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I'm marathoning the original, Japanese version of Dragon Ball Z.

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Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
It's actually something that's on my bucket list...watching the entirety of Dragon Ball Z. As a kid, I wasn't allowed to watch Dragon Ball Z, and it wasn't till I was an early teenager that I snuck in DBZ during the late-night hours, starting with the Saiyaman Saga which I really enjoyed. Most of my DBZ-knowledge comes from outside the actual manga and show, such as through the video-games, specifically the Budokai series which I loved, and all the parodies and references to it in pop-culture.

I also wanted to watch the original Japanese-version, something I've never seen bar the Yo! Son Goku and Friends Return! special a few years back. Mainly, I don't really have an interest in anime dubs anymore. I mean, I don't have a thriving hatred for them, but with new episodes of most anime being simulcast the day they air subbed via Hulu and other sites, I just don't see a point in waiting for a show to be dubbed with decent to sub-par voice acting anymore. The only point of dubs in my opinion still is for video-games, since in that situations subtitles don't work as well when you're trying to concentrate on the action as opposed to being a passive viewer.

Furthermore, at first I was thinking of going with Kai for a quicker watch-through, but then I decided that I wanted the original experience, fillers included. As I mentioned before, my childhood memories of the show were mainly from the Saiyaman Saga, which was comprised of a lot of filler that I recall rather enjoying. I didn't want to miss out on that, plus reading around the 'net it seems like a few people rather dislike the way Kai is recut. So, yeah, I'm watching the original 200~ original series, fully uncut. It's a pretty massive undertaking, and I admit, I might get bored and drop it before getting through, but I hope to have accomplished watching it by the end of 2015.

Anyway, I'm about 14 episodes in already (just from watching two nights, if I keep up the pace of about 7 episodes at night after work, it shouldn't take too long), and here are my thoughts:

* The Japanese voices REALLY change the feeling of the show for me. I know a lot of people don't like Goku's JP voice, being a girl and all, but I actually rather enjoy it. I know in the recent specials, though, the voice actress is a lot older so her voice comes across as really scratchy, but back when it first aired, she has a really nice voice to the ears. Although I haven't got to the part of the series where Goku really starts to get serious and bulk up, so maybe the voice will be more distracting at times like that.

Vegeta's original voice is probably the biggest difference in how I perceive the character. The dub voice is so deep and grovelly that, combined with his receding hairline, makes Vegeta feel like a grumpy old man. The Japanese voice, on the other hand, is a lot more youthful, and I think it gets across the fact that Vegeta is basically just a violent, spoiled brat who doesn't know anything but fighting.

* I really like the original, classical-Chinese sounding score of the original as opposed to the synth-music the dub used. It's another thing that changes how I perceive the show, making it feel fun, whereas the dub music had the intent of trying to make everything extreme. I guess it's just part of how the show was marketed for the US, over how it was marketed for Japan. I hear they changed the score in Kai, right? If so, then I'm glad I'm watching the original version because I really like it.

* The show has a really glacial pace, but I sort of think the show is pretty good at building up tension, especially in the first five episodes when Raditz arrives. I'm also surprisingly enjoying all the little fillers in-between, like the part where Goku falls to Hell (I remember loving that scene as a kid, and was surprised to learn it was added to the anime), and that one episode where Gohan meets the robot, which was surprisingly touching. The only filler so far that really sticks out is that episode with the insect aliens, because at this point, aliens was a new thing for DBZ, so having a casual episode where they visit an alien planet feels really off. Also, I don't think Vegeta, at this point, should be able to destroy an entire planet with one blast, correct?

I imagine that the biggest problem with fillers won't be so much filler episodes, but when the story fights are padded out and stretched due to charge-up moments, and reaction shots, like during the Frieza fight. I actually enjoy the filler elements that are expanded episodes giving other characters a moment in the spotlight, or fleshing out Gohan's training.

* I really like how it looks. Yeah, it's cheaply produced, but I think modern anime, because of advances in technology, tends to also be more noticeable whenever it has cheap animation, but in DBZ, being so old, you expect that, so the show looking pretty decent is pleasant enough. I really like how the wildness Gohan trains in looks, Toriyama and/or the anime staff can craft some pretty quirky, but pleasing looking backgrounds. The wacky humor in a lot of the early episodes of Z is also appreciated and helps the show flow better, and I hope it doesn't disappear too much when the show begins to get more fight-intensive.

So, I'll try to post regular updates on how I feel about certain episodes, arcs, and characters. Hopefully I can stick with this, as I'm a bit fickle when I try to marathon things, although I've done a few successfully like Heisei Kamen Rider, and Legend of Galactic Heroes. Anyone else ever watch the entirety of DBZ?
What a coincidence, so am I via Dragon Box! Did the original DB too and am up to the Cell Games now.

Haven't watched it since maybe the dub (ick) over a decade ago, so it's like a new show me.


I stopped watching after the Cell saga myself. There are plenty of people recommending the Kai collection so I've been wanting to start the series over again from the start and finish it this time.


