank the lucky stars your price wasn't the death of a innocent person.

Should of called a taxi, uber, friend, relative or went and waited for a bus. We all make mistakes but you were coherent enough to choose to drive instead of waiting it out in your car till you sober up or explore real options. Glad you didn't kill anyone and you are alive and safe and just strive to better yourself and power through the shit.


Jesus, sorry to hear that. Sounds like a phenomenally shitty night all around. Might be a good time to take stock and figure out how to end up with a social life on your own terms, or at least one that takes you out of your comfort zone in a more collaborative way.


You're 25. Even if you love with your parents, you're an adult and should have called a cab if able. You should have also told her that you paid for the drinks, you're fucked up and the least she could do is have her friend take you home. That was really shitty of her. Luckily you didn't hurt anyone and it sucks you had to learn like this.

Also you're not trash, OP. You're human. We make mistakes. We fuck up. We have our high moments and our lows. You'll get past this and since you've already attempted in the past, seek help if you start self loathing and feel that way again.


Could you not have taken a nap in your car or something?

Only advice is that what's done is done. Focus on how you're going to deal with the situation and move forward instead of sulking.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I think I can actually use my car to get to work, the way I understand it. I mean---I hope so. I live in a small town with virtually no good transportation, and I live in a cul-de-sac area quite far away from where any buses go anyway.

Also I live in Virginia---they have like, the strictest DUI laws apparently in the nation.

Could you not have taken a nap in your car or something?

Only advice is that what's done is done. Focus on how you're going to deal with the situation and move forward instead of sulking.

I didn't even consider that---can't you still be charged for a DUI if you're in a vehicle like that intoxicated?


Every experience is a learning one OP, use it to better yourself.

What you should have gotten out of that, is that it's better to take the light punishment than risk a bigger one for a chance of getting scot free. Your parents would have obviously been better with you taking a cab home than getting a DUI and spending the night in jail.

And yeah, if you can't call the girl out on anything, stop hanging out with them.
Sucks, man. Depending on which state you live in will determine how much. It's expensive, particularly the probation. This is actually a situation where living at home is going to work in your favor big time. With the job you have, it sounds like paying court fees, probation costs, and the other fun assorted fees involved with this type of thing would have been very difficult with rent. As long as you hold onto your job, you should be financially okay. You can get a restricted license way before two years.

It's a big deal but it isn't the end of the world. You might be surprised when you start to realize how common they actually are. That said, it's still very serious and you're lucky it didn't end up with anyone injured. You'll get enough of this at therapy but spend a lot of time thinking how to avoid this ever happening again. It sounds like you have a personality or at least some anxieties that put you at risk for this. If that's true, own it and make sure you account for it before you go out for drinks. In most states, reoffending is a much more serious deal.


Get a bike. Learn the bus routes. Download the Uber app.

A DUI isn't the end of the world, just a costly slap on the wrist. You can likely get a hardship license to get to and from work anyhow.


Be glad you made this mistake in a country that isn't far more harsh about DUI, and that you didn't hurt anybody else. Meeting new people is hard, but these "friends" don't sound like very good ones. I really do wish you luck getting through this.
Get an Uber or a taxi next time.
The embarrassment is not worth the lives you put at risk, no matter what.

You've hopefully learned your lesson now.
It's a very sad story though, OP. I wish you the best.

J. Bravo

get a taxi next time. 10/10 if they run in your area. your parents would rather you make responsible decisions with your new social life.

you can probably get it dropped if it's your first offense. lawyer up. and it's gonna cost a shit ton of money, so have fun. don't drive drunk anymore though. good luck.


First DUI
But really dude work on your anxiety, see a therapist maybe, and don't endanger yourself like that ever again.


Take a taxi next time.

1 year suspended license isn't so bad really.

It's not like you're out of time to get things started, you're 25.

Stop paying for everything and don't be a pushover.
This. And also stop making excuses for your actions. If you choose to do something, it's because you chose to, not because of anything that happened before that moment.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Virginia doesn't fuck around, even on the first offense...I have no prior records though, never even got a ticket, so that might help me.

I just hope I don't go to jail for five days, which is one of the possible charges VA does. I fucking freaked out in there for half-a-day, five days would destroy me. I'm the type of person who people can sense weakness in and would walk all over me.

Why didn't you wait to sober up before driving? It's not like you had a pressing reason to get home.

Everything was closing, and I didn't want to be downtown by myself. I was upset and just wanted to get in bed and cry myself to sleep---which I ended up doing in a jail bed.

Why didn't you just call a taxi?

I have no fucking clue how to do that.

I don't live in a city with a good public transport system. I have no clue what number to call for a taxi. I wish I would've stayed at the bar till it closed all the way, maybe then one of the staff would realize I wasn't good and would've helped me out.


