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Destiny - Review Thread

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Destiny is a testament of the power of Marketing

Not just marketing though, I had higher expectations from the studio. They have made Game of the Year quality games before. I believed they could make something special again and they simply didnt.


Did you read the review? They go into great detail about what they found disappointing about it, many of their points being spot on.

I'm guessing by you naming them "Lolygon" that you didn't read the review at all and simply dismissed it because of the source.

I read it and i dont agree with them on a fair few points, i dont hide my dislike for members of that website but this is just one of a number of things from them i find strange. Its all opinions though and the only time i let reviews sway me is when games are broke or straight up bad.


Destiny is a testament of the power of Marketing

It was also the pedigree of the studio....great marketing with a very solid company behind it.

I am really enjoying the game for what it is....but it does seem tiny.....Certain websites and podcasts I listened too totally nailed it, with their concerns weeks ago....Giant bomb, Rebel fm for example
Yeah, I don't know why, but Titanfall had some huge media hype machine going for it. Maybe it was because it was an exclusive and the first big new IP. Funny how it seems to have fizzled out though.

I never really saw the huge media hype for Destiny. Most of it came from the fans of the beta.

I do think it's a bit ridiculous that Bungie is held to a much higher standard. For everything they've done wrong with story, there's so much more to be said for what they got right with co-operative gameplay with true longevity.

What is bare bones about Destiny's PvP compared to Titanfall

Bungie is being compared to Bungie. The game is lacking most of the modes, bells, and whistles seen in their two most recent Xbox 360 games. It's entirely disingenuous to argue "TitanFall got an 8, Destiny has more maps than TitanFall, therefore 8.1". Two games doing completely different things.


The shooting really is fantastic. If the music, polish, gunplay, and combat mechanics of Destiny were in the world, class skills, varied loot, lore, story, voice acting, and tons of enemy types of Borderlands 2, what an incredible game that would be.
Is Bloodborne the next casualty?

Doubt it. Theres a very different type of development going on between BB and Destiny. One is mean to capture the hearts and minds of as many as possible, while one is much more focused in what it wants to be. Destiny is pretty much Mainstream the game, which isnt bad thing at all but very easy to spot by the hardcore gaming enthusiasts.
It's clear to me that these reviewers, and most others, are playing this game's missions on the default "normal (i.e. EASY these days) difficulty" and then lambasting the game with complaints of poor AI. As an MMO-lite and the entry point of a new series it's clear that the normal difficulty has been crafted to ease new blood into the play space. As such it is extremely underwhelming for veteran shooter fans. So to review a game based on that setting is completely disingenuous.


They're different games that try to do different things. The amount of content isn't the only deciding factor in a review.

but CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT.... ugh. Oh well, I've put a shit ton of hours and haven't felt there weren't things to do or not enough enough variety. shrug.


I have NOT played this game, but will when I inevitably get a PS4 (or give it a rent on PS3 .. ugh). I will say though, based on impressions of others and reading these reviews, that this game could be a hell of a case study in big budget marketing.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Pretty sure they have a comparable number of competitive multiplayer modes….

Titanfall's MP mechanics shit all over Destiny's.

The shooting really is fantastic. If the music, polish, gunplay, and combat mechanics of Destiny were in the world, class skills, varied loot, lore, story, voice acting, and tons of enemy types of Borderlands 2, what an incredible game that would be.

This is how I feel after playing both. Hopefully Destiny makes BL step up its combat and gunplay.
Diablo 3 really did go through a tremendous transformation into what it is today, but I seriously just...can't see how Destiny would pull off anything similar. So many of its issues are DEEPLY rooted in its very design.

I would be surprised if the metacritic ends up higher than the lower 70s.
Its a weirs mix of FPS, RPG, and MMO that would require a complere overhaul to really fix it. The mission design, the loot design, the exploration worlds...they just are what they are. What can you do?


75 on Metacritic, ouch.

