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Limbaugh: "...NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips.."

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there is joy in sucking dick
Oh man...wtf :lol

Dude needs to get dropped on his neck at a weird angle ugh

In what context was that said? Its seriously like, what the ****?



Talent on loan... from GOD


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I don't get why he would say such a thing. I mean does his target market actually feel like this too? Does he think somebody will actually agree?


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I somehow find it funny that the man is such an Apple fan.


mckmas8808 said:
I don't get why he would say such a thing. I mean does his target market actually feel like this too? Does he think somebody will actually agree?

Well, flies are attracted to shit after all.


This is the same asshole that mocked and mimicked Michael J. Fox a few months ago. The bitch is a devil and I can't believe people still listen to him (seeing as how he helped Republicans lose in MO).


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
How does dancing make you classless?

PhoenixDark said:
As expected no one seems interested at all in challenging his statement, instead opting to go directly at him.

What's there to challenge? It's a stupid remark.
CALLER: I’ve listened to you since September 11th, and I find that I almost always agree with you. I'd say I only disagree with you about 1.5% of the time coincidentally enough. But the reason I'm calling today, sir, is I wanted to get your thoughts regarding what LaDainian Tomlinson had to say about Bill Belichick this past week.

RUSH: Okay, I'm going to take your call, I'm going to use this to expand the answer to incorporate all of the National Football League if you don't mind.

CALLER: Not at all.

RUSH: To set the table for people who do not know, after the Chargers and Patriots game, the Chargers sitting around moping, all depressed, because they had the game won, it was just all kinds of stupid mistakes, and let me tell you what happened. Some of the Patriots went to midfield where the Chargers logo is and started doing an imitation of a victory dance done by Chargers player Shawne Merriman after he sacks a quarterback. Now, here are the Chargers who have lost a game they should have won, who lost a game precisely because of the same kind of behavior they're ripping the Patriots for, and LaDainian Tomlinson says that was classless, (paraphrasing) “We went in there, we beat them twice on their field and we didn't disrespect them. This obviously comes from the head coach," meaning Belichick. LaDainian Tomlinson was accusing Belichick of ordering his players and creating a culture that would make it okay for players to go on the field and taunt and so forth and so on.

Now, LaDainian Tomlinson to me is the classiest player in the National Football League. He doesn't do a dance, he doesn't spike the ball when he scores. He and Marvin Harrison are the two most classy individuals playing in the National Football League today, in skill positions. They just hand the ball back to the referee. They act like they've been there and done that, like scoring a touchdown is no big deal, they don't taunt, they don’t act like they've been dissed or any of this. Let me tell you, the Chargers would not have lost that game were it not for a bunch of -- I gotta be very careful here. It's not just irresponsible, but there is a cultural problem in the NFL that has resulted in a total lack of class on the part of professional players.

There was a play where Brady was third and long, he was sacked, fumbled the ball, the Patriots recovered it, it will be fourth and long, forcing an interesting decision late in the game by the Patriots. After the play is over, a Chargers player gets in the face of a Patriots player, head butts him and starts jawing. This is the reason these guys are getting shot in bars, folks, late at night. Fifteen-yard penalty, automatic first down. So for the Chargers to complain about the lack of class by the Patriots, I found laughable. I think something ought to be done about it, because I love the game of football, and I don't like the kind of culture that's taking over, that "you can't diss me, you can't disrespect me." After every sack, players are acting like they've won the Super Bowl, and they're prancing around with these idiotic dances. The latest thing is to act like they’re making a jump shot in basketball. It's all done to taunt; it's all done to taunt the other team's fans.
I don't want boring football. I don't want the no-fun league, but you can certainly have great football games without a lack of class. I don't know how it's been allowed to happen this way. I guess the coaches don't feel confident to continue -- this was very rare for the Patriots to act the way they did, and who knows what led to it. I don't think of Belichick as that kind of coach, but Tomlinson's words reverberated around the league. A lot of people said, “I'm glad he said something, because Belichick is getting away here with an image that he doesn't deserve.” I've played golf with Belichick; he's a mild-mannered, soft-spoken man. I even saw him at a cocktail party here in Palm Beach before dinner one night. That whole organization to me exudes class, as does Tom Brady, and you don't see them doing this kind of stuff.

