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Sleep Paralysis just went to a new level for me....in a terrifying way

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I know this is a bit long, but I'm going to attempt to describe the most terrifying and real sleep paralysis experience that I've ever had in about my 10 years of dealing with this.

I have suffered from sleep paralysis since high school. They were usually accompanied by hallucinations, which ranged anywhere from beautiful to downright terrifying. The terrifying typically seeing a disgusting/scary looking woman standing/moving in my room or actually being able to feel her sitting on my chest or back.

Well, when I hit college they seemed to happen slightly less, but came back full-swing around my third year. I went to see a therapist about it and she attributed it to most likely being caused by anxiety and mild depression. I was put on a low dose of Celexa to combat it. It would work for a while and then start back up again and then just randomly stop for a while. My therapists have tried both Celexa and Zoloft, but I ended up just staying with Celexa(seems to work better for my daytime mood). But anyway, I've been playing this game ever since. Also, might be important to note I took ambien for about 2 weeks before I decided to put that shit down and never touch it again. Was prescribed it to help with my sleeplessness, which was happening because of my sleep paralysis, but that made my sleep paralysis go into over-drive.

Well anyway, I think, about 2 weeks ago I started to have sleep paralysis episodes again, which I haven't had since around February/March time I believe. They haven't been particularly unusual except for the last 2 nights. Anyway, I had been playing Borderlands 2 on Saturday night and feel asleep around 1 AM. Then, on early Sunday morning, honestly don't know what time it was, but definitely didn't see any sign of daylight when the whole thing was over. Anyway, I "woke" up and knew immediately what was going on. I couldn't move at all and I heard the familiar whoosing/whirling sound. I saw the terrifying girl standing in the corner of our bedroom with that sadistic looking grin on her face. I could hear her breathing heavy and kind of like giggling with it and she was rubbing her hands together. And then I hear growling and I snap out of it. And I actually can't believe I'm saying this, but the scariest part happened after I woke up. My beagle is on the floor growling at the exact same location where the woman was standing during my sleep paralysis. This wasn't any kind of little growl either, she was full out growling, which she absolutely never does, at the wall where the woman was standing. And it was loud enough to wake my wife up. She asked me what was wrong with the dog, because she knows how unusual this is and then asks us where our other dog is. I assumed she was under the blanket with my wife, but it turns up she was hiding in the back of our open closet and would not come out. I had to physically go pick her up out of the closet and carry her out. The entire time her tail is between her legs and then as soon as I put her down she makes a V-line straight out the bedroom door. My other dog has by then calm down and isn't growling anymore but my wife is thoroughly freaked out now and asks me again what is freaking the dogs out. I told her again I wasn't sure, even though by now, I'm wondering if they somehow saw what I did when I couldn't move, even though it's impossible. I went to check the rest of the house just for peace of mind and to find where my other dog ran off too. I find her downstairs hiding in her cage and once again won't come out when I call her. After checking the house, I tell my wife they must have just heard a sound that freaked them out. I honestly think she was too tired to care at that point and accepted it and went back to bed. I couldn't get back to sleep after that and ended up staying up until around 7 in the morning before I feel asleep on our downstairs couch watching TV.

