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After Fox News, Louisiana's governor Bobby Jindal doubles down on UK's "no-go zones"

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Bobby Jindal slams 'no-go zones,' pushes 'assimilation'


(CNN) Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Monday stood by his criticism of so-called "no-go" zones in Europe, where sovereign nations allegedly cede authority to Muslim immigrants, a controversial idea that many critics say is overblown.

And he decried what he called immigrants' insistence on "non-assimilation, the fact that "you've got people who want to come to our country but not adopt our values," which he called "dangerous."

Asked by CNN's Wolf Blitzer whether he would walk back his comments on no-go zones, made in a speech to the Henry Jackson Society in London earlier that day, Jindal said, "not at all."

"And I'm also making a bigger and maybe even more controversial point," he added, "that radical Islam is a grave threat, we need Muslim leaders to denounce the individuals, not just the acts of violence, and also that it is absolutely correct to insist on assimilation" of immigrants in the United States, he said.

But pressed for specific examples of such no-go zones, Jindal demurred, saying he had met with "elected officials and others" to discuss them and noted a report in UK tabloid the Daily Mail that purported to highlight the challenges facing law enforcement in such areas.

Earlier in the interview, Jindal acknowledged: "I knew by speaking the truth we were gonna make people upset."
pkg foster uk jindal muslim comments_00005718

Muslim Council: 'Shocked' by Jindal's ignorance 04:38

Jindal was also unable to offer examples during an earlier interview with CNN's Max Foster, saying that he's "heard from folks here that there are neighborhoods where women don't feel comfortable going in without veils...We all know that there are neighborhoods where police are less likely to go into."

"I think that the radical Left absolutely wants to pretend like this problem is not here. Pretending it's not here won't make it go away," he told Foster.

Pressed for details, Jindal said only "I think your viewers know absolutely there are places where the police are less likely to go."

And asked whether that feeling may be caused by high crime rates, rather than the Muslim population in the area, Jindal said, "this isn't a question."

"I know the left wants to make this into an attack on religion and that's not what this is. What we are saying it's absolutely an issue for the UK, absolutely is an issue for America and other European and Western nations," he added.

But his "bigger point," Jindal later told CNN's Wolf Blitzer, is that "radical Islam is absolutely a threat to our way of life," and that the United States should "promote assimilation and integration" of immigrants by "insisting on English, insisting on adherence to our values."

Earlier Monday, in an address to the Henry Jackson Society in London, Jindal said that "in the West, non-assimilationist Muslims establish enclaves and carry out as much of Sharia law as they can without regard for the laws of the democratic countries which provided them a new home," according to prepared remarks.

"It is startling to think that any country would allow, even unofficially, for a so called 'no-go zone.' The idea that a free country would allow for specific areas of its country to operate in an autonomous way that is not free and is in direct opposition to its laws is hard to fathom," he added.

The idea of "no-go zones" sparked controversy last week when a Fox News commentator raised the prospect of areas in France, Britain, Sweden and Germany where those countries' governments "don't exercise any sovereignty," and instead are run largely by Muslim immigrants.

He also mentioned whole cities "where non-Muslims simply don't go in," in particular the city of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.


Actively hates charity
Why the fuck are Americans suddenly showing so much interest in UK society? I'm american by the way.
But pressed for specific examples of such no-go zones, Jindal demurred, saying he had met with "elected officials and others" to discuss them and noted a report in UK tabloid the Daily Mail that purported to highlight the challenges facing law enforcement in such areas.

He is using the widely inaccurate UK tabloid known as The Daily Mail as evidence. Y'know, the one that is banned on this forum.

Sushi Nao

"We at CNN realize that the Governor's statements are demonstrably false, so we'll take them very seriously and make sure they're repeated many, many times."

Seriously, what does it say about the news if saying dumb, fucked-up things - the stupider the better - gets you all kinds of airtime, and taken as seriously as someone who actually knows what they're talking about? When are people going to face the fact that 99% of people's opinion a) doesn't matter and b) can be seriously toxic to the discourse?
"We at CNN realize that the Governor's statements are demonstrably false, so we'll take them very seriously and make sure they're repeated many, many times."

Seriously, what does it say about the news if saying dumb, fucked-up things - the stupider the better - gets you all kinds of airtime, and taken as seriously as someone who actually knows what they're talking about? When are people going to face the fact that 99% of people's opinion a) doesn't matter and b) can be seriously toxic to the discourse?

Politicians make policies that drastically impact people's lives. Public demonstrations of their idiocy help (hopefully) the general public in deciding who to vote for.
I'd like to think that we should really expect more from people who manage to become governors in general. But if you want to single out Indians in Louisiana, that's cool.

I didn't mean it like that, it's just disappointing to see a minority in such a high position in American politics spew this kind of Fox News rhetoric.
Why the fuck are Americans suddenly showing so much interest in UK society? I'm american by the way.

