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Rumor: Microsoft making another Xbox One controller aimed for the "hardcore"


Not only did they drop Kinect, now they're going to release a super duper hardcore controller just to hammer it home. I'm expecting nothing less than 38 buttons, titanium sticks, and Doritos stain resistant coating.

The message is clear, the filthy casuals have been forgotten, MS is now all about dat hardcore.
Even if with the DS4 crappy battery life I still prefer the internal battery. So much easier to just slap it into a dock when I'm done playing. Absolutely hate having to shuffle batteries around.

Yeah, and batteries are gross and for peasants.

Haven't touched an AA in years, and never plan to.

Something just using AA just makes it feel so... Cheap and tacky.

Internal battery and tighter sticks and it would be a godly controller.


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
- Dpad is still a useless piece of shit for those of us that play fighting games
- Sticks are stupidly loose

- build quality is terrible. After moderate usage every controller I've used has started to loosen around the seams
- having to buy an extra 25 dollar piece of kit just to get audio from the controller is just anti-consumer nonsense

Speak for yourself mang, I actually liked the xbone's dpad for fighting games. It's all I use for Ultra, KOF98UMFE, and Breakers Revenge lately when I don't feel like using my stick. Better than DS3 dpad imo although it was weird to get used to at first.

Also love sensitive loose sticks

I do agree with the audio part though but haven't experience anything with wrong with my controller's build quality yet


I really hope they don't but if they do, I would assume it would be announced at E3 next year for a Fall 2016 release. It would just be a mess of SKUs like Microsoft tends to have at retail.

It was more of joke post, but let's say they did do something like this. I would think it would be sold, most likely through MS themselves or perhaps select retailers. If it did materialize and they would go full on roll out to every major retailer, I don't think this day and age that there would be that much consumer confusion. With tablet/phones selling what they do, all of them have different configurations to them, this would just be the same thing in the console space.

Granted, it would gimp any dev wanting to make a game for the "PRO" only, but like many PC games, games can be made to scale to the hardware. It may drive some devs crazy if such a thing existed. Again, all this is fantasy/joking around, but if they are rumored to be doing a new controller, anything is possible.


- internal USB chargeable battery for easy use and charge with both Xbox One and PC (I mean, they love talking about all this integration stuff, they might as well put their money where their mouth is)

- ridiculous battery life

- 360's bumpers

- isolated D-pad

- screenshot/share button to take advantage of the new capturing features
Gotta believe this new controller will work with PCs out of the box (Bluetooth and/or widi). Their statement about the wireless dongle made it sound like newer controllers would support PCs and Xbox without a dongle and this rumour fits that.


I remember when I first saw the Dualshock controller after having owned the original Playstation controller. My first reaction was that I wanted nothing to do with those sticks because they had been put in such an inaccessible position. It seemed so lazy of them to just slap them on there without putting in any effort to redesign around them.


i really hope so, the xb1 pad is good not great to me. sticks feel like shit too loose. i pretty much like the 360 controller better in almost every way. i'd buy a duke in a heartbeat as well.

also just in general i've hoped for awhile these companies would iterate through out the gen and not just sit on their initial designs for so fucking long.


quick question has anybody had their d-pad break quickly ? i don't play fighting games on my xbox one and the right on my dpad broke for both my controllers.



1v1 me. BRs only, Lockout.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
So is "shitty dpad" just a thing people say about Xbox controllers now regardless?

There's nothing wrong with the One's dpad.


quick question has anybody had their d-pad break quickly ? i don't play fighting games on my xbox one and the right on my dpad broke for both my controllers.

No, three controllers and KI no problems. This is the first that I've heard of anyone that has had problems with it consistently breaking tbh.


So people who prefer an asymmetrical layout* have deformed hands? You said this before, and I asked this question before but you ignore it.

*Or people who prefer a proper symmetrical layout, Nintendo's layout. I personally don't mind the symmetrical layout on the dualshock controllers but it doesn't make sense, and it boggles my mind that people defend it, at least Nintendo's implementation makes sense as that's where your thumbs are positioned when in they're in a resting position.

Yeah, I mentioned in a previous thread that Sony's controllers have messed up my hands and wrists due to their design. Nintendo's symmetrical design actually feels comfortable for my hands and wrists so I can play for long hours.