One of the reasons the Pittsburgh Steelers had trouble this year was a total lack of discipline, in addition to all their turnovers, total lack of discipline, 15-yard penalties, unnecessary roughness, taunting after plays are over, after successful defensive stands, they blow it. There's something culturally wrong here that is leading to all this. It’s gotta be dealt with at the top, because it simply is classless. I can I understand LaDainian Tomlinson being upset because he doesn't do this stuff. But in the current NFL climate the best way for the Chargers to prevent that from happening is win the game and keep this insidious, ridiculous, boorish, classless behavior to a minimum so that you don't lose it on account of that. It's just disappointing, and it's a mystery to me why it's being allowed to continue. Well, actually, I understand partially why it continues, and that's because of ESPN.

ESPN lives off this. ESPN created Terrell Owens. Terrell Owens is who he is, but if Terrell Owens weren't constantly on television with his antics after touchdowns -- I remember, I called this. You remember the Monday night game on ABC and Seattle when after scoring a touchdown, T.O. playing for the Fort'iners, pulls a Sharpie out of his sock, autographs the ball and gives it to somebody. I said, “Folks, this is going to lead to nothing but trouble.” Everybody said, “Come on, Rush, lighten up, that was funny.” It was classless. Go back and look at the greats who played this game. They would not do anything of the sort, maybe hand the ball off, but not pull a Sharpie out. Everybody started to talk about how much fun that was, ooh, how cool, how creative. Then we get Joe Horn of the United States Saints after he scored a touchdown pulling a cell phone out of his socks and faked making a phone call. Well, guess what shows up on ESPN? So these guys get validated, everybody wants to stand out, they want to get endorsement deals and so forth. So television, making stars out of people who engage in classless behavior helps lead to it and contribute to it. No question in my mind about it. I'll bet the guy that called from El Paso did not expect this as an answer.


RUSH: Look it, let me put it to you this way. The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.

In the context of a full on rant it doesn't seem as bad. I think worse is said most monday mornings around the water cooler.
PotatoeMasher said:
In the context of a full on rant it doesn't seem as bad. I think worse is said most monday mornings around the water cooler.

I agree. In context the comment makes sense. There are a lot of people who don't like the prancing around bullshit or the TO mentality of many skill players. If you've ever watched a Colts game you know that the announcers always slide in a "I wish all the receivers showed the same class and professionalism of Harrison" jab. And that complaint is perfectly understandable and valid. Of course, it's not if omg Limbaugh says it.

He's directly referring to the cultural aspect of it; and by culture he doesn't mean black culture. It's more of an issue of the "rap culture". Now I love hip hop, there's no question that there is a segment of the music that's extremely idiotic in its propogation of negative, degenerate lifestyles that hurt the black community. This culture moved into the sports realm a long time ago, and I can't honestly say it's been a good thing. This isn't about sagging pants or what music people listen to: it's about behavior. And from that angle I understand exactly why a social conservative like Rush would be...bothered by this.

The one thing I like about Rush is that he's not politically correct in the least and simply doesn't give a **** lol; he may be wrong 90% of the time, but he's damn entertaining. When he called the chick involed in the Duke case a "whore" many female groups pounced on him. Yet a couple months later...looks like he was right.
PhoenixDark said:
The one thing I like about Rush is that he's not politically correct in the least and simply doesn't give a **** lol; he may be wrong 90% of the time, but he's damn entertaining. When he called the chick involed in the Duke case a "whore" many female groups pounced on him. Yet a couple months later...looks like he was right.

I doubt many of us could go on national radio for 3 hours each day and spout off forever without making someone mad. I'm just amazed at how well national hosts handle themselves most of the time.

