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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Well I'm still excited to pick up my Premium Edition of The Order 1886 tomorrow. What, I'm suppose to change my mind based off some stranger's opinion? Nope. I'm way too much of an independent thinker to allow that madness to occur.


If you have the money then your choice but you have been warned now that the game is not very good.


Mediocre game getting mediocre scores would be a great thing if it happened to every mediocre game out there. One out of every hundred mediocre games getting low scores is confusing.

Literally unplayable and broken games get 9s and 10s all the time so I'm just left wondering why this was the game to suddenly get all critical about.
You realize that this exact complaint comes up in nearly every review thread right


could never
I'll play it and enjoy the story since it's already shipped, but I'll sell it asap since I do not think the prices will stay high on eBay for long.


Unfortunately, both DriveClub and The Order actually hearken back to older times. They feel like experiences one might have had on the PS2 with cutting edge visuals. I actually really like that about them and have enjoyed them quite a bit. They actually almost feel out of place in 2014/2015 in that sense.

I feel kind of sad knowing that these games will be viewed as failures and will likely put a dead stop to this type of design.

Interestingly, I also lump Alien Isolation and The Evil Within in with these games. These are types of experiences I want these days. The Evil Within was shredded as well and suffered from annoying technical faults while Alien has a pretty limited fan base as well. It has occurred to me that I'm not really in line with what's popular these days. :

What's popular with critics is not the same as what's popular with consumers. I fully agree with you, but I guess we should wait and see what the sales are like before claiming people are no longer interested in these types of games. Shit like Transformers gets critically panned, but everyone and their mother go to see it, because it's the kind of media consumption that makes for light entertainment. Not saying The Order will sell gangbusters, but it may still do well.
It's always looked pretty but dull to me. Can't say I'm all that surprised by the 7s. I'm surprised by Metro's score despite the fact they didn't seem the biggest fans in the lead up to release.


so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

You are right!
What awesome post we have here!
Go, lead the way, we will follow you !!!
What do you suggest we do? What games should we play?

Ok, seriously ... Don't you think you are overreacting ?
I mean, there are THOUSANDS of awesome games out there for any system ... I don't think some bad games can ruin the industry.

Ps This kind of post are really, really sad.
so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

Relax, geebus.
I know I will get trolled for this , but it may be time for Sony to look at replacing Shu . Sony was always known to have great first party exclusives, but this gen we have had knack, killzone. Driveclub which is a great game but launched after multiple delays , and was broke as heck at launch which killed the buzz for the game . Infamous which was beautiful, but scored rather average, and now the order , which appears to be another ryse. If his job is to manage first party games. I would say he has done a poor job overall. In my opinion

I always said Shu even though likable is shit at his job.



I don't look at review scores personally, I read the reviews to find out why it got the score, and in this particular case the minuses seem to outweigh the positives significantly from my perspective. I suppose if you're really into nice graphics you'd weigh those positives differently.

Also, I don't see how RAD can call this a $100 steak when this game seems flawed at best.



It has been stated by Ready at Dawn CEO Ru Weerasuriya that The Order: 1886 has been in active development since 2010

5 fucking years for this?

greatness? what greatness? for being such a high profile game, this is misery.

Like someone has mentioned ITT, Sony needs to reevaluate how they greenlight games.

Shame on you RAD.

And no, I'm not an Internet bully. Your game is shit. As simple as that.


Completely broken and borderline unplayable games like Halo TMCC (85 metascore) and AC:Unity (70 metascore) have rather high scores, so this getting 5-6s must mean that it sets your PS4 on fire and kills your dog!

That being said, it's disappointing to hear that the story isn't fully realized, but it's just confusing to me that a fully functional, complete and "alright" game gets significantly lower scores than games that flat out do not work.

Stunning to me that in a game where they clearly sacrificed gameplay for cinematic effect, they couldn't even tell that great a story. Like, if the story were very good, I am sure some of those low reviews would have pushed up into the 7 or 7.5 range despite the mediocre gameplay.

Really, all it seems to have going for it are graphics. Ps4's Ryse indeed.

It has been stated by Ready at Dawn CEO Ru Weerasuriya that The Order: 1886 has been in active development since 2010

5 fucking years for this?

greatness? what greatness? for being such a high profile game, this is misery.

Like someone has mentioned ITT, Sony needs to reevaluate how they greenlight games.

Shame on you RAD.

And no, I'm not an Internet bully. Your game is shit. As simple as that.
Have you played it? Or are you being an extreme drama queen?


