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Legend of Zelda Wii U Gameplay Demo

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I don't mind methods of faster travel you can unlock later in the game, or perhaps ferries between several cities or something that cost money. But I just don't want it to be something like Skyrim/Oblivion where you have this big, open world, but you never really need to actually traverse it.

Sure, let's remove mechanics that make people that want to play the game one way just because some people want others to wander infinitely in the world, instead of having THE OPTION to do this...


"Ok. So today why don't we show a glimpse of how the new Zelda game is shaping up"

"...why don't we show a glimpse of how the new Zelda game is shaping up"

"...a glimpse of how the new Zelda game is shaping up"

"...shaping up"

Jesus Christ people!

Don't know if anyone else has posted about this, but I just noticed after watching again. Link has his hood on at the start of the video, however later in the footage it's completely gone. Is it an equipable item or something?
Or can you just lose it randomly?


Maybe he puts it on while it's sunny so the sun doesn't get in his eyes? Maybe it makes the screen darker too
Zelda 64 was kind of barren as well, but that overworld was cool. You see, if you walk outside, you don't see hundreds of animals walking the earth all at once. Games that throw everything out there like that look unrealistic to me.

The way they've designed this seems more natural.

This. People want realism and ape over games being more realistic, then you see something like this or FFXV's world and it's... "Urgh, it's TOO BARREN and LIFELESS!".

"Wah, the real world is soooo barren and lifeless! BORING!!"


I have a feeling there will be random encounters with larger enemies in the more open areas.

It wouldn't be Nintendo if they didn't take risks, and having an open world like this certainly feels like a risk for the series. There still so much we don't know about the game however, and I feel like they are holding back something quite significant when it comes to the open world and the overall experience.
exploration, more stuff to see - villages, ruins, forests, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, different environments and climates. Now, the trick is to fill those empty areas up with unique content. If there's nothing to do or there's only useless collectibles (see AC games), mindless repetitive quests (DA: Inquisition) and copy-paste dungeons (Elder Scrolls) it get boring fast

Why does there need to be something filling every area? Video games are simulations. I want to be able to experience the game how I want. That means I can stop, get off my horse, walk through the field and just soak up the beautiful scenery.

In RDR I'd often go off exploring just to see what I could discover. Sometimes it was nothing, sometimes I'd find a house with a side story. Players need space to breathe.


the piano man
some people never learn.

nintendo NEVER downgrades, ever.

besides, Aonuma said the game looks better now than before and he is not deluded, why would people not trust him


I have a feeling there will be random encounters with larger enemies in the more open areas.

It wouldn't be Nintendo if they didn't take risks, and having an open world like this certainly feels like a risk for the series. There still so much we don't know about the game however, and I feel like they are holding back something quite significant when it comes to the open world and the overall experience.

That's already been directly stated in the initial reveal.


He will have it in the game, it just that the demo is from early in the game.

I mean, that's probably what will happen.

I just really like the more casual outfit. Hell in Wind Waker I could save the world while wearing the cool blue shirt and he only put on the tunic because of a one day tradition that got interrupted. What other Link would save the world wearing the cool blue shirt? No other Link.

I hope at least we get to be able to change the outfits. It's just kind of interesting that the game's big reveal didn't have him in the tunic.


The still scene from E3 has more life in it than this entire demo. Talk about devoid of life, they couldn't have pieced together a more boring video.
exploration, more stuff to see - villages, ruins, forests, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, different environments and climates. Now, the trick is to fill those empty areas up with unique content. If there's nothing to do or there's only useless collectibles (see AC games), mindless repetitive quests (DA: Inquisition) and copy-paste dungeons (Elder Scrolls) it gets boring fast

I feel they did all that just fine with a tighter, more compact package like LttP or Link Between Worlds. There was still a large map to explore with all those various elements you mention, it just didn't take five minutes to get them all the time. Which for me, actually compelled me to explore the world more because of how fast and enjoyable the traversal was compared to, breaking out your boat in Wind Waker and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiting to get to an island that has 50 ruppees on it or some shit.
some people never learn.

nintendo NEVER downgrades, ever.

besides, Aonuma said the game looks better now than before and he is not deluded, why would people not trust him

Because he's only judging direct feed video of the latest build while they're judging off screen clips of what is likely a demo build (yes people, demos have to be specially created and are usually not indicative of the latest build of a product)

Why would people have any reason to believe him?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Honestly, it seemed pretty barren and lifeless. I'm hoping they start to add interesting content to keep everything from feeling deserted - a big problem I have with a lot of open-world games.

Although I noticed when they opened the map and zoomed out, it slightly resembled the first game's Hyrule...


The Birthday Skeleton
I just want fighting on the horse like in TP. Epic chasing and fighting. By giving the horse a horse AI it means that you are more free to focus on the actual fight.

