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I enjoyed Dragon Age 2 more than Origins...and it wasn't even close


A little while back I managed to play through Dragon Age: Origins on the PC and suffice it to say, I didn't love it. (I posted what I thought of the game here.) In short, Origins for me was a boring slog with a horribly generic story, crappy battle system and an unremarkable everything else. And I was unsure whether I wanted to continue with the series. I heard all the hate regarding DA2 but for some reason I decided to give the game a shot...and boy, am I glad I did. This game is superior to Origins in just about every way.

The story - the game's plot is infinitely better than Origins' blatant ripoff of the LOTR plot (or similar) and deals with things on a smaller scale, broken up into 3 acts, which are nicely tied up by the end.

The battle system - this was a huge upgrade from the first game, in which I absolutely loathed combat. Here everything is more responsive and has a nice feel to it. No longer does it feel like I'm playing World of Warcraft or something.

The characters - I really loved the characters in this one - especially Varric, Merrill and Isabella. The banter and the dialogue was especially great, as was the ability to choose a "witty, sarcastic" response in most situations. It was genuinely humorous a lot of the time and you had the option of not taking everything so damn seriously, which was a nice departure from the mostly dull, serious and pedantic characters/situations in Origins. The fact that your main character is no longer a mute makes a pretty huge difference.

The visuals - yes, I know it's the more recent game but Origins looked so ugly, bleak and dreary. DA2 has got a nice amount more detail and color (even though it still is a bit too brownish).

The dungeons - I hated how long and time-consuming the dungeons were in Origins. DA2 fixes that with shorter dungeons that I definitely appreciated. Sure, more variety in design would've been nice, but I didn't mind one bit.

Little things like no longer having random battles when moving from one location to another or telling me which location has which side quest associated with it made things more enjoyable in general. Do I wish there was more than 1 city? Absolutely. But it really isn't a dealbreaker by any means. I even played through Mark of the Assassin and Legacy of the Memento DLCs, which were pretty good for the most part and have some cool boss battles. So to sum it up, Dragon Age 2 is a great game, which I can't really say about Origins. And no, I'm not crazy.

EDIT: Not sure where the comments about "press 1 button to win" are coming from. I played as a mage on the PC, and I sure as hell was pressing more than 1 button...


The only thing DA2 has over DA:O is that it gave us this badass here:


Other than that, the game is inferior in every way, shape, and form. Now, I don't think DA2 is as bad as people make it out to be, but it's definitely inferior to DA:O


Between The Revenge of Shit Mountain OT and the Zodiac Motherfucker review, there's really no room for DA2 revisionism. The game is an awful mess any way you slice it.


You have terrible taste and you are wrong about everything, but you are allowed to be that.

Ignoring everything else, the statement that the combat in DA2 is better is ridiculous. It's mash button until things die and nothing else. It's neither tactical or interesting.
It's a good game. In my opinion, much better than the maligned abortion the internet would make you believe it is. Not better than Origins for me, but good enough to mention both of them in the same breath.


I have a co-worker, who you would get along with. She thinks Origins has boring slow combat, and prefer's Dragon Age 2 in just about every way. We see eye to eye on a lot, as we both really enjoy Bioware games in-general, but yeah . . . I just nod my head and smile while:


I don't even hate Dragon Age 2 as much as most people, but it was not better than Origins! Just no!
Not sure what you're thinking but nope.

If you would have actually read the OP instead of rushing to get first post, you would've known what he was thinking as he argued for his reasoning.

Anyway, I don't really agree on everything OP said; I think Origins is better than 2, but I too enjoyed DA2 a lot. The pacing and characters are pretty good, the combat is simple and basic but still enjoyable and the talent trees are pretty clever. It's a rushed game where all dungeons are identical but yeah, it does a few things very well. I played through it twice and enjoyed it both times.


The battle system - this was a huge upgrade from the first game, in which I absolutely loathed combat. Here everything is more responsive and has a nice feel to it. No longer does it feel like I'm playing World of Warcraft or something.

The dungeons - I hated how long and time-consuming the dungeons were in Origins. DA2 fixes that with shorter dungeons that I definitely appreciated. Sure, more variety in design would've been nice, but I didn't mind one bit.

