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Where were you on September 11, 2001?

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A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Sorry if this question has been asked or someone finds this in poor taste, but I wanted to ask this question outside the conspiracy thread.

The first plane crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower at 8:46 AM EST. The South Tower was struck 17 minutes later. The Pentagon was hit at 9:36 AM, 33 minutes after. I could go into further detail, but that is not what this thread is about.

I must have been around 2 weeks into the 7th grade. It become apparent that something was going on as my classmates were being dismissed unexpectedly, but the teachers were not allowed to disclose the information. When I returned home, I found my father, who was working second shift at the time, watching CNN's report of the attack. He had just woken up just before the collisions occurred, enabling him to watch them live (?). I had no idea what the Twin Towers were or knowledge of al-Qaeda (I was 12). It was never explained to me what their motivation was or the reason these particular areas were chosen, but I managed to piece it together over the years. All I knew was that many innocent people had died, regardless of the context.

The attacks were covered by multiple channels, at least 13 on my basic cable (including MTV, which surprised me at the time). This would go on for what must have been 2 weeks, which only reinforced the tragedy. The video of the planes crashing into the towers was played continuously until, as my Dad told me, the government stepped into to cease it. Alongside that, I recall the eventual collapse of the two buildings, people jumping from the towers and a news reporter hugging a women in distress as she recounted her experience. These videos still make me uncomfortable to this day.

There are a profuse number of changes that occurred following 9/11; far too many to list. 9/11, like Kennedy's assassination, is a moment in American history that for those who were old enough at the time will not be forgotten. Unlike Kennedy's assassination however, the repercussions were much more severe. The only other event in my life that comes even close to having such significance was the Columbine shooting, but the two are on two different levels.

Where were you?
Freshman year of HS in English when I first heard about it. After that period ended, we turned the tv on in the next class and it really sank in.


I was in Santiago, Chile in a corner market store. I watched things play out live on a crappy black and white TV that was using a bent up coat hanger as an antenna.
In my apartment, watching CNBC after I got out of the shower as usual as I was about to head to work, I only turned on the TV while I was woofing down a bowl of cereal and putting on my shoes and socks.

Was shocked, thankfully beer and pizza helped bring me out of it. Does that mean beer and pizza hate America?

edit: I was worried about Jim from GA there for a while too, which also was sorta tense.


At school, it was my second week of high school. In between the classes a teacher said something along the lines of this: "America's under attack. Now let's get started, open your text books on page..."


I wasn't working at the time, so I was at home with nothing to do that day. My wife (girlfriend at the the time) had the day off. We woke up and turned on the TV and saw the new coverage as we were flipping channels. We didn't leave our bed all day...just sat and watched the news. We changed to a different news channel every 30 or so minutes to see if they were saying something the other station hadn't mentioned yet.


In school/5th grade. Lots of rumors during the day, did not know till I got home, I remember walking into my house like it was yesterday.


y'all should be ashamed
High school as well. I was more scared that they were going to initiate the draft service again since it seemed like we were going to war in a few days.

Gah, how horrible.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Stockholm, Sweden. I was at my afternoon design/editing class in school (don't know what grade it translates to though, but I guess I was around 17 then), so I was sitting by a computer. I was surfing some game forum and saw a thread about it and at first I thought it was a photoshop, before I realized it was linked from a news site.
I was at work at my first job at KFC. I had to work until 3 so all I had to go on all day is what customers were telling us when they came in. It was pretty awful.


7th grade, art class. We weren't told anything other than "there has been an attack on New York City," and as a result I didn't think much of it. I didn't realize just what had happened until I got home and saw the news.


Coming back from an open day in Leeds in the car and was wondering why Radio 1 was just playing music and that loudmouth Moyles wasn't chatting his usual crap. He then said they have canceled their regular programming out of respect for the people in NY.

So tuned the radio into the news and listened to the same voice clips and interviews for around 2 and a half hours. Got home, turned on the TV, saw the footage and my jaw dropped


At home, watching DBZ. Cut to breaking news footage of the first crash. Cut back to DBZ. About 15' later, cut back to the news and footage of the second crash. It looked unreal.
Computer Science at the door about to leave to play in the hallways and then my fat principal got on the PA to announce that two planes just crashed into the Twin Tower.


I think I was in either 4th or 5th grade. I remember watching stuff about it on the news, but I had no idea what it was all about really.


Primary school in France.I was ten at the time
I used to watch the cartoons when I got back from school(at 4 pm) but instead there was the news.That was really shocking.
The days that followed we did a minute of silence in the classroom.


y'all should be ashamed
Did anybody actually witness the second plane hitting the tower live on the news? We tuned in after the fact when it was apparent it was a terrorist. I can't imagine the feeling seeing the second tower hit.


