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Destiny - Review Thread

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My situation. None of the reviews are saying anything that's incorrect. It's just that I'm more tolerant of Destiny's faults and shortcomings than most. Hell, I've enjoyed Nier, Lightning Returns and a handful of sub-70 Metascore critical bombs. I'm loving the shit out of Destiny.


"Destiny has been an unparalleled success for a new ip. $500 million dollars in 24 hours is a lot of money. We couldn't do it without all you guys and your disposable income, so thanks. In the months ahead, we're rolling out all new content to expand the universe of Destiny. NPC vendors will show up in the tower, new bullet sponge boss fights that are blown up versions of enemies you already fought will soon be available, and new missions where you race on a ghost to a location where you can hold square and fight waves of enemies are in development as we speak. And, for all you Guardians out there who played launch week, you'll be getting the new dance animations for FREE. Now you can pretend to interact with the 3-4 people you may run into in the game's single town in even more ways than before.

We're just getting started. Let the legend come back to life.


Damn Son
What's with the Bungie apologists everywhere going to great lengths to defend the blatant false representation of this game.

During the Beta it was "Oh it's only a sliver of the game, you haven't seen anything yet. There is much more!
Now it's "You played the beta, you knew what to expect."

They kept showing the same stuff over and over not to not give us spoilers, but because it is all the same.
While I agree with the criticisms for the most part

Its still a decent fun game that stands up just fine next to other shooters

Im not sure why the disappointment is a bit disproportionate to what the game is and isn't

We got to play it TWICE before release guys.

Expectations were should have been clearly tempered then despite the overabundant marketing budget

I think the thing that bugs me most is how broken up the content is being spread across the 10 year lifecycle of the game

I would have rather see them make the first outing more memorable. Thats my largest criticism.
This - I never even looked at Titanfall because I'm mainly a campaign/SP gamer. Respawn were honest about what their focus was and I correctly judged the game to be not for me. Bungie on the other hand repeatedly said that Destiny was all about creating an epic space opera with a strong narrative that lives in a social/MMO overworld. There are an insane number of interviews/dev logs etc that confirm this. I bought it expecting a Mass Effect level campaign with Halo FPS mechanics and co-op. I'm likely not the only person that thought this. If Bungie had openly said that Destiny was a social/co-op loot grinding game with a very barebones "campaign" that wasn't its focus, it likely wouldn't have sold anywhere near as well as it did. They totally deserve to be called out for that.

All games deserve to be judged against the expectations they set for themselves. Titanfall accomplished what it set out to do, Destiny fell flat.

This is what I thought and after playing the beta I was very skeptical they were going to deliver on that promise. The reviews confirmed what I feared. I don't doubt that there are people who like the game but the marketing just didn't properly describe what the game would be in the end.
"Destiny has been an unparalleled success for a new ip. $500 million dollars in 24 hours is a lot of money. We couldn't do it without all you guys and your disposable income, so thanks. In the months ahead, we're rolling out all new content to expand the universe of Destiny. NPC vendors will show up in the tower, new bullet sponge boss fights that are blown up versions of enemies you already fought will soon be available, and new missions where you race on a ghost to a location where you can hold square and fight waves of enemies are in development as we speak. And, for all you Guardians out there who played launch week, you'll be getting the new dance animations for FREE. Now you can pretend to interact with the 3-4 people you may run into in the game's single town in even more ways than before.

We're just getting started. Let the legend come back to life.



REV 09

Just realized the weekly strike doesn't have matchmaking. WTF?! Why not?

With the Raid also not having matchmaking these really cut down on the game for me.


I can't begin to express coherently how upset I am that I spent $60+ for this game.
Thank Heavens Amazon was sold out of the LE.
WOW @ that Gamespot score. I never expected reviews like this.

Personally I'm really enjoying the game so far, but a little concerned about how long the fun will last.
This is what I thought and after playing the beta I was very skeptical they were going to deliver on that promise. The reviews confirmed what I feared. I don't doubt that there are people who like the game but the marketing just didn't properly describe what the game would be in the end.

