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Hyrule Warriors: Fi confirmed in Famitsu magazine


.....Team Ninja isn't making this game, just helping Omega.

I know

Zelda, Midna, Impa and Link are more revealing then in the past? I don't get it.

Zelda has a more revealing outfit yes. And when you look at her and the other characters (not link obviously, apart from his contrast between his face and his voice), their body is slightly different than before.
This really isn't a criticism, as this is a different vision, I was just surprised this didn't happen with Fi (but then again, there's no regular screenshots so far).
Fi was my favourite character in Skyward Sword. Not necessarily the way the character was used, but the characters herself.

I'm already calculating a 55% chance that I will end up playing this stupid game.


Oh neat, they're done announcing Twilight Princess characters and they're showing characters from other games.

How long until the Groose is loose?

Tiu Neo

Not my favorite character, but her moveset should be amazing, so great choice!

I hope we get Ghirahim too. The motion controls for a few things made me drop Skyward Sword, but Ghirahim was pretty cool.


I would say "why ?" for any other game .... but this one ... I am REALLY CURIOUS to see what they do with her moveset.

She is the spirit of a sword that barely has arms ... in a WAR BEAT EM UP


I won't get mad at this, because I don't know for sure if someone I would want in has been excluded yet.

That being said, Fi sure seems like a silly choice.


Fi has great moveset potential - I can imagine her gliding through the swarms of enemies with those graceful dance moves of hers. Maybe some of her specials will involve short dances to tunes from the series? Or perhaps they'll give her the Skyward Strike as an option.

Nice to see those Skyward Sword alts as well - next will be Ocarina of Time, surely.

Ivan 3414

I won't get mad at this, because I don't know for sure if someone I would want in has been excluded yet.

That being said, Fi sure seems like a silly choice.

Have you seen the other characters in this game? At least wait until the gameplay vid.




Fantastic news! :D


Have you seen the other characters in this game? At least wait until the gameplay vid.

This will be my first Warriors game. As a result, I'm not sure the gameplay videos have the same result on me as other people. I don't really see much difference in the mechanics/strategies among the characters. They just seem like different stylistic flashes of the same thing to my untrained eye.


I'm more interested in being able to play as the villain characters right now. I'm guessing that will be possible?
I was already interested in this game because of my history with the Warriors titles, but the female lineup has really sold me on it. More of this in other games please.


I wonder if we'll see Scrapper as a character, the ancient robots were unique to Skyward Sword and here was quite funny with his Love for Fi.

Batreux might work as well.

Groose would be an obvious choice, although this is all hoping there's more than the 9 slots for characters shown in the demo.

I could imagine Fi's moveset being full of singing and dancing. Oh, and legs.

I wonder if Impa will get costume swaps.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Ghirahim and the Imprisoned pretty much confirms Demise in my book.

But now you guys can fight with Fi while Link fights with Fi.

Based on the preview I want to say Link uses either the Silver or Golden Gauntlets with the Ball and Chain.

Any idea's on the Zelda weapon? Looks like the Wind Waker Baton to me.

Poor Onox though.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Oh look, another female, so on the male side is Link and.... nobody else?

Well I guess Hylia's selfish love for the spiritual Hero makes all others females envious and they proceed to try and win him over. In every incarnation. Must be tough.


Well I guess Hylia's selfish love for the spiritual Hero makes all others females envious and they proceed to try and win him over. In every incarnation. Must be tough.

Hopefully we can at least play as Ganondorf. Even if its just non story. Just replace all the orcs/trolls with Hyrule Knights. Easy.


Special move, finishing off hordes of enemies with long ass tutorials of her explaining how to use her moves.
The roster simply feels too unbalanced to be only 9 characters in total.
We have:

Link, Zelda (protagonists, they can't possibly not be in the game)
Impa (solid character with a pretty big fanbase, I consider her a Skyward Sword character for her design)
Fi, Midna (two of Link's companions, one from Skyward Sword and one from Twilight Princess, they belong in the game even if they're secondary one-offs imho)
Lana (that's her name right? An original character)
Agitha (a pretty obscure character from Twilight Princess)

That leaves us with 2 spots left. Out of the 9, two are for Twilight Princess (+ Zant as an enemy), 2 are for Skyward Sword (+ Ghirahim as an enemy). I understand recent titles having more priority, but come on.
Nah, we're getting more, at least 20 I'd say. Also I'm pretty sure evil characters will be playable too, like Shia and Zant.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Hopefully we can at least play as Ganondorf. Even if its just non story. Just replace all the orcs/trolls with Hyrule Knights. Easy.

I think they are just getting the Hyrule faction out of the way first. Not having Ganondorf playable would be a missed opportunity. And he's already been confirmed in the E3 trailer.