<-- Cawood Ledford gives my radio posts credibility, btw! <3


To Phoenix Dark
It seems like you understood what he was trying to say better than he did
Because this
RUSH: Look it, let me put it to you this way. The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons.
comes from left field and makes no sense compared to what his main complaint is about. I think that's why everyone is saying WTF

Also you say he's a social conservative but then in the very next paragraph you write this
The one thing I like about Rush is that he's not politically correct in the least and simply doesn't give a **** lol; he may be wrong 90% of the time, but he's damn entertaining. When he called the chick involed in the Duke case a "whore" many female groups pounced on him. Yet a couple months later...looks like he was right.
livestOne said:
To Phoenix Dark
It seems like you understood what he was trying to say better than he did
Because this

comes from left field and makes no sense compared to what his main complaint is about. I think that's why everyone is saying WTF

I agree. Although it seems like everyone is taking it far too literally. I get the impression that he's referring to the "rap culture" there, which is something he's said before.


It's bullshit moaner traditionalists, is all. These guys work their asses off to get into the pros and if they make a good play, they deserve to celebrate. If I made one single catch, even for a loss of yards I'd be doing backflips. It's hard to tell guys in the heat of competition to back down or tone down. If a little celebration is what fires you up, go ahead. The No Fun League needs marquees.

BTW, wtf with black and gang bullshit? I believe black clothing predates current western gang culture. I'm sure he's not referring to gangs back in the biblical days. PEACE.


PhoenixDark said:
As expected no one seems interested at all in challenging his statement, instead opting to go directly at him.

What's to challenge? It's an asshole statement, plain and simple. He rants about "lack of class" and people talking smack and celebrating and then somehow compares this to the Bloods and Crips. Although I can't say I've ever seen those two gangs play football against each other and maybe Rush is speaking as an eyewitness.


PotatoeMasher said:
In the context of a full on rant it doesn't seem as bad. I think worse is said most monday mornings around the water cooler.

People don't care about context, though. They just want a sensational pull quote with which they can attack somebody, even if doing so is in now logical.

His point was that to him, the game often seems less like a contest of sportsmanship, and more like a street fight. I'm no fan of Rush, but christ almighty, don't just start making up meaning where there isn't any.


shidoshi said:
People don't care about context, though. They just want a sensational pull quote with which they can attack somebody, even if doing so is in now logical.
Or maybe they remember it’s not the first time that this asshat has been a ****ing bigot while talking about Football.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
I agree. In context the comment makes sense. There are a lot of people who don't like the prancing around bullshit or the TO mentality of many skill players. If you've ever watched a Colts game you know that the announcers always slide in a "I wish all the receivers showed the same class and professionalism of Harrison" jab. And that complaint is perfectly understandable and valid. Of course, it's not if omg Limbaugh says it.

He's directly referring to the cultural aspect of it; and by culture he doesn't mean black culture. It's more of an issue of the "rap culture". Now I love hip hop, there's no question that there is a segment of the music that's extremely idiotic in its propogation of negative, degenerate lifestyles that hurt the black community. This culture moved into the sports realm a long time ago, and I can't honestly say it's been a good thing. This isn't about sagging pants or what music people listen to: it's about behavior. And from that angle I understand exactly why a social conservative like Rush would be...bothered by this.

The one thing I like about Rush is that he's not politically correct in the least and simply doesn't give a **** lol; he may be wrong 90% of the time, but he's damn entertaining. When he called the chick involed in the Duke case a "whore" many female groups pounced on him. Yet a couple months later...looks like he was right.

WOW! Dancing in a sports game because you're happy you done something great is soooooo horrible (not directed at you PD). Did people get that pissed at Larry Bird when he used to hold his hand up in the air after hitting a game winning 3 point shot?
shidoshi said:
People don't care about context, though. They just want a sensational pull quote with which they can attack somebody, even if doing so is in now logical.