* I really like the original, classical-Chinese sounding score of the original as opposed to the synth-music the dub used. It's another thing that changes how I perceive the show, making it feel fun, whereas the dub music had the intent of trying to make everything extreme. I guess it's just part of how the show was marketed for the US, over how it was marketed for Japan. I hear they changed the score in Kai, right? If so, then I'm glad I'm watching the original version because I really like it.
Because of plagiarism, the soundtrack of Kai was replaced with tracks from the original Japanese DBZ.
I marathoned about half so far. Last episode I watched was His Name is Cell. The show is so... Slow paced. I like it, but I needed a break.


AAAaaaaa.... (This goes on for a while)

I love the music from 'The Deadzone.' The music sounded like it was from the 60's or 70's and it just gave the movie a really cool atmosphere compared to the soundtrack to the show. I've only ever watched the US Dub, so maybe the original has a the same sort of feel as that movie.

I can't get into the Japanese version. Goku's adult voice is dumb and the excuses people come up for it "It's supposed to show how he's still child inside!" are even dumber.
Just ask yourself if you really want to sit through the 10 episodes (Not even kidding) the 5 minutes Namek takes to blow up are stretched over.


watch kai instead

Listen to these people, they know what's up.

As well, you should know the entire run of DBZ clocks in at nearly 300 episodes (291 in total for the original Japanese broadcast and 276 for the dub cut). Kai, on the other hand, will end at 168 episodes and cuts out filler both bad (there is a ton) and good. All I can say is good luck.
I can't watch the English dub of Dragon Ball Z outside of nostalgia purposes until about when Imperfect Cell shows up even then the inaccurate script and added dialogue bothers me.

The Kai version is the definitive version for the English dub while it's weaker for the Japanese voice cast.


Gold Member
Kai is shit

I can't get into the Japanese version. Goku's adult voice is dumb and the excuses people come up for it "It's supposed to show how he's still child inside!" are even dumber.

I personally like it only because of watching the original Dragon Ball. That voice is Goku to me.


Dub is much better but the original isn't half bad once you get used to Goku's voice, which, I admit, takes getting used to.


Dub sucks, you're making the right choice.

I grew up with the Japanese subs and I guess I just don't understand the appeal of the dub.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
I can still remember when they had all the controversy over the original edits ("I'll send you to another dimension!1!1!!" and Home for Infinity Losers) and then when they ditched the original US Dub cast for the new one.

With that being said, man I'd never watch it from the beginning again. That's a herculean feat at this point.


Why are you starting with Z OP? Dragonball for the most part is practically just as good, and flows pretty nicely into Z.

I could understand skipping GT at the end though. I think it's worth it for completion sake, but it's tough to make it through the first half.
I grew up on the Toonami version and cannot watch a version with Japanese voices and non Bruce Faulconer music.

I'm sorry.

not sorry, Bruce Faulconer music was the best


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Kai is DBZ for people who hated DBZ...fuck Kai

DBZ had no filter it was all good


I can handle some of the voices in Japanese, but Goku's will never not be weird.

Also DBZ just doesn't feel right for me without awesomebad buttrock.

Kai is DBZ for people who hated DBZ...fuck Kai

DBZ had no filter it was all good

Filler was worth it for the driver's license episode alone.
Much like Coke; the Mexican version of Dragon Ball is god-tier compared to the US. I would even say the Japanese one too. Goku doesn't sound like a girl, for one.
Kai is DBZ for people who hated DBZ...fuck Kai

DBZ had no filter it was all good
No more cursing ruins it as well. Vegeta is quite quaint.

The best dub is the latin american one. God tier voices. I watched in english an um... just no.
I know, nostalgia. But they are top notch and I have prefered engoish in other animes.


watch kai instead

Agree with OP about the voices, I was never a big fan of the Dub. Didn't realize Kai edited some of the violence of the original Japanese show out. I'd probably still watch Kai over the original just because of so much dead time. I'd go crazy trying to get through the Freiza saga with all the 5 minute stare downs between Goku and Freiza.
You should also give Dragonball a chance when you have the time. I know we like to ignore it because the fights aren't nearly as crazy but for all the characters you might feel haven't got enough development in DBZ, Dragonball helped in that regard before they were shoved into non-essential territory.

After watching DB and then rewatching the Saiyan Saga of DBZ, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Tien's death felt way more impactful than it did when I first watched. Goku's too.

No more cursing ruins it as well. Vegeta is quite quaint.

You should watch the English DVD Kai dub


Honestly I like Kai better than the full thing. If I rewatch, I'd rather save that time. But I'd have to also watch the Garlic Jr. saga, and continue with the original after Cell. That's just because I've already seen it all once though. If I hadn't I'd have to go back and watch the filler too, to satisfy curiosity.

Come to think of it, did they end up doing the Kai version of the Buu parts? At some point I heard they were gonna.
You should also give Dragonball a chance when you have the time. I know we like to ignore it because the fights aren't nearly as crazy but for all the characters you might feel haven't got enough development in DBZ, Dragonball helped in that regard before they were shoved into non-essential territory.

