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Trauma Center: Under The Knife Appreciation Thread

"Doctor?!" :lol


Is there a sequel being made for this game? I borrowed the game from a buddy of mine when it first came out, but I was just recently able to pick it up for myself for 20 bucks! Great, great deal. This is still one of the best games on the DS, and one of the most unique games I’ve ever played. There are a lot of real world situations too, and the dialogue is pretty good. Why this game doesn't get as much love, as say Phoenix Wright, is beyond me, considering how unique and refreshing TCUTK is. How many of you have this game in your collection? Are you going to hang onto it? So you still play it after all of this time? TCUTK is a must own for any DS owner, and doesn't get enough props.

Oh, and the music is great too! I can see myself going back to play this years from now.


I fucking love this game.

It's ass-rapingly difficult, which of course means it's extremely satisfying.

I still don't know if I"ll ever beat chapter 5 though (dang GUILT).
Supposidly, there's a Rev sequel underway, IGN-Rev said so. But it was one of those unconfimred-confirmed dealies so it might never come to fruition.

Still an awesome game though, I <3 Atlus.


I love it too and i'm keeping it, it's a great game and quite difficult wich i like, this game deserves more love.

jax (old)

Amazing games. One of the best on the Nintendo DS.

This gets a 9/10 from me. While PWAA gets a 5/10

I can't wait for a sequel
the game rocks, i took it to london on vaction last dec, my friends girlfriend hijacked my ds for the 2 weeks I was there, and almost finsihed the game. Now all she wants is a ds and some truma.:lol :lol :lol :lol


I love this game. A perfect example of how the touchscreen can provide unique, immersive, and mechanically interesting gameplay. The challenge level is just perfect. I had started trying to S rank everything before Metroid/Tetris came out. I should really find the time to finish that up one day.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah really good game, something I need to invest into but fucking hard. Friend of mine said that he started using two stylus' for it.. so I might try it too.


Probably the most innovative title for the DS - and the one that uses the console's feature the most effectively.

Really fantastic though. The story turned really stupid later on, and the difficultly bounced right up. I'm currently stuck on the mission where you have to save 5 people at once. I went back to the game recently and I can't even put the bandage on correctly anymore (I suck).

Hope there's a sequel. Apparently there's a version being released on the Revolution.


Another of my favorite DS games. Although it's difficulty was pissing me off near the end, I never stopped playing.


CurseoftheGods said:
How hard is this game? Ninja Gaiden hard?

It's not so bad if you put some time into learning the system. I think a lot of the difficulty stems from the fact that you are using a stylus instead of buttons, something most of us are not used to during fast paced gameplay. Having played Ouendan all the way through before picking up this title, I had little trouble getting through the game in a couple of days. I think if I had less experience with the stylus, some of the latter missions would have taken more than 3 or 4 tries though.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Pro tip: Never try to beat stage 5-1 while riding in a car. Heck, don't try to play this game at all in a car because it ain't gonna work.

Otherwise, I concur. Trauma Center makes me happy in the pants.

It's not so bad if you put some time into learning the system.

I disagree. Even if you know the system it's still very very very very hard for many.

Hope there's a sequel. Apparently there's a version being released on the Revolution.

Indeed. I know you read GAF, Mr Tomm Hulett, make Atlus USA pick it up thx :)


Lost Fragment said:
I disagree. Even if you know the system it's still very very very very hard for many.

The main difficulty I had was magnifying areas. I thought you had to draw a full circle and ended up getting bad results (this made the bomb level a real pain). Turns out I was suppossed to draw a C, made things much smoother. I concur some of the last levels are pretty tough (especially the final one), but it's one of those games that becomes easier the more you play it. Going back to the level that used to give you trouble is a breeze.
Amazing, though quite restricted game. Reminds me of old arcade games.
A Revolution sequel WOULD ROCK. Imagine a co-op surgery with two players simultaneously proceduring!

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
PkunkFury said:
The main difficulty I had was magnifying areas. I thought you had to draw a full circle and ended up getting bad results (this made the bomb level a real pain). Turns out I was suppossed to draw a C, made things much smoother. I concur some of the last levels are pretty tough (especially the final one), but it's one of those games that becomes easier the more you play it. Going back to the level that used to give you trouble is a breeze.

C huh? I...I..knew that :) *writes that down for next time*

A lot of the levels are easy once you go back to them, yeah, but there are a handful that make me tear my hair out every time, such as 5-1.

I haven't beaten the game yet but I've accepted that I'm going to have to do 90% of the stages I haven't come to yet more than once. A lot of them though are just trial and error, yeah, which is probably the game's biggest flaw.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
This game doesn't get enough love at GAF, especially compared to Phoenix Wright.

Best game not called Mario Kart or Metroid Prime: Hunters on the DS.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I thought the original official thread went for pages and pages???!?

Brilliant game. Hard as shit.



Axel Hertz
Lost Fragment said:
I disagree. Even if you know the system it's still very very very very hard for many.

it really deppends on how you play it..