I attributed everything to coincidence even though I was still thoroughly freaked out by it all still. And then last night it happened again. I woke up early this morning unable to move and everything seemed kind of hazy. If you've had sleep paralysis you probably know what I mean. What you can see has a dreamy kind of look to it, but mentally, everything is as clear as if you are awake. Anyway, I see colorful swirls in my peripheral vision and hear the swirling sounds. Typically, these types of sleep paralysis episodes aren't very terrifying if you just ride them out. Well, then I hear shattering glass, and the swirling colors fade and everything just gets darker. Then in front of our body long mirror(I don't know what they are actually called) I see the same woman as the night before. I really wish I would have paid attention to the mirror to see if it was shattered during the episode, but I assume the sound I heard was of the mirror. I try closing my eyes, but I can kind of see right through my eyelids(which happens a lot during these) and since I can't move my head or anything, I'm forced to look at her. She gives me that same weird/evil looking grin and opens her mouth and shows her bloody teeth. And when I say bloody, I mean it literally. And then she lets out this terrifying scream. This has happened on several occasions, but usually when she's sitting on top of me or right next to my face, but something was different this time. I could feel the scream inside my ears. I don't how to describe it, but I could physically feel the vibrations of the scream in my head. And then I wake up. Now this is where shit gets truly weird. I snapped out of it because my dog was barking and growling and she's standing a few feet back from the mirror looking straight at it, acting like she wants to tear the thing to pieces. My wife and I both simultaneously get out of bed. Her, because, she was wondering why the dog is barking at herself and me because I'm fucking terrified. I see our other dog's nose under the bed. She must have hid under there, which is something she rarely does and once again she would not come out. And it's important to note, that when this dog is called, she usually comes, but my wife had to grab her and pull her out. Once again, her tail is between her legs and she looks terrified. Our beagle has since stopped barking at the mirror and is seeing what my wife is doing with the other dog. My wife asks me if I knew what she was barking at and I told her that I guess she just freaked herself out in the mirror. I didn't want to freak her out for the second night in a row. My wife kind of laughs and lays back down and falls back asleep pretty quick. I'm guessing she didn't think much of it. I never actually got back to sleep last night. I am still way too freaked out.

I know it's been quite the read, but I figured I would share. As terrifying as it was, I would still like to figure out if this was pure coincidence both nights or something more is going on. My wife knows I have sleep paralysis, but since she has never had it, she puts it in the same category as nightmares in her mind. And anybody who has had SP, knows that saying that nightmares and SP are the same is saying that apples and oranges are the same. It's just not the case. I don't have a particular belief in anything paranormal happening, especially since I've always considered sleep paralysis hallucinations to be generated by my subconscious, but after the last two nights I'm open to any interpretations of what might be happening. Honestly, if it keeps happening and freaking my dogs out as well, I need to get some kind of help, but I don't even know what to do. I wouldn't even know the first person to talk to, because if it's scaring my dogs, then a therapist won't be able to do jack shit about it. At this point, I'm open to anything.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I bet you have mice or something in the walls and your dog is hearing them run around, and barking at them.

That or your dog is hearing burglaries or assault down the block.


Three nights ago i punched my gf in the face while she was asleep right when the paralysis cut out. She was like "wtf is wrong with you" and i told her i just wanted to punch a deformed demon baby, turned around and fell asleep again.


It's subconscious

In that state you're brain is working overtime, going crazy processing everything going on around and inside of you. You heard the dog barking and it was just an association with the outside world. Set out some mice traps, check for electrical shorts, etc.

Does this usually happen 15-30 minutes after you "fall asleep"?


wow. i thought I had sleep paralysis but I guess my isn't the extreme kind. :O (only hallucinated once and that was when my SP began.)

Sorry to hear that you go through that OP. Not sure what to say about the dogs. Maybe just a coincidence. I'd imagine if it were something like a ghost, they'd have instances where they bark/get scared when you don't have a SP moment. Since it's only during that time, maybe they see you freaked out and freak out as well.
He could feel your fear and just start barking in the direction you're facing when you're paralysed, they're really good at sensing emotions.


Crazy story, OP. Reads like something straight out of r/nosleep haha.
Sure you're in the right forum?

I tend to be pretty skeptical and pragmatic about weird/supernatural stuff like this though. When I have an SP episode, sometimes actual noise can affect what I'm hearing in my "dream" so maybe the "screaming" you were hearing was an acutual noise outside/in your house and your dogs heard it too? Wait and see if your dogs growl at anything again at night or any time during the day.

My SP is never this intense. When it happens, I usually think I'm walking around my room or talking to someone. Tends to happen if I haven't gotten much sleep the past couple days.
Your beagle is probably reacting to you and your fear - they can be hypersensitive to the owner's mood. I've had sleep paralysis and I've owned a beagle and I can see my old buddy getting freaked if I freaked.
I have this happen about once a month. This month has been especially active.

