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So I was recently called a "nigger"...

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Ok, now that I have your attention, let me give you my incident:

I've been having relationship problems with my girlfriend for the past year.

(Wait, wait! Keep reading!!)

And over the course of the past year, we've been pretty abusive towards each other, but moreso me. Consequently, I've been put in jail for a night and been put on probation for the next 12 months. I've accepted my issues with violence and abusive situations and have enrolled myself in a DVIP (domestic violence intervention program) recently. So, currently I am doing a lot better and all that jazz.

Now, my issue is that in the middle of all this confusion, I wasn't exactly doing too well. I didn't have a job for approximately six months (partly due to background checking), I wasn't in school, and I wasn't treating my girlfriend very respectfully. In between dicking her around by saying I was kinda with her, but not really, I was also seeing another girl. But, to me, it was understood between my girlfriend (Sarah, white female) and I that we were not together. BUT, on top of all this, I was still living with my girl in the same home. So, I would lie about where I was going or had been out to, hide my phone calls, and generally just was not around very much. But, when I was around, I would still tell her how much I care about her and we would have sex quite often. But we never discussed being back together.

Now, here's the twist: I've been caught up with the new girl and admitted defeat wholeheartedly, and have bascially squared up honesty and means with Sarah. So for the most part (outside of random outlashings against me), we are doing a hell of a lot better and can value each other as human beings and as lovers. But that wasn't without a bit of rage from her. I was caught at a movie theatre with the "new" girl and was subsequently beaten outside of the movie theatre in front of about one-hundred total strangers. Naturally, a guy would defend himself, but I already was on probation and didn't wanna jeopardize my future any more than it already had been. So, after hitting me in the eye with her set of car keyes and missing blinding me by about 3cm (that's what the doc said), I had her arrested and she spent the weekend in jail.

From this incident, though, Sarah's mother got involved and basically let me know what she thinks of me. Which, more or less, was that I am a disgrace to black people, and that I am nother more than a ****ing nigger. Now, that was a couple weeks ago and she has written me letters telling me that I should know better than to take what she said as a racist comment because, in her eyes, it was merely entailing how I had been living my life recently (she didn't entail how, but you should have an idea based on what I told you). Even her daughter, my girlfriend, agrees with how her mother used the word against me and states that she doesn't believe color was involved in the statement. But, and here's the kicker for me, before her daughter went to jail, I lived the same shitty lifestyle. I wasn't called this magic word, but I can't say for sure if she thought that about me or not. Only when Sarah was arrested was I noted to be nothing more than a nigger and a disgrace to black people, amongst other horrible statements.

Now, her argument is about being in a state of worthlessness when using the word, but I swear in all my years (23) I've never quite understood a definition that somehow regards those words. Am I wrongfully upset? Am I overreacting towards the situation? The very fact that as soon as something didn't go her way that she called me a nigger was upsetting because the very word is used to disrespect people, not to define how they are acting. And it would seem that a woman who is 24 years older than me could find another word to describe a black person's actions than rather use that one at the first opportunity.

But, I suppose my situation is that I really don't understand how the word is used....perhaps. I've looked on google.com and dictionary.com and I just don't understand how she was pointing it towards me (therefore making me even more angry).

What am I missing? Thanks for replies in advance.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I get called that all the time, because I play a lot of Xbox Live.

But the reasons are the same: People are douchebags.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
What're you missing?

A brain.

Build a bridge and get the **** over it. We've all been called worse, I know I have.


Stinkles said:
I get called that all the time, because I play a lot of Xbox Live.

But the reasons are the same: People are douchebags.
is that true? (never played xbox live...)


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber

"We used to call the old man funny names: Iron butt, bum-lard, sometimes we even called him.... a lot worse" *Fox's dubbing FTW* :lol


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
YakiSOBA said:
is that true? (never played xbox live...)

Very true.

Very true of the entire internet. Everyone is a joke character when boundries don't exist: i.e. YouTube.


Great, just the responses I was hoping for. -_-

Look, to be honest, I've never had a racist comment thrown at me. Especially at someone that was "close" with me. Me being upset has little to do with the actual word being thrown at me, but at the excuse behind it, and I was simply wondering where the hell she was coming from with that because I'm not familiar with that excuse.

But, of course, I took the time to write all that and I get pictures of Niger (which is hilarious) and some asshat telling me to build a bridge and get over it. God forbid the same asshat should contribute anything substantial.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Putting it in quotations makes it look like you've never heard the word before.