To be fair there is a lot of content and things planned

THey should have never shipped this game and its expansions for 90 bucks though. I realize they are going to add a bunch of free updates to the original but it does make you wonder what they have been doing all this time

I think they made a mistake planning this out as a 10 year franchise. Its spreading out what should have been a great and ambitous core game very thin

I am sure they have plenty more to build on but its most likely going to be delivered piecemeal.

Thats a bit nasty but also the going trend for AAA. EA and Activision are in the same boat.

It might be a good idea to wait for the DESTINY Ultimate Evil Edition

At least Diablo 3 is a more compelling 60 dollar product


My situation. None of the reviews are saying anything that's incorrect. It's just that I'm more tolerant of Destiny's faults and shortcomings than most. Hell, I've enjoyed Nier, Lightning Returns and a handful of sub-70 Metascore critical bombs. I'm loving the shit out of Destiny.

I enjoyed those games as well, and I am also enjoying Destiny for what it is. Problem is, none of those other games had the hype and expectations that were created around Destiny. It is simply a far cry from what they were billing it to be, despite the fun that can be had from what is on offer.


I don't find these comparisons to Battlefield reviews very apt. Battlefield was broken not lacking in content or game design. Now it's fixed Battlefield is a great game, easily sink hours into it. Destiny isn't broken, it's just poorly designed.


If you want to commit to typical, repetitive MMO game design, you also have to fully commit to the social elements that make that content tolerable in a MMO. Large, barren areas are boring when they are largely underpopulated. The loot isn't as important when it's sparse and not freely traded.

GTA Online suffered a lot by also going for the MMO-lite game design. You really have to fully commit.

Bingo, but even GTA handled certain aspects better. My "crew"/clan actually mattered. I could be placed in the same game instances as them. I could easily send and receive mission invites to randoms. Interact with them in meaningful ways outside of fire teams. Chat with them over mics. Granted, GTAV's spin on things wasn't perfect, and hardly what I'd classify as an MMO, but it was farrrrr more social. I felt part of something. I really do not get that sense of community with Destiny which is what I wanted the most. That was the selling point for me. Hell, that's why Bungie claimed they were holding back reviews. To me it's just inexcusable, far more than the lacking story or repetitive missions. Those can easily be addressed.


I'll say one more thing. Reading all of these lukewarm reviews actually makes me want to play the game for myself. Goes to show that any publicity is good publicity. I'm so close to just downloading this on PS 3 right now. There really isn't a lot of risk involved as I'd be happy with just spending 10-15 hours on this game.

Haven't played a bungie game since combat evolved.
Planned franchise that starts out with a lot of hype and false promises, under delivers and is a mixed game, hides sales numbers from a company usually announcing sales numbers, bad reviews all around including the ones that usually give high reviews.

Ah, Sony finally got their own Too Human.
I still want the bundle because I like the look of the white PS4 and controller. Maybe I'll sell the game..Not sure though.

For anyone who like Borderlands 2, did you like Destiny?
Yeah, cause giving BF4 4/5 was really justified as well. :p

Looking back at how these same sites scored that mess of a game makes me remember why I don't bother with giving them a single click to begin with.

Wether the style of the game is to your liking or not, or what problems you have with certain aspects of it, it's pretty hard to justify scoring a game that was completely broken for months higher than a game such as Destiny.

Games journalism remains as a joke in my eyes, with a few exceptions.
And no, those exceptions didn't give Destiny a glowing review either if you were wondering. ;)

Junnalists tested the game in a controlled environment set up by dice to hide the server issues and rubberbanding.
They didn't see the game in the state consumers saw it at launch.

Of course they're still shits for agreeing with reviewing the game in some controlled review event, and dice are still evil for deceiving people like this...
Still most of your anger needs to be directed at dice, not junnalists, their scores reflected what they saw at the review events not what consumers would see.