When I hallucinate, I see insects. Sometimes I see swarms of them flying around my room. Sometimes I'll see a spider a spider descending over my head. I end up screaming, which alarms everyone in the house.

A while back I had it happen. As soon as I was able to move, I ran through my house screaming. My older sister had to calm me down I was hysteric.
OP, there is always a scientific explanation for what is occurring. Never forget that there is no proof that ghosts (or she-demons, or whatever it is you're seeing) exist. Your mind is generating and misinterpreting electrical signals/neurotransmitters and also reacting to chemicals/hormones in your body. Your dogs are responding to a natural phenomenon that is occurring in your house or just outdoors, or reacting to something you are doing in your unconscious state. As others have suggested, set-up a video camera overnight while you sleep. Do not let yourself believe that what you are seeing in your unconscious state is what is actually occurring in the conscious world.

You have to prove to yourself that these fearful images are not true. If you start doubting that, you'll begin to fight a losing battle.

My fiancee frequently wakes up and screams about there being shadows, spiders, people, or other such things in our bedroom. Every time I wake up, jump out of bed, turn on the light, and prepare to fight to the death with whatever it is on the off chance that one of these days she is correct in her inaccurate exclamation. So far, of the dozens of times this has occurred in the past few years, I've never seen anything. She falls back asleep each time and remembers absolutely nothing of it in the morning 95% of the time. The few times she does remember it is because I've some how woken her up during my lurching from the bed.

Eric C

He could feel your fear and just start barking in the direction you're facing when you're paralysed, they're really good at sensing emotions.

Your beagle is probably reacting to you and your fear - they can be hypersensitive to the owner's mood. I've had sleep paralysis and I've owned a beagle and I can see my old buddy getting freaked if I freaked.

If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably something like this is happening, the dogs are somehow sensing your fear while you're asleep.
I find sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations amazing, though I appreciate it must be an awful experiance.
As for your dogs, they may simply be reacting to you in some way. Maybe they see you behaving oddly perhaps and they react in turn. Dogs can be very, sensitive to our emotional state. That said, as you are paralysed I would wonder how the dogs would be aware of your emotional state. Quicker breathing? Whimpering under your breath?

Strange and very interesting.

OG Kush

Not sure if I should bring this up as gaf gets all crazy about it... But have u ever thought of black magic being the reason? People placing curses/spirits to haunt you? Set up a camera with night vision in your room.
call a priest, you are being possessed. wait.... do as the movies (paranormal activity), ignore it till its too late. good luck.


I remember from watching The Mummy that cats drive away evil old egyptian priest spirits. You could give that a try.


I have this happen about once a month. This month has been especially active.

When I hallucinate, I see insects. Sometimes I see swarms of them flying around my room. Sometimes I'll see a spider a spider descending over my head. I end up screaming, which alarms everyone in the house.

A while back I had it happen. As soon as I was able to move, I ran through my house screaming. My older sister had to calm me down I was hysteric.

Do you sleep on your back?

Not Spaceghost


This thread makes me uncomfortable, because I have sleep paralysis but for me the "episode" never gets weird like yours do. They're just me slowly freaking out that I can't move.


I used to have horrifying SP episodes ever since I was a kid. My advice OP is to read up on Lucid Dreaming.

That whooshing/rushing noise? I read somewhere that this is the time your brain releases a natural hallucinogen, and what happened after depends on your state of mind; people into lucid dreaming ride it out (excited because they know that if they do, they're in for some awesome lucid dreams), and if you're scared or confused (because you've experienced this before and whatever came after was not pleasant,) your feelings will just be amplified and you will hallucinate some freaky shit.

I would imagine a dog suddenly barking at night next to sleeping person would scare the hell out of them, imagine that happening with your brain susceptible to hallucinations.

(I don't know why the dogs were barking, I'm not sure it's that important.)