No, not a hug, but I was hoping someone could shed light on how she was using the word based on my situation. I thought I clarified that.
I would imagine she wanted to use the worst word she could think of to throw at you (since you just had her daughter jailed), and well that does it.

I would have much rather called you a worthless piece of shit or a douchebag loser. But that's just me.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
SarBear said:
Great, just the responses I was hoping for. -_-

Look, to be honest, I've never had a racist comment thrown at me. Especially at someone that was "close" with me. Me being upset has little to do with the actual word being thrown at me, but at the excuse behind it, and I was simply wondering where the hell she was coming from with that because I'm not familiar with that excuse.

But, of course, I took the time to write all that and I get pictures of Niger (which is hilarious) and some asshat telling me to build a bridge and get over it. God forbid the same asshat should contribute anything substantial.

My substantial contribution to your thread is to not let stupid things like this make you waste 30-40 minutes of your time writing a damned essay on a videogame message board on how you got called a n----r. Something this stupid isn't worth an ounce of you giving a shit. I've had worse happen to me two weeks ago and I almost ended up in jail for it, but as soon as it was over with, I let it go.

And here I am telling you that same bit of advice: build a bridge...and start walking.
happyfunball said:
I would imagine she wanted to use the worst word she could think of to throw at you (since you just had her daughter jailed), and well that does it.

I would have much rather called you a worthless piece of shit or a douchebag loser. But that's just me.
Pretty much it. Criminy man, even you can admit that was not a healthy relationship, GTFO and stay there, and try to stop using people whenever possible.

That you're contrite shows that you are not a complete asshole, but you were living off of her dollar, telling her you loved her (liar), and cheating on her. I couldn't imagine a situation where you could hurt her more.



So you antagonize and disrespect the girl, don't wait until she moves out to find another girl, don't force her to move out immediately after the relationship is over, and then have her put in jail over assault charges stemming from her issues about your relationship...

And the real pisser here is you're upset over a word?

You have issues, and they have nothing to do with the girl, her mother, or any bit of language you might ever hear.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Lhadatt said:

So you antagonize and disrespect the girl, don't wait until she moves out to find another girl, don't force her to move out immediately after the relationship is over, and then have her put in jail over assault charges stemming from her issues about your relationship...

And the real pisser here is you're upset over a word?

You have issues, and they have nothing to do with the girl, her mother, or any bit of language you might ever hear.

Gonna' have to agree here too.


Stinkles said:
I get called that all the time, because I play a lot of Xbox Live.

But the reasons are the same: People are douchebags.

Hopefully you will be called that less soon? Lets say in Halo 3? :D


Well, from what i understand i though 'nigger' was more to do with a certain attitude these days,...

and reading your history (cheating, beating, etc) then.... err.... ?

I don't think it's anything to do with your colour, it's to do with you being a dick.

So the mother is right.

As Alpha said, build bridges and get over it.
EBCubs03 said:
No words should be banned! Free GAF! Down with advertising terms!

Seriously, why would the admins ban ANY words here? Is it really for more advertising dollars? Or do they think posters gentle minds will be forever tainted by seeing a "bad" word in print?
AlphaSnake said:
Something this stupid isn't worth an ounce of you giving a shit. I've had worse happen to me two weeks ago and I almost ended up in jail for it, but as soon as it was over with, I let it go.

I gotta hand it to you, you have kept this shtick up ever since you started posting. So macho!!


happyfunball said:
Seriously, why would the admins ban ANY words here? Is it really for more advertising dollars? Or do they think posters gentle minds will be forever tainted by seeing a "bad" word in print?

I think they starting banning words when they put banner ads up... I might be wrong though.


Pretty much it. Criminy man, even you can admit that was not a healthy relationship, GTFO and stay there, and try to stop using people whenever possible.

That you're contrite shows that you are not a complete asshole, but you were living off of her dollar, telling her you loved her (liar), and cheating on her. I couldn't imagine a situation where you could hurt her more.

Well, the issue of loving her isn't up for debate, the issue was how I was acting resulting in being called a nigger. But, for the sake of argument, are you stating that because of those actions listed, that does qualify me? Interesting...


So you antagonize and disrespect the girl, don't wait until she moves out to find another girl, don't force her to move out immediately after the relationship is over, and then have her put in jail over assault charges stemming from her issues about your relationship...

And the real pisser here is you're upset over a word?

You have issues, and they have nothing to do with the girl, her mother, or any bit of language you might ever hear.

