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The Legend of Zelda Wii-U Shown at Nintendo Digital Event ["2015"]


Neo Member
I'm really curious as to how the transitions to each domain are going to be handled both in loading terms and say going from the lush green environment of Hyrule Field to sandswept haze of say something like Gerudo Valley. Could have some really cool and subtle environment changes now due to not loading into them.

Wow, that could be intereresting. Imagine traversing across a tundra environment in order to reach the ice sections, or gradually seeing the vegetation disperse the nearer you get to the volcano. Just little environment changes to make the world feel more alive .

I guess it links (cough) back to the point Aonuma was making in the digital event- in Wind Waker each island was individual with its own specific theme and environment. Now with Zelda U they want to achieve a whole, cohesive overworld instead of a segmented one. They're going to have to handle transitions like this somehow, and I can't wait to see what they come up with.


What is this about?

3 Zelda games? Zelda U, Hyrule Warriors and MM3D? :0


The wii u only got a fraction of the power of the competition so they got to compete on art style. A realistic wii u game would look terrible next to a realistic ps4 game. However an unique art style can look pretty good next to it.

it's not just about using power to hide deficiencies in the now either, but for the future. so that when you look back at the previous generation or even further, the game holds up. i mean you still have people who enjoy the way tww gc looks despite the remake being out. and more than that, a less realistic style lends more possibility for mood. it lets the viewer fill in the gaps with their imagination. when you look at a photograph of harrison ford as indiana jones, you don't get quite the same feeling as a drew struzan painting of harrison ford as indiana jones.


I don't want a "realistic" graphic for a "fantasy" game, and if the only reason for a realistic graphic is "because now we have the tecnology"..... i simply don't understand, my fault maybe.
man, this game is what dreams are made of. Fantastic artstyle, open-world, looks truly alive, and even to put the cherry on top, it looks stupidly beautiful. I am beyond satisfied with this E3


I wanted this to look like the tech demo with the spider. Instead we get more cel shaded shit. It was cute 10 years ago.
I need to be validated by my games, so I demand they all feature gritty grimdark western realism. Everything must be homogenized.

Now now. o____o

I too would be happy to never see cel shading again since SS and TWWHD just happened... I think for a lot of Nintendo fans, Zelda and Metroid are the only titles to lean on the darker side of Nintendo's strong ip selection. When Zelda looks light-hearted it is actually falling in place with the "homogenized" Nintendo library. These things go both ways. If anything grimdark would be an oddball out of Nintendo's work.

That said...I like Nintendo because it doesn't do what "western" games do. I enjoy the Zelda series more than anything else because of its distinct ability to ride between western and eastern tastes and take the best from both. It's never a typical anime looking game and it's never a western hyper-realistic game. It's Zelda.

Like I said...I'll hold judgement until I see the dungeons. If they're cutesy toony messes with no feeling of dread or mystery...then yeah. I'll be sad/disappointed. For me Zelda was always held up (atmospherically) by how courageous I felt when tackling a scary grove or enemy. When everything looks non-threatening I lose a lot of my adventurous "engagement." The Tech Demo promised an atmosphere for I dunno...threat/mystery. And I think a lot of fans really miss that from the n64 days.


By waiting game I'd say until the next Direct. They might even do a specific Zelda Direct around the end of this year I'd say if we do have to wait a long while.

Uh no, that Direct will be specifically made for Captain Toad! Ready for adventure!

I think Zelda is 1080/30fps, the shots in the press kit were 1080. But, if 1080/60fps is possible...that'd be amazing

Finally something new to legitimately get excited for when it comes to the Wii U! This is off to a much better start than when Skyward Sword was first revealed, which just left me with an awful taste in my mouth. This teaser actually has me excited, and I honestly wasn't expecting to be this happy with the reveal. I just pray that this time they'll cut all the fat and that they finally give us voice acting. Link, or whoever the hell it ends up being doesn’t need a voice, but for everyone else it’s so long overdue. The presentation needs to come together from all angles. I'll be disappointed if this doesn't have voice acting. But yeah, this is looking really promising.


Uh no, that Direct will be specifically made for Captain Toad! Ready for adventure!

I think Zelda is 1080/30fps, the shots in the press kit were 1080. But, if 1080/60fps is possible...that'd be amazing
I would say it's either one or the other no way both but probably 720p 30.
Uh no, that Direct will be specifically made for Captain Toad! Ready for adventure!

