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Street Fighter 5 for PS4 & PC teaser trailer


Did see SF5 coming but not it being PS4/PC exclusive. That said, I was hoping that they'd push the art style of SF4 with more detail and higher polygon count but the new look is okay too.


Why are people saying this is exclusive? Is the PC some mythical platform that only exists in legends?! Discuss the console exclusivity all you want but it's getting ridiculous that people don't view PC as a platform.
While there are a lot of people that play games on PC and Consoles, there are a lot of people that just play on consoles. I'm primarily a PC gamer, but that doesn't mean that stuff like this doesn't annoy me.
i think it's more to do with the fact that you're a rampant shill who makes up sony fan fiction in lieu of actual insider knowledge.


Why are people saying this is exclusive? Is the PC some mythical platform that only exists in legends?! Discuss the console exclusivity all you want but it's getting ridiculous that people don't view PC as a platform.

You're right. From a competitive perspective though, PC was never going to be in the equation so PS4 does become the 'exclusive' choice to speak. Just chiming in from that angle. Agree with you that PC is a platform.
Its about time something leaked. I was wondering when thungs would start popping up. This is a big deal for the ps4. Im personally stoked since i love SF. Although, im pretty sure super street fighter 5 will be on all platforms. I dont care though, SFV will be day one for me. Take my money capcom.


I'm surprised it is exclusive considering the cost of games and whatnot. Sony must have a financial hand in it, otherwise the risk seems too great to release the title for only PS4 and PC. Still, it's a great announcement for Sony and a solid exclusive for the PS4 to get.


I got a PS4 and a PC, but this 3rd party exclusivity bullshit needs to end. You should be better than this, Sony.

No platform holder has ever been "better then this". They've all done it, Sony have done these kinds of deals since the PS1. Its been more obviously an MS thing to do lately I imagine because their in a better financial position then Sony to arrange these types of exclusivity deals.

Not defending it, just saying its been like this forever.

It's great if console people don't view PC as a platform in their exclusivity shenanigans. That allows for stuff like this to happen. Don't fight it!

Exactly. Let them think PC isn't part of their idiot war, as long as they keep releasing the best version on the best platform, they can throw their shit around all day for all I care.


hype hype hype!!!!


No he didn't. All he implied was that it would be difficult to make. Street fighter is far too much big franchise for Capcom that they couldn't make it in some form (your naïve if you believe otherwise).

At most they saved us from f2p street fighter or a much later release,
He explicitly said he didn't have the staff or the funding. You are grasping at straws.


Exclusives are good, it's so boring to see everygame come out in every console. As a multi console owner i like this.

Megaton if the exclusivity includes the west.

I'll agree with this (I just got unlucky with my fighter friends picking X1, and I still want news on the SP as I may still get it for PS4).

I hope people maintain this attitude with the next X1 exclusive, we all know its coming.


Remember that one game that was "just Call of Duty with mechs"? You know, the one that was also a dick move since MS moneyhatted it, even though it came to PC as well.

I don't recall threads about this particular game going too well at the time.

Yeah well now PC gamers have a game whose community won't shit the bed in a week.


People who are saying Sony moneyhatted this, do you really think Sony would have allowed a PC version if they moneyhatted it?


Exclusive to two platforms?
What the hell are you guys talking about?
That's not what exclusive generally means.


Titanfall is moneyhat for me. Original deal was for time exclusive, later Microsoft put more money to block Playstation version.

Microsoft also stepped in and funded the rest of the project when EA told them they were getting cut off and Respawn were in the verge of canceling it. So of course they wanted exclusivity.


I know I have a post somewhere in my post history saying this game would never be a console exclusive because it makes absolutely zero sense. I still think it makes zero sense, but apparently I was wrong.

This is massive if this truly never comes out on Xbox.


I got a PS4 and a PC, but this 3rd party exclusivity bullshit needs to end. You should be better than this, Sony.

aside the fact that holding these companies to your personal views of values/morals is a dangerous venture in the first place, we don't even know how the exclusivity came about since not long ago ono said they didn't have money for the game. maybe sony helped funding it?
Geez. Kinda expected it with all the Ono shots. Looks really good from the teaser so far. Probably exclusive in Japan but timed over here. Even so a good edition for the Sony brand.


Exclusive to two platforms?
What the hell are you guys talking about?
That's not what exclusive generally means.

If there's an exclusion involved, then the term exclusive can apply. It's not that confusing. They also literally just use the terminology themselves.



It's great if console people don't view PC as a platform in their exclusivity shenanigans. That allows for stuff like this to happen. Don't fight it!

I thought that some of the anger around tomb raider was that Microsoft had paid to keep it off of PC as well. I really see the consoles and PC as being complementary devices. They really work together well because there are games that will not be released on PC and there will be games that aren't released on consoles.

People who are saying Sony moneyhatted this, do you really think Sony would have allowed a PC version if they moneyhatted it?

Sony allows indies with exclusive agreements to release on PC all the time. They view the PC as an expansion device. I mean hell PSNow will be on PC at some point in the future. The only thing they keep exclusive are SCE studio stuff.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
People who are saying Sony moneyhatted this, do you really think Sony would have allowed a PC version if they moneyhatted it?

Didn't Sony moneyhat Injustice Ultimate Edition for 'next-gen' platforms? It still got a PC release.
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