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The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky PC |OT|

Ain't no thirst like Trails Thirst
ok, Suikoden Thirst and Zero Escape Thirst too, but it leaves ya too parched when you think of them all at once...

At least I know a sequel to this game exists and continue to be made, unlike the other series you mentioned...


Wow I'm just still stunned, but I feel its safe to say Trails in the Sky is in my list of all time favorite/great games I've played.


Trails is worse, because you get those teasing drips knowing that the games exist. Without knowing Japanese you can't have them in any meaningful way though.
At least we have a target to ostensibly work for (and spoilers should we ever just give up.) Those other games either will take forever to be made or will never be made, though I guess it's better than MML3 with Capcom basically acting out #1 here.
Was trying to do all the guild sidequests this time since I really didn't bother too much with them back when I first played it but in chapter 3 the game actually gives you 3 while you're at
Elmo Village.
They weren't there when I left and when I came back they had already expired. Seriously? It's such a short trip, why would I think of coming back to Zeiss while I'm there? Come on.
Was trying to do all the guild sidequests this time since I really didn't bother too much with them back when I first played it but in chapter 3 the game actually gives you 3 while you're at
They weren't there when I left and when I came back they had already expired. Seriously? It's such a short trip, why would I think of coming back to Zeiss while I'm there? Come on.

Yep, basically when you get a quest you need to halt any and all story progression until you complete it for fear of it falling off


Is the Wonder Chef achievement still bugged?

I missed one recipe back in chapter 2, true, but the game still shows my progress as 48/58. I've tried opening the recipe menu, which does not increase the amount. Should I just make each and every recipe and use it?


Is the Wonder Chef achievement still bugged?

I missed one recipe back in chapter 2, true, but the game still shows my progress as 48/58. I've tried opening the recipe menu, which does not increase the amount. Should I just make each and every recipe and use it?

Shouldn't be, got the achievement normally weeks ago. You've got the right idea: retriggering the recipes the achievement thinks you're missing by buying/cooking the food and eating it again might raise the counter. Try a few and see if the counter goes up.
Yep, basically when you get a quest you need to halt any and all story progression until you complete it for fear of it falling off

The problem is that they only appear when you get to the village and expire before you get back. So you'd have to go back to Zeiss while you are there (which is only for a very short time).


The problem is that they only appear when you get to the village and expire before you get back. So you'd have to go back to Zeiss while you are there (which is only for a very short time).

That, and the game making a one-time-only item needed for a complete collection only appear in a certain location during a crisis event where the game explicitly tells you to go to this other place in the opposite direction RIGHT NOW HURRY DON'T THINK JUST GO is some straight up bullshit of the highest order. You absolutely need a guide to insure you don't miss either if you're going for 100%.


I'm about to start on the Perzel Farm Monsters quest. I did the first two side-quests as well.
Should I buy new weapons/armor at the Rolent town shop or hold off for now?


I'm about to start on the Perzel Farm Monsters quest. I did the first two side-quests as well.
Should I buy new weapons/armor at the Rolent town shop or hold off for now?

There's usually a pretty large gap between the new weapon and armor sets so you can safely buy them every time you get to a new city. Sometimes you'll get an upgrade from a chest not too long after, though.
The smoke effect in the Zeiss factory doesn't have the correct aspect ratio.



Unconfirmed Member
The smoke effect in the Zeiss factory doesn't have the correct aspect ratio.

That must be difficult to fix, because it's been reported probably since the day the game came out.

Plus I'm sure the game was tested on widescreen monitors and resolutions so that probably would have been seen even before release and was a known issue even then.
That must be difficult to fix, because it's been reported probably since the day the game came out.

Plus I'm sure the game was tested on widescreen monitors and resolutions so that probably would have been seen even before release and was a known issue even then.

Yeah, I'm sure they're aware of that but I hadn't seen it mentioned here yet.
So it's official, I missed my first quest. My lofty dreams of 100% completion without a guide (lol like that could happen) have been dashed.
Thinking about starting this soon (close to finishing Diagaea 4Vs postgame stuff). Hows the patch progress going? I got the GOG version so no as up to date as steam. Is the monster book in / the HD graphics finished / any major bugs remaining?