Can't say it's not deserved, though that really should be rock bottom, I don't think it's worse than 75. The reality is that the game is just really shallow. Even BF4 had a better story than Destiny.

At this point, Titanfall is looking like the GOTY :S

I still have hope in Civilization Beyond Earth though.

I'm rooting for Divinity Original Sin to win but I think any PC exclusive winning would be good for the industry this year.

If Titanfall or Destiny win any GOTY it would be a shame I think.


It's clear to me that these reviewers, and most others, are playing this game's missions on the default "normal (i.e. EASY these days) and then lambasting the game with complaints of poor AI. As an MMO-lite and the entry point of a new series it's clear that the normal difficulty has been crafted to ease new blood into the play space. As such it is extremely underwhelming for veteran shooter fans. So to review a game based on that setting is completely disingenuous.

News flash, if most of the reviews are playing it on normal then most of the players are doing the same. Thus the reviews are valid, more valid than if they played it your way.

Also it's a design problem if the AI becomes poor at a normal difficulty. That makes it Bungie's problem, not the reviewer's.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Not just marketing though, I had higher expectations from the studio. They have made Game of the Year quality games before. I believed they could make something special again and they simply didnt.

I don't think Bungie has ever made a "Game of the year" quality single player experience. MAYBE Halo 1, but even that's pushing it. Destiny's SP narrative is pretty much what I expected from the studio.

If they made game of the year quality titles, it was on the strength of the multiplayer/co-op. Destiny is no different. It's going to be my GoTY.


At this point, Titanfall is looking like the GOTY :S

I still have hope in Civilization Beyond Earth though.

Your nuts, dude. Dark Souls 2 is easily the top dog if we're not counting remasters. Otherwise, TLOU and Tomb Raider have great claim to the honor as well.

This is a pretty polarizing game. My buddy just texted me last night and told me it finally clicked and he considers it a must-have. Before that, he had been telling me how bullshit the game was and how he was so disappointed with it. I've been asking him what changed or what specifically turned his opinion around, but I've yet to hear back. His reversal isn't the first one I've seen on this game though.
there's so much more to be said for what they got right with co-operative gameplay with true longevity.
The cooperative game play that makes it difficult to socialize and pair up with other players? That cooperative game play? The longevity of replaying the same missions over again on hard for different coloured gear? Yeah, they really nailed it.
Bungie chose to make the single player an experience that could be shared with a three person fireteam, and it's very difficult to manage the needs of a compelling narrative when you're playing with other people.

Borderlands 2 is meant to be played with a squad of 4, and the writing/story of that game is awesome and the gameplay is spot on as well. Saying that Bungie sacrificed a compelling narrative just because it's a co-op game seems a little off.


Pretty sure they have a comparable number of competitive multiplayer modes….

i dont think it can be broken down like that.Titanfall is actually really exciting to play...Destiny feels like a cheaper Halo to me, still good...Just not what i wanted from that game. I don't even want to play multiplayer in Destiny. I want crazy loot and co op. I mean it will be fine for now...but it's multiplayer is getting shelved once master chief collection comes out, for me and my friends anyway.


On the fence with this i like loot games like D3 i like FPS games but something didn't sit right with me will buy it when its cheap
Not a huge hype wave. Imagine though if Arkham Knight was shit? Would be like a nuke going off.

True when based on hype. I think this game will actually be good, but there is COD: Advanced Warfare.

Batman Arkham Knight falling incredibly short would not be pretty, I agree.
This is the game which included prominently in its advertising campaign how it had won "over 180 awards" in showcases, presentations etc. Some serious questions need to be asked as to why the same media outlets handing out those plaudits are now labelling the game average and uninspiring.
Did they feel deceived by Destiny's presentation compared to the final product? Are those awards just handed out like candy with such little thought? Is there something more sinister at play since there seems to be a strong correlation between pre-release awards and games with the highest budget?
What does this say about something like Evolve which is earning many of these "plaudits"?