Other things:
1- You can "rip" yourself out of SP. Just decide to force yourself up. I've done it every single time since I knew I could.
2- You can sit up when you hear those rushing noises if you want to avoid this thing all together.
3- Out of curiosity I've tried sleeping right after a bad SP episode, multiple times. For some reason it doesn't happened again the same night.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Do you sleep on your back?

It really doesn't matter how you sleep, at least not for me, I experience this while on my side, stomach, and back.

I've gotten to the point where I just tell myself to wake up when it starts and I do. Stupid demon bitches always trying to ruin my sleep.

3- Out of curiosity I've tried sleeping right after a bad SP episode, multiple times. For some reason it doesn't happened again the same night.

When I fall asleep right after, I go right back into the SP. Every time. =p

I have to get up and walk around for 10 minutes or so, then try to sleep.


I find sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations amazing, though I appreciate it must be an awful experiance.
As for your dogs, they may simply be reacting to you in some way. Maybe they see you behaving oddly perhaps and they react in turn. Dogs can be very, sensitive to our emotional state. That said, as you are paralysed I would wonder how the dogs would be aware of your emotional state. Quicker breathing? Whimpering under your breath?

Strange and very interesting.

My wife and past girlfriends say I do hyperventilate at times or will say that it sounds like Im trying to talk but cant. I can understand how my dogs could sense something was scaring me when Im paralyzed, but I dont understand why my beagle would look like she is ready to kill the exact spot where the woman was standing. That is what is freaking me out.


He could feel your fear and just start barking in the direction you're facing when you're paralysed, they're really good at sensing emotions.

Yeah, I was going to say this. You're projecting your fear in the direction of where you are hallucinating and your dogs are picking up on that fear.
i thought my blanket was martian manhunter and heard auditory hallucinations before in SP but never owned a dog. The dogs reacting to your emotions theory was what I thought as well. you're supposed to be the leader of the pack and you're scared shitless. what else are they supposed to do?
I will say that most dogs are incredibly attuned to their owners feelings. You know how they say that dogs can sense fear? They can. If you are terrified, it's going to sometimes trigger a response in your dog.

Edit: As for her looking in the same direction, if your eyes are focused on something and you are terrified, where else is the threat going to be coming from? All of your focus is on that area. So hers is going to be as well.


Three nights ago i punched my gf in the face while she was asleep right when the paralysis cut out. She was like "wtf is wrong with you" and i told her i just wanted to punch a deformed demon baby, turned around and fell asleep again.

lol. =X.

I woke up to my wife biting my arm becuase i was choking her in my sleep. I had a dream that I had someone in a headlock, and i guess i was reenacting in IRL.
Whenever I read something about sleep paralysis, I end up having mild anxiety about getting sleep paralysis for the next week before falling asleep. I've never had it before, it just seems so freaky


You are probably indicating the spot to your dogs somehow. If you have a mirror that is repeatedly the focus of your issues while sleeping, then maybe move the mirror to another room for at least a few nights. If you still have problems, try using a weak nightlight for a while.
OP, can you move your head/face while on sleep paralysis or make a noise?

The reason I'm asking this is that if your sleep paralysis is like mine then the answer is no, in which case it's hard to think that the dogs would both wake up and be able to sense fear in a completely paralyzed face just by looking terrified at a corner of the room in the middle of the night.

I mean, I know dogs are really attuned to the owner's feelings, but it seems unlikely unless there's a more obvious visual/audio cue for them to follow.


You said you had been to a therapist, wonder if being hypnotized could show anything?

Not sure of the truth vs fake on that stuff but I've read about people getting details on stuff (or stopping smoking :) ).
If you don't post this in 5 other threads the girl in the OP's story will come and eat you next time you sleep. I swear it's tru e she came for me yesterday but I told her that you could probably get more food if I posted it on gaf. she agreed
I know this is a bit long, but I'm going to attempt to describe the most terrifying and real sleep paralysis experience that I've ever had in about my 10 years of dealing with this.

