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The Resistance: Avalon [mafia?] |OT| I Put on my Robe and Wizard Hat



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Welcome to the isle of Avalon, where the soul of a great king now sleeps eternal. We, the humble knights and loyal servants of Arthur, have passed a great time in mourning for our great king, he who gave his life in the battle against the greatest of evils. But no longer! It is time we take upon the five great quests left undone and smite evil once and for all!

Do not fear, o fledgling knight! Merlin, the legendary wizard, will guide our path with his great magicks! However, it seems there are some among us who would wish upon us failure rather than success...

The Basics

The Resistance is a mission-based game of deceit in which one group of players (the Spies) have infiltrated a larger group of mission-goers (the Resistance). The group as a whole will take on up to 5 missions with varying member counts. If 3 missions should fail, the Spies win; if 3 missions succeed, the Resistance will win. The game is similar to Mafia and Werewolf, but designed to prevent player elimination and provide more information for players at the outset.

Avalon is an expansion of Resistance that changes the setting to a medieval fantasy in which there are two sides: Loyal Servants of Arthur on the side of Good and Minions of Mordred aligned with Evil. The gameplay is significantly changed with the addition of Merlin, a role aligned with Good that knows the identity of all the Evil players. However, Evil will win if the Assassin and the other Evil players are able to correctly guess Merlin’s identity.

This game has an open setup. In other words, players will enter the game knowing everything about the mechanics and which roles are in play. In addition, all game discussion will be done in this thread. That means there will NOT be a separate forum for players to communicate in during the game itself; however, there will be a temporary side forum for Evil players to use before the game begins, and before role PMs are sent out. Additionally, this side forum may be used again at the end of the game (more on that below).


All players have the power to vote and go on quests, however only Evil players can fail missions. Some players possess additional abilities known only to themselves.


Loyal Servant of Arthur:

Loyal Servants of Arthur have no special powers, but like everyone else, they can vote and can go on quests. There will be 4 players with this role.


At the start of the game, Merlin learns the identities of all players on the Evil team, but does not know which player has each role. It is imperative that Merlin’s identity remains a secret; if Evil is able to deduce his identity at the end of the game, Evil will be victorious.


At the start of the game, Percival knows the identities of Merlin and Morgana, but does not know which player has either role.


Minion of Mordred:

As members of the Evil team, Minions of Mordred are able to see their teammates and fail quests. Otherwise, they can vote and go on quests like everyone else. There are two players with this role.


At the start of the game, Morgana will appear to Percival as a second Merlin.

The Assassin:

If Good has succeeded 3 missions, the Assassin can choose to kill one person that they think is Merlin. They can do this by PMing the command Assassinate: <player name>. If they are correct, Evil will win instead of Good.


There are five quests in total, which will be taken on sequentially by teams approved by the players. Each quest can either end in Success or Failure.

If one person chooses to fail any quest, excluding the fourth, the quest will end in failure. The fourth quest will succeed unless it is failed by at least two players. The number of people who chose to fail the quest will be revealed the following day.

The team sizes for each of the quests are as follows:

Quest 1: 3 players (1 Fail is required)
Quest 2: 4 players (1 Fail is required)
Quest 3: 4 players (1 Fail is required)
Quest 4: 5 players (2 Fails are required)
Quest 5: 5 players (1 Fail is required)

Proposal/Voting Phases:

Starting from the top of the player list, a “proposer” will be designated for each proposal phase. They can use the command PROPOSAL: <player names> to propose a team to embark on the current quest. The last team proposed will be the one that all players vote on. If the player proposing teams would like to end the proposal phase early, they may use the command FINAL PROPOSAL: <player names>. Otherwise, the proposal phase will end after 48 hours.

Once the proposal phase has ended, we will enter the voting phase. During this time, posting in the thread is not allowed, and everyone must PM their votes to one of the moderators. Players can either choose to “APPROVE” or “REJECT” the quest team. If we do not receive a PM from a player, their vote will default to REJECT. We will notify the thread if we have not received a player’s PM. The voting phase will last for 24 hours.