I'm slowly going over this. At the beginning of chapter 2 now, just got to Ruan. If you play it this way it kinda felt like watching an episodic anime and I'm enjoying it right now. Really feels like an adventure.


Seeing comments in the Steam forums that a recent update has fixed (or attempted to fix) the chest achievement bug. We're going to need some verifications on this.
How long is the game normally and if you are a completionist?

Took me about 50ish hours to get 100% bracer points and all the books needed for the ultimate weapon. I imagine the game would be about 40ish hours if you don't. Getting all of the achievements if you count that towards your completionist goal will tack at least another 5 hours for grinding, you'll also need an extra save at the spot right before the ultimate weapon part so you can pick the other weapon needed for that as well or miss any of the optional shiny pom fights, otherwise you're replaying the whole game.


so about that SC, I want it, xmas would do nicely, pretty please, Xseed!

I see still nobody 100% FC. I'm tempted to try that, but I'm not sure I have patience for it. I see finding all chests being major problem, as I miss about 40 and I explored thoroughly, at least I thought so.


I see still nobody 100% FC. I'm tempted to try that, but I'm not sure I have patience for it. I see finding all chests being major problem, as I miss about 40 and I explored thoroughly, at least I thought so.

Bugged achievements.
I suspect those 0.5% who cleared all achievements either got lucky or used SAM.


Yes but for the majority of players who beat this in the past month it does them nothing unless they want to replay the whole game for achievements

True, but if it's really fixed, I might replay it at later date, I'm considering it, especially seeing that SC is long away, most likely.
Finally finished it. Even though it was the second time the ending still got to me, I'm so damn ready for SC, would pay good money to play it right now.
I thought the bestiary would be in before I finished it, oh well.


Can someone explain the combat in this game to me? Is it strictly strategy turn based? Or is it real time action ala Y's/Tales? What exactly makes it special?
Can someone explain the combat in this game to me? Is it strictly strategy turn based? Or is it real time action ala Y's/Tales? What exactly makes it special?

It's turn-based. Pretty much a mix between Lunar and Grandia. If you're looking for a genre defining combat system then this probably isn't it lol.


Can someone explain the combat in this game to me? Is it strictly strategy turn based? Or is it real time action ala Y's/Tales? What exactly makes it special?

It has one defining element: the character dialog. Everything else about the game is middle-of-the-road JRPG, including the combat. It is basically like the first Grandia.


Thanks guys I might check it out


I don't get what's with dissing battle system constantly. It's plenty complex, and original, nothing like Grandia too.
I mean we have strategic movement on combat field as we have directional area attacks in this game, magic, s-crafts, s-busts, lots of depth to play with and plan ahead.
I'll never understand this.
I don't get what's with dissing battle system constantly. It's plenty complex, and original, nothing like Grandia too.
I mean we have strategic movement on combat field as we have directional area attacks in this game, magic, s-crafts, s-busts, lots of depth to play with and plan ahead.
I'll never understand this.

Yeah, not sure what some people want tbh.


I don't get what's with dissing battle system constantly. It's plenty complex, and original, nothing like Grandia too.
I mean we have strategic movement on combat field as we have directional area attacks in this game, magic, s-crafts, s-busts, lots of depth to play with and plan ahead.
I'll never understand this.

Where's the dissing?

It's alright, but hardly anything to write home about.


Unconfirmed Member
I think the combat is decent enough. My biggest problems are that there is no way to speed up animations, and that there isn't enough depth with the quartz system.

It was also kind of easy on normal. I don't remember it being that easy the first time through on PSP though. I've heard SC is harder and that the difficulty basically picks up where FC left off which could be nice.


What, saying it's just average is dissing now? Geez louise, maybe saying it's utter shit would be dissing.

It doesn't do anything new or interesting. It's not necessarily bad or good and I can see people either enjoy it or hate it. It just.. Is there.

Personally I'm not a fan but then again, very few turn-based JRPGs are actually fun to play in my opinion. I started fast forwarding the battles by the end of the game cause it was starting to get dull (i was playing on a psp emulator)


XSEED Localization Specialist
I don't think I'd really compare the battle system to Grandia, honestly. It's more like a mini-tactical battle system with elements from Xenosaga Episode I -- specifically, the turn bonuses and the ability to boost yourself into the turn order list. (For those heathens who hated Xenosaga, note that these are both elements that virtually everyone LIKED about the first game!)