His point was that to him, the game often seems less like a contest of sportsmanship, and more like a street fight. I'm no fan of Rush, but christ almighty, don't just start making up meaning where there isn't any.



shidoshi said:
His point was that to him, the game often seems less like a contest of sportsmanship, and more like a street fight.

Of course, he could have just said that. It would have still been silly but at least it wouldn't have been punch-in-the-face worthy.

And please, if you could, can you explain the nuances of his position? It has been a good long while since my last street fight though I vaguely recall dancing over the body of my foe.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:

When has football lately looked like a street fight that gangs would be in? Now before you answer that question I'll say this one thing.

Look at some old Dick Buckus clips. He's the dude that played on the Chicago Bears as a linebacker. Also look at some of the old People eaters footage.

Now compare those hits to the stuff that happens today.
mckmas8808 said:
When has football lately looked like a street fight that gangs would be in? Now before you answer that question I'll say this one thing.

Look at some old Dick Buckus clips. He's the dude that played on the Chicago Bears as a linebacker. Also look at some of the old People eaters footage.

Now compare those hits to the stuff that happens today.

I think you're severly missing the point here. It's about a mentality. He's not referring to dirty plays; in fact in the rant he doesn't even talk about over physical plays or anything like that.

But I see we can't have a constructive discussion on Rush without it devolving into this


PhoenixDark said:
I think you're severly missing the point here. It's about a mentality. He's not referring to dirty plays; in fact in the rant he doesn't even talk about over physical plays or anything like that.

But I see we can't have a constructive discussion on Rush without it devolving into this

Oh come on, you have to explain yourself.

Tubby said:
One of the reasons the Pittsburgh Steelers had trouble this year was a total lack of discipline, in addition to all their turnovers, total lack of discipline, 15-yard penalties, unnecessary roughness, taunting after plays are over, after successful defensive stands, they blow it. There's something culturally wrong here that is leading to all this.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
I think you're severly missing the point here. It's about a mentality. He's not referring to dirty plays; in fact in the rant he doesn't even talk about over physical plays or anything like that.

But I see we can't have a constructive discussion on Rush without it devolving into this

We are having a constructive discussion now. bob_arctor and I are trying to get a better feel for what you and Rush is trying to say.

What is this mentality thing he speaks of? And how does it connect to being a blood or a crip?
bob_arctor said:
Oh come on, you have to explain yourself.

I did already. And I'd agree with Tubby's post. The thug mentality/"rap culture" has slowly moved into the realm of sports, and I'm not surprised that people disagree with this notion when Rush brings it up. From Michael Vick a couple days ago to the Steelers and Bengals all season, we've seen a lot of this behavior and I certainly can't say it helps the game. It's not just about dancing; in fact, I'd go so far as to say dancing after TDs is not much of a problem. But the TO mentality behind it certainly is, and is not helping the league. If you want to disagree that's your right. But please don't disagree just because Rush is saying it


bob_arctor said:
Although I can't say I've ever seen those two gangs play football against each other and maybe Rush is speaking as an eyewitness.

It was probably that time he personally bought pills from his South Central suppliers...

mckmas8808 said:
Did people get that pissed at Larry Bird when he used to hold his hand up in the air after hitting a game winning 3 point shot?

Of course not...he's white!

To quote Rush Limbaugh; "There, I said it."


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
I did already. And I'd agree with Tubby's post. The thug mentality/"rap culture" has slowly moved into the realm of sports, and I'm not surprised that people disagree with this notion when Rush brings it up. From Michael Vick a couple days ago to the Steelers and Bengals all season, we've seen a lot of this behavior and I certainly can't say it helps the game. It's not just about dancing; in fact, I'd go so far as to say dancing after TDs is not much of a problem. But the TO mentality behind it certainly is, and is not helping the league. If you want to disagree that's your right. But please don't disagree just because Rush is saying it

Stop acting like we are kids. I hate Rush, but it's easy to discuss this like grown men.

Now about Micheal Vick. What he did was dumb. STUPID even. But at the sametime what does that incident have to do with hip-hop/rap culture? Don't rock and roll guys smoke weed?

