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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS3/PS4) | October 2014

I believe baekshi is doing the OT.

Good news. I really like the work parakeetman has done with the import thread, but at the same time I think that every Vita game should have it's own OT close to it's release (it breaks my heart that FS:t never got one).

TOTPR: Buy The Swapper, Frozen Synapse:prime, Freedom Wars, Murasaki baby..

Edit: ...and Starlight Inception (I still believe that there are other ppl like me here). :)



sony store.
Did you try the demo of more than i beleive 20 songs of Cytus lambda? It has a hard mode that is challenging and more than 100 songs if you are willing to pay. Even when easy is maybe too easy, it is a joy to play. its like dancing with your fingers( how bad sounds that uh)

Buy PDF 2nd and DJMAX, guys.

DJ Max Technika Tune and DJ Max Portable 3 are also very good.

The latter is 1/3 the price of the former, though.

For something even more affordable, try MUSYNC!

Thank you very much for the suggestions, guys. I'll be looking into all of these.


does anyone have a problem with their vita touchscreen becoming finnicky and certain parts of the screen not registering or having a harder time registering?

it usually happens when i'm heavily multitasking, going between twitter/browser/youtube.

i dont' think it's my touchscreen because if i reset it, it fixes it 100% of the time then it starts again, usually after multitasking hard like i said earlier but maybe its random, not sure. maybe i should get a new vita? idk.


does anyone have a problem with their vita touchscreen becoming finnicky and certain parts of the screen not registering or having a harder time registering?

it usually happens when i'm heavily multitasking, going between twitter/browser/youtube.

i dont' think it's my touchscreen because if i reset it, it fixes it 100% of the time then it starts again, usually after multitasking hard like i said earlier. maybe i should get a new vita? idk.

It happens with me when my Vita is charging. When it's not, I just reboot the system and it's gone.


So are we certain there won't be a Flash sale this coming Friday/Saturday? I want to make my final purchases today >_>;


I'll hold you on to that ^^;
Cuz it'd suck if a PSX game I want goes on sale for like $0.99 :p

Off to make my final purchases. Starting with Gradius Collection @o@


That sounds more like boilerplate than actual responses. It looks like they likely default to 'marketing decision' since the actual reason is likely not something they're allowed to just tell people over email. My wife works for a non-gaming company that has a huge customer service team, and they are forced to give those types of 'non-answers' all the time to questions they aren't allowed to actually answer. For example, if the fault is with Konami, they do not want a low level customer service rep blaming another company - they simple have their hands tied and can not answer the question. It's easier just to take the blame and give a non-answer than risk CS reps saying something they shouldn't.

But it's Konami who says that SCEE won't allow it, even though it works in the US.
An SCEE then replied it was a marketing desicion


I think I'm being sucked back into the Vita world. I cancelled my Sunset Overdrive pre-order due to still playing some games on my Xbox One and yeah....

I think I'm being sucked back into the Vita world. I cancelled my Sunset Overdrive pre-order due to still playing some games on my Xbox One and yeah....


There's a stack of reasons I'm not on the PS4/XB1 train yet, and one of the biggest ones is the fun I'm having on my Vita. I recently played through Danganronpa, you're gonna have a blast.


Anyone play Dante's Inferno on PSP? Is it worth it if I'm a GOW fan? Was thinking of picking it up for Vita since it's on sale, and wouldn't mind another hack n slash game on the go.


There's a stack of reasons I'm not on the PS4/XB1 train yet, and one of the biggest ones is the fun I'm having on my Vita. I recently played through Danganronpa, you're gonna have a blast.

Yeah, same here. It's crazy how much time I've spent on this beauty since buying it two years ago. My PS3 barely gets as much love these days..Definitely want to get dat ps quatro for BloodBorne though..With Freedom Wars and Tales coming out soon, I don't see that happening for a while now..


does anyone have a problem with their vita touchscreen becoming finnicky and certain parts of the screen not registering or having a harder time registering?

it usually happens when i'm heavily multitasking, going between twitter/browser/youtube.

i dont' think it's my touchscreen because if i reset it, it fixes it 100% of the time then it starts again, usually after multitasking hard like i said earlier but maybe its random, not sure. maybe i should get a new vita? idk.

Is it possible you have really warm hands and are warming up the screen? I know that used to mess up my ipad before I sold it. It's never affected my vita, but that's because vita has buttons too so it's not constant touching... but if you're doing lot apps that require touch, maybe?

But it's Konami who says that SCEE won't allow it, even though it works in the US.
An SCEE then replied it was a marketing desicion

The example was just an example, it could be a large number of reasons. My larger point was asking a CS rep about something obscure and/or policy based will rarely get you a straight answer. They often simply aren't allowed to go off script. It's not like they asked their manager, and their manager made some phone calls, and found out it was a 'marketing decision' and they told you... it's more like, they asked their manager and their manager said 'just tell them it's a marketing decision and out of our hands'. It sounds like a brush off answer, and it likely is.


nods at old men
Definetly gonna have to check some of those out! More Classics!!

