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Legend of Zelda Wii U Gameplay Demo

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Looks good but those barren fields..., I always thought it was the case on TP cuz tech limitations, but I see is Ninty not having a clue.

10 years after Shadow of the Colossus, Nintendo finally gets somewhat serious about the way horses should work in videogames. Glad I don't see any carrot icons, too.

Now let's hope that in another 10 years they get open world design.


Last trailer had people not believing the game would have a real open world, or that that trailer was all CG since Link leaps off Epona and fires his bow. Now we see a true open world and that Link can in fact leap off Epona and fire his bow in real time and all that can be disused is how bad the ground looks. We went through this with with other U games. There are always a lot of complaints about the use of CG trailers, and Dark Souls 2 using an old lighting engine for footage but when we get real footage of a in dev game the graphics get nit picked to death.

Rant over.

I cant wait to see more of this game. I do wonder what Nintendo will do besides Epona for traversing the land. We have the Sail Cloth for traversing from high to low it would be my guess that we will get some new for of the different grapples that would allow for climbing. From seeing the other wildlife its possible we may get more then just Epona for traversal. If not a Loftwing but maybe a Air Ship given the tech we have seen in the world already. The over world itself looks like a joy to explore just like GTA V I can see myself just loosing hours in just wandering with no goal.


I was pretty wowed by The Legend of Zelda. Just the scale of the world, the art style, wild horses in the fields... actually open forests. They have been teasing that since the first reveal of Ocarina of Time. Nintendo is making me re-buy a Wii U aren't they?

Why do people think OoT would have been like this if they had the technology? They're completely different games in different genres.


but cheering at a hand glider (sail-cloth) which looks simpler than Just Cause, or the fact that you can shoot arrows while on a horse, it just seems some people give Nintendo a pass on being behind and actually praise them when they start catching up.
Catching up? Height based gliding and shooting arrows on horses aren't new to Zelda either. In fact even OOT had both in 1998.
yeah... unfortunately like a dozen companies have already achieved that since OoT came out.

I was speaking primarily of Zelda. Simply because other Open World games may have achieved it first, but Zelda plays differently from them.

Why do people think OoT would have been like this if they had the technology? They're completely different games in different genres.

Because Nintendo showed open forests and more exploration when they first revealed Ocarina of Time.


Neo Member
Rewatched the footage again, got a real Shadow of Colossus/Princess Mononoke vibe from it. Looked a little rough but I'm sure give it another year of polish and it'll look great. Kind of wish they ended the segment with another brief teaser like at E3.

Regardless, I'm all in. I will keep playing Zelda games as long as they keep making them.


never left the stone age
Haha wow. I thought the ground was a solid green during the stream, watching the Nintendo upload you can tell it's actually swaying grass.


Based on the over world map shown + last year's reveal. It seems like Link was standing in the bottom left corner during the reveal last year. Since Death Mountain is at the top right, and Hyrule is probably in the middle.




Epona clearly won't be the only means of traversal, it makes sense to have all forms of traversal available for the player to find or unlock. Have all the forms of traversal from 3D Zelda present.

Epona: Most maneuverable, can travel on land, reach most areas but not all.

Magical hang glider: Can cover the most ground, must be used on higher peaks or cliffs, drains magic from the magic meter quickly. Hitting something causes Link to drop immediately, if you run out of magic you switch to the parachute.

Magical boat: "Motorized" so to speak, can explore the ocean and rivers/lakes, uses magic slowly, quite speedy.


To be honest, I don't see how Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, etc., don't qualify as "open-world" from the start. It is really just a matter of having fewer "zoning" lines?


Imagine someone that isn't familiar with the Zelda franchise. We saw a video where they showed:

- zooming out on a map
- setting nav points
- a horse running around trees
- jumping off a horse and shooting arrows in slow-mo

There was nothing compelling about this footage in and of itself.

It wasn't a trailer. It was a gameplay demo for a game that is about a year away from launch to show off the scale of the world. This was not a Nintendo Direct. Would you rather get what the Order: 1886 gave us? You probably was not excited but the most boring part of the show?

Ehhh...Before had a more vibrant looking world than Zelda. Without the Zelda name, people would probably be mistaking this for Fable 2.5.

We are 20 pages in, who are these people?


sörine;141949675 said:
Catching up? Height based gliding and shooting arrows on horses aren't new to Zelda either. In fact even OOT had both in 1998.

