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Star Citizen Dogfighing Module finally gets a release date: May 29 [Delayed]


Batteries the CRISIS!
[UPDATE] As of 9 p.m. EDT Wednesday, the dogfighting module has been delayed for an indeterminate length of time: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13898-Arena-Commander-V8-Delay

Chris Roberts said:
Today at 4:00 PM PST, I sat down with Star Citizen’s production leads for a ‘go/no-go’ meeting. We went around the virtual table, like a ground control team preparing to launch a rocket, and the decision was that we are not able to release Arena Commander tomorrow as there are too many blocking and critical issues outstanding.


Unfortunately, as of tonight, there are still two blockers and half a dozen critical issues (which we would like to fix before launch.) Our biggest issue today is a newly developed DirectX crash which breaks the single player Vanduul Swarm mode every backer will be given access to.

It would be foolish to release an unstable build, even if pre-alpha for the sake of meeting an internal deadline.


[T]o keep our backers as informed as possible, I’m asking the production team to provide DAILY updates for the community until Arena Commander V0.8 ships. This will be the raw stuff: lists of bugs and other information to tell you the current health of the build. You will see the same information I do, and you will be able to follow as we resolve each “blocker” preventing the build’s release.

I want you to know that we’re very close… just not close enough to launch tomorrow. Stay tuned!

[Original post:]


In a weekly update, the developer behind PC space sim Star Citizen has announced when pledgers can expect to begin playing the Dogfighting Module, known in-fiction as Arena Commander: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/...13883-Arena-Commander-Weekly-Report-May-12-16

I’d like to walk you through exactly what the next two weeks—if all goes well—mean for Arena Commander’s development:

  • May 17th: our IT groups will be updating our global internal server infrastructure. A lot of the internal tools we use for game development (checking in builds, storing assets, etc.) are in dire need of downtime and update; we’ve been running them in the red zone so we can have 24 hour round-the-world development on Arena Commander. During this downtime we will also be switching over to a much more flexible and advanced architecture for our content management system Perforce. We will be upgrading to using Perforce Streams which will allow much quicker and more flexible movement between code branches for our development team. This prepares us for the added complexity of launching and supporting a live multiplayer service like Arena Commander. Saturday’s update will allow us to push the final Arena Commander update out to the world with much more confidence (corrupted data from these servers was a major issue at the PAX East reveal!)
  • May 18th: with the new servers in place, we will split off the “Arena Commander Release” branch of Star Citizen. This will separate the Arena Commander you play from the rest of the game that is being developed by other teams. So data checked in by teams around the world that doesn’t have anything to do with dogfighting (such as FPS weapons, planetside maps or future ship assets) won’t cause additional bugs for the team to worry about.
  • May 19th: The QA team will begin their final troubleshooting session with the new Arena Commander Release branch. They will go through the entire game and catalog all the current bugs they can find – ships not spawning in the correct place, physics not functioning correctly, disconnects during battle and so on. This will help to generate our final “Must Fix” list for release. It is important to remember though that our internal QA team cannot find everything and it is very likely that we will not fix everything prior to release. We are releasing playable code to the community much, much earlier than you normally would in AAA game development. Because of this it will not be as polished as a final game would be so we are going to need a lot of support from all of you to help us in bug finding and gameplay feedback!
  • May 23rd: The official cross-studio playtesting of the Arena Commander Release begins. This represents a “pencils down” phase where, unless you are working on an authorized must fix issue the team is expected to QA the game as much as possible. After this point, only a limited number of “designated driver” team leads will be able to check in any changes to the game itself.
  • May 27th: By this point, we hope to have the egregious, game breaking issues resolved but there will still be plenty of known and unknown issues. This is also our deadline for making sure the launcher is hardened for the deluge of users and the first set of necessary servers for the release have been spun up. After this point all check in privileges will be revoked and will only be returned on an as needed basis by senior Production staff and myself.
  • May 28th: The release candidate build of the game will be compiled. If all goes as planned, this is the version of Arena Commander you will be playing! The team at Turbulent will begin switching over the website to the version that will make Arena Commander available to backers. I will personally ‘sign off’ Arena Commander as ready for the community on the evening of the 28th. To be clear, we fully expect that there will be bugs remaining, potentially some bad ones. That said, our primary focus is getting a version out to the community to help us find all the issues and work together to improve Arena Commander.
  • May 29th: This morning, the web team will spin up additional authentication and web servers in the in anticipation of high traffic during the release. The engineering team will begin “warming” caches on cloud servers around the world, making sure the release candidate game is ready and waiting for users. By the end of the day, we will update the website making the game available, and the first public release of Arena Commander (which we’re calling v0.8) will be live to the world for testing!