Dragon age origin on PC did feel like an MMO. That's why I preferred it on console where the controls and interface are more interesting and doesn't feel like an mmo at all.

As for the Dungeons? I gotta say, I have completely the opposite opinion. I get not liking long dungeons(I love long dungeons, personally), but not minding at all that the game only uses about 7 areas repeatedly in DA 2 is kinda... I don't get it.


No, you are crazy. I liked DA2, but it wasn't a patch on the original. I can buy enjoying the characters or story more, hell, I can even buy liking being in one city more if you don't like traversing. But combat? I'm sorry, but it was the dumbest thing ever.

Instead of planning my attack, getting spells out to deal with enemies and making sure my party was doing well and feeling satisfied with every win, I was mashing a button and then occasional pushing another one. It felt like a watered down Dynasty Warriors and there is nothing to water down in those bloody games. If I have that battle system, I need at least 100 enemies on a screen at once.


I can definitely say I enjoyed DA2 and have defended it many times on GAF, but calling it better than DA:O is really just wrong.
I regret not playing it before Inquisition.

From the people I have talked to who have actually played the game they seemed to have gotten some enjoyment out of the story and characters despite other glaring problems.
OP is right!

I thought DA: O was a generically boring piece of shit.

DA2, barring issues (which have already been mentioned), had a much better story. I loved that it focused on one individual and wasn't some "oh fuck the worlds gonna end and we gotta band together" epic tale seen in most BioWare joints.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
But the story of dragon age 2 is its worst aspect. It completely unravels at the end. Like really the entire thing becomes a joke. I can understand people who like the bioware archetype characters and think Merrill is cute and interesting but the core plot is absolutely rotten. Maybe there are so!e good side plots though.



I don't really know which I preferred out of the combat, but for everything else I just felt Origins was better. Characters were way more interesting, half of DA2's I was just like meh. Only Aveline and Varric I liked. Dungeons and encounter design was also worse, between the reused graphics, and the repetitive wave obsessed encounters. I'll take a long dungeon from origins over that any day personally. The story in DA2 had the potential to be better, but it just didn't really deliver.


Well I understand where you're coming from OP. DA 2 was made for a different gamer demographic than Origins was (Which is why people who loved 1 were polarized by 2). You just happen to be in it.
I found that the only thing I really liked about DA2 was Varric. I was so pleased to see he was back in DA:I.

Edit: No, no. Not the only thing. I named my Hawke "Mike." That tickled the ol' funny bone for a few minutes at least.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
It's nowhere near as bad as GAF makes out, that said Origins still pisses on it from a great height.


It's okay to be wrong.

Dragon Age 2 isn't bad (though I was pretty furious at the time) but Origins, to me, is still vastly superior.

As an idea, I think what DA2 did was awesome. The entire story set in the one city over 10 years lets you see the consequences of your choices more immediately and it's just cool to see everything and everyone evolve and change over the course of the game. It just...wasn't done very well.

If it was given a few years more development time it could have been really great, but the insane amount of recycling and A FOR AWESOME combat system really pegs it way below Origins.

Also, mute protagonist with a ton of dialogue options >>>>>>> guy with a bad English accent with limited options.



I don't really know which I preferred out of the combat, but for everything else I just felt Origins was better. Characters were way more interesting, half of DA2's I was just like meh. Only Aveline and Varric I liked. Dungeons and encounter design was also worse, between the reused graphics, and the repetitive wave obsessed encounters. I'll take a long dungeon from origins over that any day personally. The story in DA2 had the potential to be better, but it just didn't really deliver.

Eh, I might give the characters to DA2. Hell, the best character in DA1 was the rock golem guy who was fucking pre-order DLC. Maybe in a couple of minor other areas as well, like the way equipment looks.

At the end of the day though all the Dragon Age games aren't even half as good as some of the classics like Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, original Fallout etc, and I'd still recommend playing those first to someone who hasn't.


I have to admit, I've been tempted to play DA2 since getting DA:I. I skipped 2 before due to the AWFUL word of mouth and the demo they put out leading up to it (which completely soured me on the gameplay, you can hate on DA:O combat all you want but you're objectively WRONG about that comparison). That said....Inquisition feels like DA2 just has WAAAAAY more to do with what is going on with it than Origins does (I'm about 75% through inquisition at this point if I'm going purely on quest names), and despite having a good understanding of the events of the game I feel like I'm missing out by not forcing myself to play it.