The real criticism at the gaming press is that they are more interested in selling hype before games release than helping people find out what they are buying.
They eagerly took part in the ridiculous marketing hype machine surrounding destiny ever since the first footage of it was shown, talking it up as hard as they possibly could and eating up all the pr bullshit bungie was feeding them (and to the fans)

edit: and it's junnalists who are co responsible for enabling things like this to happen
they fuel the day one/pre order buying on blind faith and big promises mentality that permeates AAA gaming.
When sales happen based on how loudly you can shout about your game compared to the other games instead of how good the game is publishers start pulling despicable shit like false advertising, holding back reviews with embargoes and just straight up lying to consumers (and junnalists') faces.

In a world where sales would be more based on word of mouth after release instead of all being frontloaded something like colonial marines would not be possible, something like 'you can go there' would not be possible, people would not be buying a game with 20 hours of content thinking it had 500 hours of content, they would not be buying a game they maybe thought was more like halo, or more like borderlands, or more like world of warcraft, they would know what they were buying.

The dissapointment, false advertising and information control are just a symptoms of the real problem described above.
You can't be dissapointed or mislead if you know exactly what you are buying before you buy it.

Games press need to put some distance between themselves and the PR hype machine, and gamers need to be more responsible with what they base their purchases on. You can't blame your uncle for being an alcoholic and at the same time not admit you are the one refilling his liquor cabinet every night.
To be fair there is a lot of content and things planned

THey should have never shipped this game and its expansions for 90 bucks though. I realize they are going to add a bunch of free updates to the original but it does make you wonder what they have been doing all this time

I think they made a mistake planning this out as a 10 year franchise. Its spreading out what should have been a great and ambitous core game very thin

I am sure they have plenty more to build on but its most likely going to be delivered piecemeal.

Thats a bit nasty but also the going trend for AAA. EA and Activision are in the same boat.

It might be a good idea to wait for the DESTINY Ultimate Evil Edition

At least Diablo 3 is a more compelling 60 dollar product

Yea, if this is the future of gaming then we're all doomed. The game really could become great after some time, but today isn't what they said it was so I'm waiting or simply skipping it.
Think they said they were waiting for the first few events in case they were game changing.

At least there does appear to be plenty of free content on the way

I am just puzzled as hell that it wasn't ion the release.

Is AAA gaming really at this point? I think they are being spread thin planning games for teh entire 10 year cycle.

Could they be developing everything at once and delivering it in pieces?


I still want the bundle because I like the look of the white PS4 and controller. Maybe I'll sell the game..Not sure though.

For anyone who like Borderlands 2, did you like Destiny?

Personally I'm having a lot more fun with Destiny.
Got tired of Borderlands after about 15 hours or so and even though I tried several times to pick it back up, I couldn't get back into it.


"Destiny has been an unparalleled success for a new ip. $500 million dollars in 24 hours is a lot of money. We couldn't do it without all you guys and your disposable income, so thanks. In the months ahead, we're rolling out all new content to expand the universe of Destiny. NPC vendors will show up in the tower, new bullet sponge boss fights that are blown up versions of enemies you already fought will soon be available, and new missions where you race on a ghost to a location where you can hold square and fight waves of enemies are in development as we speak. And, for all you Guardians out there who played launch week, you'll be getting the new dance animations for FREE. Now you can pretend to interact with the 3-4 people you may run into in the game's single town in even more ways than before.

We're just getting started. Let the legend come back to life.



I can't help it.


I still want the bundle because I like the look of the white PS4 and controller. Maybe I'll sell the game..Not sure though.

For anyone who like Borderlands 2, did you like Destiny?

Borderlands 2 beats this on variety, but Destiny has much better AI and I feel that its fundamental mechanics are a lot more polished and well thought out.

I really love both games, though.