I have suffered from sleep paralysis since high school. They were usually accompanied by hallucinations, which ranged anywhere from beautiful to downright terrifying. The terrifying typically seeing a disgusting/scary looking woman standing/moving in my room or actually being able to feel her sitting on my chest or back.

Well, when I hit college they seemed to happen slightly less, but came back full-swing around my third year. I went to see a therapist about it and she attributed it to most likely being caused by anxiety and mild depression. I was put on a low dose of Celexa to combat it. It would work for a while and then start back up again and then just randomly stop for a while. My therapists have tried both Celexa and Zoloft, but I ended up just staying with Celexa(seems to work better for my daytime mood). But anyway, I've been playing this game ever since. Also, might be important to note I took ambien for about 2 weeks before I decided to put that shit down and never touch it again. Was prescribed it to help with my sleeplessness, which was happening because of my sleep paralysis, but that made my sleep paralysis go into over-drive.

Well anyway, I think, about 2 weeks ago I started to have sleep paralysis episodes again, which I haven't had since around February/March time I believe. They haven't been particularly unusual except for the last 2 nights. Anyway, I had been playing Borderlands 2 on Saturday night and feel asleep around 1 AM. Then, on early Sunday morning, honestly don't know what time it was, but definitely didn't see any sign of daylight when the whole thing was over. Anyway, I "woke" up and knew immediately what was going on. I couldn't move at all and I heard the familiar whoosing/whirling sound. I saw the terrifying girl standing in the corner of our bedroom with that sadistic looking grin on her face. I could hear her breathing heavy and kind of like giggling with it and she was rubbing her hands together. And then I hear growling and I snap out of it. And I actually can't believe I'm saying this, but the scariest part happened after I woke up. My beagle is on the floor growling at the exact same location where the woman was standing during my sleep paralysis. This wasn't any kind of little growl either, she was full out growling, which she absolutely never does, at the wall where the woman was standing. And it was loud enough to wake my wife up. She asked me what was wrong with the dog, because she knows how unusual this is and then asks us where our other dog is. I assumed she was under the blanket with my wife, but it turns up she was hiding in the back of our open closet and would not come out. I had to physically go pick her up out of the closet and carry her out. The entire time her tail is between her legs and then as soon as I put her down she makes a V-line straight out the bedroom door. My other dog has by then calm down and isn't growling anymore but my wife is thoroughly freaked out now and asks me again what is freaking the dogs out. I told her again I wasn't sure, even though by now, I'm wondering if they somehow saw what I did when I couldn't move, even though it's impossible. I went to check the rest of the house just for peace of mind and to find where my other dog ran off too. I find her downstairs hiding in her cage and once again won't come out when I call her. After checking the house, I tell my wife they must have just heard a sound that freaked them out. I honestly think she was too tired to care at that point and accepted it and went back to bed. I couldn't get back to sleep after that and ended up staying up until around 7 in the morning before I feel asleep on our downstairs couch watching TV.

I attributed everything to coincidence even though I was still thoroughly freaked out by it all still. And then last night it happened again. I woke up early this morning unable to move and everything seemed kind of hazy. If you've had sleep paralysis you probably know what I mean. What you can see has a dreamy kind of look to it, but mentally, everything is as clear as if you are awake. Anyway, I see colorful swirls in my peripheral vision and hear the swirling sounds. Typically, these types of sleep paralysis episodes aren't very terrifying if you just ride them out. Well, then I hear shattering glass, and the swirling colors fade and everything just gets darker. Then in front of our body long mirror(I don't know what they are actually called) I see the same woman as the night before. I really wish I would have paid attention to the mirror to see if it was shattered during the episode, but I assume the sound I heard was of the mirror. I try closing my eyes, but I can kind of see right through my eyelids(which happens a lot during these) and since I can't move my head or anything, I'm forced to look at her. She gives me that same weird/evil looking grin and opens her mouth and shows her bloody teeth. And when I say bloody, I mean it literally. And then she lets out this terrifying scream. This has happened on several occasions, but usually when she's sitting on top of me or right next to my face, but something was different this time. I could feel the scream inside my ears. I don't how to describe it, but I could physically feel the vibrations of the scream in my head. And then I wake up. Now this is where shit gets truly weird. I snapped out of it because my dog was barking and growling and she's standing a few feet back from the mirror looking straight at it, acting like she wants to tear the thing to pieces. My wife and I both simultaneously get out of bed. Her, because, she was wondering why the dog is barking at herself and me because I'm fucking terrified. I see our other dog's nose under the bed. She must have hid under there, which is something she rarely does and once again she would not come out. And it's important to note, that when this dog is called, she usually comes, but my wife had to grab her and pull her out. Once again, her tail is between her legs and she looks terrified. Our beagle has since stopped barking at the mirror and is seeing what my wife is doing with the other dog. My wife asks me if I knew what she was barking at and I told her that I guess she just freaked herself out in the mirror. I didn't want to freak her out for the second night in a row. My wife kind of laughs and lays back down and falls back asleep pretty quick. I'm guessing she didn't think much of it. I never actually got back to sleep last night. I am still way too freaked out.