Well, every story is not so cut and dry. She did her fair share of bullshit as well, but I was simply stating what I did wrong for the sake of the subject. And thanks, I know I have/had issues. That's why I'm seeking help over it.

My substantial contribution to your thread is to not let stupid things like this make you waste 30-40 minutes of your time writing a damned essay on a videogame message board on how you got called a n----r. Something this stupid isn't worth an ounce of you giving a shit. I've had worse happen to me two weeks ago and I almost ended up in jail for it, but as soon as it was over with, I let it go.

And here I am telling you that same bit of advice: build a bridge...and start walking

Fair enough. I've tried to ignore it, failed almost immediately. I'm just trying to understand why someone would use the word outside of a)making an obvious racist comment about what someone has thought of me or b)trying to use the worst word possible because they are upset. Other than that, I'm lost, and all I was searching for was a more open mind on the subject. :(


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Mr. Mister said:
I gotta hand it to you, you have kept this shtick up ever since you started posting. So macho!!

Errrm...no shtick, numbnuts. My first fight in probably 4 years. Notice how I didn't even care to make a thread about it? Oh ho ho, so macho.
AlphaSnake said:
Errrm...no shtick, numbnuts. My first fight in probably 4 years. Notice how I didn't even care to make a thread about it? Oh ho ho, so macho.


You sound like Biff from Back to the Future.
Dude for your description of the situation, you sound like a worthless douchbag, who has messed totally with this girls life for a long time. If I was her parent I would have said the same thing. She didn't say it because she was a raciest - that she hates black people, or thinks that her daughter is better than you or what ever you think the word implies - She said it to hurt you, to show you the amount of pain you have causer her and her daughter. and from what you have wrote you deserved it. Get over it, stop thinking that they have aggressions towards black people, and get your ****ing life together.

Edit: what the hell is wrong with you? "I'm just trying to understand why someone would use the word outside of a)making an obvious racist comment about what someone has thought of me or b)trying to use the worst word possible because they are upset. Other than that, I'm lost, and all I was searching for was a more open mind on the subject. :("

I called you a douchbag at the top of this post. Do you actually think that I mean your are literately a feminine hygiene product? Do expect everyone to be poets when arguing and when they are angry, and to say a word that perfectly describes the horrible person you have been? Jesus.


After reading that you cheated on your girlfriend repeatedly and were physically abusive to her to such a degree that the cops were called in and you had to go into a domestic violence intervention program, I would disagree with your gf's mom. You're not a disgrace to black people. You're a disgrace to all ****ing mankind.


Still Tagged Accordingly
EBCubs03 said:
No words should be banned! Free GAF! Down with advertising terms!
yeah, the censorship on GAF (including words and urls) is crap, but it isn't likely to change unfortunately.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I've got a blue socks said:
Hmmmmm. I need to see a pic first to determine if you are in fact a nigger.

Quoted for bannage. Glad I could do my part in ridding the forum of a joke character.


But I never once cheated on her, we were not together. And in Michigan, if you are involved in ANY domestic violence issue (which can be physical or verbal), you are court ordered to get enrolled into a program. And, technically, if you must know, I mainly pushed her and threatened her. That's why the police were called.

Not lessening the effect, but it's certainly not swiping her across the face.


Why are you so literate? Usually people who act like you can't be troubled to write coherent sentences, and here you are using capitalization, punctuation, and proper grammar. What gives!?


Gas Guzzler
OK, so you were abusing and cheating on a girl, and her mom called you a word she hoped would hurt your feelings?

I am shocked. Shocked.


SarBear said:
Well, every story is not so cut and dry. She did her fair share of bullshit as well, but I was simply stating what I did wrong for the sake of the subject. And thanks, I know I have/had issues. That's why I'm seeking help over it.
A few ideas for you:

1) Stop playing this off as being victimized by a stupid word.
2) Take responsibility for your actions.
3) Stop pissing people off.

Yes, two of them are overly-generalized statements. You don't seem to be approaching things with these three tenets in mind, though. Think about them and try to apply them.
Okin said:
Why are you so literate? Usually people who act like you can't be troubled to write coherent sentences, and here you are using capitalization, punctuation, and proper grammar. What gives!?

I was wondering the same thing.


There is a really raciest joke that could be said here...

I hope everyone understands that I'm not implying anything regarding race. It's just that character like his, and proficiency with words usually aren't seen together.

And SarBear: At least you're seeking help. Not everyone has the fortitude to do that.
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