Never cry in jail. ever. Gotta be tough...or bad. Because as the man said, "if you ain't bad, you get fucked."

Intoxication sort of clouds the mind.

Perhaps but a similar thing has happened to me a few times when I was legless and it was obvious that I needed to do that. You don't forget taxis exist just because you're drunk.

edit: oh, just seen that he thought it would make his parents freak out. Don't see how but ok.


Unconfirmed Member
I think I can actually use my car to get to work, the way I understand it. I mean---I hope so. I live in a small town with virtually no good transportation, and I live in a cul-de-sac area quite far away from where any buses go anyway.

Also I live in Virginia---they have like, the strictest DUI laws apparently in the nation.

I didn't even consider that---can't you still be charged for a DUI if you're in a vehicle like that intoxicated?

Laws differ, but two people just went through this by me and they got suspended and couldn't drive for a month. Then they had restricted licenses afterwords and could only go from work for about 6 monthish.

So you might need a ride to a fro for a month.
Virginia doesn't fuck around, even on the first offense...I have no prior records though, never even got a ticket, so that might help me.

I just hope I don't go to jail for five days, which is one of the possible charges VA does. I fucking freaked out in there for half-a-day, five days would destroy me. I'm the type of person who people can sense weakness in and would walk all over me.

Everything was closing, and I didn't want to be downtown by myself. I was upset and just wanted to get in bed and cry myself to sleep---which I ended up doing in a jail bed.

I have no fucking clue how to do that.

I don't live in a city with a good public transport system. I have no clue what number to call for a taxi. I wish I would've stayed at the bar till it closed all the way, maybe then one of the staff would realize I wasn't good and would've helped me out.

You're 25 and you were worried your parents would freak out because you got home 30 or 60 minutes later than if you had driven drunk?
If this is your first ever entry into the legal system, you may be able to do what is called a 'diversion', depending on state laws. This is basically a one-time use to erase a minor mistake - Which a first DUI may qualify as.

Jail sucks, bro. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Next time, remember that spinelessness can carry heavy consequences. You were being used like a towel and you knew it, and that's really unacceptable.

A taxi is better, right? The bartender WILL call one for you.


Virginia doesn't fuck around, even on the first offense...I have no prior records though, never even got a ticket, so that might help me.

I just hope I don't go to jail for five days, which is one of the possible charges VA does. I fucking freaked out in there for half-a-day, five days would destroy me. I'm the type of person who people can sense weakness in and would walk all over me.

Everything was closing, and I didn't want to be downtown by myself. I was upset and just wanted to get in bed and cry myself to sleep---which I ended up doing in a jail bed.

I have no fucking clue how to do that.

I don't live in a city with a good public transport system. I have no clue what number to call for a taxi. I wish I would've stayed at the bar till it closed all the way, maybe then one of the staff would realize I wasn't good and would've helped me out.

FWIW, most bars will help you get a taxi if you ask. They could be partially liable for continuing to serve you/allowing you to leave in a clearly intoxicated state if someone gets hurt.
Could you not have taken a nap in your car or something?

Only advice is that what's done is done. Focus on how you're going to deal with the situation and move forward instead of sulking.

In MI, if the keys are in the ignition you are still screwed.
I couldn't drive for 4 years. If you ever go to community college, you'll see how many people in that age or higher go back to school. I was one of them not that big of a deal, military is another path as well, most of my friends did that. I missed many years from 2 serious accidents which made me a handicap for a while, but I'm okay now.
Maybe move to Japan? You don't need to drive anywhere if you live even slightly close to a city; you can obviously practice your Japanese; and you can get a decent paying job teaching English while you figure out what you want to do with your life. If you have problems with depression you might need to be careful about such a big change though.
going to japan is not a cure all lol


Damn dude there's nothing wrong with calling a cab or an uber. Your friends or parents won't think any less of you for it. In fact that's a mature and responsible thing to do

J. Bravo

Even if you're in a parking lot sleeping with keys out of the ignition?

not if you're in the passenger seat. source: i fell asleep in the passenger seat of my truck in a lowe's parking lot shortly after walking from the bar to my car. cop woke me up and just had me call my dad to get a ride home. no biggie.
Thanks for posting, took some balls knowing how this would be received. People recover from this and so should you if you learned your lesson. Please take the classes seriously, which I suspect you will. Good luck. out of curiosity, what was your bac? Did you blow or get a blood draw?


Not to make it feel worse but in reality you will be paying for it a lot longer than the year suspension. When you finally get your license back you will be required to get an SR22 which will place you in the high risk category and raising your insurance rates substantially.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I think both? I don't really recall...I did some test at the scene, and then some other one back at the jail.

It was .13. .15 is when shit gets serious in terms of penalties, that's instant jail time in VA for five days iirc.
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