I was in high school (secondary 4, in Quebec) and was waiting in the hallway with half of the classroom for the french teacher to show up. And then we heard the news. At first, everyone thought it was some kind of joke :O


Skipping school, was 14 or 15 :p

Was at home, watching TV then got a call from someone who told me about the first plane hit. Put on the TV and some time later watched the second plane hit live.
I remember I found it all very fascinating, almost exciting seeing this happen live, perversely...failing to realize and grasp there were actual people fearing for their lives.
senior year of high school, was in class when it happened. They didn't announce it on pa system, we found out what happened from our teachers. A lot of people when home, i called my mom but all the phone lines were busy. I remember burger king had 50 cent hamburgers and that's what me and a few of my friends did got burgers went to the beach and watch the smoke billow from Manhattan


Bitches love smiley faces
Junior year of college, was in my statistics in psychology class. Didn't know what happened until class let out.
In my Individual & Dual Sports 1 class my Sophomore year of High School. We were at the pool learning to snorkel. I remember hearing about it after leaving the locker room, when we got back to the school (from the pool yard) we all went to the library and were allowed to watch the TV there.


Heard about the first attack in 7th grade Web Design class.

Then we turned on the TV in English class and watched all the news reports about it.
I was on a ranch in central Texas building an Old West town (no, really) when we heard the news that a plane hit the WTC. First thought was that a small Cessna-type plane hit and thought, "what an idiot. How do you hit the World Trade Center on accident?!" As we heard more, we all freaked out and gathered around the radio, most of us grown men crying as the second plane hit. No one worked for the rest of the day, we just sat around the radio. It was the most bizarre, surreal day of my life.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
L Train station in Brooklyn, on my way to school...

Transit froze, i saw the smoke coming out of the buildings

walked back home, when got there, TV(analog) was'nt working. Turn on cable news, The towers fell

no one knew what to say that whole day...
I was at work. I was living in Atlanta, I remember listening to 790 the Zone, a sports talk station, and during one of the breaks, they mentioned a report of a passenger plane flying into the World Trade Center, and the hosts made some lighthearted joke about the pilot being drunk. Then, during an interview with Bobby Cox, they broke in with the news of the second plane hitting.

At work, there was all sorts of rampant speculation. Multiple planes, reports of planes heading towards all major cities, reports of an attack on the White House. My Creative Director, who was somewhat of a bitch, decided instead of letting us go home to be with our families, we should just turn off our radios and get back to work, because nothing was going to change with us just huddled around the radio. She also forbade us talking about it.

I had family in New York, so I told her I was leaving to go be with my parents, and if she wanted to fire me over it, feel free. She didn't. I heard she later relented and set up a TV to watch coverage.

edit: Man, you guys are young.


At home. Didn't have work that day. I was a bill clerk for the Texas Senate's Engrossing and Enrolling office back then, so my house was flooded with calls from paranoid/scared family and friends making sure that I had fled the capitol building from the impending terrorist threat. Spent all day on the couch with the dog and the man, and didn't go to sleep until the following morning.
I was in Physics when our teacher tried to put on a video (VHS!)

We watched a grainy news report for 5 minutes, at the end my teacher declared in a real eureka moment, "THAT SECOND ONE WAS DONE ON PURPOSE!"
I was a college student, sleeping in late that morning. I heard the news when a friend called to tell me about it. I went to my first class, then the rest of classes were cancelled that day due to a bomb scare on campus.

For me and all my friends, our immediate response was to play Counter-Strike. We had the dorm server set to the 747 and Vertigo (skyscraper) maps all day, and had all our usernames set to stuff like "fuck the terrorists."
funny thing. our history teacher wouldn't let us watch what was going on. i missed everything from the second plane on. frickin HISTORY TEACHER doesn't let us watch something as important as the 9/11 events
Walking down fifth ave talking to people who had just seen a plane fly overhead and crash into something. Ran down the street to see the source of the smoke then seeing the second plane hit.

Ran to the office to account for people that worked for me. Evacuated the building just in time to watch the towers fall.


I was on an elevated subway train going to school, just pulling around a corner, as I saw both of the World Trade Center buildings on fire and a giant cloud of black smoke trail across the horizon.


but believes in Chael
I was driving in my car heading to work in a suburb of Chicago. We ended up being glued to the T.V. We were talking to people that worked for us in downtown Chicago as they were being evacuated from the building. I remember everyone calling family and friends to make sure no one was in a major city.


Deep into his 30th decade
I went to work at the deli, and they had a TV set up. I first thought there must be some major sporting event, until I started watching. Strangely enough, that was a very good business day, all the locals came in to talk about what was going on. (it was a deli out in the middle of nowhere.)
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