Think they said they were waiting for the first few events in case they were game changing.

well, I guess somebody has to do what Bungie wants. I really don't see how raids are going to change the game just like I didn't see how waiting for the game to launch was gonna change the reviews. If there are fundamental problems with the game, there are fundamental problems. If anything, DLC might help, but raids? Nah.
Personally I'm having a lot more fun with Destiny.
Got tired of Borderlands after about 15 hours or so and even though I tried several times to pick it back up, I couldn't get back into it.

Yeah I dont think its fair to ignore its merits

Great UI, Great COmbat and control. Tough Regular encounter and enemies reminiscent of Halo

Cool environments and Traversal. I mean there are clear pros and cons.

This is reminding me a lot of Ground Zeroes in scope. A proof of concept being sold as a full game

I guess if they expect us to Subsidize its development into a more complete game then they clearly succeeded.

This process is so eerily similar to Diablo 3 its insane. Though its yet to be determined if they will keep enough players on for this series to reach the Ultimate Evil Edition status
This is what I thought and after playing the beta I was very skeptical they were going to deliver on that promise. The reviews confirmed what I feared. I don't doubt that there are people who like the game but the marketing just didn't properly describe what the game would be in the end.

You're a smarter man than I am. I don't usually play betas but this one hit on a quiet weekend (wife out of town, no football season) so I ended up playing it. I assumed they'd deliberately made the story elements of the beta as disjointed and barebones as possible to avoid spoiling it. I kept imagining those production values reflected in a super polished campaign.... and I ended up wasting $60 (psn download so can't trade in).


I still want the bundle because I like the look of the white PS4 and controller. Maybe I'll sell the game..Not sure though.

For anyone who like Borderlands 2, did you like Destiny?
I'm actually enjoying Destiny way more than Borderlands 2. One of the biggest reasons for this is gun handling which is far more superior.


Planned franchise that starts out with a lot of hype and false promises, under delivers and is a mixed game, hides sales numbers from a company usually announcing sales numbers, bad reviews all around including the ones that usually give high reviews.

Ah, Sony finally got their own Too Human.

Yikes. The increasing amount of Too Human comparisons to this game are beginning to utterly astound me.

I'm NOT about to to say I really DISAGREE with that assessment of course. I think this is the real danger that presents itself when you launch a new IP as a "franchise" and a "10-year plan" from the get-go.


He's not just talking about his review. How are you going to quantify the number of people "lashing out in anger"?

In Jeff's defense, he didn't say "everyone" or even "most" people agree. He isn't making a quantifying statement. He's making a personal observation -- he is personally noticing that, among the comments he is looking at, people seem to agree with the middle reviews. Obviously we don't know what comments he is reading -- he may be talking about the comments on his review page or even on NeoGAF.

That being said, while it's not quantified, I think his 15 years of writing reviews has given him a lot of experience on how a middling review can often create a lot of ire. While no one is running statistical analysis on this, I trust his take on the situation.


Bingo, but even GTA handled certain aspects better. My "crew"/clan actually mattered. I could be placed in the same game instances as them. I could easily send and receive mission invites to randoms. Interact with them in meaningful ways outside of fire teams. Chat with them over mics. Granted, GTAV's spin on things wasn't perfect, and hardly what I'd classify as an MMO, but it was farrrrr more social. I felt part of something. I really do not get that sense of community with Destiny which is what I wanted the most. That was the selling point for me. Hell, that's why Bungie claimed they were holding back reviews. To me it's just inexcusable, far more than the lacking story or repetitive missions. Those can easily be addressed.

Exactly. Destiny is just far, far less social that it needs to achieve the experiences they were hoping to create. There isn't any "Hey, dude, sick armor" because they made it far too difficult to communicate. There isn't any sense of epic scale, because they populate their worlds with too few people.
Exactly. Destiny is just far, far less social that it needs to achieve the experiences they were hoping to create. There isn't any "Hey, dude, sick armor" because they made it far too difficult to communicate. There isn't any sense of epic scale, because they populate their worlds with too few people.