Following the voting phase, we will publicly post each player’s votes. If there is a majority (6) of approvals, the quest team has been approved and quest phase will begin. If the team is rejected, we will enter another proposal phase, with the next player on the list becoming the new proposer.

There can be up to five proposal/voting periods per quest. If four teams are rejected in a row, the fifth and final proposal for the quest will be automatically approved. Be wary of who you allow to pick the quest team!

Quest Phases:

Once a quest team is approved, we will move into the quest phase. The quest phase will last for up to 24 hours. Members of the quest team must PM a moderator either “SUCCESS” or “FAIL” for the quest. Only members of Evil may PM the moderator a failure. DO NOT SEND IN A FAILURE IF YOU ARE GOOD.

Everyone is free to post in the thread during this time.

This phase may be delayed if we fail to receive PMs from all members of the quest team. We will publicly post in the thread that we have not received all PMs after 24 hours. If we do not receive a PM 48 hours after the start of this phase, and the player is absent from the thread, the player will be replaced. Some time after all submissions are received, the results of the quest will be posted in the thread. Players will be told the exact number of SUCCESSes and FAILs we received, but not who submitted each one.

After the results are posted, a new proposal phase will begin for the next quest.


Please include all information in the title of your PM to make it easier to record. You can put whatever you want in the body, but do not assume that it will be read.

When approving or rejecting a team proposal, write the quest number, the player who has proposed it, and whether you APPROVE or REJECT the team. You can use player nicknames if you like, as long as it’s obvious whose proposal it is.

Sample PM:

Title: Quest 3, Rats Off to Ya’s Proposal: REJECT
Message: I’m more of a mouse person myself.

When succeeding or failing a mission, please write the quest number and whether you would like to send in a SUCCESS or FAIL.

Sample PM:

Title: Quest 2: SUCCESS
Message: Avalon is a fun game because I hate my friends!

The Assassin can do whatever they want in their endgame PM, as long as the message or title includes Assassinate: <player name> (somewhere obvious, please).

The End of the Game:

The game will end in a Good win if Good is able to succeed 3 quests, and the Assassin does not correctly identify Merlin.

There will be an Evil win if Evil is able to fail 3 quests. In the case that Good has succeeded 3 quests, Evil players will be able to deliberate in a side forum about who they think is Merlin, but only the Assassin can reveal their role. If any other player reveals their role, Good will automatically win. The Assassin will then PM the moderator the command Assassinate: <player name>. If they are correct, Evil will win.

Player List and Proposal Order:

The following is both the player list and the proposal order. The list is randomized. Please use the personal pronouns as specified by each player.

1. [m] Lone_Prodigy
2. [m] Kalor
3. [m] Rynam
4. [m] UltraJay
5. [m] TheExodu5
6. [m] Lord of Castamere
7. [m] ultron87
8. [m] kingkitty
9. [m] Palmer_v1
10. [m] CzarTim

We are beginning with Quest 1, which requires 3 players. The first proposal will be made by Lone_Prodigy.

Game start:



Additionally, the following general GAFia rules are applicable to this game:

1. All site-wide rules are also applicable here. Please do not tarnish this community.
2. Unless your Role PM explicitly allows you to do otherwise, discussion about this game is strictly confined to this thread.
3. Unless your role PM explicitly allows you to do otherwise, do not quote or posts screen-shots of any PMs or posts that were not made in this thread. Obviously this is a grey area, but please try and play sportingly.

5. Do not refer or discuss to player activity in other forum threads or life in general beyond the game.
6. The player list includes the preferred personal pronoun of each player. Please try to use the correct pronoun.
7. Please be nice to your fellow players. Mafia can be a tense experience, and occasionally aggressive play is useful, but remember this is game and that everyone should have fun.

27. Outside of votes and explicit allowances made by role PMs, the use of the highlight tag is strictly the game-runner's prerogative. Do not use it.
28. Do not edit your posts. If you are a repeat offender, a replacement will be sought.
29. Do not use the email tags to hide extra content in your posts.

31. Game-runners reserve the right to add, remove, or modify existing any rules at any point, and enforcement may be applied retrospectively. However, all players will be informed of changes, and changes will be consistent across games.
32. In general, do not try and exploit loop-holes in the rules.
33. Completed GAF games are often read by people thinking of signing up in the future. As such, please keep your avatar spoiler free - it should not allude to your role or alignment.