Now if someone got to persuade IREM to get the R-Types games back...

EDIT: Japan only? ÑO!! ;A;

Well PSNStores says NA as well.
They must have read that somewhere.

Edit: ah I misread. Doh!


Question about retail ver. of Jak Trilogy
Does the base chip/card have Jak 1 in it? Yeah I know its not the BEST port of the game, but I need my Jak 1 fix, On the go.


Question about retail ver. of Jak Trilogy
Does the base chip/card have Jak 1 in it? Yeah I know its not the BEST port of the game, but I need my Jak 1 fix, On the go.

Yup. Pretty playable in my book, too, but the opening five minutes are certainly the roughest.


Question about retail ver. of Jak Trilogy
Does the base chip/card have Jak 1 in it? Yeah I know its not the BEST port of the game, but I need my Jak 1 fix, On the go.

Yessir, it does. Got the game a few months back and really enjoyed playing it again. Last time I touched the game was during the PS2 days when they first came out. Was expecting some extremely crappy ports based on what a lot of people have been saying about the trilogy on Vita but was surprised it wasn't that bad. At least during my experience...


Yessir, it does. Got the game a few months back and really enjoyed playing it again. Last time I touched the game was during the PS2 days when they first came out. Was expecting some extremely crappy ports based on what a lot of people have been saying about the trilogy on Vita but was surprised it wasn't that bad. At least during my experience...
Recently got it digitally and was expecting some blurry mess with framerate all over the place...

...and it looked good. Played just like I remembered too.


Grabbed Race The Sun today. Pretty neat, but even at $10 it seems a little overpriced. The cross-buy perk helps alleviate that a great deal, though.


Yup. Pretty playable in my book, too, but the opening five minutes are certainly the roughest.

Thanks, gonna remember to pick it up tomorrow since I have a 3DS game I wanna trade it in for to drop its price.

Made my final purchases, I needed to spend $49/50 to qualify and ended up getting
No Heroes Allowed @ $10
Gradius Collection @ $20
Bust a move 4 @ $6
Lucifer Ring @ $6
Wolf Fang @ $6
Double Dragon @ $6


Anyone play Dante's Inferno on PSP? Is it worth it if I'm a GOW fan? Was thinking of picking it up for Vita since it's on sale, and wouldn't mind another hack n slash game on the go.

I played it back close to release on the psp - managed to get the umd for like a fiver. I can remember enjoying it, and I can remember talking to a friend playing it on the 360 and comparing bosses etc.

I do think I spammed my way through the game, and it wasn't as good as the psp gows, but I'd still say give it a go.


Anyone play Dante's Inferno on PSP? Is it worth it if I'm a GOW fan? Was thinking of picking it up for Vita since it's on sale, and wouldn't mind another hack n slash game on the go.

IIRC the platforming was shitty, but the combat was OK. GOW is way better, but if it's cheap then you may give it a try


Can't wait to get home and install those games on my OLED machine~

Double Dragon I worry will bother me mainly with the loading, but Dulton/Dalton's ORA ORA ORA ORYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is gonna be such a nostalgia trip T.T


I played it back close to release on the psp - managed to get the umd for like a fiver. I can remember enjoying it, and I can remember talking to a friend playing it on the 360 and comparing bosses etc.

I do think I spammed my way through the game, and it wasn't as good as the psp gows, but I'd still say give it a go.

IIRC the platforming was shitty, but the combat was OK. GOW is way better, but if it's cheap then you may give it a try

Nice. For 4 bucks, I'll probably pick it up then. Thanks for the input guys, much appreciated.


I don't know if this is the best thread to ask this question in, but...

I got my PS4 yesterday, and the first thing i booted up was Octodad...been very excited to play it.

However, I'm a bit confused about permissions on the console. I have made the PS4 my main console. I have an account, and so does my wife. She can start the game from her account, but can't actually use the DualShock in the game. It literally won't recognise any imputs. It works totally fine for other games.

Has anyone else had this problem? Does the PS4 not allow some downloaded games to be played across different accounts from the same console? We're totally confused...


How's Touch My Katamari? It's < $5 lol.

I would buy OP Unlimited Red for PS3 but sorta not cheap enough to pick it up over the Vita version.


How's Touch My Katamari? It's < $5 lol.

I would buy OP Unlimited Red for PS3 but sorta not cheap enough to pick it up over the Vita version.

It's good. I find it a bit unforgiving for the series, but manageable. Def worthy $5 if you like Katamari.


Honestly it's exactly what I expected. A list of capitals was about all we were going to get and while I can understand that people would prefer to use Edinburgh/Cardiff/Belfast/(Dublin)...

Dublin would not have been to much to ask, imo, considering that Ireland is not actually in the UK. I'm not suggesting you were unaware of this, as you put Dublin in brackets, but there is a general ignorance on this point.


Unconfirmed Member
Roomate ~Inoue Ryouko~ was just put up on JPSN as a PS1 classic and is listed as being Vita screenshot compatible. Is that a first?


Roomate ~Inoue Ryouko~ was just put up on JPSN as a PS1 classic and is listed as being Vita screenshot compatible. Is that a first?

