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Okamiden: Okami SEQUEL to the system that won the system war!


Capcom filed a new trademark in Japan, Okamiden. A sequel to Okami? :0


Shadowlink said:
Did the Wii version of Okami sell alright?
I vaguely recall some line from some Capcom financial side guy saying something smug about Okami not having sold enough on either platform to justify a sequel, could be wrong though. Incidentally, it's been announced for release in Japan.


I wonder who would develop it. And specifically, what route they will go. The wii version really suffered next to the PS2 version, due to a bunch of small mechanical problems that added up. I figure they will go Wii for this game if it is an Okami sequel, so I hope the next developer who grabs the IP does it better service.


The wii version really suffered next to the PS2 version, due to a bunch of small mechanical problems that added up.

The controls were horrible on the Wii version. It was not responsive at all compared to the PS2. A little novelty on the brush side didn't make up for that at all for me.
I played it first on Wii and enjoyed it very much despite the control problems (waggle felt horrible, game dosen't feel like it was correctly re-fit for the Wii remote pointer). Got it on PS2 afterward and it feels perfect.

I really hope they go HD for it if true, but Okami Wii is a nice looking game. I just hope whatever developer they choose can make a sequel with the same charm.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Fimbulvetr said:
Knowing the game, shouldn't we just plant a cherry blossom tree or something? ._.
Don't be a pansy, getting your hands a little dirty in animal intestines will yield far quicker results than just waiting for a tree to grow. Capgod demands organs, and bloody organs they shall receive.

Alex said:
The controls were horrible on the Wii version. It was not responsive at all compared to the PS2. A little novelty on the brush side didn't make up for that at all for me.
Don't forget about the near lack of paper filter.


Kamiya created a masterpiece and without his involvement, I don't know how I'd feel about a sequel...I'd certainly give it a chance as Okami is one of the best games I've ever played.


I'm a n00b at Japanese, but wouldn't that mean 'great god legend' or something?

It's the den from densetsu i think?


The paper filter didn't bug me that much, it was struggling with the controls until my wrist was about to fall off and still not getting a move to work.

Easily the worst controlling Wii game I've played. If they wanna make another, they need to use that motion+ and take the time to make it feel as natural as it could have.


Alex said:
The controls were horrible on the Wii version. It was not responsive at all compared to the PS2.

Yeaaaaah, no...The controls worked perfectly for me in all cases but the "slash Orochi heads at the right moment" part of the game. I'll just consider this you sucking, sorry...

inner-G said:
I'm a n00b at Japanese, but wouldn't that mean 'great god legend' or something?

It's the den from densetsu i think?

For the most part, but the point of "Ookami" is that it's a pun since it's spelled "Great god" but "Ookami" means "wolf"...


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Huh. I just assumed it was a renewal for Okami coming out in Japan. Guess not.
Akai said:
Yeaaaaah, no...The controls worked perfectly for me in all cases but the "slash Orochi heads at the right moment" part of the game. I'll just consider this you sucking, sorry...
I find this impossible to believe. And many people have issues with the control so its not just people sucking.
I loved the game both times. The visual effects on the PS2 were better, but I really enjoyed the Wii's brush controls. Frankly, I would buy an Okami sequel on whatever platform!!:D :D:D


MvmntInGrn said:
I find this impossible to believe. And many people have issues with the control so its not just people sucking.

I really have nothing to gain by lying about it. I'm just as confused over those who claim to have issues with them!


Akai said:
Yeaaaaah, no...The controls worked perfectly for me in all cases but the "slash Orochi heads at the right moment" part of the game. I'll just consider this you sucking, sorry...

For the most part, but the point of "Ookami" is that it's a pun since it's spelled "Great god" but "Ookami" means "wolf"...

Controls were awful, period. Never heard a single person who had played both PS2 and Wii Okami say anything otherwise. If you want trash for controls though, be my guest!
^^^Outside of GAF most people say that the Wii controls are vastly superior to the PS2 ones, especially with the brush.