After watching DB and then rewatching the Saiyan Saga of DBZ, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Tien's death felt way more impactful than it did when I first watched. Goku's too.
Makes you appreciate Goku and Piccolo actually teaming up at the beginning too.


Much like Coke; the Mexican version of Dragon Ball is god-tier compared to the US. I would even say the Japanese one too. Goku doesn't sound like a girl, for one.

pretty much. i would rank them, JP first, Latino second(really close second tho) then us since i havent watched any other dub. but i remember watching us dbz holy shit it was bad. guess i was used to the original soundtrack.

and that my biggest gripe about KAI the soundtrack is god awful i mean why would they change the gohan ssj2 theme song holy shit it was so godlike!!!!

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
In 2013, I watched Kamen Rider Kuuga through Kamen Rider Fourze, That's 13 half-hour series, most of them being around 50 episodes, and I watched three of them in the course of a month. So I'm definitely capable of long marathons, although in that case, each series switched things up to stay fresh...

I also marathoned Lost as well. Those are twice as long as DBZ, equally glacial in later episodes, and is almost equivalent to the length of DBZ, time wise.

Because of plagiarism, the soundtrack of Kai was replaced with tracks from the original Japanese DBZ.

Huh, I thought that was the Japanese dude who got in trouble? Didn't he rip off "September" for one of the Budokai games, among others, and so he was basically shamed? So, the music in the original JP, is the music used in Kai as well? Or do you mean Kai had a new Japanese score, but it was replaced with the old score?

Y'know Watch The Birdie, one wonders if you will finish this marathon. After all you never finished the B&K write ups.

I-I was only using 20% of my power!

Also, PLAYING through Tooie for 100% was honestly a pretty tough feat.

I can't get into the Japanese version. Goku's adult voice is dumb and the excuses people come up for it "It's supposed to show how he's still child inside!" are even dumber.

Well, honestly, I've watched a lot of original Japanese, so I'm used to girly voices for dudes. Plus, in real life, my voice is really high-pitched as well, people think I'm a girl on the phone all the time lol.

I really like the voice for Piccolo and Vegeta far more than the gruff they go for in the dub, positively.

I can still remember when they had all the controversy over the original edits ("I'll send you to another dimension!1!1!!" and Home for Infinity Losers) and then when they ditched the original US Dub cast for the new one.

With that being said, man I'd never watch it from the beginning again. That's a herculean feat at this point.

Honestly, "Different Dimension" doesn't even bother me...I mean, they basically DO go to another dimension when they die. And haha, I remember the HFIL-stuff...but honestly the depiction of Hell in DBZ is so different from how westerners perceived it, I never thought it was a censorship thing till years later.

Why are you starting with Z OP? Dragonball for the most part is practically just as good, and flows pretty nicely into Z.

I could understand skipping GT at the end though. I think it's worth it for completion sake, but it's tough to make it through the first half.

I think if I went through Dragonball, I'd be so worned out that there's no way I could get through DBZ's slower pace. Also, I watched quite a lot of Dragonball, more than Z, as a kid, so I'm familiar with the basic plot of it and how it works into Z.

After DBZ, I'm thinking I'll watch Dragonball. And then, if I'm up to it, go through GT, because I do wanna experience it.


back in the 90s before DBZ caught on in the US there was a weird international station that played the show every sunday night. it was interesting because it started broadcasting simultaneously with the beginning of the US show

the japanese version definitely did have a different feel. like an old school martial arts movie, only animated. i preferred the japanese VA and soundtrack but I can totally understand why the US version went in a different direction. and of course it was hilarious comparing the censorship


Kai edit. The gore was toned down for it from the original, even for the Japanese release.

Ah, I see, I always assumed that some of the weird edits on that level were results of Nicktoons (and Disney XD?). Though I know they did put other edits on top of whatever shaving the japanese kai release got.

Also, aside, apparently the Buu saga airing in Japan has a new soundtrack again? Since they had to use original tracks back in for Kai (through cell), you'd think they'd just keep doing that.
and that my biggest gripe about KAI the soundtrack is god awful i mean why would they change the gohan ssj2 theme song holy shit it was so godlike!!!!

The whole point of Kai was to reintroduce the series to new, younger audience so a new soundtrack was bound to happen. I thought the Yamato score was pretty good up until the plagiarism thing. Even then, after that the old score that they reused really showed its age and was used in the oddest spots.

Like here's the Yamato version of the SSJ2 Gohan, now here's the current version. It's weird.

I really don't care for the Kai's Buu saga score though.


pretty much. i would rank them, JP first, Latino second(really close second tho) then us since i havent watched any other dub. but i remember watching us dbz holy shit it was bad. guess i was used to the original soundtrack.

and that my biggest gripe about KAI the soundtrack is god awful i mean why would they change the gohan ssj2 theme song holy shit it was so godlike!!!!

Well, the Kai soundtrack was nixed, I don't remember much of it, except that it was bad.

I like both SSj2 gohan themes. Other US dub themes I like are Vegeta's SSJ theme and Piccolos.
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