As it seems so far all the currently revealed playable characters off the bat are Hyrulean forces or those that defect to them down the line.
Famitsu said:

Playable please ;//


Hyrule Warriors - Links Harem.

But I like it.

Zelda U: we want a female main character! Why you let us down Aonuma!

Hyrule Warriors: why so many playable females? Where are the dudes? Damn!

I kid.


It looks like there will be 9 gameplay variations. How many left to be revealed?
*Demo units aren't representative of the final game* + Musou games have usually a shitload of characters + Aonuma saying he was stunned by the number of characters = probably more than 10.

Just like Smash 4 won't have 30+ like in the demo but 40+ or 50+ at release.


I don't follow you, sorry mate.

This game has do many female playable characters.

With your response, I assume you read the typo as "'too' many female characters" (hence reading something mildly negative into it). I suspect that the intended statement was to say that there were "'so' many female characters", which conveys a more neutral tone.


Maturity, bitches.
Even with that layout you could easily see another four hexagons being added to the right hand side for symmetry. I'd say it is a safe guess that there will be more.
So they are really revealing character by game! Maybe there are 1 or 2 more from skyward (groose please! and then they pass to wind waker, ocarina or majoras mask. Hope they go up to the 2D games. Good to know we are going to get skins for link and zelda for every game probably.
Omega force does what Sakurai dont.


awesome, more SS love. splendid game. Now Ganondorf PLZ

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I've heard of any form of Ganon having been announced yet. Odd, given he's the third member of the central trio; it has to be a given that he's in the game in some form.

I'm more interested in being able to play as the villain characters right now. I'm guessing that will be possible?

That's usually possible at some point in the DW games, although not always at the outset.

Also, while it's not necessarily true for this, probably healthy to keep in mind that DW games generally have *shitloads* of characters. It wouldn't surprise me if it's 9 unlocked at the start, with many more unlocked through gameplay. Of course, they might be bucking that trend, but it'd be somewhat unconventional if they did.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I've heard of any form of Ganon having been announced yet. Odd, given he's the third member of the central trio; it has to be a given that he's in the game in some form.

He was teased in the e3 trailer. Looked closest to his OOT look


Maturity, bitches.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I've heard of any form of Ganon having been announced yet. Odd, given he's the third member of the central trio; it has to be a given that he's in the game in some form.

Probably a new design much like Link and Zelda which is why they are not revealing him yet unless the real outcome is that all Ganon/dorfs from all time streams have broken through so we'll be facing all of them!


Most of Link's allies have always been females. He has had male rivals (Mido, Groose) but they usually don't compare to Link. The only other males I really would want are a Zora and a Goron. I hope the 3 goddesses make a return as their Oracle game incarnations.



The only other males I really would want are a Zora and a Goron.

I'd love to see a Zora but I can't help but feel that their signature identity - i.e. water dwelling - doesn't really fit the Dynasty Warriors model of gameplay. It'd have to be a land-based Zora fighting, which would be fun enough, but wouldn't really tap into their essential, uh, Zora-ness.

Also if they *do* get a Zora my money would be on the female Princess Zora from OoT; she's the one that strikes me as having the most established identity. Although there's also the musician one from MM.


To those complaining about all of the ladies...

When you think back on Zelda games historically, other than Link, the plurality of the characters that rise above 1 note NPC status have, in fact been female. Marin, Ruto, Saria, Navi, Zelda, Midna, Malon, Hilda, Impa, Din, Farore, Nayru, Ciella, Impa, Telma, the Great Faeries, Ilia, Tetra and even agitha had a substantial, rather important sidequest associated. Thinking of non-villain male equivalents you've got the king of red lions, mido, skull kid, the deku tree, the post man, Darunia.... and shopkeepers.

Now I missed a tonne, but at least my impression has always been that most of the significant NPC's have always been female in Zelda. Luckily as it is a dynasty warriors game the villain characters are likely to be playable,and there will be plenty of males as well.

Plus I doubt Aonuma was stunned by 9 characters haha, I think we're more likely to have triple that than end up with just the 9 playables. Also they seem to be announcing characters by games, I imagine all of the twilight princess characters are announced now, obviously we've moved on to skyward sword, and there are 3 DLC costume packs right? 1 is Skyward Sword we now know, one is twilight princess, do we know the 3rd? I would guess It's OOT/MM. I doubt we get any windwaker, phantom hourglass or spirit tracks characters due to visual consistency (as much as is possible in a musou game). I would expect announcements of Grouse, The bamboo island guy, confimations of playable Ghirahim, and demise, as well as perhaps a few few suprise residents of Skyloft, perhaps one of the patrolman riding on his loftwing. I imagine skull-kid, a good deal of the sages, and the happy mask salesman will be introduced in the OOT/MM block after they are done revealing skyward sword stuff.
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