Shadowlink said:
Did the Wii version of Okami sell alright?

Sold as much as the PS2 version.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Akai said:
I really have nothing to gain by lying about it. I'm just as confused over those who claim to have issues with them!
The controls felt shoe horned in. I've beaten Okami about four times now, three were on the PS2, and the fourth on the Wii version. The controls for the Wii version were really awkward, and didn't feel anywhere near as responsive as the PS2 version.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I still want the first game.. But I dunno what platform to get it for! I am turning into a widescreen whore.. but which version really looks the best? And I heard they cut a credits song from the Wii version. I have a 60gb PS3 so it'll look as good as possible if I get PS2 version...


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
BocoDragon said:
I still want the first game.. But I dunno what platform to get it for! I am turning into a widescreen whore.. but which version really looks the best? And I heard they cut a credits song from the Wii version. I have a 60gb PS3 so it'll look as good as possible if I get PS2 version...
It's really up to you. The PS2 version has the credits and music intact while the Wii version removed it. The paper filter in the PS2 version is toned WAY down for the Wii version. The control scheme is a touchy one though. Some people liked the controls on the Wii version while others didn't. So I can't help you with that one. The Wii version does have widescreen support though, and the colors are much brighter. Okami running on the PS3 is gorgeous what with the upscaling. I'd say pick whatever version is cheaper for you, though I'd go with the PS2 version.
BocoDragon said:
I still want the first game.. But I dunno what platform to get it for! I am turning into a widescreen whore.. but which version really looks the best? And I heard they cut a credits song from the Wii version. I have a 60gb PS3 so it'll look as good as possible if I get PS2 version...

With all said about the Wii version controlling awkwardly in this thread, I think the choice is obvious.


The problem with the concept of an Okami sequel (and I'm skeptical this'll be anything of the sort) is that it's enormously difficult to find developers capable of making really, really good grand-scale action-adventure games. And even moreso within Capcom now, I'd imagine, that they've frittered away such talent in this genre (and in RPGs) and have dedicated themselves all but entirely to pure action games.

I've always thought it'd be wondrously cool of the folks who did Capcom's 2D Zelda games would make a similarly-styled 2D Okami game, but that's not likely, either, and my understanding is that most of them aren't even at Capcom anymore. So you'd need to have a game outsourced to someone else... I wonder at the prospects for quality.

But I doubt anything will ever happen, anyway.

Flying_Phoenix said:
^^^Outside of GAF most people say that the Wii controls are vastly superior to the PS2 ones, especially with the brush.

The phrase "outside of GAF" is not wholly encompassed by the Go Nintendo comments section.
BocoDragon said:
I still want the first game.. But I dunno what platform to get it for! I am turning into a widescreen whore.. but which version really looks the best? And I heard they cut a credits song from the Wii version. I have a 60gb PS3 so it'll look as good as possible if I get PS2 version...
Get the PS2 version.
The controls in the Wii game are fine, its just that they actually force the player to fight properly. The combo system is supposed to require players to time their attacks to keep the combo going but the PS2 version allows players to button mash and just get a combo anyway, with the Wii version it stops that and forces players to time their swings like the combo system originally intended.
Eh, an Okami sequel without the original team doesn't fill me with hope, especially given how Capcom has been handling game outsourcing lately.


I sort of want to see a sequel but I don't think there are many developers with the caliber to develop it. Then again, I do love that game. It was actually my favorite game of 2006 and I really loved FF12 also.

Did the Wii version of Okami have framerate issues like the PS2 version? That was really my only complaint about the game.


I had no problems with Okami Wii controls. Well, one - slash didn't always work. But then I figured out I was starting the movement in water those times so t created a waterspout instead.

Might this be one of the examples of people having their dual analogue hand-eye coordination complicate learning the motion control coordination?
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