I know it's been quite the read, but I figured I would share. As terrifying as it was, I would still like to figure out if this was pure coincidence both nights or something more is going on. My wife knows I have sleep paralysis, but since she has never had it, she puts it in the same category as nightmares in her mind. And anybody who has had SP, knows that saying that nightmares and SP are the same is saying that apples and oranges are the same. It's just not the case. I don't have a particular belief in anything paranormal happening, especially since I've always considered sleep paralysis hallucinations to be generated by my subconscious, but after the last two nights I'm open to any interpretations of what might be happening. Honestly, if it keeps happening and freaking my dogs out as well, I need to get some kind of help, but I don't even know what to do. I wouldn't even know the first person to talk to, because if it's scaring my dogs, then a therapist won't be able to do jack shit about it. At this point, I'm open to anything.
Who you gonna call?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Three nights ago i punched my gf in the face while she was asleep right when the paralysis cut out. She was like "wtf is wrong with you" and i told her i just wanted to punch a deformed demon baby, turned around and fell asleep again.

I did this once also, but it was just a dream where there was this guy I was trying to punch because he was some kind of demon or something (I can't remember), but I just couldn't do it in the dream because I couldn't move my arms very well, so I wrenched my arm as hard as I could and ended up throwing a punch in real life which hit my gf (now wife) right in the jaw. She's like "WTF" and I explained it. Luckily the punch didn't come out full strength.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
you know, sleeping on your side apparently does wonders for sleep paralysis, also try not to go to bed when your dead tired or atleast try not to fall asleep when you dont want to
edit: oh also forgot, get rid of that fucking full body mirror, that is usually the main cause of nightmare SPs, why you have it facing you when you have SP is beyond me, atleast keep it out of sight
Make a journal, OP. Update it religiously, and your memories will start to come together when you dream.

I'd make a jab at you for viral marketing (Insidious 2 or something), but I've had freaky shit happen to me before too. Not with dogs though. That would just freak me right the fuck out.
As someone with regular sleep paralysis, I can honestly say I've never had it coupled with visual hallucination - just auditory hallucinations, someone or something growling in my ear or saying my name, as well as a sensation that something is clawing or slapping my chest or back. In my experience, there is no such thing as being totally unable to move. If you try hard enough to move your hands or your head you can almost always break yourself out of it. I can also keep my eyes firmly closed to prevent spying any creepy imagery, which makes the episodes easier to deal with. It's basically a way of life at this point.

Put me in the camp of people who believe his dogs are freaked out at their owner demonstrating unusual behavior - I've been told that when I'm suffering from sleep paralysis I shudder, shake, grit and clatter my teeth, grunt, all confusing signals for a pet. That said, that does nothing to explain why your pets are directing their confusion at the same spots the "woman" appeared in your episode. I don't know, OP. I prefer not to dismiss anything out of hand, no matter how unusual or improbable.
I stopped getting SP on occassion when I stopped sleeping on my back. Never got it after that until I slipped one time (I was exhausted that day).
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