And the magic system bears more than a passing resemblance to the Materia system from FF7.

In general, it's like a mish-mash of successful battle systems from other games, which means it's lots of fun and will feel right at home to anyone who grew up on RPGs in the PS1 and PS2 eras. The biggest issue with it is that battles are slow, as previously noted -- but they're also few and far between (and avoidable, since you can see enemies on the map and run around them if you choose), with the majority of Trails taking place in towns and cutscenes. Story definitely trumps gameplay in the series, by leaps and bounds, so asking if the battles are good is kind of asking the wrong question with this title. They are, but you'll be spending such a small percentage of your time actually fighting things, it almost doesn't matter!

This is definitely a game for fans of story-driven narratives above all else.

I don't think I'd really compare the battle system to Grandia, honestly. It's more like a mini-tactical battle system with elements from Xenosaga Episode I -- specifically, the turn bonuses and the ability to boost yourself into the turn order list. (For those heathens who hated Xenosaga, note that these are both elements that virtually everyone LIKED about the first game!)

And the magic system bears more than a passing resemblance to the Materia system from FF7.

In general, it's like a mish-mash of successful battle systems from other games, which means it's lots of fun and will feel right at home to anyone who grew up on RPGs in the PS1 and PS2 eras. The biggest issue with it is that battles are slow, as previously noted -- but they're also few and far between, with the majority of Trails taking place in towns and cutscenes. Story definitely trumps gameplay in the series, by leaps and bounds, so asking if the battles are good is kind of asking the wrong question with this title. They are, but you'll be spending such a small percentage of your time actually fighting things, it almost doesn't matter!

This is definitely a game for fans of story-driven narratives above all else.


Except in TitS, the enemies don't cheat.
Trails in the sky's battle system is really fun and memorable even if it is a hogepoge of other game ideas rolled into one. Taking good ideas from other games and refining them into something good and original is usually a pretty good idea
Enemies cheated all the time in the PS2 greats -- Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, for example, had plenty of enemies who cheated. It's just how RPGs were back then. ;)


No, they had immunities out the yin-yang and moves you couldn't have like Beast Eye and such so you could have an enemy do multiple things without adds or multiple bosses (which they also did).

Ep. 1 enemies would pull turns out of their asses when you Boosted to 2nd turn in the queue ever single time you did that. Ergo, TitS doesn't have it be possible for a boss to accrue a possible 5 turns in a row out of nowhere (one of their own + each PC popping their SP bubble). I remember testing that (you couldn't use it for anything other than severely frontloaded single-turn damage or emergency healing in that game).


XSEED Localization Specialist
And the battle theme actually changes >_>

Touche on that. ;)

Trails in the sky's battle system is really fun and memorable even if it is a hogepoge of other game ideas rolled into one. Taking good ideas from other games and refining them into something good and original is usually a pretty good idea

Oh, no, I totally agree. And the battle system has only improved over time -- the additions made to it throughout the Sora trilogy, into Zero and Ao and then into Sen and Sen 2 are exactly what you'd expect/hope for. Falcom is very good at iterating on good ideas and making them better and better over time.

No, they had immunities out the yin-yang and moves you couldn't have like Beast Eye and such so you could have an enemy do multiple things without adds or multiple bosses (which they also did).

Ep. 1 enemies would pull turns out of their asses when you Boosted to 2nd turn in the queue ever single time you did that. Ergo, TitS doesn't have it be possible for a boss to accrue a possible 5 turns in a row out of nowhere (one of their own + each PC popping their SP bubble). I remember testing that (you couldn't use it for anything other than severely frontloaded single-turn damage or emergency healing in that game).

Ehhh. I don't remember ever being too annoyed by anything enemies did in that game, but I'll take your word for it.

Xenosaga Episode I was still an amazing game, though. One of my absolute favorite titles on the PS2.



Xenosaga Episode I was still an amazing game, though. One of my absolute favorite titles on the PS2.

Shame about Shion though. I fucking hate Shion so much I'm even surprised myself how much I can despise a completely fictional character. But otherwise it's a fantastic game.
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