I think Zelda is 1080/30fps, the shots in the press kit were 1080. But, if 1080/60fps is possible...that'd be amazing

Aonuma said he didn't consider 60fps to be terribly important for a console Zelda game, so my guess is locked 1080p30. And it will look GORGEOUS


(yay finally not banned anymore... *shakes fist at mods*)

When I saw the Zelda segment yesterday I almost literally had a nerdgasm, wow.

The art style and scope are so damn amazing. I really wonder what black magic those people in Kyoto use to make a game that looks so gorgeous. The art style, the animations, the details it was all just STUNNING. Best looking game I have ever seen, no joke.


Low poly models, low res textures, flat lighting. Wind Waker doesn't look brilliant. It looks inoffensive (next to other games of its time).

I don't hate the way this game looks. It's just not what I want for Zelda. With the hardware we have today, we can have realistic looking games that will hold up well for years to come. Stop using this as an excuse.

Have you played windwaker hd? It does indeed look brilliant.


I would love that but what makes you thinking that it will happen?
Lots of footage scheduled from treehouse and aonuma being at e3. It makes sense to get everyone hyped and speculating on links gender and other things with the teaser then release a trailer later to spread the reveals a little.
Low poly models, low res textures, flat lighting. Wind Waker doesn't look brilliant. It looks inoffensive (next to other games of its time).

I don't hate the way this game looks. It's just not what I want for Zelda. With the hardware we have today, we can have realistic looking games that will hold up well for years to come. Stop using this as an excuse.

I think the game you want is witcher 3.....


The art style and scope are so damn amazing. I really wonder what black magic those people in Kyoto use to make a game that looks so gorgeous. The art style, the animations, the details it was all just STUNNING. Best looking game I have ever seen, no joke.

Nintendo made the console, they know it better than anyone, so they can squeeze every drop out of it.


Aonuma said he didn't consider 60fps to be terribly important for a console Zelda game, so my guess is locked 1080p30. And it will look GORGEOUS

I definitely would not be surprised if this was 1080p/30 since as people have said before the press shots are at 1080p and don't seem to have any tell tale signs of being upscaled.



Finally something new to legitimately get excited for when it comes to the Wii U! This is off to a much better start than when Skyward Sword was first revealed, which just left me with an awful taste in my mouth. This teaser actually has me excited, and I honestly wasn't expecting to be this happy with the reveal. I just pray that this time they'll cut all the fat and that they finally give us voice acting. Link, or whoever the hell it ends up being doesn’t need a voice, but for everyone else it’s so long overdue. The presentation needs to come together from all angles. I'll be disappointed if this doesn't have voice acting. But yeah, this is looking really promising.

Finally? New? It's like the 15th Zelda game man.

I think the games you were thinking of were W101 and Splatoon.


Nintendo made the console, they know it better than anyone, so they can squeeze every drop out of it.

That's true. It's even more impressive this is done on the 'weakest' console.

But I think it has more to do with the talent and creativity EAD has. You can see Nintendo games are made by people that love what they do. And with this Zelda they even seem to outdo themselves.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Hmm...I actually would love to hear more about this Zelda. I fear what I actually want is just an RPG in Zelda's world, but this game might be able to sell me on something different...
it's not just about using power to hide deficiencies in the now either, but for the future. so that when you look back at the previous generation or even further, the game holds up. i mean you still have people who enjoy the way tww gc looks despite the remake being out. and more than that, a less realistic style lends more possibility for mood. it lets the viewer fill in the gaps with their imagination. when you look at a photograph of harrison ford as indiana jones, you don't get quite the same feeling as a drew struzan painting of harrison ford as indiana jones.
But the movie was still better than the painting (am i right?) Not going the cartoon route certainly didn't keep OoT from being one of the most liked zelda games of all-time. I have no trouble going back and playing through the game, despite the dated graphics. And is it because they recently re-did wind waker in HD that people keep bringing up how wonderful it looks now? Cuz if I were to go back and replay the original gamecube version, I'd definitely notice how dated the game looks just as I would if I were to go back and play OoT. Or can I say because OoT on the 3ds looks fantastic that it obviously stands the test of time better?
The wii u only got a fraction of the power of the competition so they got to compete on art style. A realistic wii u game would look terrible next to a realistic ps4 game. However an unique art style can look pretty good next to it.
I think some are misinterpreting what people mean when they say they want a realistic zelda game. No, obviously not realistic like a first person shooter... The art style in OoT and TP was liked by a lot of fans and also was unique imo. Wind Waker and Skyward Sword, while visually pleasing, were two of my least favorite 3d zelda games. Maybe visuals aren't the main reason for that, but something about the play is different. Can't put my finger on it.