I consider that a pro honestly

Less chaos and more focus but I understand my viewpoint is subjective


I'm personally enjoying the game, but it is hard to argue with most of the criticism I've seen. For instance, I did not expect Borderlands 2 to have a more compelling narrative than Destiny going in, I was wrong.

Lots of potential though, really like some of the world building, just have to go out of your way to learn anything about it. Like, I don't get the Grimoire shit at all, would have much preferred a Mass Effect style codex. Oh well, I have Destiny wiki.
from a multiplayer perspective I am not feeling the game at all. I do not really like the gunplay. Sad because i like Bungie, but this game doesn't do it for me.


I consider that a pro honestly

Less chaos and more focus but I understand my viewpoint is subjective

That's a reasonable viewpoint. But when you are going for less chaos and more focus, you really are better served by a linear, mostly isolated experience, like Halo. I think that's a lot of the problem with Destiny.
The exact quote from Bungie has been posted several times in this thread already and should not be hard to find.

All I've seen about Star Wars was this quote exactly.

gameindustrybiz said:
"We like to tell big stories and we want people to put the Destiny universe on the same shelf they put Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter or Star Wars; we've already seen they do that with Halo. We were extremely proud of what we achieved with Halo... I'm pretty convinced we are going to do it again with Destiny in a way that maybe even Halo never achieved before," Parsons said. "What excites me is a number of years ago we talked with Activision and Activision believed in that vision, and that's why we like this partnership so much; these guys know big entertainment as well. They prove it over and over again."

I don't see the over promise here but yet people falling into the hype of a concept they want to create. Funnily enough, Halo isn't even known for its story per se but it's impact with multiplayer.

Also this followed after it.

gameindustrybiz said:
"This is an enormous universe that we are building and that we will continue to build over time, so yes the engine helps us gain a lot of efficiency. The Halo set of tools was really powerful but really at times unwieldy, and we knew that we would need to be able to make content at a rate that was much faster and achieve much more collaboration between designers and artists. Now we can have designers and artists working in the same space. Really improving our workflows in our content pipeline was job number one. Also, every time we build a new object it goes into a library to be used or referenced at a later date, which is exciting for us," he said.

My expectations are way in check. I completely understood the vision, how ambitious the project will be, how much time is poured into it and what will be continue to come. People over hyped themselves into something that I feel they did say from the get. Nothing feels different. There's a ton that has yet to be said and I'm not chalking it up to, well what I paid for it what I get when that was never the intention.

Does it have big world's? Yes
Does it have a huge emphasis on social interaction in which people can jump into your game? Yes
Does it make you rely on wanting to play the game with friends versus playing it alone? Yes

I can't at this wronging the game for what I made myself believe versus, wronging the game for its short comings that could be improved on. A lot of the former is happening.


The combat is superb for the most part

Yeah, that is the main hook for sure. There is also some pretty neat looking gear I have found for my hunter. I just wish there was more of it to find within the environments. Hell, just more reason to explore the gorgeous environments in general.


Bloodborne is shit
I'm enjoying Destiny for what it is, not particularly impressed however. The lower reviews seem in line with my views. The bizarre part for me however is I feel these are exactly the reviews and reactions all of the Halo's post 2 should have gotten and that those two franchises share a ton of DNA. It's like everyone is seeing the barebones gameplay for the first time at the same time.


I'm actually enjoying Destiny way more than Borderlands 2. One of the biggest reasons for this is gun handling which is far more superior.

Shame about the weapon variety, though, since Destiny uses Guild Wars style item generation where the possible stats and special affixes are drawn from a very limited pool to make sure everything is fairly usable. Would have been nice if they dialed it a few notches towards randomness to make the loot a bit more exciting.
That's a reasonable viewpoint. But when you are going for less chaos and more focus, you really are better served by a linear, mostly isolated experience, like Halo. I think that's a lot of the problem with Destiny.

You could argue they were leaning more towards a dark souls approach and less of an MMO one
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