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Do fat ass, uneducated Americans (aka all of them) chant USA and clap after a meal?

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asking dangerous questions
It's pretty common here in Canada. Usually only at family restaurants though. Not at fast food joints or fine dining restaurants; that would be weird.


I knew a guy like that. He was really fat though. Im guessing he ate so much he pushed poop out.
edit - oooh clap.... I thought you meant crap. LoL WTF thats even weirder the crapping after every meal.
Yes. If you do not express appreciation by enthusiastically striking your palms together like a seal, the meal in your stomach will deeply resent you and the next time you poop your toilet will clog.
I went to an amazing restaurant where it was a taster menu, there was only our table and one other, a really nice atmosphere, and they just kept bringing out course after course, with 'palette cleansers' in between (amazing sorbets and things). They were all pretty small dishes, so we didn't feel stuffed, just very satisfied and eager to see the next surprise. When it got to the desserts, the waiter came out and said 'the chef is feeling adventurous tonight... how many desserts can you handle?' They ended up bringing out three courses of desserts, again not too big, but all excellent. The chef came out to meet us at the end, he had done it all himself, no assistant chefs. A really nice chap, so enthusiastic about cooking. The room burst into applause. It's the only time I've ever clapped after a meal. A pretty unique evening, I can't imagine clapping in a conventional restaurant.


i've never witnessed people clapping after a meal and I eat a lot of restaurant meals.

I've only witnessed clapping during a birthday thing at a restaurant.


Hail to the KING baby
Honestly think Americans clap way too much, especially for food. Nothing sadder than seeing an overweight family at a fast-food joint just clapping for way too long.


My girlfriend legit clapped after watching a movie.

At home.

With only our dog there besides the two of us.

Just asked her who she was clapping for and she thought about it and said she didn't know.
I don't after a meal but at work we clap every time someone not from our department walks in. And when they leave. And when they just walk by and we think they can hear us.


We Americans clap at everything. Someone next to me just successfully blew their nose and a round of applause erupted in the office.


I've only ever seen this after a really emotional film. The kind of film where people feel they have to express their emotions somehow, so I guess clapping is somewhat of a natural way to do that.

I've only seen people clap in _one_ movie in my whole life. The movie was Fast 5. Not kidding.

edit: forgot the clapping at the end of the Lord of the Rings Movie premieres but I guess that was more of a fandom thing.
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