As far as the whole, "it was just a tech demo!" argument, I think what we're seeing now is probably more impressive from a tech standpoint. Which leads me to believe that Nintendo originally was thinking about going with the tech demo art style. It's not unreasonable to expect something in that direction. Never once clarifying or providing some additional details for a whole year (after having shown a very tangible and feasible trailer) only to drop the new look in everyone's face is more than misleading, tech demo or not. I suspect they needed to have something to show zelda fans last e3 so they rushed the short piece together and called it a "tech demo." It doesn't change the fact that it's misleading. "This is just a tech demo, but hey we're going to use zelda to get everyone excited." That's called misleading. There is a big difference from the final version going through some changes versus a complete 180 in the art direction.

Regardless, the game will probably turn out to be fantastic. I was just hoping for an OoT/TP look. And why is everyone so defensive of this new look anyway? I'm not attacking Nintendo or saying it looks awful. People have been thinking for a whole year the art style would be similar to what was shown in that "tech demo." That's how people's minds work :p
That boss chase in the overworld was fucking insane. When the stream was on, when it came into view and Epona started freaking out, I was wondering what the hell it was. Then it started firing lasers and suddenly HOLYSHITEVERYTHINGSONFIRE. It makes fighting dragons in Skyrim seem awfully quaint by comparison.

I really hope we get more than a few boss fights out in the overworld and bosses that don't really limit themselves to their boss rooms.


What was the reaction like around here when they revealed Skyward Sword?

It was the "what am I supposed to be feeling?" reaction. It's a new Zelda that looked like WW but behaved like TP. There was nothing new in it except for the controls. And the layout was very strange because they couldn't explain it correctly due to the controls breaking up.

So yeah, they messed up the reveal of SS.


As far as the whole, "it was just a tech demo!" argument, I think what we're seeing now is probably more impressive from a tech standpoint. Which leads me to believe that Nintendo originally was thinking about going with the tech demo art style. It's not unreasonable to expect something in that direction. Never once clarifying or providing some additional details for a whole year (after having shown a very tangible and feasible trailer) only to drop the new look in everyone's face is more than misleading, tech demo or not. I suspect they needed to have something to show zelda fans last e3 so they rushed the short piece together and called it a "tech demo." It doesn't change the fact that it's misleading. "This is just a tech demo, but hey we're going to use zelda to get everyone excited." That's called misleading. There is a big difference from the final version going through some changes versus a complete 180 in the art direction.

It's not misleading at all. They obviously didn't have something to show at that point in time but wanted to showcase the power of the wii u. They pretty much stated right after showing it that the next zelda game wouldn't look like that.why wouldn't they use one of their biggest franchises to show the systems potential its not like they never did it before. Also the tech demo was shown in 2011 not last e3.


Amazing reveal, amazing take on the franchise so far. God Bless the hero inside Nintendo who sold a huge LOZ style over world to Aunoma as a puzzle. Skyward Swords initial style reveal had me thinking it looked good. This reveal has me excited about playing the game.


I'm pretty sure they never even hinted the tech demo would be a game. People speculating so ( me included) was mostly wishful thinking.
It makes me chuckle to see, after all this time, some people still think Nintendo are obliged to make their Zelda games look like the tech demos. "Do you know the definition of insanity?"

Also, wasn't the tech demo developer externally, or am I remembering that wrong? I was under the impression Nintendo needed something to show off the Wii U's graphics, so they got some contractors to make a pretty Zelda demo. I'd be very suspicious about the idea that they changed to the current look because of issues with the tech demo, simply because if anything the new game looks more demanding. All that rendered grass isn't easy or cheap. Especially in an open-world game...
Considering the game was ready to show in some form 12 months ago, I really am hoping that they show more sometime this week. A trailer during the treehouse stream would by HYPE.


IAlso, wasn't the tech demo developer externally, or am I remembering that wrong? I was under the impression Nintendo needed something to show off the Wii U's graphics, so they got some contractors to make a pretty Zelda demo. I'd be very suspicious about the idea that they changed to the current look because of issues with the tech demo, simply because if anything the new game looks more demanding. All that rendered grass isn't easy or cheap. Especially in an open-world game...
I think Nintendo confirmed that the tech demo was done by the Zelda team and wasn't outsourced.

Doesn't really matter though since visually this is one beautifully realized game. I love especially the animation.
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