As for the world being barren or looking bad, we've been through this already at list twice, with Pikmin 3 and SM3DW. We will need a lot of crows in about an year (or even sooner, at E3). It will be fun.

There is no big game developed by Nintendo for Wii U that looks bad or has not enough content.


Another clear sign of downgrade is the fact that the game dosent run on full screen anymore. The playable area is now only a small box to the left, while the rest of the screen is taken by the image of two man talking. Here´s proof


Compare it to the footage shown at e3 and you will notice that the old version uses the full screen, instead of the terrible downgrade we see now


I have a feeling there will be random encounters with larger enemies in the more open areas. (1)

There still so much we don't know about the game however, and I feel like they are holding back something quite significant when it comes to the open world and the overall experience. (2)

1 was shown in the E3 teaser.

2 is what I often feel about Zelda; They only have scratched the surface with the E3 teaser and yesterday's video.
We don't know anything about the story, the characters, the controls, the gimmicks (have to be some ideas in those fields) ... Only by next E3 I think we will be able to see more clearly what the game is about.


Sure, let's remove mechanics that make people that want to play the game one way just because some people want others to wander infinitely in the world, instead of having THE OPTION to do this...

The problem is the games like that generally get designed around the idea that everyone is going to just fast travel anyway, so there ends up not being any real purpose to explore and traverse the world on your own.


Another clear sign of downgrade is the fact that the game dosent run on full screen anymore. The playable area is now only a small box to the left, while the rest of the screen is taken by the image of two man talking. Here´s proof


Compare it to the footage shown at e3 and you will notice that the old version uses the full screen, instead of the terrible downgrade we see now

I've noticed that too. Even worse than the black borders in The Order 1888!
For shame Nintendo!


Sure, let's remove mechanics that make people that want to play the game one way just because some people want others to wander infinitely in the world, instead of having THE OPTION to do this...

While you have a point, the problem comes when developers treat the quest system like fast travel is a given. Where they give you quest points that are on the opposite side of the game world because they "don't" expect you to travel there on foot.

So if a game can add fast travel while also having a quest system that doesn't need fast travel, then it's perfect. Morrowind = good. Skyrim = bad.


Unconfirmed Member
Another clear sign of downgrade is the fact that the game dosent run on full screen anymore. The playable area is now only a small box to the left, while the rest of the screen is taken by the image of two man talking. Here´s proof


Compare it to the footage shown at e3 and you will notice that the old version uses the full screen, instead of the terrible downgrade we see now

The old chinese man was present in the E3 demo as well, though. Look again.


I think it's meant to be raw empty space between "islands" of interesting areas.

Otherwise it would be impossible to 100% the game, finding all pieces of hearts etc. Just imagine having to explore every inch of the world. By having generic landscapes you also achieve greater contrast to points of interest "suspicious looking stone" in a sea of generic ones help draw your attention without explicitly telling you about it, giving the illusion of discovery.

I think the landscape will have optional challenges like rupee reward from caves, epona combat events, collecting apples and whatnot. In many ways the train part of Spirit Tracks, sea in WW and so on.

While the actual patches of areas within the world contains all of the substance and will be differentiated with more impressive graphics as well as more detail. Like an oasis in a sea of nothing, a local haven.
This. People want realism and ape over games being more realistic, then you see something like this or FFXV's world and it's... "Urgh, it's TOO BARREN and LIFELESS!".

"Wah, the real world is soooo barren and lifeless! BORING!!"
I don't know if Skyrim burned alot of people or the new Final Fantasy 15 demo scarred interest but this is Nintendo. Erase other associations and give them an open mind. Showing horse AI in a small open field does not equal the rest of what looks to be a huge game


The barren overworld is a valid concern as every 3D Zelda after MM has had that problem.

I dunno. I'll take that a step further and say every single 3D Zelda has a similar amount of open space to "active meaningful space" ratio in its overworld. That is to say, quite a bit of open space. It seems like the games purposely go for the feeling of traversing lengthy sections if open terrain. If that appeals to you, excellent. If not, you usually get some form of fast travel to help you focus in the more substantive sections. I enjoy it personally most times but I understand it's polarizing.
exploration, more stuff to see - villages, ruins, forests, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, different environments and climates. Now, the trick is to fill those empty areas up with unique content. If there's nothing to do or there's only useless collectibles (see AC games), mindless repetitive quests (DA: Inquisition) and copy-paste dungeons (Elder Scrolls) it gets boring fast

Skyrim hadnt copy paste dungeons. Each of them was individual made.
So I hope the world is as lively as the one from skyrim aka the only open world game where the fantasy world was believeble and full of magic and mysteries.

And about the gameplay teaser trailer there...Link was most part of the video in the same area (with this two statues). So dont be so stupid and think that the whole game looks like the 4 minutes you saw there.