And the authorties last time I check didn't say for sure that it was weed in the bottle. They are still investigating last time I checked.

And players getting arrested in the NFL isn't anything new. It's the reporting, ESPN on all day. 24 hour news. And one million hours worth of talk radio that makes it that much more noticable.

And how many other guys in the league have this "TO" mentality? Isn't TO talked about so much because he is basically the only guy that is a cancer to darn near every team he is with?


if mother Theresa said this maybe we would be "wow she might be right" but u know what u go into the nfl threads and no one is really praising thug mentality and stuff. players have always been getting arrested but hes mixing 2 or 3 different things here. and even then he has no moral right to really comment on this and you can bet your ass his inclusion of the bloods and crips analogy is referring to what he fears about blacks. dancing on the field? im not a big fan of it either, esp after everyone seems to do something after a simple tackle but rush should be the last one mixing his view of blacks and commenting on sports esp considering the crap he said in the past.


PhoenixDark said:
I agree. Although it seems like everyone is taking it far too literally. I get the impression that he's referring to the "rap culture" there, which is something he's said before.

I wouldn't say "rap culture" per se...but I'll agree that some of the acts on field are deplorable, sure does make for damn good tv though :D

But I think Limbaugh could have used a better analogy.


What's laughable is how people think dancing on the field is a new thing. It's been going on since the late 70's/early 80's. The Bears did the Superbowl Shuffle in '85. The Icky Shuffle was a major hit in '88. This dancing shit is about as new as the NES. :lol

Of course there are people who also think performance enhancing drugs have only been around the last ten years and is primarily used by baseball sluggers, so whatever...
mckmas8808 said:
Stop acting like we are kids. I hate Rush, but it's easy to discuss this like grown men.

Now about Micheal Vick. What he did was dumb. STUPID even. But at the sametime what does that incident have to do with hip-hop/rap culture? Don't rock and roll guys smoke weed?

And the authorties last time I check didn't say for sure that it was weed in the bottle. They are still investigating last time I checked.

And players getting arrested in the NFL isn't anything new. It's the reporting, ESPN on all day. 24 hour news. And one million hours worth of talk radio that makes it that much more noticable.

And how many other guys in the league have this "TO" mentality? Isn't TO talked about so much because he is basically the only guy that is a cancer to darn near every team he is with?

The TO "mentality" if you will is not about ruining ones team. It's about putting yourself above your team. TO certainly isn't the first WR to/skill player to act like that of course.

With respect to hip hop vs rock culture, I don't seem to remember many of these guys embracing rock. That's not even the issue so why you brought it up is beyond me. I'm referring to this thug mentality we're starting to see, which is indeed propogated by certain (not all) rap.


u still offer no examples besides TO? what are these players doing thats so thug? dancing? thats been around forever. celebrations? dirty plays? the arrests? all of this has been around for frikin ever...and im not a fan of any of it really but its been there.

and what does a battle between the bloods and crips look like? a bunch of shooting and killing? i bet they show more teamwork and regard for their own than TO does.

i guess when baseball has its brawls thats that violent thug white culture spilling on to the field.


PhoenixDark said:
The TO "mentality" if you will is not about ruining ones team. It's about putting yourself above your team. TO certainly isn't the first WR to/skill player to act like that of course.

With respect to hip hop vs rock culture, I don't seem to remember many of these guys embracing rock. That's not even the issue so why you brought it up is beyond me. I'm referring to this thug mentality we're starting to see, which is indeed propogated by certain (not all) rap.

I've noticed you used this word several times. Now I'm not arguing against you but what does show-boating have to do with the thug mentality?


effzee said:
i guess when baseball has its brawls thats that violent thug white culture spilling on to the field.

Reminds me of the point that was brought up after that silly Knicks/Nuggets brawl...people had no problem throwing the word "thugs" around to describe that scene, but you never hear it used for baseball or hockey brawls. But I'm sure colour of skin has nothing to do with it!
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