Hey, people have different opinions. I thought DA2 was an abomination. Linear, terrible combat ( press X to win), repetitive, bad ending.

Dragon Age Inquisition has totally saved the franchise for me though, I couldn't recommend it enough.


Also, mute protagonist with a ton of dialogue options >>>>>>> guy with a bad English accent with limited options.

I liked my female characters voice in DA2. I had a very sarcastic rogue.

Eh, I might give the characters to DA2. Hell, the best character in DA1 was the rock golem guy who was fucking pre-order DLC.

Eh, he was alright, but he wasn't a patch on Alisdair, Morrigan or Leliana. I also loved how you could just not get party members in DA:O, I totally missed Leilana on my first playthrough.
Default male Hawke looked like a dork, though. I managed to fix his looks and turn him into some kind of a badass redhead bearded viking warrior.


When I think of DA2...

Simplified but more action oriented combat.
Dull conversations.
Simplified dialogues with every consequence shown before answering.

And this is enough to vomit over every second of DA2 I had. Da1 is soooo much better and deeper in every aspect for my tastes.


Eh, I might give the characters to DA2. Hell, the best character in DA1 was the rock golem guy who was fucking pre-order DLC.
Nah, sorry, I can't agree to that. :p I thought Morrigan and Alistair were excellent. The rest of the cast were entertaining enough too, outside of maybe Wynne who was boring. In comparison I didn't give a damn about the majority of DA2's cast.


I prefered the story in DA2, but as a game it was pure garbage compared to Origins. MMO combat? That's how DA2 felt..like bland boring mash job. Origins actually forced you to employ some tactics, making it RTS-like experience. It also felt like genuine PC game, DA2 didn't.
No. Origins is a way better game.

-The story is not even close to being similar to Lord of the Rings. Wtf?

-The game felt like WoW? It feels nothing like WoW...2 plays more similar to WoW. Did you mean it felt like an RPG? Why would you even play it if you didn't like RPG combat?

-You enjoying the characters and story more than Origins does not make 2 a better game. It is undeniably a half assed attempt at a sequel. So many repeated assetts. Going to the same damn maps over and over again. Combat that didn't feel as satisfying. It just felt like an overall downgrade to Origins that felt like this huge epic ass game with tons of shit to do.

I'm totally fine with you enjoying the characters and story more in 2. But 2 feels like such a departure from what made Origins a great game. It feels like a game that EA got its hands allll over.


I think Origins had the better story and design, but I have played DA2 more times due to its combat and DLC. (Which I find to be superior to Origins, playing on the 360)


There are things DA2 did well.

The plot is most definitely not one of them. I mean, Act 2 is OK - even if the persistent yet unacknowledged ineffectiveness of the protagonist is wearing. But there basically is no main plot. The first act is just pointless stuff that happens. And the finale is just a sub-plot of DA:O but stupider.

The combat mechanics were superior, but the encounter design was rubbish so they go to waste


The worst part in DA2 was the dull respawning of enemies into your group. Spiders coming out of the sky and stuff like that. Da1 encounters were designed, at least.

For me it will ever be a generic abomination of DA1.

TRios Zen

During the dragon age keep review I remembered almost all of my choices from Origins, but had trouble remembering any from 2. So for me at least, I can't agree, and I don't hate 2 the way most do.


The only thing DA2 has over DA:O is that it gave us this badass here:


The only thing I was actually glad for playing through DA2 was getting to know this guy and in DA:I make sure he was in every party.

The fantasy version of Garrus.


What is interesting is fact DA2 was shat out in a year and was only average game. It nowhere near disaster people like claim it kind impressive a year in development produced a game that was actually just average but fun

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Well this is certainly an opinion.

The main issue with DA2 was the tiny levels that just reused content. Inquisition has such better areas to explore and quest in.


I mean sure, if you enjoy your choices meaning nothing, bland graphics, constant rehashed locations, and a terrible ending then I sure that person would like it better than Origins.

It has better M/KB controls than Inquisition though. :(
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