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TLOU Remastered: 30 fps option gives better shadow quality [Up: Comparison GIF in OP]

Here's an obvious case of missing shadows. Look on the left side of the image. Nothing changed in the environment, and this isn't the only spot where you see this.



Just curious, did you ever change the 30/60 setting then reload the game to see if reloading the area would bring the shadows back?
so Digital Foundry said they didn't notice missing shadows or anything when switching between frame rate settings and attributed any occurrences to bugs.

what now?!
so Digital Foundry said they didn't notice missing shadows or anything when switching between frame rate settings and attributed any occurrences to bugs.

what now?!

I think we're seeing some sort of lighting/shadow glitch. We saw that weird LOD problem with Tess' face, this could just be another bug.

As another poster mentioned - curious to see if reloading the area with the new setting brings them back.


Just curious, did you ever change the 30/60 setting then reload the game to see if reloading the area would bring the shadows back?

Yes. No change. I only tried twice, though.

FYI, the shadows actually toggle when you change the setting. It's not like they disappear and never come back.
so Digital Foundry said they didn't notice missing shadows or anything when switching between frame rate settings and attributed any occurrences to bugs.

what now?!

contrary to reports they appear to remain the same, with identical cascade transitions if you toggle the game to run at the optional 30fps.

Sounds to me like they didn't have the patch installed when they did the analysis. IIRC it's still not available in EU.
Yes. No change. I only tried twice, though.

FYI, the shadows actually toggle when you change the setting. It's not like they disappear and never come back.

I understand that. However the entire map reloading would reload the values for the selected setting. Thats why I asked.


extra source of jiggaflops
I think the ridges part seems to be the same issue as with some objects part which is the shadow map bias value being incorrect that was pointed out in here.
So wait - the patch removes the shadows from the 60fps state? But the shadows are there pre-patch?


The patch is already available in the US but not in EU yet which is why they didn't notice any differences.

Edit: They even said it
At this point it has to be said that the game's day one patch was not available for testing, so there remains the possibility that things may improve once that hits - and we'll be sure to update you if that is the case.


Yeah i can tell, but this one has me confused


Talking about those two entrances
Very evident peter panning on shadows on poles of staircase.
There is also difference on 60/30fps version in depth bias. (Distance from occluder the shadow stars, used to avoid shadow acne.)
So wait - the patch removes the shadows from the 60fps state? But the shadows are there pre-patch?

All those objects are rendered into shadow map, but due to the depth bias are not visible as they start within the object, not before it.


It's weird how confrontational a lot of people get about people noticing flaws in a game.

Something not being perfect doesn't mean it's terrible. Someone pointing out that something isn't perfect doesn't mean they're calling it the worst imaginable outcome.

Knowing the faults and benefits of any product you're going to be buying is always a good thing.

thank you. Its not like we're nitpicking in the game OT - this is a technical thread about a specific technical aspect of the game. Almost by its very nature it'll be like this.

And IMO it is OK to be disappointed if not all of the features of a game you love come across wholesale. Like you say, that doesn't mean you won't play the shit out of it though.


the blocky vs sharp shadows are interesting. In some scenes I prefer the 30fps version, but in more scenes I actually prefer the slightly softer appearance of the 'blocky' 60fps shadows.

edit: what is 'peter panning'?
That looks atrocious. And according to some posts in the past few pages wrinkles have
been removed/diminished as well. Add that to the list I made earlier.

GG Naughty Dog, GG. You had one job.

Arne, I know you frequent these threads. Is ND aware of these issues?
I asked earlier, but will there be more patches to come following release?

Is the unpolished nature of this port the reason why you guys have withheld/embargoed
information/footage this close to release?

Jesus Christ. This settles it, 30fps is the definitive version. Disappointing as hell.

They should have just delayed this a couple months. Why did they think this was
acceptable for release?!
Is the QA budget non-existent?

Jesus fucking Christ....your hyperbole is becoming troll-like. It's pretty annoying. You're the only one in here acting like this.

You say "30fps is the definitive version"....but what about when the framerate is 60fps for the vast majority of the time, and the shadows look almost identical to the 30fps shadows (as evident by multiple comparison)? How is that not the definite version? You only seem to be focus on the negatives (and exaggerate them to hell), which makes you look like you have some sort of agenda. It's embarrassing. There have been plenty of great 60fps shots in these threads, but not once have I seen you comment positively on them.