How are people done with the game already. I've been putting in 3+ hours a night and just reached 20 and I just started strikes after finishing the main story missions x.x


If a racing game had a very limited number of tracks, cars and race modes yes it would be panned rightfully so.

Same if a fighter was released with only a few characters that had limited abilities and were all pretty similar.

The difference being that if Destiny had a hundred planets, it would still be criticized for "well all I did was shoot people." Which is just dumb.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Bungie is being compared to Bungie. The game is lacking most of the modes, bells, and whistles seen in their two most recent Xbox 360 games. It's entirely disingenuous to argue "TitanFall got an 8, Destiny has more maps than TitanFall, therefore 8.1". Two games doing completely different things.

It is?

The co-op is MASSIVELY expanded in Destiny, and the MP seems just as fleshed out.

The character progression/class system has more bells and whistles in it than any Bungie game released.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Pretty sure they have a comparable number of competitive multiplayer modes….

The modes Titanfall launched with played very differently. LTS is like a different game compared to Attrition, and CTF/Hardpoint were the objective based modes. Destiny are all very similar to just being deathmatch. Control is the main one, but it's not actually built around capping/holding points, as it's a modifier to the kill score.

It also had a load of maps while Destiny has...6? I think, but the game keeps throwing you into the same ones because it lacks the most basic functionality of a map vote. I don't get where this discussion is going anyway, as the biggest mark against Titanfall WAS about content anyway.


Your nuts, dude. Dark Souls 2 is easily the top dog if we're not counting remasters. Otherwise, TLOU and Tomb Raider have great claim to the honor as well.

This is a pretty polarizing game. My buddy just texted me last night and told me it finally clicked and he considers it a must-have. Before that, he had been telling me how bullshit the game was and how he was so disappointed with it. I've been asking him what changed or what specifically turned his opinion around, but I've yet to hear back. His reversal isn't the first one I've seen on this game though.

Dark souls 2, coming straight off the back of dark souls 1...Was a complete let down for me. I sitll havn't completed it. Right at the end though. Just not that great compared to the first.

Titanfall is truelly a great game. If that was game of the year though. Whay a bad year for games :/

Fingers crossed for sunset overdrive and forza horizon 2 for me :D
Destiny and its myriad of problems is starting to make me wonder if 343i was able to poach more of the top talent there than was initially thought. Or is simply could be that Bungie as a studio strayed way to far from its strengths as a developer, they make shooters, why create a weird MMO-ish shooter hybrid?

Destiny may be proof that genre benders are hard to pull off, not impossible but very difficult.

Cat Party

I'm not very far into Destiny but I'm really feeling the criticisms Polygon leveled. The game is just off in some ways that are really surprising given Bungie's track record. There are just too many compromises. But all that said, I'm loving the game and I'm sure I'll see it through to the end game.


Bungie is being compared to Bungie. The game is lacking most of the modes, bells, and whistles seen in their two most recent Xbox 360 games. It's entirely disingenuous to argue "TitanFall got an 8, Destiny has more maps than TitanFall, therefore 8.1". Two games doing completely different things.

You review the game for what it is and the content it has (in this case Destiny has a tonne more going for it beyond the competent PvP), not what the developer made in the past. Respawn is made up of mainly ex IW guys, but Titanfall is no where near as content rich as Call of Duty, and that is fine. Does seem to me like there is a big double standard in the industry in picking and choosing when certain things matter and when they don't, or who can be let off for a lack of this, that or the other, and who can't.

Saying that, it's nothing new. Inconsistencies in journalism, even among the same journalists, are old as gold.


It's clear to me that these reviewers, and most others, are playing this game's missions on the default "normal (i.e. EASY these days) difficulty" and then lambasting the game with complaints of poor AI. As an MMO-lite and the entry point of a new series it's clear that the normal difficulty has been crafted to ease new blood into the play space. As such it is extremely underwhelming for veteran shooter fans. So to review a game based on that setting is completely disingenuous.
Its really not. Normal difficulty should be the expected difficulty level for most people to play on, so it would probably be more disingenuous to review based on any other difficulty.