Alignment PMs will be going out shortly. Specific role PMs will go out approximately 12 hours before the game starts.

I only just realized we never pre-wrote alignment PMs, but I will paste them in here when I write them. (edit: nevermind. They sound the same. Don't use PM wording as a means to do anything or I'll be mad).

Please use this time to ask any questions you have about the game, including mechanics and roles.


If the good guys are the "resistance" that means the spies are working for the duly elected government. So really this is about the heroic and noble spy team trying to triumph over adversity.
Awwwww yessss.

If you guys have any questions about the rules, go ahead and ask them in here. I think we laid it out pretty well in the OP, but it can be a lot to take in all at once. I promise it will make a lot of sense once we take it one phase at a time.


If the good guys are the "resistance" that means the spies are working for the duly elected government. So really this is about the heroic and noble spy team trying to triumph over adversity.

Only in the base game. In the expansion Avalon, it is the Knights of Arthur versus Mordred so it's a little more clear cut.


Looking forward to this. I may be slightly inactive in the next few days, but I'll try to post a few times each day and keep up. Unfortunately, my home and mobile bandwidth caps are shot so my internet will be limited until Saturday.
After a long and perilous journey, the brave and Good knights, the Loyal Servants of Arthur, have arrived on the island on Avalon. Though your King sleeps eternal, all is not lost. Embark you must on five quests of great import, and forever rid Britannia from the Evil influence of Mordred and his faithful Minions.

Among you is the wise Merlin, a powerful wizard and your late King's most trusted advisor. His magic can aid you in rooting out the forces of Evil, however for all his ability he is but a mortal man. Evil Mordred wants nothing more than to put a dagger in his back and doom the realm once and for all.

As one of Arthur's most trusted knights, brave Percival is the only soul among you to whom Merlin has revealed his true identity. Alas, there is the presence of foul sorcery on this island, and brave Percival has found his recollection muddy and confused.

This much you know for certain: four of Mordred's dastardly Minions have infiltrated your ranks and disguised themselves as servants of Good. Only Merlin has seen their true faces, but he must take great care not to betray his magical knowledge and expose himself to an attacker in the night.

One of these Minions is Morgana, and it is her sorcery that has confused poor Percival. She will appear to him as a second individual claiming to be Merlin; in the coming days, it will be Percival's duty to deduce the truth.

Finally, Mordred has sent with his team a true scoundrel, a cutthroat, an Assassin. Should the Minions of Evil fail their campaign of sabotage, it will fall to the Assassin to take one finally opportunity and put an end to Good's greatest asset.

Your task has been set, Servants of Arthur. Embark on quests, root out Evil, and protect Merlin's identity. Only then may prosperity return to this land.


As the first player on the list, Lone_Prodigy will propose a team of any three players to embark on the first quest. He can do this at any time by using the command PROPOSAL: followed by his choices. This proposal can be changed at any time, as many times as he likes. You will all have 48 hours to deliberate on the proposed teams; at the end of that time, the last proposal made will be the one to go up for a vote. Prodigy can also end this phase prematurely at any time by using the command FINAL PROPOSAL.

As one final reminder, and for anyone unfamiliar with this game, if Good intends to win Merlin's identity must remain a secret. Unlike Mafia, role claiming and role speculation is never in Good's best interest, because the roles in this game explicitly revolve around Merlin and his abilities.

The game officially begins now. You will have 48 hours to select your quest team.



So I guess the first order of business is to figure out a group for the quest. How will we go about that since it will be mostly random?


Personally, I like to bring players at the end of the list for a first proposal, since players 1-5 will more likely be in the first 5 proposals.

I would suggest:



Okay, so, we start off at a bit of a disadvantage here because the evil team has gotten a little bit of time to talk amongst themselves, which isn't something they get to do in the physical game. So they've been able to figure out some plans and such. This does mean that a few of the big traps the evil team can fall in are less likely to happen, but there's only so much they can do to control the game. And good team is going to have the huge advantage of a complete record of votes and team proposals.