If you use the healing touch often, it makes things a ton easier... but i usually don't use it
Only when i fail a surgery so many tiems that it gets annoying... then i use the healing touch...


One of the DS games everyone should have bought. The difficulty curve was pretty bad on it though. Right on the edge of fun and just plain frustrating.


My fiance does NOT play video games ...ever ...

However .. she purchased Trauma Center for me during Xmas ... she STILL plays it more than me. :lol
she admits it gets very hard but she keeps comng back for more.. go figure!


Still haven't beaten the final "boss", I just can't get the hang of those
stupid diamond shaped thingies that mulitply every time I pull a thorn out. How do they work?
Otherwise, great game with terrific storytelling. The top screen of the DS is just made for 2D anime cutscenes.

I'd like to see a sequel but it might be tough to make it not just more of the same. It would take a lot of new techniques to keep the gameplay fresh. And for godsakes, let me just touch the magnifying glass icon, then touch the spot on the screen that I want to be the center of the new screen- none of this circle bulllshit.


Ponn01 said:
The difficulty curve was pretty bad on it though. Right on the edge of fun and just plain frustrating.

This is true... the difficulty seemingly out of no where ramped up after the third chapter. But I think the game turned me into a mashochist or something because I went back for more each and everytime. Awesome stuff, regardless.


needs to show more effort.
I felt there weren't enough unique situations. I wanted more totally different levels like the bomb level.

I appreciate the game for its difficulty though. It was quite fun near the end.

I don't think I ever got around to beating the hidden levels though. I should go back and get my ass kicked some more.


Annoying Old Party Man said:
Amazing, though quite restricted game. Reminds me of old arcade games.

Wow. It does? I guess I'm going to go and pre-order it tomorrow along with Tetris. :)

From the (very) short movie clips I saw, it looked more like the levels would be fun to do once and then never return to them again.
Glad initial impressions can sometimes be way off.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
slayn said:
I felt there weren't enough unique situations. I wanted more totally different levels like the bomb level.

I appreciate the game for its difficulty though. It was quite fun near the end.

I don't think I ever got around to beating the hidden levels though. I should go back and get my ass kicked some more.
Level X7 WILL kick your ass.

When you get done with X7, you'll be able to beat the main game blindfolded. :lol

By the way, anyone know where you can find a rip of this game's music? I love some of the tracks in here, particularly the Savato operation theme and GUILT operation themes.


I love this game! Its one of the few games I played through again. I love that the gameplay can be done in short spurts, and its pretty intense sometimes too.

the triangle guilt thing is one of the toughest bosses I've ever faced in a game.

I agree the music was pretty damn good (and the story ain't half bad, but it was really the characters that made me enjoy the story). Personally I hope they keep the same art style for the game


I like what I played of this game, but as some other ppl mentioned, when I got to the mission where you have to cure 5 people in 5 minutes or whatever, it got far too difficult and I got frustrated. Especially since several times I felt that the problem was with the game's detection of my motions... they should have made it a little bit more forgiving, especially on that level.


Joeholley said:
I like what I played of this game, but as some other ppl mentioned, when I got to the mission where you have to cure 5 people in 5 minutes or whatever, it got far too difficult and I got frustrated. Especially since several times I felt that the problem was with the game's detection of my motions... they should have made it a little bit more forgiving, especially on that level.
you don't have to actually operate on all five of them within 10 minutes. You get backup to take them off your hands about halfway through the operation.


People actually did the extra operations? I tried the first one after I beat the game, got completely owned and lent the game to my friend.


Beezy said:
People actually did the extra operations? I tried the first one after I beat the game, got completely owned and lent the game to my friend.

Somebody on the Penny-Arcade boards beat all of them.



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Shalomi said:
Somebody on the Penny-Arcade boards beat all of them.

I have S rankings on all missions, including the extra ones.


DIYMF Alumni
This game is great. I got stuck on a particularly challenging mission in chapter 3 for over a month, but I still played it from time to time because it's got such a unique interface and is so fun to play. After not playing for awhile, I picked it up and finally beat it. Now I'm off to the races again. It really can be crazy ass hard but the fun factor keeps you coming back for more time and again. Phoenix Wright deserves the hype, but this game really shouldn't be overlooked. It's the "touchiest" game I own and is really great.

I've shown the game to a handful of people who all like it a lot. One of my friends immediately went out and bought a DS after he played it. Another pal showed his non-gamer wife the game who loved it.

The only problem is it's a little bit too easy to accidentally save over data slots you don't intend to save over. One mis-poke with the stylus and boom, your data is gone. I've started saving with the D-pad, though in showing the game off, a couple people have unintentionally saved over my brother's data twice. Oops. I nearly needed Derek Stiles to operate on me after it happened the second time.

Every DS owner should get a copy of this game, it's such a cool concept. I really hope that the word of a Revolution sequel is true. I'm a little skeptical that using the Revmote could be as easy to use as the stylus for delicate operations, but we'll see I guess. They should definitely make a sequel for DS too.

So pick it up, throw your han0d out and yell "LET'S BEGIN THE OPERATION!" You won't regret it.
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