Because it's a chance to revive Bush era terror scare tactics through proxy; "if it can happen there, it can happen here." It also allows them to make ignorant comments about immigration.

Jindal's next step will be to slam the Muslim groups that denounced his comments, demanding to know why they didn't denounce the Paris shooting (regardless of whether they did or not). Just watch.
But pressed for specific examples of such no-go zones, Jindal demurred, saying he had met with "elected officials and others" to discuss them and noted a report in UK tabloid the Daily Mail that purported to highlight the challenges facing law enforcement in such areas.]



Why the fuck are Americans suddenly showing so much interest in UK society? I'm american by the way.

Jindal is going to be making a run for the presidency in 2016, so it's important for him to appeal to the base on prominent issues such as this.

And as a side note, Jindal has absolutely gutted higher education in the state of Louisiana. Since Jindal has been elected, no other state has slashed spending on higher education more than Louisiana.


I can't say enough how much I hate Bobby Jindal. He has ruined a state that already had a bunch of problems on a quixotic quest to become the republican nominee, and in doing so, he has shown that republican ideas are extremely unpopular, even among republicans.


I can't say enough how much I hate Bobby Jindal. He has ruined a state that already had a bunch of problems on a quixotic quest to become the republican nominee, and in doing so, he has shown that republican ideas are extremely unpopular, even among republicans.

Dont forget the hospitals. x)

Glad when he's gone. Unfortunately, we will probably get David Vitter. Jindal on steroids.......................


Learn English and practice our "values" with no detail on what those values are? This is the same anti immigrant bull shit that Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, catholic, Irish, the list goes on and on...Americans have had to go through.

As someone that probably comes from an immigrant background himself, fuck you Bobby Jindal for fear mongering.


hahaha jesus christo these people are hilarious

Jindal is always a trip. I love when he was trying to diss federal spending on Volcano Monitoring as proof of "excess federal spending", and then some politicians representing districts in the shadow of Mount St. Helens and other US volcanoes was like "no fuck YOU Jindal."


Dont forget the hospitals. x)

Glad when he's gone. Unfortunately, we will probably get David Vitter. Jindal on steroids.......................

Oh, I didn't forget about them. Both my aunt and stepmom lost their jobs (they're nurses) because his dumbass decided to close a bunch of hospitals and, as I'm in grad school for public health, I've seen how hard it is to work when the governor decides to cut funding for every public health initiative.
Jindal is going to be making a run for the presidency in 2016, so it's important for him to appeal to the base on prominent issues such as this.

And as a side note, Jindal has absolutely gutted higher education in the state of Louisiana. Since Jindal has been elected, no other state has slashed spending on higher education more than Louisiana.
With up to $384 million more cuts coming next year thanks to the price of oil gutting the state's budget.

UNO (my alma mater) is already on the brink of financial disaster, and these cuts could put every other state college and university save LSU in an equally dire situation.

It's a travesty that a metro area like New Orleans has no flagship state university, and all the blame can be put at Jindal and the legislators' feet.


I can't say enough how much I hate Bobby Jindal. He has ruined a state that already had a bunch of problems on a quixotic quest to become the republican nominee, and in doing so, he has shown that republican ideas are extremely unpopular, even among republicans.
We're just going to get another guy who'll try pushing the same shit, but with a different tag line.

In fact, I'd bet that most voters here in the state would really-elect him over any possible Democrat. The state needs to but absolute rock bottom before it learns. In the meantime, the voters here are going to vote on hatin' fags, screwing-over the environment, protecting fetuses (and saying "fuck 'em" once they're born), keeping the government boogeyman from stealing their guns, and pretending that they'll somehow be rich someday.

Voters won't take any of this shit seriously unless it threatens LSU's football program. You can close every other campus, and they won't care until Death Valley is threatened.
hahaha jesus christo these people are hilarious

Jindal is always a trip. I love when he was trying to diss federal spending on Volcano Monitoring as proof of "excess federal spending", and then some politicians representing districts in the shadow of Mount St. Helens and other US volcanoes was like "no fuck YOU Jindal."

Who won?


Oh, I didn't forget about them. Both my aunt and stepmom lost their jobs (they're nurses) because his dumbass decided to close a bunch of hospitals and, as I'm in grad school for public health, I've seen how hard it is to work when the governor decides to cut funding for every public health initiative.

A friend of mine is an epidemiologist from Baton Rouge, I emailed him literally just before I read this post about what he thinks of his governor.
like, did volcano monitoring get slashed you mean? No, we still monitor volcanoes. Slightly less than the $140,000,000 than it was for that purpose in 2011 when Jindal made the comment though. I think it's 128 million now.

Yeah, that's what I was asking.
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