In terms of team proposals, please always include yourself. Don't do the whole thing where you don't pick yourself because "you want more info". We will get plenty of info from voting and team proposals and we actually win this game by succeeding at quests. You know you're good, so get yourself in there. Then when it fails you'll know that one of X - 1 people are evil, instead of one of X people if you weren't on the team.

Everyone should be willing to vote "no" on mission teams. More failed votes means more proposals, more info, and hey, maybe the chance to get you, the guaranteed good guy, on the team instead of some other unknown potential evil doer.

All that said, hey, put me on the team. I'll succeed it so fast.


I agree that the proposer should include themselves in the proposal. We don't know if the proposer is evil or not so not including yourself doesn't help anyone. I'm up for being in the party today but I'll likely be on tomorrows team since I'll be proposing.


Day 1 seems a little like Day 1 mafia where there's a bit of blindness involved. I don't have any problem with the proposal by Exodus. If we are to follow Ultron's suggestion, then Exodus should also include himself in the proposal? Or is that suggestion more for the main proposer?


Day 1 seems a little like Day 1 mafia where there's a bit of blindness involved. I don't have any problem with the proposal by Exodus. If we are to follow Ultron's suggestion, then Exodus should also include himself in the proposal? Or is that suggestion more for the main proposer?
I generally meant for the person currently choosing the team. Any official proposals that get voted on should include the proposer. I've never seen a compelling reason not to do this. Obviously at some point a number of people will have to vote Yes on a team that doesn't include them just to make the game proceed, either because they like it for some reason or it is the fifth proposal of the round which auto passes.


I generally meant for the person currently choosing the team. Any official proposals that get voted on should include the proposer. I've never seen a compelling reason not to do this. Obviously at some point a number of people will have to vote Yes on a team that doesn't include them just to make the game proceed, either because they like it for some reason or it is the fifth proposal of the round which auto passes.

There is good reason for the proposer not to include themselves in a regular game. You have a better chance of taking more than 1 minion to the missions, and might end up with multiple failures, which can give them away.

However, in this game, minions have had a chance to discuss beforehand. So I think we should assume they have a voting strategy in case more than one gets taken on the mission.

So yes, in this case, I agree that the proposer should always include themselves.


There is good reason for the proposer not to include themselves in a regular game. You have a better chance of taking more than 1 minion to the missions, and might end up with multiple failures, which can give them away.

However, in this game, minions have had a chance to discuss beforehand. So I think we should assume they have a voting strategy in case more than one gets taken on the mission.

So yes, in this case, I agree that the proposer should always include themselves.

Right. Minions would be morons not to have a priority system for who fails when multiple get sent. It kind of kills one of the better times to catch people being shifty. Unless we're lucky with out very first team, this is probably a 3 and out.
This is my first time playing. Once lp posts his list I'll discuss, but right now I don't have anything to add.

What Exdou said seems like a solid plan.


I haven't played with 10 in a while, but is this the normal order?

Quest 1: 3 players (1 Fail is required)
Quest 2: 4 players (1 Fail is required)
Quest 3: 4 players (1 Fail is required)
Quest 4: 5 players (2 Fails are required)
Quest 5: 5 players (1 Fail is required)

I thought 3 and 4 were reversed?


I haven't played with 10 in a while, but is this the normal order?

Quest 1: 3 players (1 Fail is required)
Quest 2: 4 players (1 Fail is required)
Quest 3: 4 players (1 Fail is required)
Quest 4: 5 players (2 Fails are required)
Quest 5: 5 players (1 Fail is required)

I thought 3 and 4 were reversed?

Pulled it straight off the game manual.


Uh Lone? There is a procedure you have to go through. Plus it I'm not so comfortable with someone else choosing for him. I'm fine with the suggestion, but Exodus chose this team not Lone. I'm not sure I'm fine with that.
I was thinking we could discuss it more before formalizing a proposal? We get multiple tries but why not get it right the first time?


Lone you are thinking that once you do the proposal command that we will all vote YES and basically turbo the day. Not going to happen. We have wait for all the votes to come in and then we can discuss the votes.

You can only turbo with the Final Proposal command. We will have plenty of time to discuss this. You have an alternative party?
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