These instances of lower quality shadows isn't putting me off 60fps in the slightest. 60fps all day everyday.


Jesus fucking Christ....your hyperbole is becoming troll-like. It's pretty annoying. You're the only one in here acting like this.

You say "30fps is the definitive version"....but what about when the framerate is 60fps for the vast majority of the time, and the shadows look almost identical to the 30fps shadows (as evident by multiple comparison)? How is that not the definite version? You only seem to be focus on the negatives (and exaggerate them to hell), which makes you look like you have some sort of agenda. It's embarrassing. There have been plenty of great 60fps shots in these threads, but not once have I seen you comment positively on them.

These instances of lower quality shadows isn't putting me off 60fps in the slightest. 60fps all day everyday.

Not only that, but it's an idiotic assertion that a game running in 60fps should look just as good as it does running in 30fps. If anything the 30fps version should have more bells and whistles. It's not like the 60fps version doesn't already have better shadows than the PS3 version, nor better textures, much higher resolution, double the frame rate etc.
Grimløck;122988601 said:
i'm 93% sure it's sarcasm. no one can be that anal retentive about video games.

I don't think it is, unfortunately. He's been doing it for a while now, across multiple TLOUR threads, I believe. There's nothing wrong with expressing your opinion about a game, but he/she is acting like ND have just started WW3.
So why are people saying "BETTER" shadows? I've looked through a few comparison screengrabs, and have to say that sometimes the 60fps shadows are just better looking. The 30fps ones are way too hard and sharp for a fence or other small objects. The 60fps ones are soft at least.

Maybe the setting will make a huge visual impact on bigger screens, but I'm sure I won't notice.

Btw, who of you have had fun with the Destiny beta? it's 30fps AND it has blocky shadows (especially in MP). Didn't seem to bother anyone :). So 60fps with just a bit of blockyness should be fine.


Some of you so crazy. I could only notice the missing shadows if I opened both pictures in two tabs and toggled between them. Seems like it's something that could be fixed, anyway. I don't think it's a big deal to sacrifice 60fps for that.

The 30fps shadows look really nice though, pretty much on the level of the Uncharted 4 teaser in terms of resolution. The 60fps shadows are closer to the PS3 version than closer to the 30fps ones. :p
Dev gives graphical option in console game
It results in 45 pages worth of bickering

and then people wonder why we don't have graphical options in consoles games. shm at this thread


Neo Member
This is not what I was hoping for a PS4 remaster! These kind of shaddows at 60fps are not better then in the PS3 version, not at all! But I´m happy for playing the story mode in 30fps and full FX quality. Just going for 60 fps in the MP, then.


Dev gives graphical option in console game
It results in 45 pages worth of bickering

and then people wonder why we don't have graphical options in consoles games. shm at this thread

Yup. Really wish they hadn't bothered with the 30FPS option.

It was done to appease, frankly, a bunch of idiots. 30FPS is not a preference, not unless 60FPS gives you motion sickness (which is rare, but understandable at that point). You are just objectively wrong to think it looks better in any way.

Would people have rather they lock the FPS, and then NOT improve things? They have spare cycles now where the GPU isn't doing as much work, this was a smart, good move on their part. Of course 60FPS will have minor sacrifices, it's more demanding on the engine.

Why is anyone surprised? ND only have themselves to blame for insisting on working on the game up until release to try and make it look a little better... What a bunch of a**holes, huh?
Jesus fucking Christ....your hyperbole is becoming troll-like. It's pretty annoying. You're the only one in here acting like this.

You say "30fps is the definitive version"....but what about when the framerate is 60fps for the vast majority of the time, and the shadows look almost identical to the 30fps shadows (as evident by multiple comparison)? How is that not the definite version? You only seem to be focus on the negatives (and exaggerate them to hell), which makes you look like you have some sort of agenda. It's embarrassing. There have been plenty of great 60fps shots in these threads, but not once have I seen you comment positively on them.

These instances of lower quality shadows isn't putting me off 60fps in the slightest. 60fps all day everyday.

Different people focus on different things. It's good that he at least gets the option of something he prefers. I'm going to try out going through the game in both modes, but honestly my mind was set on 30fps with or without better shadows. So that's my definitive version, and there's no need for anyone to take offense.
Different people focus on different things. It's good that he at least gets the option of something he prefers. I'm going to try out going through the game in both modes, but honestly my mind was set on 30fps with or without better shadows. So that's my definitive version, and there's no need for anyone to take offense.