And what does turning up the difficulty do? Does it really make the enemies drastically smarter? Or does it simply mean a jump in health and damage for them?


The difference being that if Destiny had a hundred planets, it would still be criticized for "well all I did was shoot people." Which is just dumb.

The core mechanics are important but alone don't make a great game. I think if a racing game had great handling and car feel but only a few tracks and car models it would have the same criticisms Destiny is getting.
75 on Metacritic, ouch.

Can't say it's not deserved, though that really should be rock bottom, I don't think it's worse than 75. The reality is that the game is just really shallow. Even BF4 had a better story than Destiny.

At this point, Titanfall is looking like the GOTY :S

I still have hope in Civilization Beyond Earth though.

An Indie title will probably win GOTY like RiME or The Witness or perhaps another AAA game like Dragon Age Inquisition or Unity.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Your nuts, dude. Dark Souls 2 is easily the top dog if we're not counting remasters. Otherwise, TLOU and Tomb Raider have great claim to the honor as well.

This is a pretty polarizing game. My buddy just texted me last night and told me it finally clicked and he considers it a must-have. Before that, he had been telling me how bullshit the game was and how he was so disappointed with it. I've been asking him what changed or what specifically turned his opinion around, but I've yet to hear back. His reversal isn't the first one I've seen on this game though.

Ah forgot about Dark Souls 2, I really hope a remaster doesn't take it :/

Still hoping for Civ BE to blow everyone away.
Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying Destiny (on PS4 when playing with friends) but there is absolutely nothing in this game to suggest that it deserves high scores just because of it's AAA status.

It has it's incredible moments but I find the missions tedious and quite jarring to be perfectly honest.

The game also doesn't have that high production value feel to it considering how bloody expensive the game is.

Underwhelming but definitely has potential.


Wow is all I can say.

... some of those reviews are brutal. I pretty much agree with the Escapist review on all points.

PS. has anyone played Resistance 2's COOP multiplayer mode? I couldn't put my finger on it, but this game is strongly reminiscent of that mode. (bullet sponge enemies, drab environments, wack loot, etc)
I like that review style by Polygon, get two people that come at the game from different angles so you get a fuller perspective for a review. Gotta agree with the score too. I hit 20(+1) last night and I don't think I'll want to start grinding strikes (and 1 raid) for the next N months...
This is the game which included prominently in its advertising campaign how it had won "over 180 awards" in showcases, presentations etc. Some serious questions need to be asked as to why the same media outlets handing out those plaudits are now labelling the game average and uninspiring.
Did they feel deceived by Destiny's presentation compared to the final product? Are those awards just handed out like candy with such little thought? Is there something more sinister at play since there seems to be a strong correlation between pre-release awards and games with the highest budget?
What does this say about something like Evolve which is earning many of these "plaudits"?

Have you never seen a really good trailer for a movie you ended up being disappointed by?


Is Bloodborne the next casualty?

Nope. I played it at PAX and am a believer. Seriously, expect 9's and above for that one, the same way the Souls games have been enjoying scores like that. It managed to fully immerse me in its world at a loud flashy show with people standing all around me. While I was playing it, nothing else existed but me and the game. It was awesome.

And as a Souls fan, it was everything I liked, but prettier and more of it all. More enemies attacking at once, more detail in the environment, better graphics (of course), etc. Seriously, its going to do 9s across the board.


Borderlands 2 is meant to be played with a squad of 4, and the writing/story of that game is awesome and the gameplay is spot on as well. Saying that Bungie sacrificed a compelling narrative just because it's a co-op game seems a little off.

The Destiny story isn't great but saying the writing and story in Borderlands 2 was good pretty much invalidates your point entirely.
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