Trying to figure out what the height based gliding in OoT was.... and I just realized while typing you mean chickens.
At around 3:14, if you listen really closely you can hear Link's manly shout, sounds like the same actor from SS is back. Also, gonna go analyse that map. ;P

Mory Dunz

Sadly, I agree, and the cheers from an audience, (where was this shown?), for things that have been done in games for ages almost made me feel sad for the more die-hard nintendo fans.
Yeah, the game will most likely be good....but cheering at a hand glider (sail-cloth) which looks simpler than Just Cause, or the fact that you can shoot arrows while on a horse, it just seems some people give Nintendo a pass on being behind and actually praise them when they start catching up.

Um, did you hear what got cheers for the entire 3 hour show?


And if the sail-cloth got a cheer, it was probably a nostalgia one, (since it's been in a lot Zelda games), and not a "omg" one.


R... Right!
I guess the feeling of it being milked finally kicked in.
And looking at that chart... Wow, I should really emphasize finally.

If you remove spin-offs and remakes, no, we don't get that many zelda games. The last mainline console zelda game was 2011. If you count handheld games, too, then the rate still isn't that bad.


I really hope this was just a tech demo. That world was beyond generic and not only that but empty!

Glad they at least ditched the awful skyward sword controls or at least made them optional.


Based on the over world map shown + last year's reveal. It seems like Link was standing in the bottom left corner during the reveal last year. Since Death Mountain is at the top right, and Hyrule is probably in the middle.
Jesus. I thought for sure that the world was about as big as we saw in the reveal. This is going to be massive.
I was speaking primarily of Zelda. Simply because other Open World games may have achieved it first, but Zelda plays differently from.

Yeah isn't the prospect of an open world game without a list of chores and probably bugs and a shit frame rate and microtransactions kind of nice?


This barren over world thing is way over blown, when I play AC3/4 and I go to the woods there is nothing there but tress, water and grass, then I will see a few animals, GTA woods nothing much there, Skyrim nothing much there.

I care more about once I get to towns that its not lifeless and feels like a real town with people going about their daily lives.

Out in the open I dont expect to see a whole lot going on, of course their are gonna be areas out in the woods with creatures and enemies. But what was shown today is just how big the world is and how riding Epona will be.

The game looks gorgeous and I cant wait to see more.
I can't get over the size of the world map. Its humongous.

I'm hoping there's a lot of random points of interest to stumble upon while you're travelling around the place.
I think the blue in the distance is probably the lake shown in the map. This is the part right before he comes across the wild horses, and curves to the right. I think he's riding alongside that lake. I've blown up and sharpened the screenshot a bit, which was taken around 3:47:


By the way, people keep saying it's 4-5 minutes to the marker, but he said that after riding quite a ways. I'd guess it's more like 10 minutes on horse to the marker.
Yep, this guy is right Jessie.Bristol. Other companies have done this before so please don't be excited for this game for his sake.

It's your right to be excited. I honesty wish I could experience child-like wonder and amazement at things I've seen a dozen times before just because they're now associated with an IP I like.


Epona clearly won't be the only means of traversal, it makes sense to have all forms of traversal available for the player to find or unlock. Have all the forms of traversal from 3D Zelda present.

Epona: Most maneuverable, can travel on land, reach most areas but not all.

Magical hang glider: Can cover the most ground, must be used on higher peaks or cliffs, drains magic from the magic meter quickly. Hitting something causes Link to drop immediately, if you run out of magic you switch to the parachute.

Magical boat: "Motorized" so to speak, can explore the ocean and rivers/lakes, uses magic slowly, quite speedy.

Forgot to mention that with the amount of water present I am hoping for a boat as well. I have been waiting since WW for them to incorporate a Boat into a world like this.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Looked amazing, a Nintendo take in a truly open world game is super exciting.

The overworld will have plenty to do. Zero worries about that stuff. The purpose of this video was to show basic open world functionality, thats it. Some of these reactions are so cynical, its like they show you one thing and you cant even begin to enjoy it because youre already complaining about the bext thing.


Looked very baron.

Wasnt much to see there to be honest. Nintendo aren't known for showing off stuff until its nearly ready, this is probably why.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
R... Right!
I guess the feeling of it being milked finally kicked in.
And looking at that chart... Wow, I should really emphasize finally.
I've been playing Zelda games since 1995. The way the franchise got milked after Ocarina didn't go unnoticed.


I have a feeling X is Summer and Zelda is winter. I'd love
I mean, hate
to be wrong about that.

Also yeah....so many CG trailers and Nintendo is all "Hey let's just play this game lolz and we're on a coach we're so relaxed" it makes me laugh hahahahaha

Xenoblade X is releasing in Japan in the Spring and is supposed to hit sometime in the same year for the west.

I could handle that.
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