OK....not quite sure why you replied to me, but OK.

My comment was aimed towards his tendency to make a mountain out of a molehill. All he does is make constant drama queen comments about things that aren't close to being as big a deal as he makes them out to be.


good to see orochi still making mountains out of mole hills

I don't think it is, unfortunately. He's been doing it for a while now, across multiple TLOUR threads, I believe.
There's nothing wrong with expressing your opinion about a game, but he/she is acting like ND have just started WW3.


Personally, these visual issues detract from the immersion in the game. Others and
myself have voiced our concerns with hopes someone from ND notices and comments
or gets around to getting a patch done in the foreseeable future. I have don't have issues
discerning 60fps or 30fps gameplay, but I'm content with 30fps if it means better
quality visuals.

It's great they've managed to hold near 60fps for 99% of the game as evidenced by the
DF thread, but I feel they could have polished the 60fps mode had they been given more time, hence why I feel it should
have been delayed. Withholding decent footage and reviews for as long as they did is also asinine, and comes off as shady.

Like I said previously, it's my fault for having high expectation of ND. They fucked up
what should have been a clear-cut definitive 60fps mode. For me personally, of course.

This is not what I was hoping for a PS4 remaster! These kind of shaddows at 60fps are not better then in the PS3 version, not at all! But I´m happy for playing the story mode in 30fps and full FX quality. Just going for 60 fps in the MP, then.

I'll be sticking with 30fps mode as well, until they fix the 60fps mode.


extra source of jiggaflops
Withholding decent footage and reviews for as long as they did is also asinine, and comes off as shady.
The shadiest thing they've done is given Digital Foundry ample time to finish their technical analysis before the game is even out and allowing them to publish it.

Those shady lying evildoers.


Sorry but all those comparisons seems very minor to me, in some you have to open the pictures in a different tab and switch between to notice, it's really making a big deal out of nothing and if someone intended to play it at 60 fps it would be the dumbest thing ever sacrificing this for shadows which most of the time are just fine in 60 fps even if sometimes a door knob don't cast a little shadow :|

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I don't really understand why people say "half ass"? Isn't more ass bad? Like if someone gave you something bad and it was total ass, you'd be like, oh my god, this is all ass! Or if someone did something great, you'd say, "There's no ass at all in how this was done!"

Half ass seems like an improper term.

don't be insulting to the #booty
Given that there's a toggle for FPS in this, it should be a good game to see if I can actually see a difference. (So far I've never noticed one)

Personally, these visual issues detract from the immersion in the game. Others and
myself have voiced our concerns with hopes someone from ND notices and comments
or gets around to getting a patch done in the foreseeable future. I have don't have issues
discerning 60fps or 30fps gameplay, but I'm content with 30fps if it means better
quality visuals.

It's great they've managed to hold near 60fps for 99% of the game as evidenced by the
DF thread, but I feel they could have polished the 60fps mode had they been given more time, hence why I feel it should
have been delayed. Withholding decent footage and reviews for as long as they did is also asinine, and comes off as shady.

Like I said previously, it's my fault for having high expectation of ND. They fucked up
what should have been a clear-cut definitive 60fps mode. For me personally, of course.

I'll be sticking with 30fps mode as well, until they fix the 60fps mode.

Your past comments don't lie, dude. You can't just come here and say "bollocks" to it all, when people can easily quote you multiple times making mountains out of a molehills.

What is with people in these ND threads not being able to own up to their actions once they get called out on them? Suddenly your reply to me is fair and relatively hyperbole-free, full of "in my opinion" and "I feel", when past comments were full of "Jesus Christ. This settles it, 30fps is the definitive version. Disappointing as hell.", "That looks atrocious.", and "Why did they think this was
acceptable for release?!".


That looks atrocious. And according to some posts in the past few pages wrinkles have
been removed/diminished as well. Add that to the list I made earlier.

GG Naughty Dog, GG. You had one job.

Arne, I know you frequent these threads. Is ND aware of these issues?
I asked earlier, but will there be more patches to come following release?

Is the unpolished nature of this port the reason why you guys have withheld/embargoed
information/footage this close to release?

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