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Performance Analysis: Assassin's Creed Unity (Digital Foundry)


Wow that's awful. Can't believe Ubi released it like that and I'm amazed if this is their new engine 'cause it's clearly not delivering.

Even allowing for slightly stronger CPU in XB1 (which is unconfirmed) there's no reason given overall architecture for this I can see unless they led on XB1 and ported or MS supplied engineers for additional Optimization (which is fair enough).

Specific to the game they couldn't go with 5000 people vs 10000 and actually deliver decent performance?

Was low on my maybe list but this plus the micro transaction shit has just killed this title for me.


FGC Waterboy
Can you be more clear? I'm not sure to understand how a 10% of more cpu (if it's the case, we don't know at all) could count more of the bandwith/unified ram advantages of the ps4, especially in a free roam.

The...simplest version would be that the RAM & CPU work in unison. Now, depending on what the game is doing (rendering objects, running AI scripts, showing blood and graphics changes), different parts of the console are used (note; when I did this, on-board GPU processors were not remotely to this power, so I might be outdated on some of this). So, for instance, in combat in the game in a room with a few guys, the framerate of the PS4 was a steady 30, while the X1 was hovering around 28-29. The reason is that the CPU specific aspects (enemy AI) are only a handful, and the majority of the work (rendering, blood stains, etc) are being done by the GPU.

Think of RAM & CPU being like two guys in a sub shop, each doing half of a sub (this is a painful and probably bad analogy, but it's the best I can think of on short notice). The first guy (RAM) can do 10 halves of a sub an hour. He does the meat and cheese and bread selection. The second guy (CPU) can do 10 halves of a sub an hour as well, but he's doing the toppings.

AI is something that is "toppings" in this case. Meaning that lets say 10 subs an hour are coming in, but all 10 are asking for no meat, no cheese, and plain bread, but they're also asking for all the toppings. So the guy doing the bread is whipping through his part real quick, but since the customers are asking for all the toppings, the toppings guy is what is holding up the completion of the sub.

It doesn't matter if the first guy can now do 12 subs an hour instead of 10, as long as they keep asking the toppings guy to do all the toppings, he's the bottleneck.


Curious to see how the pc version scales across different cpus and overclocks. Not like I'm going to buy this pos, but I'm curious nonetheless.

I have been curious as well. I have been following the PC performance thread and it has been mentioned that it scales well across cores however I have seen no graphs. I want to see the graphs in Paris.
After reading all of this Ubi shit, i cancelled my pre order.
First time i ever done something like that, but us gamers must be heard.
Hope this spreads to the people, and yes piss off with release day embargo's on reviews


For a game designed from the ground up for Next Gen, this is sad. Especially sad given how much more powerful the PS4 is than the XB1.



I'm not seeing any smoke on the left, so I'm not sure how "correctly" it's being rendered.
My thought exactly. Lowest common denominator Development FTW!

It's funny how Xbox One has made this giant leap forward in the last 6 months but PS4 has remained stagnant even though it has better hardware. Really looking forward to PS4 exclusives where they actually utilize the PS4's power and show just how nerfed these multiplatform games are to favor parity for Xbone.

This isn't parity, though.
Holy shit at this game. A lot(and I mean A LOT) of crap gets released these days, but Assassin's Creed Unity is the ultimate example of everything wrong with the current state of AAA console gaming. What an absolute joke this game is on every level.
I'm not even angry though, this is actually 'haha' funny.


The game looks loads better on PS4 if that means anything...

Still don't see why they couldnt get a 1080p resolution.

, overall image quality looks like a match between both PS4 and Xbox One. A 900p resolution is confirmed, while anti-aliasing, NPC count and other factors that may impact performance appear to be a complete match

How does it look loads better?

People who thought a 1080p patch could happen with that framerate....

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
So I guess the crappy streams didn't lie. I thought XB1 version ran smoother while running though the crowds. Similarly it was pretty obvious that PS4 has fps advantage during cutscenes. No idea why XB1 would lose frames during some of those fight scenes where very little seems to happen.


