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Helpless Man Beaten by 7 Others Behind a School

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Pretty much one of the most disgusting things I have seen in a while, the man was obviously not fighting back, yet they kept going? Fucking kids.

Oh, don't know if it's been posted, as search is not currently working for me

Edit: News story on it
By Rosemary Sobol
Tribune reporter
10:51 p.m. CST, January 16, 2012

Detectives are investigating the beating of a 17-year-old boy by several male attackers Sunday afternoon in the Bridgeport neighborhood in an incident that was captured on YouTube, police said.

The attack happened between 4 p.m. and 4:20 p.m. in an alley in the 2800 block of South Princeton Avenue, according to police News Affairs Officer Daniel O'Brien.

The 17-year-old boy was battered by several unknown male suspects and was robbed of a pair of gym shoes, his wallet and cash, said O'Brien.

He has been released from Mercy Hospital and Medical Center for a laceration to his lip, bruising and abrasions, according to the officer.

A video was being circulated on YouTube that "matches pretty closely'' with what happened on Princeton, O'Brien said. "It's become a big deal because of the video,'' O'Brien said of the attack.

The video shows at least five males, including a one wearing a black mask who appeared to possibly be the ringleader, punching the victim multiple times.

At least once, the victim falls and blood can be seen on his lip but they keep after him, kicking him to the body and head when he is lying on the snow-covered ground.

The victim eventually gets up and appears to be trying to reason with the attackers, but the beating continues. Finally, the teen sees an opening and takes off running, but the suspects follow him down the alley.

According to a law enforcement source, the robbers took $180 from him and the incident is being classified as a "strongarm robbery.''

O'Brien said there was nothing to indicate the victim is a student.

As of late Monday, no one was in custody, but Wentworth Area detectives were continuing their investigation.


more money than God
WTF? Why are they saying "nigga" constantly? Or am I hearing that wrong?

EDIT: I was hoping it wouldn't be Chicago, that answers my question.


This has been burning up my Facebook news feed lately and it's mega depressing. Luckily, based on the video description it seems the idiots on camera have been spotted and named.


get some go again
looks like they have info on most of the kids in the video. haha lets see how tough they are when they are being hauled away to jail.


I don't know if its at all related but within the last several months a new trend for high school kids has started. They walk around in a group of 5+ and as a game, they find a random person and try to knock them out. If the person fights back, then they all join in until they overcome the person and leave them unconscious.

I can't remember off the top of my head what they call it, but its a game to them. They have some kind of point system. It's been going on in central Ohio(and probably other cities) foe awhile now.

Edit...game is called knockout kings.


From deciding to beat that guy to uploading it to youtube, there is so much idiocy that yet again, I lose faith in humanity

edit: and I left the fucking bread bag open all night, I'm not any smarter D:
Bunch of fuckin animals.

Since I'm in a prediction making mood tonight, I'm going to predict at least some of these kids parents trot out that old acorn about how their kid is a good kid running around with the wrong crowd. No fucker, your kids a useless shithead running around with other equally useless shitheads.


Every time I see shit like this i wish i was there to beat the shit out those bullies. This video made me rage inside and i hope to god all those little bastards die a very painful death one by one.


Not many things get me pissed off like this, but this video managed to do that. Nothing more irritating than a bunch of self-indulged little fucking shits like that. Talk shit and threaten and beat a guy when it's seven on one. Meet him by themselves and they probably run like scared bitches. Props to the poor bastard for trying to be the better man and trying to logic with them. But these shits deserve to have their asses hauled off to prison. Hopefully they're swiftly caught.

The M.O.B

In the YT comments

WESLEY WU - 1 778 808 9776
EASLEY WU - 1 818 381 3829
RAYMOND PALOMINO - 1 916 599 4146
TODD RAMOS - 1 708 582 4132
JOHNNY LI - 1 917 838 1205
DANNY HUI - 1 778 318 2048

Lol if all of their names are already found out.


Can't wait for the bully defense force to show up. Or does that only happen when the bullies and home invaders get their fucking comeuppance in the form of being shot and stabbed? We shall see.



This makes me so mad....poor guy.

Hopefully these fuckers rot in jail, good for nothing scumbags.


The reality is, these kids are probably underage, and will probably get away with a slap on the wrist. Judaical systems lol
Does anyone have an alternative link? I don't want to give youtube hits; they endorse these types of hideous user videos, something needs to be done


So, what is this all about? I don't want to watch the whole video, cause it gets on my nerves, but do they say why they're beating the poor kid?


Trying to get it to the top for more views...means more of a chance to find those kids.

Ah, I see. At first I thought it was because all of those dicks commenting are fucking stupid. Why are they talking about stabbing Justin Bieber now?

They're showing equal stupidity with their hate/racism and nonsense
Every time I see shit like this i wish i was there to beat the shit out those bullies. This video made me rage inside and i hope to god all those little bastards die a very painful death one by one.

Watching that made me really angry and sad. I hope everything turns out great for the victim and has beautiful life ahead. As for these shits, I hope they get whats coming to them. They don't deserve to breathe the same air as us. Get rid of them.


Holy shit at the automatically loading comments... I've never even seen that on a YT video before and they're being posted so fast it's a blur....
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