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Battlefield 4: Second Assault DLC tomorrow!!


Man, Second Assault *and* the new Strider game on the same day?

Capcom / Double Helix / Amazon / Sony get to take my money first.

EA / DICE has to wait since I refuse to spend even more money on "Premium" to get
"Early Access" to content that's been out on XBone since that console's launch.

Don't get me wrong, I love Battlefield 4. I purchased it at retail hours before the PS4 was officially handed out. I've put more hours into BF4 than I have for all the other PS4 games I have combined, but now, I'll just hang back until early March.


Oman all day. Can't wait to see the sandstorm in action. I do find Op Firestorm an odd pick. I don't remember it being overly popular in 3. I would have loved to see Alborz Mt again. Never got to play 64 players on it.
Recently they fixed the vehicle spawn crashing they introduced in a previous patch, but the inability to shoot the gun in the gunner position of tanks and whatnot still pops up every now and then on PC.

Anyway, I'm not buying this. Partially because of all the bullshit and partially because I bought BF3, and have no interest in paying for spruced up versions of maps I've already played for hundreds of hours. And then of course Metro is one of them, probably the worst Battlefield map of all time. Just seems like a lazy, shitty map pack to me.
To the PS4 owners you may want to avoid Metro 2014 because the glitch where you can get into the ceiling is still there.
Really? Are we talking about the same glitch where (on BF3 PC) you stood on a MAV and flew yourself over a fence and out of bounds?

I was sad when that went away as it was the only interesting thing about the map outside of trying to fell trees so they leaned up against a building just right enough for you to run up them and jump through a window. I never did succeed.


No sound bug

Glitchy spawns

Spawn without weapons

Spawn with "no teams selected"

These are bugs we've had since dec 2013, some of them was fixed 1-2 patches. 13th december fixed no sound bug.

Game was released October 29, 2013

Not experienced any of those bugs on the Xbox one


EA/DICE really doesn't deserve any additional money from me until they've fixed this game to a point where I don't have to worry.


i don't know how some of you say there is no bugs ? i play with lots of people and all experience these bugs

no sound in the first few minutes
only BF4 music playing in team death match in loop no other sounds.
spawning with no gun sometimes it comes back in like 10 seconds
no kill 0hp
kill trading
Besides the game crashing every now and then I haven't had any major issues, unless you count the sound not loading in for the first five seconds of a game as "major".

I don't want to buy premium though, it's too expensive and I try my best not to buy map packs or season passes because they're always a rip. It unfortunately seems like my friends are going to buy it and since this is the only game we all still play together I may not have a choice in the matter.

As for the DLC specifically: I only played the demo for BF3, and I remember that metro map being terrible, so I can't say I'm particularly excited.

no sound in the first few minutes
only BF4 music playing in team death match in loop no other sounds.
spawning with no gun sometimes it comes back in like 10 seconds
no kill 0hp
kill trading
How's that a bug?


Besides the game crashing every now and then I haven't had any major issues, unless you count the sound not loading in for the first five seconds of a game as "major".

I don't want to buy premium though, it's too expensive and I try my best not to buy map packs or season passes because they're always a rip. It unfortunately seems like my friends are going to buy it and since this is the only game we all still play together I may not have a choice in the matter.

As for the DLC specifically: I only played the demo for BF3, and I remember that metro map being terrible, so I can't say I'm particularly excited.

How's that a bug?

Yes its major bug especially in air superiority you don't know if your locked on its A BUG i don't know why you guys defend it


I'd be all over new maps if:
a) I was happy with the current state of the game.
b) They weren't the same god damn maps that I've played time and time again on BF3.
So last time new maps were out no servers ran them for the two weeks they were premium only. Will that be the case here?!
Hah! I forgot about China Rising! I played, like 2 of the maps a while ago and haven't seen them crop up again... Guess it would just be the same with these maps.
It's coming out riddled with bugs.
Why am I not surprised? :/


So last time new maps were out no servers ran them for the two weeks they were premium only. Will that be the case here?!
i don't know how some of you say there is no bugs ? i play with lots of people and all experience these bugs

no sound in the first few minutes
only BF4 music playing in team death match in loop no other sounds.
spawning with no gun sometimes it comes back in like 10 seconds
no kill 0hp

kill trading
These two happen to me CONSTANTLY.
Yeah the rubberbanding is still pretty bad but still hasn't stopped me from playing. But there's supposed to be another patch this month that hopefully clears this up.

I can't wait to get my hands on some Gulf of Oman.. Go to map in BF3


will buy premium tonight because of several reasons:

- its cheaper for all the mappacks together

- Titan Mode will return in the next DLC (Naval Strike). Loved this mode back in BF2142

- you get 10€ back if you buy something for 50€ in the store

i really dont bother the 50€ because bf4 only costs me ~27€ due to a gamestop deal
After starting to play bf4 the last few days, I just bought premium. Not encountering any gamebreaking bugs on my part (besides occasional audio), PC.


It's coming out riddled with bugs.




Still waiting for the BF4 version of Wake Island, DICE.
Don't break tradition, plus I think all Battlefield players deserve a free map for all the trouble we have faced or still are facing...
Eff EA/DICE. I got an error report on my ps4 dashboard about battlefield crashing. I wasn't even playing the game and it some how still managed to crash.


I'll be downloading it tomorrow on my ps4. Though I do wish they would fix the damn game already. Still experience rubberbanding and studdering. The server browser is still broken, making these DLC maps almost useless on the ps4.


You people know you can get premium keys for a lot cheaper then normal sites offer? i've been buying keys from different sites and never had a problem with my account.


I think Second Assault was going to be the first expansion (much like how the BF2 map pack was the first one for BF3), but EA and Microsoft struck an exclusivity deal so Dice went and rushed China Rising so that it could be released in it's place for all platforms.

Explains why those maps feel rushed and their Levelutions were cut out.


The real reason people keep buying BF games is because there isn't a single competitor that offers a similar type of gameplay.

EA can release a even more broken BF5 and it will still sell well. This will continue until a viable competitor arises.


Played a little when the titanfall beta was offline. Game feels better but I'm done buying bf games until they get off the cod bandwagon. Just be your own product and don't monetize all this shit...especially when the game wasn't even 100% functional.


The real reason people keep buying BF games is because there isn't a single competitor that offers a similar type of gameplay.

EA can release a even more broken BF5 and it will still sell well. This will continue until a viable competitor arises.
Pretty much. 99% of shooters follow COD.
I know it has already been mentioned, but to all those complaining that it should be free, or that they are not buying it, yadda yada. You are in luck


wait, I missed that, why is it free?

Also I'm premium, so I'm in for this. Probably more than anything, I want the new weapons. M60 :)
I know it has already been mentioned, but to all those complaining that it should be free, or that they are not buying it, yadda yada. You are in luck


Also I have found the game to be completely playable on PS4 since december, with only a few annoying bugs. mainly the occasional missing Tank gunner.

OP should be updated to include this info.

I dont think it will be free...it means non premium users will be able to buy it then.


I dont think it will be free...it means non premium users will be able to buy it then.

ah good point, that is probabaly right, nevermind, Ill go hide now. The DICE/BF page didnt mention any price, just that it would release for everyone 2 weeks later. So I incorrectly made the asumption....
Excellent, my four favorite maps from BF3 that I had memorized perfect. It'll be interesting to see where the new flags go, I haven't even bothered to look at the X1 version of the maps out of curiosity. Going in green!
Did anyone else not care for the China Rising maps at all? The stupid quick match won't even put you in a China Rising server, so the few times I searched for one and tried it I didn't really like them.
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