After this we will continue to work hard finishing off game modes, making balancing calls and hotfixes as we spin up more and more servers, allowing for more and more concurrent multiplayer games.

  • v0.9 will be an intermediate step with additional features, polish, fixes and the Squadron Battle game mode.
  • v1.0 will be when everyone can access the multiplayer and all game modes are in (Capture the Core comes in with v1.0).

They've said before that everyone will gain access to the single-player horde mode called Vanduul Swarm, but online multiplayer will be rolled out slowly to pledgers in order of their citizen numbers. (Find your citizen number by going to https://robertsspaceindustries.com, mousing over "MY RSI" in the upper-right corner and, when you're logged in, clicking on your profile picture. It'll take you to a page that says "Uee Citizen Record #XXXXX" near the top.)

The only ships available in Arena Commander version 0.8 will be the Hornet, Aurora and 300i. If you don't own any of those, you'll get a loaner ship that most closely matches your pledge level.

The Avenger and Cutlass will be added to Arena Commander shortly after version 1.0 is released. It may be a while before multiple-person ships like the Freelancer and Constellation are added, though — they'll be in version 2.0.

In short, we'll only be seeing this little guy for two more weeks: ༼つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE DFM

Sucks they are so far behind but very cool this is coming out!

Can't wait to play the full product. I'm saving it for the full thing. Not gonna mess with modules


It's gonna be goooooood.

Here's hoping my Aurora doesn't start getting matched against Hornets, that would be no fun.


Hope they have optimised the game some, the Hangar module runs like complete crap on my PC.

They're trying to really push the limits on this game, as long as the game runs well on "high-end" hardware, they don't seem to be caring about the lower end PCs, at least that's what I'm assuming from what I've read about them.


Hopefully I can scrounge up some money to get one of the ships. Is the Aurora decent enough or will it struggle?

Edit: Will clarify that a bit: Will the Aurora be matched against all the really expensive ships and if so, does it stand a chance? I want to buy in but just can't do any of the more expensive ships. Want to get the most bang for my buck.


Hopefully I can scrounge up some money to get one of the ships. Is the Aurora decent enough or will it struggle?

Edit: Will clarify that a bit: Will the Aurora be matched against all the really expensive ships and if so, does it stand a chance? I want to buy in but just can't do any of the more expensive ships. Want to get the most bang for my buck.

Most bang would probably be the Hornet, since that is (as of right now) the flagship dogfighter in the game. But I think you and everybody else should approach the dogfighting module for what it is - or what it will be at least at the beginning - a glorified and largely unpolished demo. Imo, it's too soon to get all pumped up about which ship does what, what the advantages/disadvantages of a specific ship are, etc. Things will change a lot during development, tons of balancing will be needed and so on. Get the Aurora, see how you like it, upgrade later on, if you feel like it.
They're trying to really push the limits on this game, as long as the game runs well on "high-end" hardware, they don't seem to be caring about the lower end PCs, at least that's what I'm assuming from what I've read about them.

I get that they are all about the PC gamer but it's silly aiming it the highest of high end machines when they are in the single figure percentage of PCs worldwide.

I'm not saying it should be able to run on integrated graphics but I shouldn't be getting 20-30fps with about 5 tonne of jaggies when I can play BF4 1080p Ultra at 100fps.


This game is not out in full for years, so of course theyre aiming with theyre engine for where they feel PC majority will be in 2016, not for 2012


I guess when they said end of the month they really meant it
( thought it will be delayed to early next month, again )
, I did thought 'next week' I read in the OT was quite optimistic.

The good surprise is the 300i which doesn't seems delayed. ( but the wait for the avenger will be in months I guess :'( )

From what I understood from the Wingman's Hangar, the matchmaking will also be quite lacking for now, not even speaking about the things like a skill based matchmaking or the fact every ships should have a different 'value', which won't be there for 0.8 ( I think ), apparently at first it won't even be ping based.

Still hyped thought.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Hope they have optimised the game some, the Hangar module runs like complete crap on my PC.