The...simplest version would be that the RAM & CPU work in unison. Now, depending on what the game is doing (rendering objects, running AI scripts, showing blood and graphics changes), different parts of the console are used (note; when I did this, on-board GPU processors were not remotely to this power, so I might be outdated on some of this). So, for instance, in combat in the game in a room with a few guys, the framerate of the PS4 was a steady 30, while the X1 was hovering around 28-29. The reason is that the CPU specific aspects (enemy AI) are only a handful, and the majority of the work (rendering, blood stains, etc) are being done by the GPU.

Think of RAM & CPU being like two guys in a sub shop, each doing half of a sub (this is a painful and probably bad analogy, but it's the best I can think of on short notice). The first guy (RAM) can do 10 halves of a sub an hour. He does the meat and cheese and bread selection. The second guy (CPU) can do 10 halves of a sub an hour as well, but he's doing the toppings.

AI is something that is "toppings" in this case. Meaning that lets say 10 subs an hour are coming in, but all 10 are asking for no meat, no cheese, and plain bread, but they're also asking for all the toppings. So the guy doing the bread is whipping through his part real quick, but since the customers are asking for all the toppings, the toppings guy is what is holding up the completion of the sub.

It doesn't matter if the first guy can now do 12 subs an hour instead of 10, as long as they keep asking the toppings guy to do all the toppings, he's the bottleneck.
Hahahah I love it. Good job.


Didn't they say the game was CPU bound? the xbox one CPU is clocked slightly faster, so it makes sense it would run slightly better on the xbox one.

Either way the game is a huge mess, ubisoft should be ashamed for shipping it in its current state.


If the game is CPU bound and the PS4 has a lower clocked but equivalent CPU, doesn't this actually make sense? The game runs like shit on the XB1, I can imagine it running worse on the PS4 just by that logic. I dunno why it doesn't run at a higher res on the PS4 though.
Yeah, I agree. If the XB1 does indeed have a slightly faster CPU, then the framerate difference makes sense, and it should have been accounted for by toning back the NPC count or something. But, if they do indeed look identical, then that means they really did just lock things down and didn't even bother using the extra GPU power. What a shitload of fuck.


Honestly, those who are switching their orders to XB1 should be switching them to cancelling and those that are for some reason feeling smug about their XB1 order should cancel them and feel smug about how they picked the better turd even if they didn't go through with the purchase.

Obviously too late for some regions if you pre-ordered, but rewarding this kind of poop shouldn't happen. Rogue runs well if you still have those consoles and must get an AC game. Looks like a lot more fun.


In what kind of world a "1000 people team" make a next gen engine with PS4 and XBO in mind and doesn't use GPU compute?


I'm not seeing any smoke on the left, so I'm not sure how "correctly" it's being rendered.

It's a layering issue. The smoke is correctly layered behind the character on the left, so you don't see it in this thumbnail. It's incorrectly layered on the right, where it cuts in front of parts of the character model.

Should be pointed out this is likely not a problem inherent to the XBO version, as all versions seems to suffer from similar glitches at times.


How does this happen?

PC forums are littered with angry customers for the port's poor optimization.

PlayStation 4 - judged to be the most powerful console on the market - has frame drops to just 21 FPS.

Xbox One version is the AC:Unity console winner...while still experiencing drops below 30 FPS.

Seriously, Ubi. You delayed Watch Dogs last year. Why couldn't you man-up and do the same for this technical mess?

Better be one hell of an update patch STAT.
If the game is CPU bound and the PS4 has a lower clocked but equivalent CPU, doesn't this actually make sense? The game runs like shit on the XB1, I can imagine it running worse on the PS4 just by that logic. I dunno why it doesn't run at a higher res on the PS4 though.

Considering they had a lot of unused GPU power on the PS4, they could have off loaded a lot of CPU tasks to the GPU to stabilize the frame rate.


Formerly Gizmowned
XB1 hit 32 FPS at 6:27 wut. Quite used to the shitty frame rates on the Assassin Creed titles so not too bothered. Played about 3 hours today and didn't have any major issues as of yet.


For the foreseeable future, I'm fucking done with Assassin's Creed.

They pulled this shit with Assassin's Creed 3.
They pulled this shit with Assassin's Creed: Liberation.

I'm tired of it. If you're so dedicated to meeting a deadline that you'll shit a buggy product then you need to rethink your priorities.

Done. They've had a lot of my money, but no more. Fuck this shit.
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