There are many factors at play why this is, much of it has to do with the contour ergonomic design. I can even use the old Wii Pro controller with the sticks in the lower position like Sony's for good periods because of its design and grips gently conforming to the curve of my fingers rather than laying flat against the back of the controller. The grips are also more angled down than something like the PS3 controller and the sticks are not as far in like the PS3 controller.


It was more of joke post, but let's say they did do something like this. I would think it would be sold, most likely through MS themselves or perhaps select retailers. If it did materialize and they would go full on roll out to every major retailer, I don't think this day and age that there would be that much consumer confusion. With tablet/phones selling what they do, all of them have different configurations to them, this would just be the same thing in the console space.

Granted, it would gimp any dev wanting to make a game for the "PRO" only, but like many PC games, games can be made to scale to the hardware. It may drive some devs crazy if such a thing existed. Again, all this is fantasy/joking around, but if they are rumored to be doing a new controller, anything is possible.

It's an interesting concept when you look at where Microsoft has positioned themselves post Kinect centered Xbox One. They are stuck as a lesser system against the PS4 and if they were to come out with a new version that offered a revised set if internals but allowed it to play all games on the platform it might shake some things up for Microsoft. Again, I don't expect it to happen because designing and building an update like that would cost a lot of money just to say they have the better system.

I think this rumor of the controller being redesigned for the "hardcore" is strange but we did see 2 significantly different models of controllers on the original Xbox.


Change nothing except for the bumpers (and maybe the d-pad) and you have a flawless, timeless controller.


I consider myself a hardcore Xbox gamer. Im not aware of anything the current controller misses so what is the need for a hardcore controller?


All it really needs is tighter sticks and a better d-pad. 360 pad with a better d-pad and bumpers is all i asked for.


I'd just expect built-in headset adapter, plus quick access buttons for screenshots/clips/snap center.

Probably some minor ergonomic tweaks to address some of the complaints about the bumpers, etc (although I've personally never had an issue with them).

Rear buttons would be nice if they're aiming for the hardcore FPS crowd.

If they really want to go all-out, figure out some way to have adjustable tension on the sticks, so people will stop complaining that they're too tight/loose for their tastes (I'm pretty sure I've seen third-party pads do it before, so I'm sure it's possible).


I consider myself a hardcore Xbox gamer. Im not aware of anything the current controller misses so what is the need for a hardcore controller?

Google for "SCUF Gaming" and check out what they sell. They sell a lot of these at 150 bucks a pop believe it or not.


Take the Xbox One controller
Add the back buttons of a steam controller
Bumpers of a 360
Battery of a WiiU
Dpad of a vita

and if it proves to be wonderful
replace sticks & dpad with haptics touchpads.

There you go. The perfect controller.
Interesting. This isn't the first time MS has done this but honestly of 3 console makers, their controller is the one that needs a revision the least.


This makes no sense. The current controller is pretty much perfect.

Nah, it could use a little work. Some tweaking to the ergonomics, bumpers, and triggers are definitely welcome. It is really good for sure, but I think there's more potential. I'm not a big fan of neither the triggers nor the bumpers on the One. A D-Pad rework could be useful for fighting game people, too.


Speak for yourself mang, I actually liked the xbone's dpad for fighting games. It's all I use for Ultra, KOF98UMFE, and Breakers Revenge lately when I don't feel like using my stick. Better than DS3 dpad imo although it was weird to get used to at first.

Also love sensitive loose sticks

I do agree with the audio part though but haven't experience anything with wrong with my controller's build quality yet

I couldn't play Killer Instinct worth a damn with that dpad.


The sticks are used in different ways.

Configuration A: When you play first person shooters, most of the time you have both thumbs on the analog sticks and your index fingers on the triggers.
Configuration B: When playing 2D games, you have one thumb on the d-pad and the other on the face buttons.

In both cases, your hands are held in a symmetrical position when using a DualShock controller. Which makes sense, because our hands are symmetrical.
So people who prefer an asymmetrical layout* have deformed hands? You said this before, and I asked this question before but you ignore it.

*Or people who prefer a proper symmetrical layout, Nintendo's layout. I personally don't mind the symmetrical layout on the dualshock controllers but it doesn't make sense, and it boggles my mind that people defend it, at least Nintendo's implementation makes sense as that's where your thumbs are positioned when in they're in a resting position.

No. you've been holding the dualshock wrong for 20 years. I can tell if you are. Take a marker and color in the parts of the palms of your hand a dualshock 2 or 3 makes contact with as you hold the controller.
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