And about the downgrade: my guess is, that there a seasons. The grass looked like grass looks in the summer. Not many flowers bloom, just the green, fresh grass who is dancong in the wind.
Maybe I'm wrong but we have to think about one thing: no Zelda was ever downgraded in graphics between the reveal and the final product. And O doubt this game is diffenrent even if SpielerEins want it to be.


Well it is the WiiU after all but Nintendo are geniuses.

The Wii U's graphical capabilities are in the same ballpark as the PS3/360 with twice the amount of memory and a more modern GPU. I wouldn't worry that the Wii U wouldn't be capable to fill those vast lands with content/animals/people/villages/towns etc. If the end product is still as barren as what Nintendo has showned yesterday, I wouldn't blame it on the console, but on time and pressure to release a big IP next year. But before that happens, I think Nintendo rather pushes the game back to a later date.


I'd call this presentation just dull.

They were selling new Zelda's features like "hey look, we can ride the horse, shoot arrows, and also swing our blade. But... you can also get down from Epona".

A tad pathetic IMO. And the world looks so... dead. Like they just had the base model done and they threw link in there becuase they had nothing to show.


Another clear sign of downgrade is the fact that the game dosent run on full screen anymore. The playable area is now only a small box to the left, while the rest of the screen is taken by the image of two man talking. Here´s proof


Compare it to the footage shown at e3 and you will notice that the old version uses the full screen, instead of the terrible downgrade we see now
Wii U can only do 320p, duh.

The Boat

I don't think there's a lot to discuss, they are making the game and they took this chance to show it off a bit, instead of wasting time making a CG trailer or a demo that would put unnecessary pressure on the team, they chose to show us a bit of the game running, I think that was pretty cool of them. They're clearly being very ambitious with this game.

I'm always wary about open worlds, so let's see what they do with them, the world doesn't need to be filled with stuff at every spot, nor does it need to be empty everywhere, there's room for both those things as sometimes the act in traveling in and of itself can be a huge part of adding a sense of adventure if well done (SOTC does this very well). We'll see, taking any kind of conclusion about barren worlds at this point is ridiculous.


I think a big reason why an open world like this can work in Zelda (and if Aonuma's words are anything to go by) is that Wind Waker already did a pretty good job with the idea of throwing some random elements at you to liven up the exploration. At times you would get ambushed by sea monsters, turrets, etc. which really did a lot of things to make the game come alive during the traversal. It was a good way of managing things while you were routing your way through the map, discovering new islands with crazy elements to them, finding secrets and so forth. Chances are this will be the same.

And the upside of Zelda is that unlike games like Skyrim I probably won't have to feel restricted exploring on account of eventually venturing down roads where enemies have high level caps. I'll always be equipped to some extent to handle enemies and most encounters.

It's probably the first Zelda I've been excited for in a long time. It feels like it might just make it more about the journey than the destination.


Another clear sign of downgrade is the fact that the game dosent run on full screen anymore. The playable area is now only a small box to the left, while the rest of the screen is taken by the image of two man talking. Here´s proof


Compare it to the footage shown at e3 and you will notice that the old version uses the full screen, instead of the terrible downgrade we see now

E3 and this walkthrough appear to be two entirely different areas.. so no wonder there are differences in details.

Yeah, it's a no brainer that the E3 trailer would be taken from a more complete area of the game. No doubt they would have prettied it up with extra detail for that first glimpse too. These other areas are clearly works in progress.

As for what will fill this world, I expect bug collecting, fishing, and scavenging/crafting to return. Maybe they'll add hunting? Working on Majora's Mask 3D must have given them tons of inspiration for side quests, so I expect plenty of those in Zelda Wii U. I'm not going to be too worried yet considering they have a whole year to start pumping in content.


No, I mean the white icon in the red rectangle, not the cross or green arrow:



It isn't part of the terrain, because it stays the same size when the map zooms in and out. It's an icon like the house, but I can't make out what it is.

i think its epona because it was near a cliff.


Another clear sign of downgrade is the fact that the game dosent run on full screen anymore. The playable area is now only a small box to the left, while the rest of the screen is taken by the image of two man talking. Here´s proof


Compare it to the footage shown at e3 and you will notice that the old version uses the full screen, instead of the terrible downgrade we see now

I really really want a game to do this as a joke section one day :D
I don't think this was meant to be a Zelda blowout by any means. It was probably footage they recorded for a Nintendo Direct or something, didn't use, and chopped up for this show. The fact that a western show can get a second look at a new Zelda is unprecedented, but it's still Nintendo.

Hell, it seems a bit of a rush-job, too. Nintendo's production work is generally better. They overdub the game sound in the english version (they almost always record the game sound directly and mix it in), Miyamoto's normal translated voice is different (though Aonuma's is the same), the cuts themselves were fairly jarring. Compare this to the E3 presentation of "This wallpaper behind me is actually the game screen" and it becomes clear this was something they ginned up fairly recently as a small teaser at best.
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