I can deal with SHORT
I can deal with LINEAR
I can deal with CUTSCENES
I can deal with NO MP

I can not deal with QTEs

Has ANYONE ever liked them? Almost every review lists it as a "CON" or "-".
You never see "Awesome QTEs", "Tension Filled QTEs", "Good Use Of QTEs"

Why in the world does any developer still include them, let alone make it a huge part of the game?
I honestly think most of the 4,5,6 scores would be 6,7,8 if just the QTEs were gone.


I'm going to be real honest, I don't know if I can justify a PS4 for one game right now.

Me neither. Yet to be a good game (according to me and my friends) that isn't available and looks better on the PC. I am hopeful that Bloodborne will change that though. And, of course, Uncharted 4.
I'm going to be real honest, I don't know if I can justify a PS4 for one game right now.

Hahaha, as if your decision to buy a PS4 hinged on whether The Order was a critical success or not.

Looking very mediocre, I'd urge GAF to use some restraint on this one, but my criticisms will likely fall on hyped ears.

The Order has always seemed to be overhyped on GAF.

Every time I see The Order it looks decidedly mediocre from a mechanics perspective. I don't know why it's getting so much hype on GAF, potentially due to the low amount of exclusive software, but I predict people are going to be in for a rude surprise.

+ many more

But it's cute seeing you act like you cared.


Well I'm still excited to pick up my Premium Edition of The Order 1886 tomorrow. What, I'm suppose to change my mind based off some stranger's opinion? Nope. I'm way too much of an independent thinker to allow that madness to occur.


Honestly, this post alone makes me believe you're already pretty insecure about your purchase. But I hope you enjoy your game, sincerely, it looks good anyway.


Anyone thinking videogamer.com was being "unprofessional" with that gif has not read much of their output/picked up a British games magazine that wasn't Edge when they were actually prominent.

I don't even like the site, but not everything has to be deadly serious.


Now it's bloodborne's turn next to get eviscerated. Even though that i think will be a great game, it will be destroyed just for the sake of being too similar to the other souls games i think

Reviewers aren't really about that imo. Bloodborne's been very up-front about what it's trying to be and if it accomplishes those goals it should do fine.


Wow, really rough reviews. I was definitely a little worried about how well the game would fare, but I'm still surprised at how low the scores are.


This string of tweets from Rich Stanton says it all:

Poor old Ubisoft can't catch a break this gen. Suspect the leap has led to many bodies in the road. Has Yves lost his magic touch?

Ubisoft has very much moved towards visual showcases and, in the jump between hardware platforms, that's a tough specialty.

I'm not saying I feel sorry for a giant multinational. Certain Ubi design principles seem to me misguided. But you gotta have some sympathy.

I once considered applying for Ubi's fast-track producer scheme. Decided not to because you'll never change how it makes games.

Imagine being the producer on an Assassin's Creed game. Just powerless to stop it being exactly the same as all the others. I'd kill myself.


LMFAO I thought the Order was a Ubisoft game. Hahaha what a bonehead. It looks like one! What were Sony thinking?!?
So you played it yourself to know it would be shit ahead of time?

Obviously, the best way to know how good is a game is to play it.

But when you have played video games for quite some time, based on what you saw, you can say approximatively how good it this. And since The Order is far from a suprising game and instead look like a generic TPS and AAA game. I know it wouldn't be that good.


The worst part for me in reading the reviews is how most focus on how the gameplay is boring. Which, alongside the concern over the length the past couple weeks, was my biggest concern coming in.

I'll definitely pass and hope to grab cheap or redbox at some point

What is really too bad is that I really didn't mind the game at E3. The combat was alright but I didn't think it was terrible. That demo is what sold me on it, but they apparently didn't execute a good product. Ugh, why couldn't this game have been great?


GAF parliamentarian
I tossed some unwarranted negativity on the game over the last year, and still didn't expect scores this low.


I can deal with SHORT
I can deal with LINEAR
I can deal with CUTSCENES
I can deal with NO MP

I can not deal with QTEs

Has ANYONE ever liked them? Almost every review lists it as a "CON" or "-".
You never see "Awesome QTEs", "Tension Filled QTEs", "Good Use Of QTEs"

Why in the world does any developer still include them, let alone make it a huge part of the game?
I honestly think most of the 4,5,6 scores would be 6,7,8 if just the QTEs were gone.
I loved the QTEs in RE4. I think it's all about how you implement them. You can do QTEs while still making the game feel responsive.
Though I agree that some devs use them too much, and don't even seem to think about how the sequence could be made actually playable.
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