They haven't done any major optimizations — just basic things like LOD. They don't plan on optimizing the game until it's closer to full release in 2016.

What kind of specs would you need this to run at 1080p. Looks demanding

I have an i5-760 2.8 ghz quad core, 8 GB of DDR3 1333 and a 2 GB Sapphire Radeon 5870 GHZ Edition. I can run the hangar module with three ships in it (Hornet, Aurora and Avenger) at 1080p and my FPS range between 38 and 57. That's at "low" settings (they don't have a lot of customization for graphics settings right now) and I take a serious performance hit when I go up to "very high" settings at 1080p — 12 to 30 FPS. I don't see a huge visual quality difference between "low" and "very high" right now, though, so I don't know what's taking up all that horsepower.


What kind of specs would you need this to run at 1080p. Looks demanding

Common card they're using to develop on, afaik, are 680s, but at least some of the staff are running Titans. Target specs for the DFM are:
16GB RAM @1600MHZ
GTX 680

Optimization is generally one of the last things to take place in game development.

People can tell you specs now, but the hardware requiremts will likely be significantly lower when the full game is released.

SC is sort of peculiar in that it's not looking to be played by the widest range of people, and is instead just pushing details as far as is practical for the best hardware at hand. If you buy top of the line hardware today you'll probably run the game well on med-high, but it's not made with having today's hardware run it perfectly in mind, but with the hardware of a couple years from now.


thanks for the laugh
after seeing the latest elite footage, i'm quite happy leaving SC in the oven to slow roast to perfection.


Not sure if this is the official thread for Star Citizen, I have a small question.

Will there be a wipe once the beta is over? I've searched for the answer on Google and getting conflicting reports. Not sure if I should get the $30 or $40 package because of that.



Batteries the CRISIS!
Not sure if this is the official thread for Star Citizen, I have a small question.

Will there be a wipe once the beta is over? I've searched for the answer on Google and getting conflicting reports. Not sure if I should get the $30 or $40 package because of that.


GAFfers have been using the hangar module thread to chat about the daily banalities of Star Citizen: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=665089 But this one works, too.

The last thing I heard was that the persistent universe will not be wiped at the end of the beta. They have a good couple years to change their minds on that, though. I think their current reasoning is that when they go into wide release, they want a lot of players to already be in the universe, making it hum, so it'll feel more alive. It won't just be a bunch of people with their starter ships and no credits when the game launches. Also, it would suck to invalidate discoveries that explorers have made, forcing them to make them again (and probably get them taken by other players who are faster at rediscovering them).


Can I just fly around in the dogfighting module? Play against some bots? Not sure what this entails. I don't want to just dogfight other players who will shoot me down in a millisecond.

I pledged ages ago and haven't kept up with the details. Haven't even tried the hangar module yet.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Can I just fly around in the dogfighting module? Play against some bots? Not sure what this entails. I don't want to just dogfight other players who will shoot me down in a millisecond.

I pledged ages ago and haven't kept up with the details. Haven't even tried the hangar module yet.

When Arena Commander comes out, everyone will have Free Flight and Vanduul Swarm available to them. Those are the two things you want. Then they'll roll out some online multiplayer modes to backers in the order that they pledged, which I guess you don't have to worry about. So May 29th will fulfill all your desires, assuming the schedule holds.

Haven't seen much gameplay of Star Citizen - is this a skybox or all rendered?

I know all the asteroids are rendered. I'm not entirely sure about the planet. I think that's a skybox, at least for right now.


Says I'm #568, I'm assuming that's pretty low.

Had no idea this was coming, I thought I'd have to wait for the singleplayer game release before I got to try anything.


Says I'm #568, I'm assuming that's pretty low.

Had no idea this was coming, I thought I'd have to wait for the singleplayer game release before I got to try anything.

That's really really low. I pledged just before they finished giving out pledges with Alpha access in them, I'm #426672


Can I just fly around in the dogfighting module? Play against some bots? Not sure what this entails. I don't want to just dogfight other players who will shoot me down in a millisecond.

I pledged ages ago and haven't kept up with the details. Haven't even tried the hangar module yet.

There will be a 'Free Flight' mode included with the DFM (or Arena Commander, as it's called in-fiction), as well as 'Vanduul Swarm', which will see you fighting against increasingly more lethal waves of AI enemies. You're good to go.
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