Pretty sure you can take screenshots of Klonoa 1 on the Vita. There are a few that let you, others that do not.


I like the description for Shienryu in the webstore
Shienryu one of those great shooters you go to again and again cause its so much fun to shoot the living piss out of every mech coming at you. If you don’t laugh as you blast the Red Octopus boss in stage 3, then you really should have your humor honed. It’s a game that will surely keep your fingers tapping and your heart racing. A brilliant arcade classic.

Grabbing it along with Ape Escape 1 PSP later today, gonna add another $10 and get them on my Vita.


Dublin would not have been to much to ask, imo, considering that Ireland is not actually in the UK. I'm not suggesting you were unaware of this, as you put Dublin in brackets, but there is a general ignorance on this point.
Oh I agree, I think they could probably have made room for a few more options in their list (Dublin, Belgium seemed a weird omission, and maybe a couple of eastern european options as people were lamenting the lack of those) but with this being the 'worldwide' release they had to try and spread them out a bit, and with Europe having so many 'smaller' countries I guess they were never all going to fit. (I do kind of want to know how they chose them though).
It is a shame that some people won't get to rep their own countries, particularly those for whom the 'nearest' option isn't necessarily preferable.
Kind of an odd question, but I have a digital copy of PSABR for Vita (thanks to cross-buy) but have inherited a physical copy from a friend. I'm planning on uninstalling the digital version just to free up another 1.5GB or so on my memory card.

Is there anything I need to do to copy saves across or anything? Or am I gonna have to start from scratch unlocking costumes and victory poses and stuff on the physical copy?


Don't suppose SW4 will get a midnight release on PSN for PS4 in the EU tonight? WIll have to wait for store update tomorrow I suppose...
Why? I think you and others are misinterpreting my comment. I am not saying it will suddenly sell 10x the copies in the coming month. I am familiar with how sales are generally frontloaded. However, as I stated, when comparing it to other games on that list it only had 3 days worth of sales. It's fair to point that out.

If you casually look at that list, the sales look dwarfed by major franchises like MH and Smash that have millions of sales over many months/years. 12k looks tiny compared to those, and obviously CR will never sell gangbusters. But it could easily be doing as well as Fifa PS3 (4k this week, 20k total, not unreasonable to match for a game that had 12k in 3days). Is that a bomb? Again, without any frame of reference for what a bomb/hit sells in 3 days in Japan, it's hard to know. Especially given it wasn't designed from scratch, but is a port, which makes it cheaper to make and profitable sooner.

I've got no stake in this game. I never played CR, don't care if it's a hit or not. But without frame of reference, it's hard to know what constitutes a bomb for a port with 3 days of sales in a single country. What number did that 12k have to be before someone would say 'fair sales'? 20k? 100k? Seems to me 12k isn't terrible given the specifics. Not a huge hit, certainly, but who expected that? It sold over 3x more than the only other new release on that list, and the only 3 games that beat it that week are massive franchise games that have millions of sales.

My bigger problem is with the "3 days worth of sales" bit of your argument (it's actually 4 days, the same as any other game - more on that in a sec). I see it brought up every time a game under-performs in first week sales (most recently: Bayonetta 2), despite the fact that 99% of games follow the same trajectory which is a big first week, followed by depleting subsequent weeks of various degrees (for example, long established JRPGs - Final Fantasy/Legend of Heroes etc., tend to drop quickly).

For pretty much everything, if it had a weak first week of sales, how many days it actually had in that tracking period isn't going to make much of a difference (though it's the same as everything else for CRIII). Majority of games are front-loaded.

So Chaos Rings released on the 16th. That gives it 4 days of sales (Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun). That's the same as most other games, except the odd special case of games that release on a Saturday (i.e. Bayonetta 2). Therefore, it can be compared to pretty much any other release on any console because it's being tracked for the same period.

And compared to any other game, it's done pretty poorly. 12k is in the region of what Exstetra sold on Vita; it's less than Sorcery Saga sold etc. Those are niche JRPG's from niche publishers.

The biggest indication that it bombed is the sold-through on Famitsu. They showed it as selling through 20-40% of its stock. Most hit games sell through 80-100%, but you'll see plenty of successes that sell 60-80% (and a few weird cases like Taiko that can sell 20-40% or so on their first week). I would assume that Chaos Rings will follow the general rules, rather than the exceptions.

Anyway, the sellthrough means that either Square Enix, or retailers, or both expected the game to do much better than it actually did. My understanding of Japanese retailers is that they don't return games to the publisher if they go unsold, meaning they're much more careful with ordering stock so as to not have to liquidate it later at ridiculously cheap prices (example: Gaist Crusher).

There are going to be games that perform differently than normal. Taiko no Tatsujin has always had a weird sales curve. Nintendo games are leggy. But hoping that every under-performing game is going to be the exception rather than the rule because of x days first week sales (which seems to happen a lot lately) is what's frustrating.

That isn't just directed at you by the way. I do understand the logic behind the argument. It just rarely works out that way in reality.
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